Fishing With Angela By Jeremy Wilson We were fishing near the LA docks, were there was a half-dozen huge Naval craft, three destroyers, an aircraft carrier, and two submarines. They were really annoying because they were interfering with the fish coming in from the Pacific and I really wanted to catch a big one for my girl, Angela. She saw how annoyed I was and asked if there was anything she could do about it. I said "not unless you know a way to move all those big ass boats so we can fish without having to worry about those damn things being here." She said "You are definitely talking to the right woman then." Then she proceeded to take off her shirt and jeans to reveal a sexy but not overly buff body. But then she did something that I couldn't believe, she started talking to herself in tongues, like some kind of spell or something. Then I noticed it her body began to vibrate, and then bam! muscles just exploded on her body, expanding it to the size of a superheavyweight male bodybuilder, with 28 inch biceps and 42 inch thighs. She was huge and she was mine and I knew now why she had wanted to come here in the first place, she wanted to show off for me, she never really intended to go fishing. She walked up to the docked submarines both over 200 feet long and weighing 750 tons. She picked them up one in each hand, without even feeling the weight of the huge subs and tossed them over a hundred miles deeper into the Pacific. The Destroyer was next, it was 450 feet long and weighed 1500 tons. First she jumped up on deck and started punching holes in the tower and bended all the guns into ribbons, then she dropped down to the ocean and lifted the huge craft over her head again with only one hand. She tossed it like a football, only footballs don't usually go 100 miles and they don't usually weigh 3,000,000 pounds. The splashdown caused huge tidal waves to get as high as 300 feet and the waves came down hard in both Japan and on the north coast of California. Finally, she got to the Carrier 1,000 feet long and 150,000 tons, obviously the biggest ship I've ever seen, but to Angie it was like a toothpick. Again picking it up with one hand, she decided to throw the carrier straight up into the sky, first throw it went up 500 feet, second throw 1000 feet, and last throw 2500 feet. Finally, she decided to stop fooling around and with a powerful heave that actually blew me backwards from behind, tossed the carrier out of the atmosphere at such a speed that it passed out of sight within 2 seconds. She smiled at her handy work while I was dumbstruck my mouth was hanging open for the last ten minutes. She went back to her normal size and started walking back towards me with a lusty look in her eyes. "Using my power always makes me a little sleepy, how about you and I go back to my place and take a big nap." (wink,wink) THE END