SUPERMAN SAVAGE MEETS HIS MATCH PART SEVEN by IRONMACK TWO DAYS LATER------ OLYMPIA finally regains consciousness.She looks over and sees JACK SAVAGE lying next to her,still completely OUT. She struggles to her feet,still aching all over. She picks up JACK and slings him across her shoulder as she did once before. In pain every step of the way,she carries him out of the gym and through the hallways of the SAVAGE research facility. She finally locates a bedroom where she drops JACK on top of a large bed.She locates the bathroom a few steps away and,after wincing at the sight of her bruised and pummeled face in the mirror above the sink,opens the medicine cabinet. TWO HOURS LATER----JACK SAVAGE finally comes back to life. THREE DAYS LATER----Thanks to their super human recuperative powers,JACK SAVAGE and OLYMPIA are recovering quicky--- Their wounds ,bruises,and broken bones mend- ing themselves with some help from the drugs, first-aid,and modern medical equipment avail- able at the research facility. They rest in bed betweem medical treatments. SIX DAYS LATER---With help from specialized nutrition,plus the blended POWER DRINKS mixed by JACK SAVAGE with his own secret incredients,both superman and superwoman were regaining FULL STRENGTH. Pumping HEAVY iron in the gym in morning and evening sessions. Relaxing at night,while their muscles recharged themselves,JACK reading engineering and science journals,OLYMPIA watching TV. EIGHT DAYS LATER------After an incredibly intense morning workout session with mass- ively heavy iron,JACK SAVAGE and OLYMPIA BROWN were back at FULL STRENGTH,their muscles crackling with ATOMIC POWER, BULGING WITH RENEWED VITALITY! OLYMPIA smiled at JACK. "Time for the FINAL CONTEST",she said. "You're sure,now?"responded JACK. "Oh,YEAH,BABY.I'm sure.We'll rest up th' rest of the day----THEN,WE'LL GO AT IT TONIGHT!" "What about our second workout session?" OLYMPIA gave JACK a light kiss on the lips. "Save it,baby.You'll need it.ALL OF IT!" JACK admired her gorgeous ass as she walk- ed away. LATER---That night,after a full day's rest,a light meal,and two large glasses of JACK SAVAGE'S blended power drink,JACK and OLYMPIA went into one of the larger bed- rooms in the building. OLYMPIA had already stripped away the covers,knowing they would be unnecess- ary.She was already naked,a magnificent vision of BEAUTY,SENSUALITY---AND STRENGTH.She tested the mattress,found it nice and firm.JACK was watching her from behind,still admiring that ass.He was wearing only a pair of black silk briefs,which were be- ginning to stretch at the crotch. OLYMPIA turned around and took notice. "OOOOO",she exclaimed."I can see you're UP AN' READY!In that case,LET'S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS!" With one lightning swift move,OLYMPIA gripp- ed the silk briefs with one hand and RIPPED THEM COMPLETELY OFF OF JACK'S BODY, REVEALING HIS FULLY ERECT COCK. It sprang straight up,like a cannon. A FIFTEEN AND ONE HALF INCH LONG, THICK,SINEWY-MUSCLED CANNON. OLYMPIA'S eyes grew wide. "GODDAMMM!!" She quickly gripped,then stroked the mighty cock. "I-I can barely get my thumb and fingers to touch around it." JACK was smiling proudly. "Think you can handle it,Baby?"he said. "Oh----I don't know",she answered in a timid voice."I-It's so big and strong.BIGGER than I EVER IMAGINED.Y-You might rip li'l ol' me in half." Suddenly,her grip tightened,making JACK grunt.Her voice now strong and dominant. "SHEEE---ITT!GIMME THIS THING! I'LL HAVE IT LIMP IN NO TIME!" END OF PART SEVEN