Dream or Reality? By Jeremy Wilson shaneomacfan3@yahoo.com I find myself in a perfect situation, but is it too good to be true? *Now doing commissions! Yes, have you ever wanted to have your fantasies written down but never found the time or had the artistic talent to make it come alive on paper. If you have ideas that you would like to see transformed into a story by yours truly, email them to shaneomacfan3@yahoo.com with the subject heading Commission request in it and then we can negotiate a reasonable price for your personalized story written by yours truly. * Two weeks ago "Kids don't go to far, I need to get the keys to the car yet." I heard a sweet, lilting voice call from next door. It came from the new neighbor, a single mother by the name of Joyce Millen, who had 2 boys named Jake and Teddy. She was certainly very small, I mean she and her 9 year old boy Teddy stood eye to eye, so I had to guess her height at 4'8 at the most. She was beautiful, curly blond hair going down to her shoulders. Her lips were thick, bright ruby red, and her smile could light up the neighborhood on a dark night. And her breasts were just spectacular, no they weren't huge by any means, but what they did do was complement her thin frame by sticking out with a perky flair, causing the sleeveless sweater vest she was wearing to bulge very nicely out front. They reminded me very much of the spectacular boobs on the red-headed secretary played by Christina Hendricks on the TV show Mad Men. Actually a more accurate description, based on her height, hair and overall body, I would think that she looks a lot like a younger, 35 year old Dolly Parton. My attention were drawn to the kids, Jake and Teddy were playing catch, but they weren't using what you would think was a standard ball, no, they were tossing around what appeared to be a very big stone, about the size of a bowling ball, but probably weighed even more. They were lobbing it back and forth like it couldn't have weighed more than a volleyball though. I waved at them tried to get them to pass it to me so I could test that theory. Teddy threw the stone ball with one hand and I tried to catch it, but it was much too heavy and hard, it hit my stomach and barreled me over. Man, I couldn't believe it, I could barely lift the round stone off the ground, I severely underestimated its weight, it must have been at least 40 pounds. I rolled it off of my body to see Teddy and Jake run over with concerned looks on their faces. Jake held his hand out to help me up, I grasped it, and without any hesitation or a moments notice, my body rose off the ground as he pulled with seeming little force or thought from him. Did I mention that I happen to weigh just over 300 pounds? Well, that weight seemed to be in consequential to the average looking 11 year old that stood before me. "My, you are sure strong for a couple of kids, aren't you?" "For kids, huh? Should we show him, Teddy?" "Yeah, let's do it Jake." With that, Jake pulled me into his body with that one hand and proceeded to overhead press my 300 pounds with seeming ease, I couldn't believe it, this kid, who looked to weigh less than 100 pounds at 5'1 was pressing me above his head like nothing. Then he set me down, but I was soon off the ground again when his little brother, all 4'8 and 80 pounds of him, put his head between my legs and lifted me up on his shoulders, he started carrying me around like I was a stuffed animal to him. He too set me down, but looked like he had energy left to spare. "Still don't believe that kid's can be stronger than grown men, check this out." Jake nodded over to their mother's SUV that they had and Teddy smiled and nodded back. "Ready Teddy, on three, 1, 2, 3!" With that I witnessed an incredible feat, these two pre-teen boys lifted the wheels of the SUV off the ground and held it there for a couple seconds. The strength needed to do that had to be superhuman, but it showed on their faces that they were using almost all their power to do it, the strain was quite evident. Just then a loud yell came from the front door of their house. "Boys you put that truck down, now! I've told you time and again not to use your strength in public, especially with someone we know can't handle the truth. I'm terribly sorry Mr. Wilson, I hope my boys haven't hurt you in any way, sometimes they just don't know their own strength." "It's completely okay, Ms. Millen, Jake and Teddy didn't hurt me in the least, they just surprised me, I didn't think it was possible for boys this young to be this strong!" "Well, let's just say that where we're from, it runs in the family, everyone in my family has been as strong as Jake and Teddy and even stronger, has been since the late 18th century. I guess it has something to do with the genetics of my 7th great grandfather Silas Millen." "Wait! I heard of that name before, but I always thought he was a myth, a 90 year old man that could arm-wrestle 3 fully grown, rough and tough sailors at the same time while drinking a bottle of Whiskey with the other hand does sound like a fantastical tale." "Well, I'm here to tell you, they're all true, Silas Millen lived to be 145 years old, but of course this was before ages were recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records, he was strong till the day he died." "If he was so strong, exactly