SUPERMAN SAVAGE MEETS HIS MATCH PART EIGHT by IRONMACK Yanking on the massive johnson,she pulled JACK toward the bed,turning around and fall- ing on her back. She spread her legs wide,giving him a perfect target. She helped him guide it toward her hot,wet vagina. The bed creaked slightly as JACK joined her on the bed,on his knees as he worked his steel-like flesh-spike inside the amazonion woman's pussy,drilling slowly forward. He moved further and further inside,he felt her strong,hot vaginal muscles wrap around his meat. OLYMPIA'S legs shook slightly while she grit her teeth. She gripped the bed sheets tight. Her eyes began to cross. JACK was smiling with confidence.He'd seen this reaction many,many times before.He grabbed OLYMPIA'S ankles and THRUST FURTHER.He positioned himself, preparing to start thrusting HARDER. OLYMPIA moaned with an animal-like intensity. Her eyes were on fire,glaring back at JACK. "Get ready,baby",said the iron-muscled super- man."YOU ASKED FOR IT!" He began pumping away---slow at first,seeming to hit his objective,feeling a gripping response. There were still quite a few inches of him that couldn't fit all the way inside OLYMPIA. He pumped faster now,OLYMPIA stroking his bulging arms.The bed creaking louder.Her mouth dropped open,but no sound came out. JACK pumped HARDER.OLYMPIA'S head jerking back and forth,her eyeballs now roll- ing upward. JACK PUMPED EVEN HARDER. OLYMPIA'S hands returned to gripping the bedsheets. JACK was increasing the intensity of his thrusts. HARDER AND HARDER AND HARDER! He just might actually SPLIT HER IN TWO. He grit his teeth and pounded HARDER. OLYMPIA was grunting now.JACK straight- ened his legs on the bed,now in a push-up position,POUNDING AWAY LIKE A POWER DRILL. OLYMPIA'S legs shook even more.She began to cry and whimper. That was the inspiration JACK needed.He be- gan to drill FASTER.DEEPER.HARDER! THEY BOTH WERE BEGINNING TO OOZE GLISTENING SWEAT,JACK POUNDING HARDER AND HARDER,STILL EXTENDING OUT OF OLYMPIA BY A FEW INCHES.HE ATTEMPTED TO DRILL IN MORE INCHES, DRIVING EVEN DEEPER!! OLYMPIA CRIED OUT ONCE MORE,HER HAIR-DO REARRANGING ITSELF FIVE OR SIX TIMES.HER EYEBALLS ROLLING AROUND IN HER HEAD. JACK POUNDED EVEN HARDER,STRIKING LIKE A SLEDGEHAMMER.THE BED WAS SHAKING VIOLENTLY.HE FELT OLYMPIA'S VAGINA MUSCLES GRIPPING AND SQUEEZ- ING WITH WET HEAT. HOT JUICE WAS CHURNING IN HIS MASS- IVE BALLS.HE POUNDED DEEPER,CLOSING HIS EYES AND FACING THE CEILING. THROWING ALL OF HIS WEIGHT INTO IT. HE PUMPED HARDER AND HARDER AND HARDER--DOUBLING HIS STRENGTH!!!!! HE WAS GONNA MAKE THIS BITCH SORE! OLYMPIA began to squeal--THEN SCREAM! IT ONLY FUELED JACK SAVAGE'S MUSCLES,GIVING HIM MORE STRENGTH. HE THRUSTED DEEPER STILL. NOW OLYMPIA WAS MAKING SOUNDS HE DIDN'T EVEN RECOGNIZE. A SCREAM COMBINED WITH A CROSS BETWEEN A GROWL AND A MOAN AND A HOWL. NOW THEY WERE BOTH SOAKING IN SWEAT,JACK PUMPING AWAY HARDER! AND HARDER! AND HARDER!!! SUDDENLY---JACK felt a strange sensation inside OLYMPIA. A slight loosening---- Then,in the next second---- THE REMAINING INCHES OF HIS MASS- IVE COCK SHOVED INSIDE OLYMPIA ALL THE WAY,JACK'S TESTICLES BANG- ING AGAINST HER ASS.HER VAGINA MUSCLES SUDDENLY GREW STRONGER-- AND TIGHTER!!!!! JACK'S eyes snapped open. He looked down at OLYMPIA.She was glaring back at him with INTENSE FURY. HER IRON-MUSCLED PUSSY SQUEEZING HIM LIKE A VISE. SHE DUG HER FINGERNAILS INTO HIS BACK. SHE WRAPPED HER BIG LEGS AROUND HIS