The Pitfalls of Super Strength By Jeremy Wilson A woman with near infinite strength learns to control it **Author's note: Normal rules apply, nothing really different from any of my other stories, the main character is 20 years of age, and therefore shouldn't cause much of an uproar. The strength feats demonstrated in this story are extreme, so if you don't like that, don't read this story, if you do like that kind of thing, I hope you like this story. If there is one criticism I hear far too often, its that I don't have proper grammar, but I don't write to be an English Professor, I write to turn myself and others on, and if you can't accept that, then my writing is obviously not your cup of tea, and I suggest that if you read my stories just to find grammatical errors, you are seriously in need of a life! If you don't like or have never liked my stories, why the heck did you click the link? Anyway, read on, for some great extreme strength action.** Sara Baker had only been strong for 2 days, she didn't even really know the limits to her strength, all she knew was that she didn't know how to control it. Sara was always a little bit different, she was 20 years old, but was only 4'9 inches tall, and to many she only looked 12 years old, but her dream was always to be big and strong, but not for revenge against those who wronged her by criticizing her height, she wanted to be admired as a hero, someone really special. Her self-esteem was really low, she figured it was her lot in life to always remain the short, mousy nerd that she was. That was, until one day a violent lightning storm broke out in her hometown, she was visiting her parents during a break from her classes at her college which was 60 miles away from her home. The thunder crashed loudly making the house almost shake with it's closeness. Sara grimaced, distracted, but not worried or scared, she wondered why there had to be a thunderstorm on her only weekend home this semester. Then it happened, a bolt of pure energy crashed through the window of her room while she lay on the bed reading a school book, it hit her square in the back, and her body went suddenly rigid. She passed out, her body involuntarily shaking from the amount of electricity still going through it, but she herself was not really harmed, she didn't have any burns where the lightning went in and even more incredibly, that was the last flash of lightning that could be seen that night, the storm immediately blew over right after that lightning bolt hit Sara Baker's body. Sara awoke 2 hours later, to the sounds of shouting, her parents heard and felt the thunder close to the house, they found her several minutes later, unconscious, her body involuntarily shaking, and tried desperately to wake her. They looked all over her to see what possibly could have happened, but no scar or mark could be found on her body, in fact, several blemishes that existed before had disappeared, her face had no acne at all, her body had no noticeable freckles, and the slight scar she had on her chin was no longer there! She opened her eyes and her parents were shocked to see that their daughter's formerly light hazel colored eyes were now clear blue. She blinked a couple of times, and found that without her glasses she could see clearly, in fact, if she focused on something hard enough, she could see through it. Her parents embraced her when they saw she was alright, but she could barely feel their tight hugs, she needed to focus some to be able to register that she was actually touching her parents. She said "I'm alright, I'm alright, I don't know what happened, but I feel better than I have ever felt, and I feel different too, I can't explain it, but I feel like a completely different person." Her parents let go of her and backed up, Sara put her feet on the floor, made up of solid 4 inch thick cedar boards, she pushed off the bed to find her feet were crunching the wooden floor, she picked her foot up and set it down as gently as she could, there was no crunching, so she moved like that all across the room. She looked at herself in the bedroom mirror and couldn't believe her eyes, her eyes, her figure, even her hair looked like something you would see out of a fashion magazine. She was now at least 5'4, gaining 6 inches in a matter of two hours, and her chest pushed itself out to be at least a 34DD, a huge difference from her 32B's she had before. "Mom, dad, I don't know whatever happened to me, but its like a dream come true, for years I wanted a body to be proud of, a body that would make me stand out from the rest of the girls at my school, and now finally, my wish has been answered." Sara made her way to the front door, stepping as gently as she could, her fantastic mind estimated her power to be well over a million times the strength she had before. She was wearing the largest outfit she could find, to hide her new features until she felt confident enough to reveal herself to the world. Sara took the front door handle and pulled it, but the door immediately came off the hinges, like nothing, she was holding it with one hand, the door was completely weightless to her. She set it down on the porch, putting her other hand in front of her mouth, her face blushing with embarrassment. She walked gently down the steps, as they were made of wood as well. Finally she let her full weight down on the concrete, only to find that it too cracked with her weight, even though it was 5 inches deep and under it was hundreds of meters of solid ground and rock, it still couldn't handle her super dense bodyweight. It was the hardest thing to do for her, even the simplest thing like walking was a special activity for her super strong body, but she was learning slowly how to control it. It was going to take everything she could do, but she