Strong Girl Works Out Part 2 - The Interruption by Jeremy Wilson Strong Girl faces off against the evil Maniac Muscle Master Theresa had just finished her warm ups and was about to double most of her weights in preparation for her real sets when suddenly the phone rang. She was pissed off, she always hated to be interrupted in the middle of her workouts. She picked the phone up and said: "Yeah, what do you want?" The voice on the other side was the Mayor of Madisonville, Tommy King, and he had something important. "There is a new super-villian in town, he calls himself the Maniac Muscle Master and he's destroying downtown Madisonville right now!" Strong Girls expression changed from one of frustration to one of delight, she thought to herself: "Finally, some competition, its about time." She changed into her superhero garb which consisted of a silver two piece bikini that had the letters S on her Right and G on her Left breast. She also had a silver Hawk-like mask to cover her true identity, Multi-Billionairess Theresa Witherspoon. When she arrived in the downtown area, she saw that half the buildings were totally destroyed and the other half were about to be as this huge eight foot tall man who had even larger muscles than she did had a bus in his hands and was swinging it like a baseball bat into the side of these buildings. "Stop that right now, evil doer, I am Strong Girl, Guardian of the city," she said as she gave a huge bicep flex. Maniac Muscle Master turned around with a huge smile on his lips, he knew he was gonna encounter Strong Girl, he was expecting it. You see, he was a scientific genius who is also the nephew of crime boss Don Vito Machiavelli. He made himself a super strength formula that turned him into the monster he now is in order to get revenge for his uncle. "Now, you will pay Strong Girl, I am the only true superstrong citizen of this city (hows that for alliteration) and now I will prove it." He swung the bus at her head with so much power that it made a sonic boom, but unbelievably she caught it like it was a stuffed animal and threw it miles away with just a flick of her wrist. Now he was weaponless but still confident, he never needed that bus, he just need his body, which was almost twice as big as hers. He made the first move by punching her in the stomach as hard as he could, she just giggled and said: "What was that? A love tap?" He then tried to punch her in the face with the same power but this time she caught his hand with her left and started crunching it. Unbelievably, this girl that was two and a half feet shorter, and had to weigh 1/3 of him was easily over powering him. "There should be no doubt in your mind why I am named Strong Girl, but if you need anymore evidence, I'll give you one last shot." She stuck out her chin like she wanted him to hit her there so he powered up his unbroken hand and sent the most powerful punch he could to her chin. The crunch could be heard from all around, but it wasn't her jaw that was broken, it was his other hand. Now totally helpless, Maniac Muscle Master, started to beg and plead with her, even on his knees as he was he could look her right in the eye. He even had tears of pain and fear running down his face. She ended his struggles quickly, by punching him in the stomach with about half of her total power. God, she thought to herself, this guy is a total wimp, those muscles aint worth a damn if you can't use them. She carried his eight hundred pound body around to a super reinforced steel cell at the police station and put him in it. "There! That should hold him for a while - if he gives you any trouble just call me." Finally she was done for the day and was able to go back to her ultra-intense workout. She went back to her house and headed downstairs to her boxing ring and did a few minutes of shadowboxing to warm up her upper and lower body. She was throwing punches faster than the human eye could follow, more than six punches per arm per second. After that she went back to her pool where she did a couple of warm up laps before going on to her weightlifting. Of course she makes it up and down the 100 meter long pool 5 times in about 30 seconds with ease. The sweat and water from the pool exentuated the definition and striations on her hypermuscular body. Before even lifting a weight her muscles are bigger than they have ever been as they throbbed and pulsated with blood. Imagine, if you will, muscles twice as big as the biggest male bodybuilders in the world on the frame of a 5 foot 6 inch woman and you get my picture, she's absolutely huge. But now back to the workout. She enters the gym wearing nothing but a white bikini that shows off every single inch of her tanned body except her genatalia and her nipples, which were even now erect at 1.5 inches. Firstly she stretches making every part of her body bulge obscenely and pushing out her massive striated glutes like they were baloons with a little too much helium in them. Finally she steps up to the leg press machine which had about 1500 tons on it. She added another 1000 tons and sat down on the padded seat. After doing a dozen reps, she decided to add another 500 tons to it and did another 12 reps. Her final set was with 3500 tons which she pushed for eight agonizing reps. Next was her back, the lat machine was loaded at 1000 tons, which she warmed up with for 25 reps. She said to herself "Much too easy, time for some real weight." She added 500 tons and did 15 reps with that. Her final lat set was with 2000 tons which she did for ten slow but solid repetitions. Her legs and back were almost screaming with fatigue because of the awesome weights she was using but she forced herself to move on to arms. She started with alternating dumbell curls with measly five hundred ton dumbells which really offered her no challenge. She did 50 reps per arm then increased the weights to 1000 ton dummys which made her work for twelve reps. Her final arms exercise was standing barbell curls. On the barbell was 1500 tons which she did for 30 reps, she put on 250 more tons and did 15 reps. Finally 2000 tons which she did for 10 slow, agonizing reps. Her arms were almost numb with pain because of the pumping of all the extra-heavy weights she was using. Again she drove on because she wanted to end with her favorite body part, her pecs, which she playfully bounced before going on to her favorite exercise, the bench press. She sat down on the bench and stretched her pecs before lying down under the 2000 tons she had on the bench. First set was 15 reps which she did with slow deliberateness as to get the best pump she possibly could. Second set 500 tons was added and she again stretched before attempting the 2500 tons on the bar. She did 12 deliberate reps again, and even though she felt her chest burning with heat from the exertion she felt she had to do one more set. She increased the weight again to 3000 tons and without even stretching she got down and did five reps with almost no strain, but struggled to do number 6, then struggled even more on 7, after another slow agonizing repetition she finally racked the weight. She sat up immediately, in pain and agony from her exertions. She felt as if she had torn her pectoral muscles, from straining herself too much. After several minutes of massaging the area, though, the pain disappeared and was replaced by a feeling of pleasure, as endorphins were being released. She stood up with a triumphant grin on her face. She then turned to a mirror to see her muscles even bigger and more defined than they were before. She took out her tape measure and started on her calves first. 50 inches. Then her unbelivably striated thighs, 70 inches, her totally tiny waist was only 18 inches, her chest with out her sizable breasts were 100, her breasts added 175 inches. Finally, her pride and joys, her biceps totally huge at 62 inches. She smiled even wider when she thought about what she could do with her incredible body. That thought was too much for her as she orgasmed so intensely she fainted. The End?