Fulfilled Fantasies By Jeremy Wilson shaneomacfan1@yahoo.com I meet a genie and live out my fantasies **Note: I have written many, many stories, but really I have not really written a story that has had me experiencing my own most personal fantasies as far as female strength and muscle are concerned, my kind of dimension was close, but not truly there, so this story series is about a way for me to experience all the things I have always dreamt of in the genre of female muscle and strength. There are situations involving young girls with big-huge muscles, but no sex at all involving those characters, if you don't like reading about muscled up little girls, don't read. For those of you still here, I hope you like it, but that's cool if you don't because this is all about me, if a few fans enjoy it great, I realize this won't please everyone, but that's not important to me, this is how I express my artistic freedom.** I couldn't believe it, I had won a free trip to Egypt! The plane, hotels, and tours were all included in the package, the only thing I would have to bring was a change of clothes and a camera. I have never been out of North America at any time in my life, I did go to Toronto, Canada when I was 16 years old, but I only stayed there for like 3 or 4 days and never got a full view of the city, but Egypt, the cradle of Civilization, the land of the Pharaohs, man this is gonna be awesome! Our tour group was exploring the tombs of the Pharaoh's, I was behind, being the historian I am, I wanted to take in everything I possibly could as long as I could, somehow the group got way ahead of me and I was left to catch them up. I was lost, without a map and the only way to get out was to try and figure it out myself, I was scared out of my mind, what if I actually never get out of here? I looked all around me, there wasn't any particular landmarks to point me in a right direction, but something caught my eye, a glint that was harkening me closer, I picked it out of the dirt to discover it was a lamp, like those found in the Aladdin movies. I rubbed it with my shirtsleeve a little to remove the dirt from its silvery surface, then something unbelievable happened, the lamp started shaking, rumbling around in my hands, like it was alive! Oh god, I thought to myself, its real, the old fairy tales about genies are true, I was smiling in greed and reassurance, this was my way out of the cave and the way to realize my most treasured personal fantasies. The genie who appeared was not quite what I was expecting, first it was female, but none like I had ever seen before in real life, her body was immense with muscularity, she possessed a physique that could have won a Mr. Olympia contest! Her face was incredibly beautiful, like Beyonce Knowles and Jennifer Garner put together, beautiful, she was my dream come true, I had always enjoyed stories that featured superhumanly muscular and strong woman and this genie was the definition of my fantasies. She must have noticed me staring at her body so she cleared her throat and said "Well, master, I see that you have very special tastes, most of my other masters flinched at first sight of me, and never took a sexual interest in me at all, unfortunately, I must tell you that I could never make love to you myself, its against the rules." I straightened myself up, cleared my mind and said, "I have heard tales of genies, are the stories true, do I get three wishes, and you grant them, no matter what?" She laughed and said "Actually, there are only 2 wishes, I don't know where you got the 3 wishes idea, but any 2 wishes you have, I will be able to fulfill." I nodded and said, "Well, first of all, I wish to be able to instantly transport myself anywhere I want, with just a thought, can you grant me this?" She nodded and said "As you wish, my master!" She then nodded her head forward, chanted a little to herself and her eyes lit up a bit, the light then shot into me and I was swallowed in a weird energy, not painful, but disconcerting to say the least. "Your wish is granted, what is your second wish?" I thought about being back home, and in less than a blink of an eye, I was standing in my room, I couldn't believe it for a second, I looked around and saw the genie standing to my right. I nodded at her and said "Thank you, genie, that is exactly what I wanted." I sat down on my bed to ponder my second wish, and how to term it for the genie to understand it correctly and grant it just the way I wanted it. I thought a bit, then an idea hit me, it was something I had dreamed about for many years, I would like the ability to go into female muscle and strength stories, to live them out like they were real, to be able to touch the muscle, feel the strength of the female characters. To experience the strength of these women, even if they aren't real, would be the greatest experience I could possible imagine. But how could I communicate this to the genie so she would grant it just right? That was the tough part, because I would need to be able to go in and out without changing the storyline, and I would have to word it so not to be trapped in the story. Then I remembered, I have the ability to wish myself anywhere in the world! I could just make a wish for the story to be happening in real life and with my ability, I can wish in and out of it, that would rule! So I said "Genie, there are many stories that I love to read, and would like to be a part of, at Diana the Valkyrie's and Xtreme Strength, so this is my wish, I wish that I had the