how did he die, if you don't mind me asking?" "Silas was trampled by a pack of rogue elephants while working for the circus as the strong man, he tried to hold them back, but there were just too many coming at him, he lived a couple days after that, even though most of his bones were broken and his lungs were punctured, the doctors gave him 6 hours right after the accident, he didn't expire until 3 days later." "My God, could he have overpowered one of those elephants?" "Oh yes, he could have overpowered 2 at the same time, but 5 elephants was just too much for him. Silas was around until about 1923, so I got to see him for a little while before he died." "Whoa, whoa, whoa, if you were alive back then, you'd have to be at least..." "Last year I celebrated my 87th birthday." "No, that's impossible, you don't look any older than 30 to me, and your figure is just fabulous." "Thank you dear, but yes, I was born in 1921, it seems that with our genes, we age 1/4 as fast as normal human beings, and of course our strength makes us resistant to any disease that can be found in the World today. My own mother is still alive at 104 and her mother is also alive at 123, but because they don't look near as old as they are, no one from the Guinness book has been by to pay them a visit because of it. But that's okay with us, we don't want our abnormal health to be broadcast around the World, in fact, showing you was a mistake in its own right." "Ummm, don't worry about that, I can keep a secret, and to tell you the truth, the fact that you're so strong is awesome to me, I was hoping that maybe you can show me more of your strength. I have always been a devotee of women weightlifters and bodybuilder, and that led to my fascination with strength. Have you heard of the website, Diana the Valkyrie?" "Well, no, I am sorry, I really haven't, what is it?" "Wow, most of the women I come across have heard of it, at least, anyway, its a great site containing hundreds and hundreds of stories revolving around muscular, powerful women, pictures and videos of the same, its been around for a long time, I first found it in 1996 and it has been a constant source of entertainment in my life. I began writing stories for it in 2002, and now I have over 50 stories there, under my real name. All my fantasies dealing with the female gender can be found and read there." "So you would be interested in a woman without any muscles, but could still be 10x stronger than you?" "All I'm saying is from what I've seen and heard, you could be the most perfect example of my dream woman, see, you are a beautiful and sexy lady, and that means a lot to me, but combine your obvious beauty with the fact that you're stronger than any man, and could probably lift me like I weigh nothing to you, despite the fact I weigh 210 pounds more than you do. I just would like to know, are you doing anything tonight?" "Jeremy, I am now. Kids! Will you put down Mr. Wilson's car, he didn't give you permission to do that. Sorry again, Jeremy, what time should I pick you up?" "Pick me up, but we live right next to each other....Oh, I gotcha, 8:30 is good with me, Joyce, I can't wait for tonight." Joyce pulled her two boys along by their collars and lifted them into the SUV, pulling away to go to the grocery story, but she was looking at me the whole way, smiling so brightly that it almost blinded me. I smiled back, waving like a fool. Later that night... There was a knocking on my door, I smoothed my hair as I looked into the mirror, smiling, making sure my teeth were as white as I could get them. I opened the door to find the most beautiful, radiant, gorgeous woman I had ever seen up close in my life. Her smile outshined mine by a factor of a thousand. She was wearing a sleeveless red top, with a flowery white skirt, and white tennis shoes, I guess I wasn't expecting her to really dress up, but she still looked great in whatever she wore. "Joyce, you look wonderful, I can't believe I'm going out with you, there's gotta be guys 10 times better looking than me in this city." "Jeremy, you're so sweet, and that's one of the reasons I've decided to take you out, sure there may be better looking guys, though not that many, I think you're pretty handsome, so don't sell yourself short. Anyway, those guys who are better looking are usually total jerks who only want me as arm candy while they scope out other chicks. You wanted to be with me, and I want to be with you too." I hold out my arm to her and ask, "Well, shall we go, my lady?" "It would my pleasure, my gentleman, so where do you want to go?" "Well, I thought we could walk to the park and sit and chat for a while, maybe watch the stars, then whatever you'd like to do, my dear." "That sounds downright romantic, I'd love to." So we walked the 2 miles holding hands, making small talk, when we came to the park, I put my jacket down for her to sit on, she smiled shyly and sat down. I sat down next to her looked her full in the eyes and asked her about herself. "Well, as you probably know, the Millen family has lived in Sturgeon Bay for generation after generation, I decided to move to Two Rivers for a little change of scenery. I grew up on the farm my family owned, and like all the other family members, I worked hard, which increased my strength dramatically. While all members of my