Gym Master By Jeremy Wilson A short woman shows a gym its not smart to mess with her **Authors note: Throughout the years I have read many, many excellent stories, but the stories that have affected me most are the stories that have seen a short, though very muscular woman that overpower a big man, or a group of big men, out lift them and then maybe lift and carry them around like nothing. Since there is a story called Gym Conqueror, I cannot call this story by that title, so this is the next best thing I could think of. Obviously there are a great deal of those kinds of stories out there, and this is my homage to them, certainly this story type is not for everyone, so for those of you who don't like to see girls that are short, but incredibly strong and muscular, then just don't read, if this is a subject you do enjoy, I hope that my writing fulfills your fantasies. Thanks for your support.** Rosie McCallum was not what you would call an average stay at home mom, but then again, she is not what you would call an average woman either, you see, she is 38 years old but is only 4'10 tall, and weighs 140 pounds of muscle. She has been working out for most of her life, and before that worked on her parent's farm, so she became immensely strong and muscular from a really early time. She moved to the city when she was 22 and wanted to find something that would build her strength and muscles even beyond what they were before, so she got a membership at the local Gold's Gym. She met her former husband there, but when he found out how strong and muscular she wanted to become he fell out of love with her, and left her at home with their only child, a girl named Brittany. This only made her focus more on her goal, to be among the strongest people in the world, and to be the most muscular woman at her height that ever existed. She moved across town to not be reminded of the heartache of her divorce, and joined Iron's Gym, there she honed her body into a temple of muscle, which led several men to believe that she was on steroids. The men at the gym could hardly believe that one so small could be so big muscle wise and be as strong as she was, without a little chemical help, but the guys don't even know the half of it. But some guys tried to find that out one night at the gym and they got more than they ever bargained for. Rosie was coming in late at night the last couple of weeks and rented out one of the private sections of the gym, to work out by herself. 2 or 3 of the regulars at the gym were still there as well and wondered exactly why Rosie was given this privilege, why was she so special to not be able to work out in the main gym like everyone else? So the guys waited, and watched as Rosie came in, picked up the private room key from the night manager of the gym, and without much hesitation opened and relocked the door again. The guys went over to the night manager and the leader asked "Why does Rosie get to work out all by herself, she hasn't been working out here so long and isn't rich enough to afford it, so how come she's so special she gets her own workout room?" The manager said "Guys, Rosie has been coming here for 14 years now, me and her came to an understanding a while ago that if she feels threatened or annoyed by anybody else in the gym, she gets to use one of the gym's private rooms, I guess she likes to keep to herself." That made the guys even more angry, so she thought the guys in the gym were annoying, well, she is gonna get it. The leader, whose name is Brandon, spoke to his cohorts "Hey, Moose, Bill, get another key from this guy, I am going to give Rosie a most annoying surprise." Moose and Billy started punching and kicking the manager, knowing that they would probably be thrown out, but they didn't care, they wanted to see what Rosie was doing in her private room. They took the key off of him and threw it to Brandon, who opened the door to Rosie's private gym. Brandon entered quickly and closed the door silently, and turned around to witness something he never expected, Rosie, this 4'10 140 pound muscle girl was lifting a huge barbell with 5 100 pound plates on each side, a combined weight of 1050 pounds with the bar included. She was overhead pressing the half ton like it was almost nothing to her, and it was actually, since she was actually very much stronger than that, but I'll get to that later. Another thing that blew Brandon away was the fact that Rosie was naked while lifting the huge thing! He couldn't help but gasp as he saw her body, her traps were big, rising up on either side of her neck like miniature mountains, her shoulders were immense balls of muscle, much bigger than a cantaloupe, her arm's size was unreal, they were sticking out like tractor tires on a Cadillac, a big pencil thin, bluish-gray colored vein running across the top of it. Her back was incredibly wide, she was standing with her back to him, so he could see its full enormousness. The striations and ridges that were visible looked to be several times bigger than what should be normal for a woman her size, almost as big as any male bodybuilder that he knew in the gym. He noticed that even after 5 minutes of standing there, she hadn't noticed him, and was still doing reps with the half-ton of weight she held over her head. He was slowly backing out after seeing the extreme strength and size of Rosie, when suddenly her voice