A Little Out of Hand by Jeremy Wilson rvdfan315@hotmail.com
       Sheila Harding, who is 25 years old, was known for her rambunctious nature and her willingness to expose herself in public to get headlines. The thing was Sheila was famous already, she had already starred in action films like Bloodsport 5 and the Cyborg Chronicles and was known as a butt kicking martial artist of unnatural speed and power. She was lithely muscled, only slightly above what is considered fitness quality physique, but on screen her body does not look like it could possess the power she is famous for in her movies. Of course, the audience thinks it is all special effects, that they use wires and computer generated images to create all those awesome power shots. In fact, the thought that she, in the Cyborg Chronicles, actually lifted a car from the ground and threw it into four male cyborgs, was impossible for most movie fans to believe. She had done other significant strength feats that have gained the movies that she was in awards like best special effects and best action sequence, both runaway wins. Some of those strength feats included bending a three inch thick, 40 pound steel bar, lifting up a 40 foot tall, 3 ton oak tree and throwing that tree fifty feet to crush 3 robots. The thing was, the movies did not have to have special effects, Sheila was fully capable of doing all those feats of strength with ease. The directors used a combination of her own strength with dummies and computer generated images as her enemies. If the the men were real, she would kill them easily with her overwhelming strength, so the directors thought that a combination would work best to show her strength and to show the movie-goers some excellent action. The problem to Sheila was the fact that the strength feats she did in those movies really didn't challenge her all that much, she wanted to lift and throw around heavier weights, but the director couldn't find heavy enough weights to satisfy her. Even lifting up her movie trailer, a 20 ton monster of iron, wood, and some concrete wasn't heavy enough for her, she was able to do it with one arm for 50 reps a couple of weeks after she decided to see if she was strong enough to lift it period. Sheila was getting very upset with the producers and directors for not getting her more and more weight, she felt she needed to get a pump and they would let her. So she decided to leave the movie set on her own one night, she went to an abandoned warehouse in the middle of Los Angeles where she found some heavy duty construction equipment. There were several 6 inch thick I-beams that were at least 30 feet long a piece and must have weighed at least ten tons a piece. Sheila then saw something that made her breathing speed up and her nipples tingle, there was a fourty foot tall crane that was sitting alone in the corner, Sheila estimated that it must weigh at least 50 tons. The highest weight Sheila had ever lifted was 30 tons, which was a huge truck that was filled with lead weights that had jacknifed on the road close to her house. To warm up, Sheila picked up the largest, thickest, heaviest I-beam she could find, it was 15 tons and was about 35 feet long. She lifted it behind her neck and with a grunt she started to pull it down, there was a heavy metallic screech that came from the amazed bar, so not used to being bent by anything was being bent over the shoulders of a 5'9 155 pound woman who hardly looked like a threat. But she bent it, it was not easy for her, but the steel was bending to her will. She was trying so hard that her shoulders, arms, and neck muscles were digging into the steel, transforming it with her muscles to her form. She then lifted the beam overhead and threw it straight overhead, it went up fifty feet, she was lucky that the ceiling was at least 75 feet tall, because she threw it so hard it would have crashed through the roof. It came down and amazingly she caught it with one hand extended. She obviously gained strength through her exertions with the beam. She finally set the beam down and looked over to the huge crane. Because of the fact she never lifted anything more than 30 tons, she wasn't too sure she could lift it but she was so pumped she didn't care. She squated down, put her hands under the tire treads, and with a grunt lifted the whole crane off of the floor, 50 tons, 100000 pounds was now being held off the ground by one 155 pound woman, and to look at her you would guess she could lift much more, because she had a calm serene look on her face that said, 50 tons I thought this was going to hard. She started pressing it up and down, getting a hell of a pump. After fifty reps, she decided it was too easy and then took one hand away, for the most part it was a little harder, but she still did 25 reps per arm. After finding out what a bore these weights were and after looking at her watch, she decided she should head back, but not before leaving a trademark behind, an I-beam that was bent into a U shape. She arrived back at the studio, undetected by security because of her speed, power, and agility. She fell asleep in the bed in her trailer smiling because of the incredible pump she was able to attain.   The End