Why Is Everything So Soft? By Jeremy Wilson rvdfan315@charter.net A girl finds her strength hard to handle Tara Thurman had a hard time believing what had happened to her. Here she was a nineteen year old college freshman at 5 foot 2 and weighing only 104 pounds had suddenly found everything too soft for her. Even the metal desks that were used at Smalltown State University seemed like taffy to her now. You see she was not always this way, she was transformed in an accident 24 days ago in a botched science club experiment that left her millions, if not even more, of times stronger than she was. The experiment wasn’t even supposed to be a strength enhancer, but she put in one chemical too many and it blew up in her face. She didn’t feel any pain, just a little stinging sensation, and then nothing. She shook her head from disorientation for a little while and then grabbed for a glass of juice that was nearby. She gripped the glass with only minimal effort, but the glass shattered into a million pieces like it was made of fake movie glass instead of real glass, but she knew it was real, she had just drank from it a couple of minutes before. Then she set her hand down on the metal desk but when her palm touched the table a little it sank in a little bit. She drew it away as fast as thought but when she did it created a fire trail. She thought to herself, "What the hell, what happened to me?!" She backed away from the metal desk in a slow, shuffling walk until she looked down and realized she was almost halfway through another steel desk across from where she was standing. She knew what she was doing was impossible but she decided to test herself now. There was a solid granite stone that was three feet by two and a half feet in the teacher’s storage closet that she knew must have weighed well over a hundred pounds because when the professor needed it, she usually needed three of the larger guys in class to haul it into the class room. She went into the back room to get it but then she saw another one that was much larger. It was 5 feet long and 4 feet across and must have weighed twice as much as the first one. So she decided to experiment with this one instead, the first thing she did was to weigh this stone on the scale in the lab. The scale itself went up to 350 pounds but since the stone was so light to her she felt it shouldn’t have weighed even that much. So she set it on the scale and tried to weigh it, but it was more than 350 pounds, it had to be closer to 500 pounds because the scale was squeaking and making some horrible noises as the stone was put on it. Then she picked it up off the scale and tested its weight in her hands, first in both, then in each one. To her it felt just about as soft and light as her pillow at home, but she knew it was solid rock and it had to weigh over 500 pounds, somehow she must have increased her strength so much that even solid granite feels like taffy to her. She clenched her hands a little too tightly at this thought as the stone crashed to the floor with a tremendous rumbling, and then she looked into her hands to find that she was holding two handfuls of dust. My God, she thought to herself, I crushed that rock without even thinking about it, how strong can I possibly be. She knew that if she got caught here using her new found strength to destroy, even without really trying to, most of the school that she would have a lot to answer for so she left but not before she accidentally ripped the front door off of its hinges, even though it was locked from the inside. She thought she was using only minimum force, but of course the door was still nothing to her now unstoppable strength. Then she saw that no one was watching her so she was able to escape getting into trouble. Boy, whoever finds the stuff that she left would be confused, but she didn’t really care, she wanted to test her body with bigger and heavier objects. So she went for a short walk, even shorter for her because of her extreme strength and inhuman speed, to the quarry, which was about two miles away, of course she got there in about 25 seconds. The rocks over at the quarry were much bigger, tougher, and of course so heavy that only the strongest of cranes could lift them. The quarry was closed, just like the school was supposed to be, because it was Sunday and nothing was open. There was a gate out front that was locked with a very thick chain with a very big padlock. She didn’t worry about it, all she did was take the padlock in between her thumb and index finger and squeeze with about half her total strength. Of course the lock didn’t have a chance and was broken within a split second, but not only that the metal of the padlock was starting to melt, she saw this and smiled. Wow, she thought, I knew I was strong but not strong enough to melt steel. Tara then opened the gate without even taking the chains off, they snapped with the speed and power she was unintentionally using. But she didn’t care about that, she wanted to get in and out of there without being noticed so she just walked in and picked up the first stone she saw, an eight foot tall, 9 foot wide, 3 ton monster that was as light to her as her pillow at home was before her enhancement. She pressed it overhead like it was nothing to her and proceeded to rep it out until she got tired, which took her some time. She stopped after 500 reps not because she was tired but because she was bored. Then she started maneuvering it around so she could put her arms as far around it as she could. It was so large around that she couldn’t get even ¼ around it but it didn’t matter to her, she just started squeezing with a little of her strength. Even with the small amount she was using cracks starting appearing out of nowhere, and the stone that was nearest to her arms started crumbling like a cookie. She increased her strength a very small fraction and the rock disintegrated and there was nothing but dust all around her and on the ground below her. I will have to learn to control her strength, she thought to herself, I couldn’t even feel the amount of strength I was using there, but it was not even a 1/8 of my total strength there and I hardly felt any resistance at all. Well, that was about two weeks ago and Tara is still having trouble controlling her strength but now she had a reason for using it. About 10 days ago she decided to become a guardian for the city, a superhero of sorts, but she wanted to do things in private, so no one could discover she was really a 19 year old college student, which could get her in a great deal of trouble with the University. She decided to make her super identity something so removed from her real life that no one would recognize it was her. She hated cats so she decided to name herself Super Kitty, the feline of justice. There are more adventures to come, Super Kitty will be back, and her super strong secret identity will find something about herself. To be continued....