ASS,URGING HIM ON. "OOOOHHH,YEAAHH,BABY!" she growled. "KEEP IT COMIN'!!" JACK couldn't believe it. He thought she'd be begging for mercy any minute.Unable to take all his meat. Instead,she was now SWALLOWING HIM WHOLE,milking away at his cock,causing the cum in his balls to percolate and rum- ble like a volcano coming to life. OLYMPIA jacked at his cock even harder, her big tits pressed against his chest.Her thighs squeezing TIGHT. Now it was JACK who was gripping at the bedsheets.He tried pumping harder,but with each thrust,OLYMPIA'S pussy muscles jerk- ed and milked him just as hard.Gripping and squeezing JACK with TREMENDOUS FURY, STRENGTH,AND POWER! "HARDER,GODDAMMIT!" she roared,thrust- ing her hips to meet his lunges."FUCK ME!! FUCK ME HAAARD!!!!!!" JACK was now in the grip of a raging tigress, attacking him,making him DOUBLE his already herculean efforts. OLYMPIA GRIPPED AND SQUEEZED WHILE JACK POUNDED AWAY.HARDER AND HARDER AND HARDER------ FOR THREE SOLID HOURS! JACK'S COCK WAS LIKE A HI-POWERED DRILLING MACHINE! He felt his balls about to explode as he con- tinued on,PLUNGING DEEPER AND DEEP- ER,trying with all his might to hold on. The vise grip around his cock tightened even MORE. JACK grunted,then whimpered. OLYMPIA laughed."What's wrong,champ? Gettin' a little sore?" JACK kept pumping away,tears coming out of his eyes. "YOU FUCKIN' BITCH!" he growled."TAKE THIS!!!" HE SLAMMED EVERY SOLID INCH OF HIS ACHING PRICK INTO ONE POWERFUL EX- PLOSIVE THRUST,MAKING OLYMPIA THROB,SQUEAL,SCREAM,AND SHAKE VIOLENTLY.HER INNER MUSCLES SQUEEZED TIGHTER.SHE WAS CUMMING LIKE A MOUNTAIN LION!!! SHE DUG HER NAILS DEEPER INTO JACK'S BACK,DRAWING BLOOD. HER PUSSY MUSCLES INCREASED EVEN MORE IN STRENGTH,SQUEEZING AND PULLING AT THE SAME TIME. IT WAS TOO MUCH! JACK LET OUT AN ANIMAL-LIKE CRY AND AGAIN SLAMMED THE FULL SOLID LENGTH OF HIS MEAT INTO OLYMPIA'S CUNT,LET- TING LOOSE WITH A CANNONBURST OF CUM!!! OLYMPIA ROARED LOUDER,PUMPING AWAY AT THE ERUPTING MEATY VOL- CANO. JACK began trying to pull out---- BUT OLYMPIA'S IRON THIGHS GRIPPED HIM TIGHT,HER VISE-LIKE VAGINA PULL- ING HIM BACK IN. She smiled at him with lust and fury,licking the salty sweat from her face. "What's th' matter,SUPERMAN?" she said. You ain't done YET!" "W-Wha???"stuttered JACK. "You gonna POOP OUT after just ONE round? What happened to that UNLIMITED STAMINA I heard so much about?" OLYMPIA'S pussy muscles jerked at JACK'S cock HARDER. JACK whimpered."A-Aren't you TIRED?" "BABY,I'M JUST GETTIN' STARTED!COME TO MAMA!!!!" OLYMPIA WRAPPED HER MIGHTY ARMS AND BIG LEGS TIGHTER AROUND JACK,TRAPPING HIM LIKE A HELPLESS CHILD,HER VAGINAL MUSCLES PUMP- ING AND STROKING HIS COCK,KEEP- ING HIM HARD.JACK GRIT HIS TEETH, HOLDING ON FOR DEAR LIFE! ON AND ON AND ON THE FUCKING CON- TINUED. OLYMPIA PUMPING AWAY ON JACK'S THICK PRICK,FORCING HIM TO WORK AND SWEAT. SHE PUT HIM INTO OVER A HUNDRED DIFFERENT POSITIONS.HIM ON TOP,HER ON TOP,UPSIDE DOWN,SIDE-BY-SIDE, HIM BEHIND HER,HER BENT BACKWARDS IN A CONTORTIONIST'S POSITION. HER TIRELESS PUSSY MUSCLES CON- TINUED GRINDING AWAY AT JACK'S HARD SCHLONG,SQUEEZING AND POP- PING HIM---MAKING HIM CUM AGAIN,AND AGAIN---AND AGAIN---AND AGAIN-------- AND AGAIN!!!!! TIME AFTER TIME,HIS SUPER-HUMAN STAMINA KEEPING HIM HARD AND STRONG.HIS BALLS PUMPING MORE AND MORE HOT CUM. THEY CONTINUED FUCKING---ON THE BED---ON THE FLOOR---AGAINST THE WALLS----BOUNCING OFF THE WALLS, SPINNING IN MID-AIR---LANDING BACK ON THE