stopped him, "I hope you are enjoying the show, boy, don't go just yet, you haven't even seen me lift heavy." With that she set down the bar and turned to look him in the eye with a smirk on her lips, saying "Do you like what you see? You know now why I have to have a private workout room, my muscles need huge amounts of weight to grow and get even stronger, and the manager gave me the biggest, heaviest equipment he could afford to satisfy that need, now you know, are you going to keep your mouth shut, or am I going to have to shut it for you?" With that she flexed her muscles hard, crunching down into a mind blowing most muscular flex, showing off veins and striations that even the most ripped male bodybuilders could only dream of. The intensity of it was too much for Brandon, his eyes rolled back into his head as he shot the biggest load he ever had in his life. "Oh, so you're still with us, are you, you've been out for twenty minutes, I was almost worried about you, but I still haven't been given your answer, are you going to tell about me, or am I going to have silence you?" She said as she was 2 feet away from him, flexing her tremendous bicep right in front of his face. Brandon's head was lolling, like a beach ball on the ocean, but he managed to get out "Okay, I won't tell anyone about you, I will tell everyone you're just a regular fitness girl, but please, do something for me, ok?" Rosie considered this for a while and said "Okay, I will do something for you, because this secret is very important for me to keep, I am trusting you with the biggest secret of my life, so I guess I do owe you something in return for keeping it." Brandon nodded and said "The only thing I want from you is to watch you work out with heavy, heavy weights, I have been a fan of strong women since I dated a basketball player in high school, she was 6'1 and weighed 250 pounds of muscle, she was the strongest woman I had ever known, until I saw you press that half-ton barbell like it was a toothpick, I want to see how strong you really are!" He expected a negative response from this and cringed, ready for the worst, but after a couple of minutes he opened his eyes to see her smiling down at him, "Okay, I will let you watch me workout, my husband and I broke up seven years ago, and I have been searching for that special someone who would appreciate me for being what I am, a strong, independent woman, I think you could be that someone." Brandon looked up in wonder, he smiled as she reached down with her small hand and grabbed his much larger hand in hers, she pulled him up off the floor with ease, even though he weighed well over 250 pounds, she was truly strong beyond her size. They walked off together, talking the whole way. "My whole life has centered around sports, when I was 8 my parents enrolled me in a gymnasts academy that I left when I was 14, I had become disenchanted with the whole sport, there was no fun, just training, and competing, I didn't really like that kind of atmosphere. I joined the Cross Country and Track Teams in high school, I was a middle of the road runner, not very bad, but not the best on the team either. My coach suggest that I lift weights to gain strength and endurance for running, but after a couple weeks, I became addicted to the feel of it, and that's where I stand now, over 20 years of weightlifting, muscles the size of your average male heavyweight bodybuilder and strength well beyond any human on Earth, so what's your story?" Brandon thought and said "Well, I used to be a wimp, actually, my first two years of high school was full of me being bullied by the senior football players, until I made the decision to start bodybuilding and taking taekwando classes, it turns out my body was mesomorphic, so I gained a lot of muscle in a short period, I also became increasingly aggressive, figuring that if I was the bully, it would be the top link in the food chain, so I just became what I hated and never looked back, but seeing someone even stronger than me brought back some feelings for me, some feelings that seem almost natural, I almost liked being dominated by the female jocks, even they were stronger than me as a freshman, and my girlfriend was stronger than me as well, and all I can think of is how pleasurable those days were for me, once I broke up with her, I figured I would never find a girl that strong again, now I am glad that I found about your little secret." Rosie laughed "You know, Brandon, I had a feeling someone would find out about me eventually, I am glad that it was someone as nice and understanding as you, it really seems that we are the perfect match." Rosie asked him to get the small weights off the bench bar, and he thought to himself "One hundred pound weights are the biggest standard weight disks that I know of, if she thinks they are the smaller disks, she must really be incredibly strong!" He nodded, trying not to let on that he was amazed by the notion of 100s being called small. He grunted a little as he duck walked the 100's back to their rack, she was looking fresh as a daisy as she handled two of those weights in each hand! Then he gasped as he saw why she referred to the 100's as being small, she was handling weights that looked to be three times the size of the 100's, one in each hand. "These weigh 450 pounds a piece, I had them made especially for me, because the regular 