Jennifer, Natalie and Talia By David E Jennifer, Natalie and Talia are Bad Ass reform school girls from a plannet in a far off galaxy, called Tara; the women are all built like beauty fitness contestants and have the physical strength of over 100,000 strong earth men, and they have been beamed down to earth to work off their youthful 18 year old energies. Jennifer (a 6 foot redhead) Natalie (a 5 foot 10 inch brunette) and Talia (a 5 foot 6 inch sandy blonde) were beamed down near a highway somewhere in the American Midwest. Each is wearing a Taran woman's prison uniform, which is basically a grey string bikini. Jen has the largest breasts, her superhuman E cup globes jutt straight out uneffected by Earth's puny gravity, Natalie's B cup breasts look like small hard torpedo's in comparison to Talia's proportionate Cs and Jen's huge Es, all three women are muscular like (for example) Tina Lockwood but with a fitness competitor's smooth yet hard look. Jen, Nat and Tali walk allong the road for miles in the setting sun, the warm (over 200 degrees on the surface) desert sands feeling luxuriant under the three girls bare feet. Soon, they happen across a section of galvanized steel guard rail. Talia, the shortest and most muscular, experimentaly pushes against it with her toe, making the 1/8 inch steel groan and bend. "It's so soft, I wonder what it's for," she says, crushing into the guard rail with her toes. Jen sits on the guard rail. Since she is the tallest and leanest, her hard glutes clang against the guard rail as it groans, trying to support her 500lbs of dense mucsle. "Look!" says Nat, "here comes an Earthman," just as a beat up old pickup truck pulls to the side of the road, driven by a middle aged bluecolor roughneck, perhaps an oil rig worker. The man stops his truck and rolls down the passenger side window to say "Well howdy priddy young things, and where might you be headed tonight?" with a lecherous look in his eye. The man looked sturdy if not well built, his tank top tee shirt showing both his work muscled arms and beer fattened gut. This man was not any of the girls cup of tea but Nat was horny so she decided to accept a ride while Jen and Talia continued their walk. "Strange girls," thought the man as the two walked off into the desert. When Natalie grabed the doorhandle of the truck and pulled, the handle came off easily with a "CRUNK!" "That's ok," said the man unlatching the door from inside "old truck, shit happens". Natalie sits down in the truck and the right side settles a bit under Nat's 425 pound ass. The man doesn't notice that, but he does notice Nat's fine muscular butt. As soon as he's got the truck moving, he reaches over and starts to stroke Natalie's thigh. Playing hard to get, Natalie turns toward the passenger door and brings her legs up under her on the seat, jutting her ass out innocently towards the driver, running his hand over her calf and rubbing behind her knee. "You work out or somethin'?" he says, "You've got great legs!" "No," says Nat, "my whole family is muscular like this." Soon, the man pulls over and grabs Nat's relaxed ass. Nat coohs, "OOOh, I like it when you touch me, touch harder!" The man squeeses Natalie's asscheek with all the strength in his 6foot 6inch 250 pound body, but her firm butt doesn't even dimple. As he begins to stroke her vulva from behind Nat flexes her glutes in excitement, The man's scream could be heared for miles away if anyone had been there, as Nat's inhumanly powerful ass crushes two of the big mans fingers to jelly. "OOOOh, NNNNNNNNGh, your hands are like butter, lover! Touch me more!" says Natalie as she reaches around to grab her sutor. Seeing the look on his face causes her concern. But she's just two horny to care. As she wheels about to capture her capricious lover her knees, feet, hands and elbows catch on the steel insides of the truck cab, tearing it like newspaper. Natalie pushes her dainty foot through the dashboord and cowl busting the windshield and tearing the cab apart. Next, she grabs the man and drags him out of the ruined cab and tosses him into the pickups bed, she mounts him backwards and teasingly parts her ass cheeks and labia with her hand, "I wanna see if your tounge is as soft and as sweet as lour fingers" she says lowering her crotch over his head. Fumbling for his foot long carbon steel knife he instinctivly begins to lick, strangely aroused by being dominated for the first time in his life by a woman who is as much of a gorgeous muscle goddess as Natalie is. Nat has to concentrate hard to feel the helpless man's licks. He even defiantly bites her labia as hard as he can, but she cannot feel a thing. Until she feels a gentile tickle against the back of her knee, looking over her shoulder she sees that it is a large knife being weilded with all the tough guy's strength, the diamond hard end of the blade is already folded over from repeated contact with Natalie's sensitive inner thigh. Not being able to feel her captives oral attemps Natalie decides to try the Phalic device instead. Straightening up her knees and looking behind her with lust crazed dark eyes, Nat spreads her labia and taunts her victim. "HEY, whatever it is you are trying to do, I can't even feel it ROMEO, how about you use that?" As hard as he can, the man tries to jab the razor's sharp hardened steel machetti into the superwoman's vulva but the casual tension of her inhuman labia easily prevents it. Sensing this, Natalie relaxes and lets the 'dangerous' weapon up into her to the hilt, concentrating to hold herself open as she grabs the knife from it's ineffectual weilder and forcefully works it in and out of herself with the vicious serations facing up against her clit. Soon just the casual fricion of her clit smears the serations of the blade, her relaxed labia smearing the steel of the blade like it was a chocolate bar. The man beneath her was so terrified that he shook uncontrollably before cumming in his pants and passing out. However, Natalie's hot powerfull cunt is not in the least bit satisfied as its inner muscles pull in the knife, sucking it up and crushing it to a molten ball. Hot lovejuice starts to gush out of Nat's cunt, burning the man's face and awakening him to scream once again. Natalie holds him down by his wrists in the powerful grip of her toes. The knife not enough to satisfy her lust, Natalie begins to wildly fingerfuck herself while alternately pinching both her nipples. Eventually, a wild climax is upon her, making her whole body spasm. As her toes clench, they crunch right through the man's wrists, eventually pinching his manly hands off like whipped cream. Natalie drives her inhumanly muscular legs down through the bed of the truck like it was made of wet toilet paper. As Natalie starts to cum, she loses all control and cannot help a small, hot fart from escaping from her beautifull yet deadly asshole. The small little "Phurrrrrreh!" blows the mans head to vapor and melts a 1 foot diameter hole in the trucks bed. Sweaty and temporaraly satisfied, Nat walks West to catch up with her girlfriends. To be continued... David is keen to get feedback about what you guys think of his stories, but wishes to keen his identity secret for the time being. So if you've got anything you want to say to him then email me at and I'll pass the message on to him. Thanks.