Lifting and Loving By Jeremy Wilson My girlfriend shows me some erotic weightlifting My girlfriend Janie and I had been going out for more than 3 months when I first learned of her true power, and she showed me in several unbelievably erotic ways. For months I had known that she was very strong and fit, when she and I lifted weights together she overpowered me in every lift, and to be honest I couldn’t have loved it more. Here I was a 5’11 inch 300 pound man who was pretty powerful in his own right being outlifted by a 5’3 135 pound woman who looked extremely powerful, but was in fact a whole lot more powerful than I ever thought possible for someone her size, heck for anybody of any size, she is just incredible. I met her at a singles bar about 15 miles from where I live, there she was in the corner booth, no one even close to where she was. She had an exotic face, almost Asian but not quite, her eye shadow made it look like she was, her nose was small and pretty, her lips succulent and dark red with lipstick. Hair long , silken, and as pure blonde as I have ever seen up close. She was beautiful beyond belief with a fitness physique that I had not seen on many women before, ripped to complete shreds, every striation easily visible and veins on her forearms, biceps and neck, which made her appear as she had no body fat at all. Except for the fact that her breasts were 42 DD and stuck straight out from her prodigious pectorals, she didn’t look to have any fat on her body. She had me going crazy with her beauty and I was wondering to myself that if she was so damn sexy why wasn’t anyone trying to get to know her. I didn’t wonder long though, I just had to meet her, I mean here was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life and she was alone in the corner and she was obviously looking for love. If I hesitated for even a minute, some other muscle obsessed guy would approach her, so I just went right up to her and did my best "your legs must be tired girl, you’ve been walking through my dreams all day," type line, hoping that she would be amused more than pissed off. She giggled, she actually giggled, but it was a nice giggle, like she was interested, then she patted the seat beside her and said "Come here, cutie, I’ve been waiting for you." Whoa, what did she mean by that, had she known that I was going to be there, had she actually predicted that I was coming to this bar tonight and shown up just to be there with me!!! These thoughts were swirling around my head and then I asked "What do you mean you’ve been waiting for me?" She winked at me and said "I have been watching you for a while sweetie, I know you are into muscular and strong women, I have seen you looking at the muscle magazines every time you are in the book shop, your favorite is Women’s Physique World is it not?" Wow, she knew a lot more about me than anybody else I had known outside my own family, and even then I don’t think they would know my favorite magazine. She had enchanted me with her looks and now intimidated me with her knowledge of what I do, I don’t know this woman at all and she knows me inside and out, I had to know who she is. So I asked her what her name was and she said "Jane Arquette, all my friends call me Janie, but you can call me baby, stud." Jeez, this muscular and strong looking woman was coming on to me and while some would consider me handsome, there was no way I was in this woman’s league. But then she asked me if I wanted to go back to her place, I couldn't believe my luck, here was the most facially beautiful woman I had ever seen and she had the body of a fitness girl, with that combination, I found myself stupefied, how could this gorgeous girl want me. Then to emphasize the fact that she wanted me, she pinched my ass so hard, I think I was off the ground for a split second, I was almost to the point of crying with happiness. I had to say "Okay babe, your car or mine?" She said she walked there but she didn't mind walking as long as it was with me. I asked her how far her house was and she said it was on the other side of town, almost 7 miles away, there was no way I could walk that far and I told her that. She said "Then would you mind if I carried you and I run while holding you, it would be a whole lot quicker than driving." I couldn't believe my ears at this point, this woman was 8 inches shorter and about 175 pounds less then me but she was confident that she could run home with me on her faster than we could drive in my car. This made me think that she was bluffing me and wanted to drive home, so I called her bluff "Okay, babe, how do you want to carry me, piggy back or cradle carry?" She said "For running, I like to do the cradle carry, I don't like to bounce around a lot, and when I have someone in a piggyback and I am running, they tend to bounce around." I said "Okay, cradling it is, how do you like to do it?" Without another word she put an arm around my legs and another around my back and without even a small grunt she lifted my 300 pound body off the ground with ease. She said "Are you comfortable sweetie, don't worry we'll be home in no time." At that she started running so fast that just about everything was a blur, the telephone polls almost looked like picket fences, she was beyond awesome, she was faster than the Flash, and she was mine!!! Another thing I noticed while she was carrying me was that she was hard as stone all over her body, something that I didn't think was possible when I first met her. I mean she was hard and fit and looked like she could be a lightweight bodybuilder, but there was no way I thought she could be as hard or as strong as she was. 5 minutes later we were there, and let me say I was stunned, her house was actually a huge mansion, she was rich beyond my dreams, she had to be a billionaire. I knew when I saw this she was famous for something, she had a huge house, she was able to lift me with ease and run like the Flash while carrying me in her arms, she was without doubt my dream girl, but this wasn't a dream, was it. It didn't feel like a dream, to make sure it wasn't I slapped myself in the face, after which she said "I know it all seems like a dream doesn't it, well its