The Strong Arm of the Law By Jeremy Wilson A female police officer who is fully equipped Authors Note: I am not now, nor have I ever been a police officer, I included lingo that may not be correct and for any real police officers out there, I am sorry for that. Please don't get conceived notions when reading a story written by me, please read it with an open mind. I hope you all like this original story. Well, this week we got a new female cop on the beat, she didn’t look like any cop I have seen though, she is 5’6, but weighs 230 pounds of muscle, her damn uniform is busting at the seams and its an XXL. I have seen some healthy cops in my day, I have been on the force for 16 year now, but none have ever come in the complete package that Karen Nelson did. I have also seen male bodybuilders before at the local gym, but Karen clearly outclasses them in both size and muscularity. She was ripped to shreds and as veiny as possible the last time I saw her in the police training center, with arms that must have been 21 inches and a totally huge chest over 70 inches around, with hardly any breasts to speak of. I don’t have a problem with her as a cop, she is a great asset to the force, as there has never been a suspect that she couldn’t handle with her bare hands, she is tougher than 80 percent of the men on the force, and she has a 90 percent conviction record. The main thing is that I am jealous, she is only 22 years old and is already more accomplished than me, stronger than me, and much more muscular than I am, and I am a 39 year old man. Karen can be my partner anytime, though, after what happened last week Thursday, I can tell you that. I was basically all alone on a stake out, but Karen was in the neighborhood and decided that I needed a little back up, in case things got rough real fast. I figured since she proved that she was tough and reliable and I could use the help, I would accept, but I wasn't gonna like it. Anyway, the suspects in the bust we were casing happened to show up about 17 minutes after Karen got there, everything went down according to plan and we broke it up like good cops would and should, but something went wrong, we didn't account for one guy and it almost cost me my life! Thank god Karen was there though, as he aimed and fired Karen got between me and the bullet, but when it struck her, a strange thing happened, it bounced off, most bullets that hit a bulletproof vest lodge themselves in the material, they just don't bounce out. All to fast for me to see she grabbed the perp and took his gun, then something else weird happened, there was a screeching, like a car being bent and crushed in a car crusher, but a lot closer than I've ever heard. When I saw what was left of the gun I could have swore that there were finger imprints on it, but that couldn't be true, could it? I looked at Karen incredulously, then back down at the gun, then back at her, she saw this, smiled and shrugged her shoulders a little, before knocking out the three perps with little chops to the neck and tying and cuffing them to each other. "I bet you're wondering how I just did that, well they don't call me the strong arm of the law for nothing, I have always been this strong, as long as I can remember." She told me, "When I was just 11 years old I saw two huge high school football jocks beating up my older brother, I was so enraged that I ran right over there and took them out, I didn't even consider it at the time, I just fought my hardest." She continued, "The bad part was that my hardest was too hard for them, they both wound up in the hospital in comas, luckily though they recovered alright, they never picked on another person while I was around though." I was sitting there stunned, what this grown woman was telling me was like something out of some science fiction book, only 11 years old but able to beat up two big guys who probably outweighed her by a hundred pounds a piece so bad that they spent numerous months in the hospital, but she was only getting started. "I loved the feeling that it gave me, first of all I felt good for protecting my brother, second I felt god gave me a special gift that I should use for good, so I worked hard to get stronger and stronger, by 15 I was curling the back end of a SUV that my dad owned, by 18 I overhead pressed a whole school bus for reps, by 20 I found that my huge muscles made me near invulnerable, for the last two years I have been trying my best to achieve that objective, as you saw today, I succeeded." Holy crap on a stick, not only was she super powerful, but she was in fact bulletproof too! I merely nodded, as I was rendered completely speechless by this admission. It took me almost five minutes to come up with something to say, "Karen, how strong are you, really?" She smirked and said "Well, there are no real ways to see that here, but I know some place that we can go, to experiment if you want?" I nodded again, enthusiastically, as I had always been a little turned on by powerful women, and if her story is true, she has to be the strongest person that ever existed on Earth. She took me by my hand as she dragged the three big perps with the rope, still unconscious from her fairly light chops that occurred nearly 15 minutes ago. She tossed them in the back of the van I was using for the case and got in the driver's side, something about this seemed strange, but exhilarating, like a whirlwind adventure. "Get in!" she demanded in a tone of voice that said 'I am not to be challenged', so I did without hesitation. Let me tell you, I am not getting on this ladies bad side, its easy to see why her arrest record is so high. I looked at the guys in the back and asked "What about them?" She laughed and said "Don't worry, Jerry, I know a lot about pressure points in school, they should be out about 6 hours, and that should be more than enough time to show you the power I have in this little body of mine." I gulp and nod, knowing that either this is going to be the best or worst experience of my life, but it sure will be the most memorable. We pulled into a huge parking lot, it was about 40 acres and full of scrapped and damaged vehicles. I thought about it for a while and said "Hey, I know this place! This is the decommissioned police cars compound, I haven't been out here for a long, long time, since my old partner brought me out about 14 years ago." I looked around and saw some of the old cars that I had seen those many years before, but they looked different, they were bent and torn in places they hadn't been 14 years before. I knew that some of my fellow officers used these cars for target practice, but these holes and dents were definitely not made by gun fire. Karen stopped the van abruptly in the middle of the lot and got out, slamming the door so hard that the van shook a little. I got out too, knowing that if I do something to displease her, I could be in a lot of trouble, and there wouldn't be any way to stop her either. Karen walked up to a big truck, must have been 4 tons easily, one of the longer and thicker police trucks that we had. I had the pleasure to ride for 2 years in one of these, it was one of the most comfortable and safest vehicles that the department ever had in our possession. Karen was standing in front of it doing some stretching exercises, I thought it was kind of strange, she was warming up like she was going to do some heavy lifting. My jaw dropped open as she bent down put her hands under the side of the SUV and without much strain lifted that side off the ground, then she walked her hands towards the middle and found the balance point. With a little, feminine grunt, she heaved all four wheels off the ground and held it to her very ample chest. I was sweating heavily, I knew she was strong, and saw that she was bulletproof, but this, I never even thought about this being a possibility. Here it was in front of me, though, this woman who had established herself as the best cop on the force as a rookie, was now holding a 4 ton SUV above her head without a lot of effort. 8000 pounds of steel held overhead by a 5'6 230 pound muscle woman! Of all the things that could have happened to me that night, this was most definitely not one of them in my mind. My head was spinning, my stomach was turning, my heart was wrenching, and my dick was ready to burst out of my uniform trousers. I passed out with that one image in my head, the image that changed my life forever, the image of a super strong woman overhead pressing a 4 ton truck. I barely felt anything when she picked me off the ground and carried me to the van. I woke up 4 hours later, in my bed at the hotel I was staying at for the case. I felt relieved, it had to be a dream, a very real one, but a dream nonetheless. Then I turned over to see a bra and panties hanging on the bedpost, oh jeez... The End