SUPERMAN SAVAGE MEETS HIS MATCH PART FIVE by IRONACK SHIT was exactly the word. JACK just about shit his briefs. Mainly because he knew that he was in DEEP SHIT. After all he'd seen today,it wasn't hard to imagine what this bitch could do to someone in a fist fight.God only knew what she'd done to all the criminals and super-villians that she'd fought in the past. JACK had fought and destroyed many power- ful foes in his time,but this was going to be his biggest challenge ever. They returned to the gym,bypassing the weight area and heading over to the fight training area, where JACK worked out daily,keeping his fight- ing skills sharp.He was going to need all of his skills now. There was a speed bag,a heavy bag,and various other martial arts training equipment. In the center of the training area was a sparr- ing mat. This would be where JACK SAVAGE and OLYMPIA BROWN would go to war. JACK walked over to a large metal strongbox and opened it.Inside were various types of training gear,including boxing gloves. OLYMPIA was already on the mat,flexing, stretching,and shadow boxing.JACK tossed her a pair of black boxing gloves.She caught them and put them on.JACK put on his own pair of boxing gloves and joined her on the mat. They stood face to face,OLYMPIA smiling with confidence,JACK with renewed deter- mination. He decided he would strike fast and hard, with no mercy and no let-up.Maybe he could overwhelm her with a violent barrage and POUND HER INTO SUBMISSION.He'd have to summon up all of his super-human speed and strength. OLYMPIA was calm as she continually hit her fists together.JACK was doing the same. "No rounds",said OLYMPIA."The only rule is when one of us is down,the other goes to a neutral corner.The winner will be determined when one of us quits,is knocked out-------OR DEAD!" JACK tried not to gulp. "Fine",he said."Let's go." "O-KAAAY",cooed OLYMPIA. They slammed their fists against one another's HARD,then assumed a fighting stance. "Ready?"asked OLYMPIA. "READY!"responded JACK. THEN,HIS FACE EXPLODED! It had been caved in by a lightning swift jab from OLYMPIA.She moved in faster with a POWER-DRILLING HOOK to JACK'S mid- section,lifting him slightly off the floor.A dozen more rapid-fire jabs to his face,producing a squishing sound from his nose.Another hook to the gut doubled him over in pain.An upper- cut knocked his face upward.A deadly missile of a fist hammered in his kidney,making him yelp in a high-pitched voice.ANOTHER EX- PLOSIVE HOOK TO THE GUT made him squeal even HIGHER.A right cross twisted his upper torso almost completely around. A left cross ripped flesh and produced a stream of blood.Another hook to the side paralyzed him.Another uppercut made his face squirt blood toward the ceiling. JACK tried to throw a punch,but OLYMPIA slapped his arm aside and again drove a fist into his stomach---not once,not twice---BUT THREE,FOUR,FIVE,SIX,SEVEN----AT LEAST FIFTEEN TIMES,producing a snapp- ing and cracking sound from somewhere in- side JACK'S pummeled flesh.His body shook violently from each tremendous impact. Now OLYMPIA again went for his face,jabbing EXPLOSIVELY again and again AND AGAIN AND AGAIN with machine-gun precision.ON AND ON AND ON AND ON,hammering away, feeling flesh and bone give way to her awesome power.Another shot to the mid-sect- ion took JACK off his feet again. Another shot followed. AND ANOTHER. AND ANOTHER. AND ANOTHER. AND ANOTHER!! One last blow plowed in DEEP,RIGHT UNDER THE HEART. JACK crumbled over again,squeaking out one word. "MOMMA!" As he stood bent over and helpless,OLYMPIA blasted his face with AN ATOMIC-POWERED UPPERCUT STRAIGHT FROM THE FLOOR. The blow launched JACK into the air several feet,making his body spin like a competitive diver before dropping to te floor like a sack of cement,LANDING RIGHT ON HIS FACE. OLYMPIA went to a neutral corner and wait- ed,smiling with her hands on her hips. A half-minute went by------ Then,JACK began to move. Slowly. Raising himself up from the floor,trailing blood from his nose and mouth.He had TWO BLACK EYES AND A SWOLLEN JAW.He slowly made it to one knee,unsteadily attempting to stand upright. The very second he finally made it all the way up,OLYMPIA was in front of him DELIVERING ANOTHER KILLER UPPERCUT,SHOOTING HIM OFF HIS FEET,SPINNING IN MID-AIR, THEN LANDING HARD ON HIS BACK! JACK slowly raised his head,followed shak- ingly by the rest of his body.He appeared not to be aware of where he was.When he made it to his feet,still bent over,trying to stand all the way up,OLYMPIA CHARGED IN WITH RAISED FISTS. THIS TIME,JACK WAS READY FOR HER. He suddenly came to life,driving A PILEDRI- VER BLOW INTO OLYMPIA'S GUT. She met it DEAD-ON and SQUEALED LIKE A LITTLE GIRL as she bent forward in pain. JACK straightened her up with an uppercut of his own.Now he was moving swiftly,leap- ing to his feet and charging into OLYMPIA with BOTH FISTS FLYING. He plowed a powerful hook into her stomach, bending her over again.He twisted her body sideways with a right cross.He pounded into her kidney with A DOZEN DEEP-DRIVING BLOWS.He followed these with FIFTY MA- CHINE-DRIVEN PUNCHES TO HER GUT. Another right cross rocked her head backward. A left cross blasted her jaw.CLOSE TO ONE HUNDRED JABS TO THE FACE,REARR- ANGING HER HAIR-DO.A HARD-CHARGING LEFT HOOK TO HER RIGHT TIT,LIFTING HER OFF HER FEET,TOES TANGLING IN THE AIR.OLYMPIA SCREAMED! A HARDER RIGHT HOOK TO HER LEFT TIT LIFTED HER AGAIN.OLYMPIA SCREAMED EVEN LOUDER!! Another left cross. Then a right cross. A LEFT. A RIGHT. A LEFT. A RIGHT. A LEFT. A RIGHT. ANOTHER BLOW TO THE GUT,BENDING HER OVER ONCE MORE. JACK paused just long enough to summon strength---THEN SLAMMED A THUNDEROUS UPPERCUT TO OLYMPIA'S FACE,BLASTING HER INTO THE AIR,SPRAYING BLOOD ALL OVER THE FLOOR,FLYING BACK INTO A WALL,BOUNCING OFF AND FLYING INTO A NEARBY STEEL CABINET,DENTING IT AND BOUNCING OFF INTO THE AIR AGAIN, SPINNING LIKE A TOP,THEN CRASHING TO THE FLOOR WITH A SICKENING THUD! SHE LAY THERE---ON HER BACK--DEAD! JACK pulled up a nearby chair and sat down, his elbows resting on his knees,relieved. IT WAS OVER! UNFORTUNATELY,IT WASN'T. After about a minute,OLYMPIA slowly began to move. She rolled over onto her stomach,then started to get up.She looked at JACK,her eyes blackened,her face bruised--- AND SHE SMILED! "OOHHHH YEAHHH!"she said."Now THAT'S what I call FUN!LET'S PLAY SOME MORE!" JACK'S mouth dropped open once more. His respnse was articulate. "FUUUUCCCKK!" END OF PART FIVE