Jennifer, Natalie and Talia, Part III By David E Jennifer, Natalie and Talia are walking along the desert laughing, joking and teasing each other when Jen notices a Jeep Cherokee police truck hidden about 1/2 mile down the road in a clearing in the brush behind a large roadside signboard. "Look girls! It's the cops! Ooh I'm soo scared! What shoud we do?" says Jennifer with a mock look of worry on her face. "Damn PIGS!" says Talia, "It's just like the speedtraps back on Tara, that damn bitch sheriff clocked my Hyena at 230 sectors per unit, and I couldn't have been doing more than 200. I really miss that car," says Talia wistfully as she is reminded of her warp drive Taren musclecar, which looked like a sort of fission powered Camaro or Mustang. "Poor Talia," says Natalie mockingly, "at least we know MOTORHEAD here gets emotional about S O M E T H I N G." "Lets put on a BAD GIRL show for them and then make them kiss our asses," says Talia. "I gotta piss," says Nat. "Save it for our little piggies," says Jen. As they reach the clearing and become visable to the two policemen, the girls begin to play and frolic loudly. Talia kisses Natalie on the mouth and squeezes her ass. Then, Jennifer runs by and starts tickling the other two girls under their arms and on the sides of their bellies, causing them to giggle girlishly. Then, all three start to fondle and kiss each other. Natalie starts to kiss and nibble Jennifer's huge, firm breasts making her nipples grow two (maybe three) inches in length. Talia squats down and begins to finger and tongue Natalie's hot quim, causing her to turn red and almost piss her undies. Seeing that the two cops are mesmerized by the vision of three incredible goddesses (like one of their porno dreams cum true no doubt), the three strike. Jennifer runs to the driver's door, Talia to the passenger's, and Natalie walks slowly and seductively towards the front of the 'manely' 4x4. "It says 'to serve and protect' on the door fellas, and since it's you who need to be protected from us, how about we get you little boys to serve us, huh?!" says Jennifer to the bigger, older cop behind the wheel, while she blatantly rubs her crotch through her bikini pants and caresses her large, impossibly boyant breasts. Suddenly it occurs to the driver that these girls are very powerfully built, they are incredibly sexy (both cops have slack-straining erections), but could be very dangerous. His policeman's intuition tells him that these three may even have somthing to do with the pickup truck explosion that claimed the life of a known rapist. The driver starts the vehicle's engine. As he turns to put the truck in gear, Talia rolls her eyes suductively and says: "Where do you think you guys are going? What's the matter, afraid of a few bad ass girls?" Natalie puts her foot onto the heavy steel front bumper and pushes down until the truck's front suspension is fully compressed and the front frame grinds against the ground. The feeling of the large truck's strong springs surrendering to her dainty toes makes Nat's dark eyes glaze over with a lustfull look. Suddenly, the driver slams the torqy 6 cylinder truck into drive and floors the gas. The trucks frame begins to groan as all 4 wheels spin uselessly on the dry sandy roadside. Natalie hardly even feels any strain at all. Talia puts her bare foot against one rear wheel, making the hard aluminum spokes snap ticklingly against the ball of her foot. Than, Talia points her toes and her diamond hard toenails immediately slice through the 100 mph wheel spokes like the bit on a metal cutting lathe. Her toenails quickly sever the rim and tire from their hub, causing them to forcefully bang up into the wheel before impotently falling to the ground. Talia then presses the sole of her foot firmly against the still spining wheel hub, delighting in the delicate friction of the lugnuts on her bare sole, accidentally pushing a little too hard, causing her to not only overpower the 200 horsepower engine (stalling it with a clunk) but also to rip the entire rear axle from its suspension, rendering the truck completely helpless. Then, Jennifer and Talia turn away from the truck and begin pressing their backs against the sides of the vehicle. First, they lean back delighting in how the cool metal crumples so easily, their ass cheeks crushing the door panels in so that the middle doorposts of the truck are pushing against and up both Jen and Tali's butt cracks. Then, they push back towards each other, easily crushing the truck's strong steel unibody between their superhuman buns as if it was no stronger than a shoe box. Crushing the trucks middle to maybe 1/2 its former width terifies the two cops and seals them inside the crunched up cabin so that the girls can play with them later. While Jen and Tali remain where they are to prevent their pray from escaping out the windows, Natalie starts her act. She leaps onto the hood, her sleek muscular body landing with a crunching thud as her pretty bare feet sink into the hood like a soft mattress leaving her delicate footprints in the strong steel. She walks up to the strangely still intact windshield and looks down at the men hautily. Then, she runs her toenails teasingly over the windshield, scratching deeply into the safety glass. She delights in the terror in the men's eyes, rubbing her nipples and smirking. Next, she squats down and holds her labia open. Her dark eyes roll erotically as she begins to piss. Natalie's piss is so dense that it hits the hood with a denting thud before its nearly 5000 degree temperature neatly melts a foot diameter hole through the bonnet, completely dissolving the engine and leaving a 6 foot deep crator in the ground beneath. The hot steam from Nat's piss shatters the safety windscreen, the powerful stink making the mortified policemen's eyes water. "EAT ME!" screams Natalie. "Hey little piggies, see what a BAD ASS girl can do when she's pissed!" Natalie says in a demeaning tone. The young rookie in the pasenger's seat just looks on wide-eyed like a pray ready to be eaten. The driver, however, pulls the riot gun out and takes aim at Natalie. Jen just stands there with an expectant look and lets him. The cop fires at Natalie's squatting form, the shotgun's powerful blast peppering Nat's inner thighs and crotch. "OOOOOOOOh! I like that," says Nat reaching for the barrel of the gun. The man fires again, this time the teasing blast sends its hundreds of tiny tickles over Natalies hard breasts, the shot bouncing off in all directions. "Enough fun for you Nat! You had your turn, remember? This one's mine!" says Jennifer, peeling the crumpled drivers door off like gift wrapping and dropping the shotgun wielding man to the ground. Jen stands over him with her legs apart, running her fingers teasingly over her wet glistening labia. "Hey punny cop! You got any bang-bang for Jenny?" He answeres by pulling the trigger, the hot, powerful blast of steel bb's teasing Jennifer's quim and ass with its imputent little puff. Jennifer grabs the barrel and guides it into herself, her inhumanly strong labia crushing into the barrel like it was warm margerine. The terrified cop pulls the trigger again and the gentile little flicks inside of Jen cause her to shiver, her clit growing to twice its length and tearing down into the soft tool-steel of the shotgun barrel. Jennifer grabs the shotgun and crumples it up like a peice of tinfoil in her hands. Then, she squats down over her helpless little piggy, Jen's cunt dripping lovejuices so hot that they make the the policeman cry out as if scolded by boiling hot coffee. To be continued... David is keen to get feedback about what you guys think of his stories, but wishes to keep his identity secret for the time being. So if you've got anything you want to say to him then email me at and I'll pass the message on to him. Thanks.