BED AGAIN----ON AND ON AND ON-----THEY CONTINUED FUCKING---- FOR THREE DAYS!!! THEY FUCKED NON-STOP,THEIR IRON MUSCLES RIPPLING AND SWEATING--- SOAKING THEMSELVES AND THE BED. JACK was trying his best to finish off OLYMPIA. like he had done many a strong woman. But it was NO USE. JACK began to whimper and cry. His thrusts were SLOWING DOWN. HIS DICK AND BALLS WERE RAW AND SORE. FINALLY----ON THE MORNING OF THE FIFTH DAY OF FUCKING------ JACK'S BODY STIFFENED. "UUUUGGGH!" he grunted. OLYMPIA was on top--HER PUSSY MUSCLES GRIPPING ESPECIALLY HARD. JACK'S COCK THROBBED,GREW STIFFER THAN EVER BEFORE. HE CLUTCHED OLYMPIA'S TITS AND GRUNTED---THEN ROARED----- THEN STIFFENED AGAIN. OLYMPIA SQUEEZED HER LEGS AROUND HIS HIPS AND HER PUSSY AROUND HIS DICK.SHE SMILED DOWN AT HIM. "GOTCHA,CHAMP!"she said."I call this one THE COCK-BUSTER!SO LONG, SWEETIE!" SUDDENLY,JACK'S COCK WAS GRIPPED BY A HARDNESS AND TIGHTNESS HE'D NEVER EXPERIENCED BEFORE,LIKE A THOUSAND VISE-LIKE MUSCLES CLAMP- ING AND SQUEEZING HIM. HE STIFFENED AGAIN,ROSE UP FROM THE BED SLIGHTLY AND FELT HIS COCK BURST,HOT CUM ERUPTING OUT OF HIM LIKE A VOLCANO. JACK ROARED LIKE A WOUNDED BULL! OLYMPIA SCREAMED AND ROARED LIKE A TIGRESS! JACK ROARED MORE AND MORE AS HE POPPED HIS NUTS. FINALLY,THE ROARS SOFTENED TO A GROAN----THEN TURNED INTO WHIM- PERING JACK'S BODY DROPPED TO THE BED WITH A FINAL THUD. OLYMPIA fell to the side,releasing JACK'S big cock with a meaty,wet popping sound. She lay beside JACK,puffing,wheezing,and sweating. JACK was doing the same,ONLY A LOT HEAVIER. When OLYMPIA glanced over at him,she was SHOCKED! HIS MAGNIFICENT COCK WAS STILL HARD! THEN--- SUDDENLY---IT STIFFENED SLIGHTLY--- POPPED ONCE MORE----SHOT OFF A SHORT BLAST OF MAN-JUICE---- THEN COLLASPED LIMP AGAINST JACK'S THIGH. It twitched slightly----THEN WENT LIMP FOR GOOD. It lay soft--WET,RAW,SORE--AND DEAD! OLYMPIA sat up,soaking in sweat,her hair a mess,but feeling WONDERFUL----STILL STRONG AS AN OX! BUT JACK SAVAGE WAS FINISHED. He was TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY OUT. HIS SWEAT-SOAKED BODY LIKE A CORPSE.HIS MIGHTY COCK A DEAD SNAKE. HE WAS WHIPPED!!! FOR THE FIRST TIME--JACK SAVAGE HAD BEEN WHIPPED BY A WOMAN. OLYMPIA smiled and leaned over,stroking his broad wet chest,giving him a passionate kiss. "You were great while yo' lasted,stud",she said to the unconscious superman. TWO DAYS LATER---JACK SAVAGE FINALLY WOKE UP. He sat up,aching---his cock and the rest of his entire body were completely SORE. He ached with every move.He immediately realized what happened. "SHE WHIPPED ME!" he said in astonishment. He looked over and saw a rose and a note on the pillow next to his head. He picked up the note and read it while smelling the rose. The note read: YOU WERE AMAZING,BABY.YOU HUNG IN THERE TO THE END.LONGER THAN ANY OF MY OTHER STUDS. MAN! CAN YOU FUCK! NOW I KNOW HOW YOU GOT THAT REP. I HAD TO GO.GOTTA JOB TO TAKE CARE OF. SOME SUPER-VILLIAN OR TERRORISTS. I KNOW YOU'RE BUSY TOO. WE'LL GET TOGETHER AGAIN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.LET'S DO THIS AGAIN. IT WAS FUN! 'TIL THEN,BABY,STOCK UP ON THOSE VITAMINS! LOVE,OLYMPIA. JACK finished reading and touched his sore cock and winced. Just thinking of the BLACK SUPERWOMAN started to give him a slight hard-on. But it lasted only a second.JACK was still too weak AND TOTALLY WHIPPED! He felt the soreness in his cock,thought of OLYMPIA BROWN,and said,"DAAMMNN!!" THE END