Jennifer, Natalie and Talia, Part II By David E As Jennifer and Talia continue walking, the tall readhead Jen (who looks somewhat like April Hunter) and the shorter stouter Talia (who looks like a much more muscular Monica Brant) stop to examine some boulders that are strewn through the brush along the roadside. Talia squats down to pick up a granite boulder which is roughly 6 foot across. Since it weighs over 5 tonnes, the weight causes her to loose her balance. However, she finds that if she concentrates on tensing all her muscles at once she can defy gravity and lift a weight more than her own without loosing her balance. In fact, Talia realises that it seems to be some kind of flying power like the heroines in comic books. However, further thought fails to provide a plausable mechanism for this effect. The boulder rises easily - no heavier to her than an empty shopping sack. She playfully throws the 10,000 pound rock at the unnattentive Jennifer, who is over 100 feet away. "Hey Jen! Think fast!" shouts Talia just before impact. With inhuman speed, Jennifer reaches up and grabs the huge boulder, her superhuman hands crushing into the rock for better purchase. However, the boulder still hits the ground as Jen cannot balance it very well. Jen stiffly holds onto the boulder as its superior weight carries both into the ground. Talia can't stop laughing, so it's about a minute before she shares the balancing secret with her. Then, Jennifer picks up an even larger bolder (maybe 20 tonnes), the hard granite crumbling to dust as Jen holds it hard enough to support its full weight. She uses just the fingertips of one hand, holding it aloft like it was some kind of giant basketball. However, when she tries to twirl it on the end of her forefinger, her harder than diamond fingernail easily drills into the tough granite. Next, Talia and Jennifer start to play dodge ball with each other, using the huge boulders. The hardness and strength of the giant rocks leaves crators where they land in the dry packed desert soil. One of the boulders shatters to dust when Talia throws it with agressive athletisism at Jennifer's chest, the hardest stone on Earth being no match at all for Jen's huge muscle goddess breasts with their diamond hard nipples. Sporting like this causes the two women begin to lust after each other's gorgeous powerful feminine bodies, and they begin to touch each other. "Ohhh, Tal! Do you remember high school 'n like the way us girls had to use a different gym to the boys so, like, y'know we wouldn't, like HURT THEM!" says Jen, her green eyes glassing over with thoughts of lust. "Yeah Jen! You don't have to sell me on the lez thing. Like, everybody knows that you just have to put up with boys for, like, breeding and stuff. They're so, like, pushy and weak and they are like always trying to initiate sex and they are just SO WEEK! They can hardly survive, let alone give a girl pleasure," retorts Talia. Begining to kiss and nuzzle, Talia says: "Eeeew! You like got all that rock powder all over you, girlfriend!" Jennifer blows the rock dust off Talia with one breath. All the dust on her body is blown off and miles away. Also, brush, signboards and some of the smaller boulders are blown by the powerful gale that, to Jennifer, is no more than it would take to blow out a solitary birthday candle. "Do me now Tal!" begs Jennifer. Her excitement is increased as she watches Talia's mere breath tearing up the landscape. Jennifer touches herself though her bikini uniform, which now drenched with the powerful sweat of her exertions and the sweet musk of her excitement. "I wonder how Nat's doing? I mean, like, that looser in the truck looked like he thought he could take advantage of her, but like I figure if everything is as weak as these rocks and the guardrails and stuff, Nat probably tore the asshole apart before he could even satisfy her. Poor Nat and her stupid fantasies about being overpowered by a male. IT JUST CAN'T HAPPEN NAT, IT'S NOT NATURAL!" says Talia blithely. Jennifer laughs at the incredulity of a male dominated technocracy, thinking how its got to be even more fucked up then their home world; at least women can think straight three quarters of the time. Men's weak little heads are fucked up ALL the time! She tells Talia an old Taren joke about a Male mouse that trys to initiate sex with a female polarbear who first says no then instantly crushes the male to death in her powerful vulva, having to finish her orgasm with her own paw. Both women laugh wholeheartedly at the "female supremisist" joke, as they begin to get horny just thinking about how weak the haughty, arrogant men of Earth are and how much fun it will be to put them in their place. Just as the pair start petting heavily again, Natalie walks up. "What's up girls? Havin' fun?" "We were, like, T R Y I N G, NAT!" "Oh carry on then. You know it really doesn't bother me. Maybe I can, like, y'know, join in sometime?" says Natalie, flashing a playfully sexy smile and rolling her big dark eyes seductively. "Nevermind NAT; the moment is like, sooo gone." Natalie cynically apologises and all three girls get up to resume their Westward walk. As they begin to share their experiences, Natalie tries the balancing trick with an abondoned car which she found a little back from the road. Nat, Jen and Talia take turns rearing the old iron behemouth to pieces with their bare hands, easily wrending the still mostly unrusted 1/8-inch thick 1940's steel apart like wet newspaper. Natalie tells of her experience with the letcher. Jennifer and Talia giggle as they think about the joke they mentioned earlier. "So, had to finish with your own hands did you, Nat? He's lucky you farted before you got REALLY pissed off!" says Jen, ribbing Natalie. To be continued... David is keen to get feedback about what you guys think of his stories, but wishes to keep his identity secret for the time being. So if you've got anything you want to say to him then email me at and I'll pass the message on to him. Thanks.