SUPERMAN SAVAGE MEETS HIS MATCH PART SIX by IRONMACK JACK started to get out of his chair when suddenly,OLYMPIA charged forward and KNOCKED HIM SKYWARD WITH ANOTHER BOMB OF AN UPPERCUT.He flipped into the air like a hurtling coin,then fell back down ONLY TO BE BLASTED SKYWARD AGAIN BY AN UPPERCUT TO THE FACE.He flew all the way up to the ceiling,smacked into it,leaving a large crack,then fell back down again. HE FELL STRAIGHT INTO OLYMPIA'S BOOMING OVERHAND RIGHT THAT SHOT HIM BACK INTO THE AIR,FLYING SEVERAL FEET----UNTIL HE SMASHED INTO A RACK OF DUMB-BELLS,WHICH HE DESTROYED. Weights crashed and fell around and on top of him. Fueled by renewed fury,JACK leaped to his feet and charged toward OLYM- PIA. "THAT DOES IT!"he roared."I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS SHIT!" OLYMPIA waited for him.When JACK was within arms length,raising his right fist,she leaped into the air and spun at top speed like a dancer,then landed right behind him.When JACK turned around,A CRUSHING LEFT JAB ERUPTED IN HIS FACE.IT WAS FOLLOWED BY TEN MORE. JACK tried an overhand right. "YOU FUCKIN' CUNT!" he growled.. OLYMPIA ducked the blow and buried a torpedo-like hook HARD into JACK'S gut,doubling him over again. He whimpered and SPIT UP BLOOD. OLYMPIA smiled down at him,her fist still buried in his gut. "Did you just say th' 'C' word?"she said. She bombed JACK'S face with another uppercut,launching him into the air again. HE SMASHED INTO A NEARBY WALL AND FELL TO THE FLOOR IN A HEAP. JACK crawled along the floor,trying to summon strength to stand up. OLYMPIA was instantly standing above him.She reached down and picked him up from the floor like a side of beef------ THEN RAMMED HER FIST INTO HIS STOMACH,MAKING HIM SQUEAL ONCE MORE. Then,SHE LIFTED HIM OFF THE FLOOR WITH HER LEFT GLOVED HAND UNDER HIS CHIN. She held him aloft,helpless while she cocked back her right fist. "Honey",she said."NEVER EVER CALL A BLACK WOMAN TH'E 'C' WORD!" SHE DROVE HER FIST HARD INTO JACK'S FACE,BLASTING HIM AGAIN INTO THE AIR,FIRING HIM SEVERAL FEET AWAY, SMASHING INTO THE FLOOR. WHERE HE STAYED------ FOR A FULL MINUTE. OLYMPIA waited. And WAITED. NOTHING. JACK SAVAGE WAS FINISHED. "Well",said OLYMPIA with satisfaction."I guess that settles that." But ----just then----she heard a moan coming from JACK'S body. He raised his head. "Fuckin' BITCH!" he said in a faint voice. "EXCUSE ME?" replied OLYMPIA. Slowly,in agony,JACK SAVAGE somehow came back to life,shakingly picking himself up from the floor. "Well,I'll be damned", said OLYMPIA."I must be gettin' tired.Gonna have t'crank it UP a notch.PUT MORE UMMMPTH INTO MY PUNCHES!" She slammed her fists together,muscles bulging. JACK SAVAGE was finally standing,fists UP AND READY. "BRING IT,BITCH!" he said. "AT YOUR SERVICE,SUGAH!" OLYMPIA charged into JACK with a power- packed hook to the gut.JACK met her with a bone-crushing right cross.From that point on,they stood centered in the gym,TOE-TO- TOE,BANGING AWAY AT ONE ANOTHER, HAMMERING AND TEARING AWAY AT FACE AND BODY.BOTH SUPER-HUMANS REFUSING TO GO DOWN.THROWING PUNCHES THAT COULD KNOCK OUT A HORSE.KILL A BULL ELEPHANT.SHATTER CONCRETE.THE WALLS OF THE GYM BE- GAN TO SHAKE.THE EARTH MOVED AS JACK SAVAGE AND OLYMPIA BROWN BATTLED ON AND ON AND ON AND ON AND ON--------------- THEY WERE STILL AT IT WELL INTO THE NIGHT. THE VIOLENCE OF THE BATTLE BENDING METAL AND BREAKNG GLASS. ON AND ON AND ON THEY PUMMELED EACH OTHER,MAKING CRACKS AND BREAKS IN THE GYM FLOOR. THEY WERE STILL GOING STRONG BY DAWN,POUNDING AWAY AT EACH OTHER'S BRUISED BODIES.STILL REFUSING TO QUIT. By late afternoon,however,things began to change. Both JACK and OLYMPIA were slowing down. The punches weren't coming as fast and furious as before.The thunder was leaving their fists. They were soaked in sweat,moving like zombies. Both of their faces and bodies were a mess. Blackened,swollen eyes.Broken noses.Broken,bloodied lips.Faces and bodies battered,bloodied,and bruised all over.JACK'S purple briefs torn and sagging around his low- er hips,half-exposing his huge cock. They moved slower---and slower. AND SLOWER. OLYMPIA felt like an old woman JACK was a wounded bull waiting for slaughter. They moved even SLOWER now. Not punching at the same time like before,but each one taking a turn,barely able to raise a fist.They could barely even stand,their legs getting weaker and weaker. Soon,both powerful champions were falling forward,their arms LIMP AT THEIR SIDES. They stood,leaning against one another, shoulder to shoulder,cheek to cheek.Wheezing and puffing.Moaning and whimpering. Every body part aching and sore. They tried to speak----but were too damned WEAK. Finally-----JACK was able to raise his voice above a pained whisper. "W-W-Whatta ya say,huh?" he whined."Draw?" OLYMPIA gave a weak nod. "Y-Yes", she answered."Thank you." Their sweat-soaked bodies slid off of one another----AND THEY BOTH SMASHED FACE DOWN TO THE FLOOR,DEAD TO THE WORLD. THEY WOULD REMAIN THERE FOR HOURS. END OF PART SIX