ability to pick out any story I want and make it real, and I will be able to change it for the purposes of my being there, in any way that I would like, then when I am done with the story make it just a story again, is that clear?" I asked in the best way I could. The genie nodded and laughed "Is that all? That is very simple, but I will give you that power as well, are you sure that is your wish?" I nodded quickly and exclaimed, "Yes, genie, I am sure." She nodded and started chanting again, but longer and louder than before, after several minutes of this she looked up, her eyes shining with a different color light then before. The light again struck me, it was tingling, but not painful, then again, it stopped. "Your wish is granted, use this power wisely, and now, I will be off, thank you for letting me serve you." She then exploded into a ball of smoke and disappeared never to be seen by my eyes again. I was so happy, I almost broke down in tears of joy, this has always been my fantasy, to be able to go into any story and experience the muscle and strength of these women, first hand. The thoughts were whirring through my mind, what story to go in first, which fantasy to fulfill? I almost couldn't make a decision, muscle size first or super human strength, or both in the same story? Then I remembered, what about my own stories, the girls in those stories are stronger and more muscular than most of the authors around the web, and I am the main character in a lot of them, so it would make sense for me to go into one of my own first. So I picked out one of my favorites, Lifting and Loving, because of the simple fact that the female character falls in love with the male character, and shows him her strength in many sensual ways, and of course after, takes him to her bedroom for a night of hot sex, well at least in my version she will. So I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and with my mind transferred the story from fiction to reality. I was there, I was at the bar where my character had met her for the first time, my head was almost spinning, my heart was going a million miles an hour, but my face was confident and calm, I knew I had to be if I was going to meet my dream girl here. I looked around to see if I could spot her, oh jeez, there she is, just as I described her, black sleeveless dress, blond hair, 42DD breasts, ripped to shreds with muscles you could only find on the best bodybuilders in the world, I was going nuts, she was more beautiful than any Hollywood actress with a body that could win Ms. Olympia, and she was actually attracted to me! I cleared my mind of doubt and straightened myself up, acting as confidently as I could under the circumstances. I went over to her and did as I did in the story, I ran my best line past her and just like the story she giggled like she was interested in me. I just acted the way I was supposed and she did the same, which made me feel at ease, despite the fact that the hottest woman I had ever seen in my life was sitting right next to me, and was totally interested in me. She said "I have been waiting for you, I am extremely rich and have sophisticated security camera's set up all around this city, I have seen you at the Magazine store, buying female bodybuilding magazines, you are one of the very few men in this city that don't mind muscle on women, and I would be delighted to get to know you better." I smiled and said, "Well, miss...uh" I blushed because I knew I would be trapped if I called her by her name, so I feigned ignorance "Arquette, Jane Arquette." She answered with a giggle. "Jane Arquette, that sounds familiar, do I know you from somewhere?" She smiled demurely and whispered, "I'll tell you later, if you want to get out of here with me?" I nodded quickly and said "Yes ma'am, I would follow you anywhere." She giggled again, sweetly, boy I was falling in love more and more by the second, its too bad that I will have to leave this story, this could have been perfect for me: A rich, beautiful, incredibly strong and muscular girlfriend who loves me for who I am! So we left arm in arm from the bar, I noticed the height difference, in the original story she was supposed to be 5'4, but standing next to her, it looks like she is about 5'0 tall, strange but not a problem for me, I like my women short. Hmmm, could this mean that I am controlling the story from the inside, changing it to my liking? I imagined her even shorter, like 4'10, and here she shortened 2 more inches, but looked as buff and beautiful as ever, oh boy, was I in for a treat or what? I licked my lips inadvertently, thinking of all the things I could possibly change in this fantasy, knowing that I had the power to do whatever I like, without any repercussions. So we went to her place, and it was totally huge, 100 acre mansion with a huge circular driveway, boy, I am going to like it here! We got out of the car and I focused a thought, carry me in, Janie, and without much warning she cradled me in her ultra hard, strong arms and proceeded to carry my 320 pounds easily into her house, she actually supported me with only one arm while she turned the doorknob with her other hand! I couldn't believe my luck, here is a superstrong woman that I could potentially control to do whatever I wanted and believe me, I want to do a lot with and to her! I told her, "Jane, you can put me down now, how about you show me how strong you are though, my weight wasn't even heavy for you, so you must be awesomely strong!" She put me down gently, took