family were predisposed to be strong already, there was something special in me that multiplied my strength incredibly. By the time I was 9 years old, I was having wrestling matches with my 15 and 17 year old brothers, and I left them in the dust, at 10 I could take on both of them at the same time and pin one while I made the other submit." "Wow, that's incredible, how big were they, and how big were you at the time?" "Well, they were both real big, at 16 the younger brother was 6'2 and 225 at least, and the bigger one was 6'3 255, it was really humiliating to them because I was only 4'5 and weighed only 85 pounds. They were lucky only family members saw these matches, or there'd be people coming from miles around to see this little farmgirl throwing around two fully grown farm boys like stuffed animals. It wasn't long after my 11th birthday that I lifted my first car." "Wow, all by yourself? Jake and Teddy are both bigger than you and it took all the power in their body to hold your truck off the ground for a few seconds!" "I know, and I'm sort of glad, if I was weaker than those two, not only would I be in for a lot of trouble, but the whole city would be, those two would be running wild, destroying things with their strength. Luckily I taught them to respect their mother's strength, though I have to keep reminding them once and a while." "What do you do to keep them in line? How do you know they're not tearing your house up as we speak?" "Well, I try not to be violent towards them, but I do put it in their minds what I could do if I was ticked off by them. One time I challenged both of them to arm-wrestle me, I told them both their arms against my one arm, I knew they didn't have a chance, but to prove my point to them, I took all of my fingers out of their hands except my pinky, and I still slammed them down to the table with just that one pinky. They were immediately humbled, knowing their combined strength was useless against even my weakest body part. I would give them little shows here and there if I felt they were becoming a little too unruly for their own good. I put a steel slab of metal out before them, and asked them if they could bend it, or break it for me. It weighed 50 pounds and was solid through out." "My goodness, what happened?" I asked totally enthralled with her tales of her incredible strength. "They tried their hardest, but they couldn't even put a little dent into that block, I smirked as I took it from them, I asked them, 'What's the matter, is this block too tough for you?' I held it in my hands and without even a grunt or sign of effort, I broke it in two before their eyes. I put down one half while the other half I started rolling in my hands like it was nothing more than clay to me, I pounded it flat and started tossing it in the air like it was pizza dough. I tore this piece in half again, then rolled both halves into a ball, again, I kept pressing the ball until it was down to the size of a pea. I gave it back to them and told them to try and get it down even further. Together they couldn't do a thing. I smirked again as I took it back from them, I put it in between my finger and thumb and squished it out of existence." "Holy crap! I mean I thought you were strong, but that level of strength is beyond even my imagination. What are you, someone from Paul Smith's universe?" "Oh, that reminds me, I did check out a couple of your stories, Jeremy, I am pretty impressed by your stuff, which brings me to what I did to that other half of the block of steel." "Oh god, if you say what I think you're going to, I'm going to need to change my underpants." "Well, and remember this was before I even read Muscle Impossible: TNG part 2, I took that block of steel, I looked my two boys straight in their eyes, and I took a bite out of it. Yup, I actually chewed and swallowed steel, just like you had Shelly do in your last story. Actually it goes down pretty easy, but I guess that's because my jaws, teeth and saliva are so strong that they made steel seem like licorice to me." "Jeez, I'm totally mesmerized, but I just don't know if I'm ready to believe you, yet, Joyce, I want to with all my heart, I want to believe this is real, that you aren't some kind of dream or hallucination. But I don't know what I could do to confirm whether this is real or not." "Jeremy, this is real, I'm here, with you, this is Two Rivers, Wisconsin, United States, Planet Earth. I'm real, you don't need to pinch yourself, but if you want, I'll pinch you." "Oh god, if you do and I wake up, it will end the best dream sequence I could ever remember having." She pinched me and ..... and ...... Hah, just kidding. "Ouch! I'm still here, I'm not dreaming, oh Joyce, you are my perfect woman, you came here to me, it must have been for a reason, I just don't know what that reason would be." "Maybe its because the fates would have us meet and fall in love, because I do love you, Jeremy, you say I'm the perfect woman for you, I think you may be the perfect man for me, as well. You're so sweet, so loving, you love me for me, not because you know I'm so much stronger than you, although that may be a part of it, but when I look into your eyes, I don't see lust for my strength, I see love." "I do love you Joyce, you're the exact woman for me, I don't know if you believe in God or not, but