Hugely Muscled Lucy Part 1 By Jeremy Wilson A young woman transforms herself into an extremely strong goddess **Author's note: Well, here I am, back again to excite, disgust, arouse, or whatever else you want from these stories that I write. I was taking a little break from writing when this angel from heaven named Big Muscle Lucy suggested to me to do a story based on her, she gave me many details, and said that she loved my work, so how could I refuse. Anyway, this is along the usual lines of my stories, dealing with extreme strength and huge muscle, so if you do not find those story elements appealing at all, please do not read this story. This story is pretty much the opposite of what has been appearing recently, this story contains a plot that deals with extreme muscle and strength growth and use of that strength, it is complete and total fiction, with no real people being used (other than the title character who gave me complete permission to use her as a character), killed or hurt in any way. However, there are elements of violence, sex, and even blasphemy in this story, which are not my ideas, by the way, but elements that Big Muscles Lucy wanted to see in her story, so I will include them. Most of you have read my stories already, and know when you see my name attached to a story what to expect in the story, so why did you click on the link? Thanks to my fans though, without you, there would be no me. ** Part 1: The Beginning Ever since she was very little, Lucy knew one thing, that she liked muscle and strength, that she wanted it for herself. She began working out at age 15, lifting weights, doing aerobics, riding stationary bikes, and whatever else she could do to shape her muscles. By the time she reached 19, she was a very fit young woman, but it wasn't enough for her, at 5'2 and 130 pounds of muscle, she was very big by most female bodybuilding standards, with 15" arms and a 40 inch chest, but her goals couldn't be met, she didn't want to be as big as a female bodybuilder, she wanted to be the most muscular human being that the planet Earth had ever seen, and her genetics just wouldn't let her get to that point. She had been using supplements, protein drinks and following all the bodybuilder diets she had discovered from all the male and female bodybuilding magazines she had collected since she was 13, but it was never leading to the mass she wanted, the definition she wanted, the power she wanted for herself. Finally she couldn't stand it, she decided to take advanced chemistry in college, so she could create a steroid like substance that would create super powerful and huge muscles on her body, without the negative side effects that are associated with steroid abuse. Lucy went through class after class and after gleaning as much knowledge as she possibly could, she got all the elements together and brought them home, to work with in her own personal laboratory in her basement. She was a scientific genius, a nerd of the highest caliber, so figuring out the right mixture would be very easy for her. Three hours later she put down her test tubes and beakers, she was confident that she had succeeded, but wasn't so stupid as to test it on herself, she took a female lab rat named Maggie, put it down next to a small dish, where she put her formula and encouraged the lab rat to lap it up. Nothing happened for a couple of seconds, the rat just started walking around like normal, then it stumbled a couple of steps and laid down on the counter, Lucy moved to pick it up but before she could pick her up, Maggie jumped up lunged her. Lucy leaped back, her eyes bulging at her sudden movement, then she looked a little closer at Maggie, her eyes grew even larger! Maggie was muscular, much, much larger than a mouse her size is supposed to be, and the muscles were very visible, from the enlarged shoulders to the engorged hindquarters, there was a visible difference from the mouse she was 10 seconds before. There was something else she noticed about the lab rat, her eyes had changed, they weren't the bright pink they were before, now they looked like a deep reddish type of color, like it made her evil or something. Lucy knew she had to act quick, because this mouse could be dangerous if left out. So she filled a needle with Cyanide and as quick as she could she grabbed Maggie and inserted the full tube of the poison into Maggie. Now on most mice Maggie's size, the poison would have worked immediately, but that didn't happen with Maggie, as soon as she was put down she started running, it wasn't until 30 seconds later that she started to slow down, and finally 1 minute after being injected with an incredibly powerful poison, she died. Lucy was incredulous, with what she injected, a normal mouse would have died in 5 seconds, maybe less, but because of the solution she made, Maggie took 12 times that to die. Lucy had a lot to think about, the experiment with Maggie was clearly a success, as Maggie grew more muscular, stronger, and tougher than a mouse should be. But she also grew more feral, could it be that the animal's more baser instinct took over, or did the formular really make you evil? Lucy