wanted to be like a normal human being, not a superhuman freak. But she also wanted to test her strength, it seems the way her toes sank into the cement like it was sand that she must have been at least one thousand times stronger (actually, much, much stronger, but she'll find that out in a little while) than before, but she needed to know for sure. She shouted to her parents that she would be back in a little while, she said she needed to see what this new body of hers was truly capable of, but her vocal cords were enormously powerful as well, and her shout carried so much weight and force behind it, that the windows of the house were disintegrated almost instantly, luckily at first sound of Sara's voice, her parents covered their ears, and were able to escape her accidental feat of strength unscathed. Sara held her mouth again in abject embarrassment and said in the softest voice she could manage, "Oooops, sorry mom and dad, don't worry, once I learn how to control my strength, I will fix that." Sara ran down to the end of the block, over 50 meters, it only took her 3 milliseconds to get there, behind her there was a line of flame about 3 feet high. Sara clenched her face in embarrassment again, but even then, any man watching found her face incredibly sensual and sexy. Running for her was easier than walking, because her feet moved so fast, that they didn't make much contact with the ground, it almost seemed like she was floating a bit above the ground, like she could walk on the wind! She stopped to find that it was true, she didn't need to walk, she could actually fly! "Oh god! What happened to me, am I some kind of superhuman freak?" She moaned out loud, she looked around to find that she was actually in the middle of a car crusher, there was a big human shaped hole, she had actually ran through a car crusher without even noticing it! But suddenly the machines walls starting closing, so she just walked through the whole she created, but what she saw was incredible, the human shaped hole wasn't just in the car crusher, it was in the fence, in a stack of cars, in a huge 8 foot tall boulder, and a warehouse. She had ran through metal, rock, and who knows what else like they were nothing but air, 'how strong am I?' she thought to herself. She looked at the car crusher, it was 25 feet by 25 feet by 15 feet, made up of steel, iron and lead, so dense and powerful that it can crush a hummer into a square of steel about 2 feet tall. She looked at it long and hard, trying to discover the balance point and also to estimate it's weight. She calculated in her super powerful mind that the combination of the machine's size and materials, made it weigh at least 1,250 tons, or 2,500,000 pounds. She found the balance point and lifted with as much gentleness as she could muster, trying hard not to rip it apart accidentally. There was a lot of cracking and squeaking, the machine was rumbling, unfortunately, it wasn't rising quite as quickly as she wanted, but she was resolute, she got a better grip and started pulling a little harder. The machine was almost noticeably groaning in metallic pain, but it was now moving up out of the ground, then she saw what the problem was, a concrete platform was underneath the ground, bolted to the car crusher, so she wasn't able to factor in the weight of the solid concrete to the weight of the car crusher. Her mind calculated that the concrete was 18 inches thick and the block was probably 30 feet by 30 feet, so she calculated the total combined weight of the car crusher and the concrete it was bolted to was 1,800 tons, a full 3,600,000 pounds! She marveled to herself, as she actually took in the scene before her, this huge object was in her petite hands, her small, slender fingers crushing the concrete and steel with incredible ease. Sara was actually smiling, almost egomaniacally, at the ease in which she lifted the huge slab and car crusher that was on it. She pressed it above her head with no problems at all, Sara figured that it weighed about as much as 20 pounds would weigh to Ronnie Coleman, in other words, not a whole lot. She pressed it for 100 reps and didn't feel strained, she laughed at the light, though imposing weight that hung above her and another though occurred to her. She tightened her grip on the sides, and using at first 50 percent of her strength she tried pulling them apart, but this was too easy, as it came apart almost immediately. "Holy jeez, I must be really strong now!" She exclaimed out loud at the ease in which she destroyed one of the toughest machines that ever existed in the town. She set the pieces down and looked around to see if she could find more challenges, she smiled widely as she focused on an old abandoned warehouse across the city, her vision so significantly bettered that she could see something 2 miles away as easy as you or I could see 4 feet away. She tried walking like normal again, but the same thing happened, her feet just dug into the soft ground, going deeper and deeper as she went. She sighed deeply and said to herself "Oh well, one of the pitfalls of being strong, I guess I will have to run again." So she ran to the warehouse at only about 1/20th of her total power, but she covered the two miles in about 10 seconds. Luckily, this time she didn't create too much of a disturbance behind her, but people standing there could see a pink blur passing them at an incredible speed, but most of them just assumed it was the way the sun was reflecting off of car windows or something of the sort. The ground wasn't scorched, but there were some black skid marks in a long line. "Ooops, Sara, you did it again!" She said to herself as shook her head in shame and embarrassment, but then looked forward to see her next conquest, the warehouse. To be continued....(maybe)