it's like a miracle that brought you here, it's like an unspoken prayer was answered. But, now that we've talked, I would like to know what you'd like to do now." "Oh Jeremy, I'd like to do whatever you want to do, but there's one thing that I want to do, and that's make this promise, for the rest of tonight, whenever we're together, your feet are not touching the ground, at all. I'm carrying you wherever we go, and I don't want to hear a complaint out of you." "You won't hear one either, I've wanted to see you demonstrate your power for me since I heard you were strong, this would be a wish come true to be in your arms for the rest of our lives together, to tell you the truth." "Well, as your genie, I grant your wish." She got off the bench, and picked me up in a cradle carry, "where to first, master." "Oooo, master, I think I'm going to like this!" She started tossing me around a little, playfully of course, with a fake stern look on her face. I laughed, "Okay, okay, well, how about we go to the beach, would love to lay on the beach and get to know you better under the moon." "Your wish is my command." With that she started running at speeds so fast that everything was nearly a blur to me, and I'm sure that if anyone was watching, they were sure they saw something, but couldn't make out a tiny woman carrying a huge man with so much ease. We got to the beach, 5 miles away, in about 45 seconds. It was thankfully empty, Joyce smiled at my face and said, "Pick out a spot, lover." I pointed at a perfect spot about 400 feet away and she hopped off the ground like a rabbit, went 40 feet up and landed in the exact spot I pointed out. "God, I love it when you show off. Now, please set me down on the ground, Joyce, I want you to lay on me, I want to hold your body close to mine as we lay here. I want to be your protector for a little while." "Oh, how sweet, I know you know that I can take care of myself, but I would love to be held to your chest like I'm the weak little girl and you're my great big teddy bear." "My, your body is hard, it certainly doesn't look it, but it feels a lot heavier than I originally thought." "Oh honey, that's okay, why don't you lay on me for a while?" "But I'm so big, I'll block out the view." "Darling, you're the only thing I want to look at right now." So she laid on the sand, and I gingerly got on top of her much smaller body, the smile never left her incredibly beautiful face, I was still wondering what did this woman ever see in me, I was a fat guy with a decently handsome face, but I was no where near this woman's class. She took the back of my head with her hand and brought my face to hers, we kissed passionately for what seemed like forever. My eyes were wide as we finally pulled apart. "Wow!" "Yeah, I never figured you'd be such a good kisser." "Well, I just followed your lead, you are incredible, Joyce, I still can't believe that you'd want me, you're everything that I want, how could I possibly be what you want?" "That's just it, Jeremy, that's why I want you, because you're such a good man, you don't believe you deserve me, but I'm going to spend all the days that we're together trying to convince myself that I deserve you. And I'm going to try to convince you that you deserve me." "Oh god, Joyce, I love you so much." "And I you, my sweet, I love you more than any man, even the boy's father." "Whatever happened to your husband?" "Well, I don't like talking about it, he died in a car accident about 2 years ago, I may have been part of the reason for it, we had a fight where I used a little bit too much of my power, he stormed out, he was so much in a rage that he failed to see a drunk driver skid out in front of him, he hit head on and it was all over." "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't know." "It's okay dear. That's one of the reasons I'm so happy I met you, you're a man who can accept me for me. Do you think we're moving too fast?" "Joyce, I'm so happy I met you too. I know we were put together for a reason, maybe I'm what you need after your husband died, someone to love you, someone to care for your kids, someone to care for you. I have been stumbling around before I met you, one night stands, bad relationships, nothing has ever clicked, until I looked right in your eyes, after that, there couldn't possibly be another." "Yes, that's exactly how I feel when I look in your eyes. There isn't another man I'd rather have right here, right now, other than you." She smiled and leaned in for another series of unreal kisses, this woman knew exactly how to push my buttons, I smiled wider than I had ever before, looking into her eyes. She clutched me in her arms, and with amazing grace, she did a kip up with me in her arms. I was amazed, then I just shook my head, smiled and kissed her again. This was only the beginning, I knew, of so many great feats of strength that she would perform for me in the future. What a great life huh? Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep I woke up, looked over at my alarm clock, I was in my same old single bed, I was alone, there was no evidence that another person was there. "Oh damn it!" A high lilting voice came from the bathroom. "What was that, dear?" I silently pumped my fist to myself as I shouted, "YES!" I sank back into sleep with a smile on my face. The end.