me by the hand, and led me down into her basement home gym. I was almost shivering in anxiousness, I was about to witness this beauty's strong body in action, this had been my dream for over 15 years and now it was really about to happen! She smiled as she told me to sit down on a heavy industrial strength bench press station, it must have weighed 200 pounds by itself, then she bent down and gripped the middle of three bars that was on the bottom of the bench and told me to hold on with all my might. I did, she proceeded to lift the whole bench off the ground, with me on it, a total of at least 520 pounds, with only one hand, and still she wasn't breathing hard or anything, this must still be easy for her. I looked down and my eyes almost fell out of my head at the sight of her, she was ripped to shreds, muscles and veins pulsing with power, the challenge wasn't much for her, but the flexing of her muscles was unreal. She saw me staring at her with lust and winked "Is this strong enough for you little man, or do you want me to show you something else?" I was mumbling to myself "Well, this is my story, lets make her a little stronger", so I focused the thought at her, grow 50 percent stronger! Her muscles didn't grow a lot, but looking down, I could see they were more relaxed then they were seconds earlier, that must mean she is using less strength than she had before, I smiled thinking that if I wanted to, I could make her the strongest person to ever exist, by a great deal, she could do any strength feat that I can think of, and she would do it, just to satisfy me. "Janie, that feat was great, but I would like to see more, please, I know that last feat didn't test your full strength, go ahead, show me what you got!" She thought a little bit and then she started gathering 100 pound plates, before she was done, she had gathered 18 total, then she got a big barbell, one that was 2 inches thick and looked to be stainless steel, she set the bar down on the bench supports and started loading it. "Jeremy dear, this bar weighs 200 pounds, its made of titanium, one of the strongest metals in the world, it has to be to hold the weights I am capable of moving, I hope this you like this!" God, that's awesome, 2,000 pounds, a whole ton, that my new girlfriend was going to try to bench! I was a little concerned at first, but then I thought, if she has trouble with it, I can make her stronger, but I don't think she's going to need it, she is pretty damn strong at this point anyway. She got under it and without the slightest grunt, she lifted the bar from the supports and proceeded to rep the weight as though it was 20 pounds instead of 2000, it was that easy for her. She finally stopped at 100 reps, showing that not even a full ton could challenge her might. I was almost slobbering at this point, this muscle woman was ripped beyond anything I had ever seen, her muscle size was unreal as well, she was only 4'10, but her biceps looked like they belonged on Mr. Olympia. I couldn't stand it any longer, I ran right up to her and started licking her biceps, I had never been so aggressive, but this was too good for me to pass it up, even if I was rejected by her, this was worth it. But instead of being disgusted by my act, Janie was giggling and moaning in pleasure, she was so pumped up that her biceps had striations and veins running all over, and my tongue was feeling every nook and cranny it could find. I worked my way up her neck and started kissing her with as much passion as I could have put into it, and she responded with lightly nibbling my neck and ears. My arousal was at a maximum, in fact in all my years, I had never been so turned on, I had to have this woman, my life would never be complete if I didn't make love to her. I whispered, "please, carry me up to your bed, I wanna make love to you so bad, it hurts." She picked me up in her incredible arms and almost sprinted up three flights of stairs, she was just as aroused as I was, I could tell, her workout shorts were soaked and she was panting like a dog in heat! She set me down on the bed a little roughly and ripped all my clothes off, my erection was considerably bigger than usual(because of my control of the story, of course,) and she licked her full lips in anticipation. She ripped her own sweated through sports bra and soaked shorts and grabbed my cock a with gentle, but at the same time firm grip. She hovered over me, her generous breasts over my head like ripe melons ready to be picked, then she placed her vagina over my enormous dick and proceeded to drill it all into her with reckless abandon. God, her pussy was so tight, I couldn't believe she was really 32 years old, but it was just as strong and muscular as the rest of her, with pulsing, throbbing strokes, she took my penis on a thrill ride that it had never been on before. The orgasmic feeling was incredible, my eyes crossed, my head was spinning, it was the best sex I have ever had. Unfortunately it wouldn't last, because the phone in my real life home was ringing, and I couldn't just leave it, I came in her and paused the story with a thought. I left the story with another thought and was immediately brought back to my bedroom in my house. I answered my phone, but it was only a damn telemarketer, I had left the best fantasy ever for this. I hung up angrily, and cooled down for a while. I played out one fantasy, though, and it was a complete success, a dream come true. I smiled to myself and said "Man, this is going to be cool." The end of Part 1