weighed the good effects against the bad effects and came to the conclusion that her human intellect will help negate the feral outcome that Maggie went through. She thought to herself, hell, I'm much more intelligent than a little, puny mouse, I can handle it. With that thought she took her formula and put it into a hypodermic needle, she then swabbed herself with alcohol and tied herself off with a piece of rubber. She injected herself with the serum, pulled the needle out and put pressure on the needle hole. Lucy started shaking, convulsing, she fell down to her knees in almost unbearble pain, she shouted "What's...whats..happening?" Muscle starting bulging from nowhere, pulsing, growing bigger, veins became visible all over her arms, she started laughing, the pain was leaving her body and was replaced by a feeling of Euphoria that she had never experienced before. After 10 minutes of this rollercoaster of emotion, she stood up, she felt lighter than air, like her feet weren't even touching the ground as she walked around gracefully. She spun around, her arms out like a ballet dancer, when she focused on her outstretched appendage. Her eyes were wide open in pure disbelief as she saw the muscle size, the definition, the veins going all over, she flexed for the first time and was amazed to find that her arms got 3 times bigger with just a light flex! Lucy finally realized that she did it, she had become the woman she had always dreamed! An Amazon, capable of holding her own in strength and muscle size with any man, a super woman, to be feared and respected. She could feel the power in her, but she wanted, no, she needed to test it, even with muscles the size of Mr. Olympia, she wouldn't be satisfied being merely strong for a human, she wanted super human strength to the extreme! She walked towards the lab door, which she locked when she first came in there, absentmindedly she grabbed the door handle, twisted and pulled, the door was ripped from the hinges with absolute ease, she threw it away like a frisbee, marvelling at her incidental show of strength, the door's hinges were pretty tough, thick metal, but she treated it like nothing but styrofoam. She walked down the hall, looking for the biggest man there, to test her strength against, she found him in the security guard, 6'4 275 pounds of muscle, capable of benching 600 pounds, but she was confident in her abilities to overpower him. She approached him with lust in her eyes and he was disarmed by the fact that she was so beautiful, yet so muscular, she stood right in front of him and in a flash she had him up over her head with one hand. His 275 pounds was hardly straining her, but she noticed something, she was feeling his weight less and less, she felt herself growing bigger and stronger muscles, she looked at the guard and saw that his muscles were disappearing, slowly, but surely, his muscles were becoming her muscles. This brought a wicked smile to her face as she understood what this meant, not only was she stronger than any man on the planet, she could make herself stronger by coming in contact with them. When he was completely drained of his muscle, weighing only 130 pounds at 6'4 she dropped him on the floor and took some time to admire her new size. She flexed her biceps and was giggling with joy at the sight, they peaked right near where her fist was, her pecs were now 5 inches deep, looking like two flesh covered toasters. She looked down in contempt at the security guard, she says in a superior voice "Men shouldn't be allowed to have muscle, they only use it for their own ends, now that I have the power, things will change around here." She walks out confidently and sets her sights on a van that she owned, she wondered how fast she was now, the van was 200 yards away, she started running and got there in less than 5 seconds, it seems she won't need her car, since she can move just as fast, if not faster than a car could ever move. She thinks about what she could do with her current car and it hits her, she has the chance to experiment with her strength again, she bends down and grips the side of the 4 ton vehicle, she raises her hands and with ease she lifts the side off the ground, she walks her hands inward, trying to find a balance point for the van. Once she found it, she took a grip on the undercarriage and started lifting, in less than a second the whole 8,000 pound van was off the ground and over her head, she isn't even straining, maybe absorbing that security guard multiplied her strength even more. She started twirling the van around like a baton, from hand to hand, on a finger, nothing was too hard for her, the van's weight was insignificant to her. She was moaning in pleasure as she experienced a strength induced orgasm, knowing that she was well stronger than 10 men put together and knew she could only get stronger. An idea came to her, the strongest man in the World, the Universe, Superman, lived across the country in Metropolis, if she could somehow gain his strength, she would become unstoppable! Her wicked mind formulated a plan on how to bring the World's strongest man to his knees... End of Part 1