100 pounders were not enough challenge anymore, but even these are beginning to become a little easy." Rosie said with a wink, Brandon let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in, shuddered in both awe and fear as he realized just how strong Rosie could be. She loaded 2 on each side of the bar, so it now totaled 1850 pounds, but she wasn't done yet, she put 1 one hundred pound plate on each side, so the total was over a ton, 2050 pounds to be exact. She asked him to spot her, which he did without hesitation, he looked down into her face and for the first time he realized how really beautiful she was, there were no words he knew of to describe it, in fact the word beautiful wasn't close at all, gorgeous wasn't even in the same category, the only way I can describe it, is wonderfully orgasmic. She smiled up at him, smirking in a way to tell him that she knew he thought she was attractive and she found him attractive too. She then lifted up the heavy barbell and brought it down to her chest, in a slow, controlled motion, then pushed it up the same way, but her smiling face showed that the weight wasn't even near her maximum. She proceeded to bench the ton plus for 15 reps, and put the bar back in its place. She winked at Brandon again as she said, "Well, that's good for a warm-up, lets put some real weight on there." She took the hundreds off of each side and came around with 2 more 450 pound plates, adding them to the already unbelievable 1800 pounds on the 50 pound bar, 2,750 pounds total now, but she didn't stop there, she put on 2 100 pound plates on each side, making it a combined 3,150. Brandon was sure there was no human being on Earth who could even lift that weight fully off the ground without help, but this short, though incredibly muscular woman was going to try. She told him that she would probably need a spotter here too, and he sighed in a mix of resignation and anticipation of what was about to happen. His body was tingling as she lifted the bar off the rests and slowly but steadily brought the bar down to her immense pecs, held it there for a second and then incredibly, brought it back to start position, she had done it! Over a ton and a half was lifted by a woman that was over a foot shorter and nearly 120 pounds lighter than he was, and it looked easy. Just when he thought it was her max, though, she brought it down to her chest just as before and pressed the 3150 pounds again, then a 3rd time, finally ending up with 6 presses with the immense poundage. "One more set, my good Brandon, then we'll decide what to do about you and how you snuck in here without my permission." she said with a hint of malice, but it was really jest. That made Brandon gulp almost audibly, first of all, she was going to try more weight, but after that, he might be in serious trouble from his dream woman. She put 2 more 100 pound weights on each side of the bar, plus one 25 pound weight on each side, looking ridiculously small next to the much bigger and heavier weights, to make the total 3600 pounds, more than a ton and three quarters. "Okay, I am really, really going to need a spot for this one, Brandon, this was my one rep max last week." He nodded quickly, nervously, he knew that if she had problems with it, there was no way he would be able to lift it off of her. He got behind the bench apparatus and waited for her, she lifted the bar off the rests and slowly, though a little shakily, brought it down to her pecs, which were unbelievably striated, sticking out 2 inches at least, with no apparent breast tissue at all. She held the bar to her chest longer than usual, as though it was too much for her. He reached down, thinking it was too heavy for her, but she shouted "no! give me a little time to power my pecs!" She was actually growling, like some savage beast, then she took several deep breaths and powered the bar off her chest, inch by inch it rose, agonizingly slow, but after seeming hours, it finally reached the top and she put it back in its rests. "Yes! You did it Rosie, you are so strong, I can't believe it, that had to be the biggest weight ever lifted by anyone!" Brandon exclaimed, without even thinking about it. But Rosie wasn't as enthused, she hadn't told him this, but she was used to growing stronger every week, but she struggled with this weight as much as she had the first time she had benched it. It made her think, maybe she reached her zenith and it depressed her a little, but she didn't let it show as she smiled and got up and hugged the overly enthusiastic Brandon, lifting his body off the ground and twirled him around a couple times. She then realized that she should be happy, she found a guy that was completely interested in her strength and her muscles, and the fact that she was superstrong didn't turn him off at all, in fact it made him even more attracted to her, she smiled even wider. She carried Brandon all around the private room, with one hand under his butt, as though his 265 pounds were nothing to her, and laughed as she really thought how lucky she was to be there that night, how lucky she was to find a man like Brandon. It occurred to her that this could be the happiest she had ever been, and that made her smile even wider. To make a long story short, Brandon proposed to her 3 months later, they got married 11 months after that, and they lived a long and happy life together.