not, I decided I want you to be my boyfriend, and what I want, I usually get." She continued "You see, I was a major Hollywood actress at one time, I made 25 million dollars a movie, but that was 15 years ago and most of the general public has forgotten me, but I don't care, I still get what I want and I WANT YOU." I had to ask her "Why? Why me, I mean you are so beautiful and rich, you could have any man you wanted to, you could have famous actors, sports stars, heads of state, anyone, why would you want me, a lowly former football player who still lives in the town he was born in, I can't even come close your league." She smiled and said "You're right, I could have just about any man in the world and I have tried, but once I show them my true muscles and strength, they run away like frightened children, I knew since you are a big fan of women bodybuilders and strength turns you on, you were just right for me." I said to myself "Wow, I can't believe it, here is a woman who is made just for me and it turns out she wants me even more than I want her, this is too good to be true." I asked "Why did you give up acting, you were getting rich?" She said "First of all, I have almost all the money I had gotten from the industry saved, more than 300 million dollars, I don't have to work again if I don't feel like it. Second, my strength was found out by some inside circles of filmmakers and producers and they decided not to use me in any of their movies anymore. Lastly I got tired of the Hollywood lifestyle, I never was out of the public eye for a second, so I could never test my true strength without being spied on, so I dropped out of the public eye to avoid being exposed as having super strength." I was amazed but dismayed at the same time, all this time, here was a famous woman possessing super human strength and she wanted to share it with me, but she was an outcast, she couldn’t live a normal life because of her enormous power, I almost felt sorry for her at the same time I was excited because I had found my dream woman. Of course, if she was happy that she found a man, I was even happier to be that man, because I knew she was going to make me happy with her awesome strength. I would be willing to follow her to the ends of the Earth for the fact that she was powerful, but also for the fact that she picked me out of the hundreds of thousands of men she could have picked, and I knew she had been waiting and searching for the perfect man for her and settling on me must have been a well thought out decision, so I could not have been more proud to go home with this gorgeous strong woman. She carried me into her house, holding me with one arm (WOW!) when opening the door and carried me down into her weightroom, where she had billions of pounds of weight. The numbers on the plates were unreal to me, the lightest plate I could see anywhere was 200 pounds, the largest was 2500 pounds, the largest plates looked to be four feet in diameter and about a foot and a half thick. The smallest bar I saw there was 3 inches thick and 8 feet long and from the looks of it, had to weight 500 pounds all by itself. She led me over to her bench press, it was filled with an extreme amount of weight, 3 of the largest plates on each side, the bar, which was bigger than the smallest, about 14 feet long and 5 inches thick, had to weigh a thousand pounds itself. Unbelievable, there is no way, absolutely no way this is real, the weight on the bar was 15,000 pounds, that is more weight than I have ever heard of being lifted by any human being or animal in the history of the world. Before she laid down she ripped her shirt and bra off to show unbelievably huge and ripped pectoral muscles. She got down on the bench and said to me "This is especially for you honey, I hope you like strong pecs, you haven't seen anything like mine." With that she lifted the bar off the bench and brought it down to her chest, and when she had it resting right in the middle of her pectoral muscles she puffed up her chest hugely. I could see that right in the middle of her chest there where deep striations, striations that looked to be about half an inch and were maybe 3/4 of an inch deep. As I was staring at this phenomenal development she did something unexpected, she took both her hands from the bar and held the whole 15,000 pounds with only her pecs. She got my attention now, big time, and said "Can any women you know do this, hell, can anyone in the world do what I am about to do?" With that she looked down at her immense chest and starting flexing it, the growth was moving the bar up and up, she exhaled and the bar went back down. She kept doing it as though it was easy, just like regular breathing, except for the fact a normal person doesn't breath with 7.5 tons on her chest. After completing 50 reps of pec flexes she placed the bar back on the rack and sat up with a euphoric smile on her face. "Next I want to show you how strong my lower body is, but not the way that you'd expect." With that she stripped off her shorts and underwear, and stood unashamedly naked before me. She smiled and said "What do you think of my body, does it turn you on, well you haven't seen all of what this body is capable of." With that she led me to a universal machine that had all kinds of strange apparatus. She stopped in front of a bar that was connected to a bicep curl type machine, except for one dissimilarity, the bar was connected on the end of one side, not in the middle like most bars. She took the bar, which I saw was hooked up to 500 pounds of weights, she winked at me and said "These muscles are especially for you and me, you'll see, baby." With that she put the bar to the entrance of her vagina, unbelievable as it might seem, the vagina opened up, seemingly of its own accord and she pushed the bar in. After the end was in about an inch, she let go of the bar with her hands, and with a slight grunt of effort, the weight started moving! She was pulling five hundred pounds up with nothing but the muscles of her vagina. I blacked out, I had both overloaded my sexual drive and my brain had been fried by this ultimate feminine display. She was inconceivable and she was mine!!! The End for now