Jennifer, Natalie and Talia, Part IV By David E Meanwhile, on the other side of the crushed and twisted Jeep, the rookie cop points his 9mm autopistol at Talia and in an frightened squeeky voice screams: "Get back, get back or Ill shoot succubus!" Talia leans forward to rest her big firm breasts on the ledge of the truck door, crushing it down a few inches without even realising it. The frightened rookie fires his pistol and the bullet bounces off one of Talia's superhuman breasts and up through the truck's roof. "Oh Come on! Don't you know those litte things can't hurt GIRLS! Don't be silly. Here, I'll let you out," reassures Talia, as she casually peels the door off and takes a step back to show the cop that she means no harm. After a while the two are talking like two old chums. Talia explains that she's a superhuman alien girl and, since she is a lesbian with a particular fetish for athletic tussling, is mostly disinterested in Earthlings anyway. Talia also shares her love for cars, guns, computers and almost anything mechanical with the strangly shy and sensitive law enforcement official. Seeing what a good listener he is, Talia tells the young man: "You're too nice to be a cop." The rookie explains how he wants to be a profiler, and a negotiator for the the big city police department so he can put his sensitivity to good use. Talia thinks this is cool. Meanwhile, Natalie is getting bored watching the exchange and interjects: "Hey Tali, you goin soft on us? If you don't want to play with him I think I can find a use for his skinny little ass," says Nat pinching her nipples and licking her lips. "If you so much as look at my friend Brian here, I'll kick your sick gothic ass back to fuckin' Tara you murdering bitch," says Talia dryly, dramatically clenching her fists. Natalie turns red and fights back the tears but they come anyway. How could that motorhead DYKE Talia, or anyone else, ever understand? Natalie never asked anyone for this life, and she tries so so hard not to complain and to play the hand she's been dealt, but poor little Natalie never gets the ace. Officer Brian gently pries, looking for the truth: "What do you mean 'murderer'?" "Tell him Nasty Nat, you always liked to be on stage," says Talia. For the first time in her life, Natalie gets to explain her case. She tells of the attack on her by five grown men as a child (Taren men are just as aggressive as Earthmen but the fact that they are significantly weaker than their female counterparts on Tara causes them to hardly ever attack women, although they do fight among themselves occasionally). The attack on six year old Natalie by five cowardly male supemisists was one in a million. It took five full grown Taren men to hold little Natalie down, but her will was indominable she fought back with all her stamina and strength; eventually battering four of the men to crushed corpses, and leaving the fifth a cripple for life. Men being the weaker sex, the survivors testimony was given greater credence by the court (sort of like chivallry). Natalie was in and out of institutions and prison by the time she was eighteen. Natalie explained that her whole life had been a downward spiral and how since than she'd been living in denial pretending that she dreamed of being dominated by men. Natalie just wanted to be free from her past, free from resonsibility for the arrogance and stupidity of others. She had become an outwardly submissive passive aggressive living her life begging people to put her in her place. However, the weak fragile Earthlings made Natalie feel like an indomitable GODDESS, which liberated the confidence inside her that she'd never known, the kind of self justifing confidance most normal living things take for granted. For the first time in her life she felt like she could do whatever she wanted to; nobody gets in Nat's way. She was so sorry, so very sorry. Meenwhile Jen was enjoying to the fullest the oral attentions of her helpless captive. She found that by concentrating super hard she could feel the gentle licks, bites and struggles of her unwilling lover. Wanting to feel stronger sensations, Jennifer backs off and lets the old cop pull his .357 magnum revolver out. But, as he raises the gun to point it at her huge, captivating breasts, Jen traps the barrel between two fingers and guides it towards her crotch. "Don't worry about these dearie, they'd be too much for you; anyways I got them covered," says Jen, hautally rolling one of her nipples between her fingers. "DIE HELL CUNT!" screams the crusty old policeman who never had a woman on top of him in his life (and believed GOD thought it was wrong). He pulls the trigger sending the magnum powered bullet straight into Jennifer's clit. Jen coos and moans as he fires again, this time a little lower. The bullet stops between her labias, not quite having the force to part them. "NNNNNNNNNNNhh!" groans Jennifer, parting her nether lips and pushing the gun barrel inside herself. The barrel starts to deform and smear like butter against Jennifer's inhuman labia. Jennifer pants and moans, excited by the indomitable powers she has and the tension of controlling them to avoid crushing her capricious captive to mush. The man fires the gun again and the bullet ever so gently flicks against Jen's most sensitive spot, sending her into wild orgasms made all the wilder by the tantric tension of trying to control them. As he fires yet again, Jen tears the gun out of the man's hands, accidentaly breaking some of his fingers and badly spraining his wrists. Then, Jennifer tries to shove the whole gun up into herself but the weak toolsteel just crumples and smears like a chocolate bar in her hands. Jen's powerful labia squeeses the gun's barrel to molten metal paste. Throwing the completely destroyed remains of the revolver aside so as not to burn her captive, she finishes with her own fingers, her hot love juices landing on the man anyway, making him scream and cry. The pain from his broken hands and the LOVE BURNS so intense that he passes out (better than catching fire though). Jennifer having changed a man's RELIGION, Natalie having bared her SOUL, and Talia having made a FRIEND, the three indomitable superwomen stride stronger than ever toward the town. To be continued... David is keen to get feedback about what you guys think of his stories, but wishes to keep his identity secret for the time being. So if you've got anything you want to say to him then email me at and I'll pass the message on to him. Thanks.