SUPERMAN SAVAGE MEETS HIS MATCH by IRONMACK OLYMPIA turned away and started walking, expecting JACK to follow. Only he didn't. He remained in the seat,still exhausted,gritt- ing his teeth from the hot,throbbing pain in his legs. OLYMPIA noticed that he wasn't following her and went back over to him. "Oh",she said."A little tired?That's okay.I'll help you." OLYMPIA reached down and grabbed JACK by the arm.With one swift move,she snatched him out of the seat,into the air,and over her shoulder,where she held him like a sack of potatoes and walked off with him. "You just relax",she said to the awestruck superman."Mama has got something really special in store for you." She carried JACK SAVAGE out of the gym and into the hallway of his own research facil- ity. JACK knew the place like the back of his hand, of course,but he wasn't quite sure where she was headed. "Where are we going?"he askd. "Patiece,baby,patience",said OLYMPIA,walking with him effortlessly."Be there in a minute." JACK suddenly realized where she was headed. Sure enough,moments later,he recognized where he was. "Here we are",OLYMPIA said. She set JACK down off her shoulder and on his feet. They were in the facility's spacious garage where JACK stored some of the hi-powered hi-tech vehicles that he used for travel,explor- ation,and especially in battles against super- powerful enemies. There were cars,trucks,motorcycles,tanks,a helicopter,a jet plane,a specially-designed SUV,and a super-powered rocket-car. "WOOWEE!"exclaimed OLYMPIA."Boy,do you got a lotta toys!" "What are we doing here?"asked JACK. "This next contest is a DOOZY!" OLYMPIA walked over to the tanks,lined up side-by-side neatly,in their proper parking spaces. The tanks were huge and menacing,dark military green with machine guns and cannons in perfect working order. OLYMPIA turned to JACK and,like a stage magician,raised her arms and said: "For my next trick----" She turned back around and went over to one of the tanks. She reached underneath it,feeling among the treads getting a good hold. Once she found a grip that she was happy with, OLYMPIA LIFTED THE MULTIPLE-TON TANK OFF THE FLOOR,BALANCED IT ON ONE SHOULDER---THEN TOSSED IT STRAIGHT UP INTO THE AIR. It flipped over once,then came back down. OLYMPIA raised both arms and CAUGHT THE TANK BY THE FRONT END. She held it a moment,then,with a thrust of her mighty thighs---TOSSED IT UP AGAIN. It flew even higher this time,flipping over twice before falling back toward the floor. OLYMPIA stood waiting for it,hands on her hips. When the tank was within arm's reach,zooming toward her head,OLYMPIA,with lightning speed,raised her right fist and shot an EXPLO- SIVE uppercut into the machine. The tank SHATTERED VIOLENTLY WITH A DEAFENING NOISE,FALLING APART LIKE A SMASHED TOY.Bits and pieces of broken, demolished and mangled metal and circuitry falling all around the BLACK SUPERWOMAN. Cogs and wheels rolling all over the floor. After a series of thuds and crashing sounds,the last few pieces of metal fell to the floor with a final cryptic sounding DEATH RATTLE. OLYMPIA surveyed the remains of the destroy- ed tank with a smile,then flexed both her MOUNTAIN-SIZED BICEPS. 'Guess they just don't make 'em like they used to",she laughed. JACK SAVAGE felt a queasy,sinking feeling in his stomach. "Well,SUPERMAN?-----"asked OLYMPIA,tits proudly erect with hands on her hips."Oh----I see that bulge in your briefs has DEFLATED quite a bit.Too bad." JACK suddenly became alert.He CAN'T let some bitch outdo him.Even if she was some kind of SUPERDUPERBITCH! He was about to walk over to one of the other tanks when OLYMPIA surprised him. "Tell yo' what",she said."I'll make it easy for you.I'll meet you halfway." She rushed over to the next tank and,like be- fore,she reached underneath,got a good grip,and lifted the tank like it was a large TV set.She hoisted it above her head with two hands. "CATCH!"she called out to JACK. Then,she TOSSED THE TANK AT JACK AS EASILY AS TOSSING A PILLOW. The tank hurtled toward JACK,spinning in the air. It came at him fast.TOO FAST! JACK couldn't react in time. The tank CRASHED ON TOP OF HIM, SQUISHING HIM INTO THE GARAGE FLOOR. "OOPS!"said OLYMPIA,smiing. There was dead silence for a minute as dust settled around the tank pressed on top of what was left of JACK SAVAGE. SUDDENLY----The tank shook violently---- THEN EXPLODED INTO OVER TWO DOZEN SHATTERED AND BENT PIECES OF METAL AND MACHINERY,HAMMERED INTO JUNK BY ONE POWERFUL BLOW BY JACK SAVAGE! The pieces flew in the air,then landd all over the floor. JACK pulled himself up from the hole in the garage floor created by both his body and the tank that had smashed on top of him. He was bruised,sweaty,and groaning. His hand hurt.HELL,EVERYTHING HURT! OLYMPIA applaudded once more. "I was wrong",she said."You STILL got a pair of BRASS ONES." JACK struggled to stand on shaking legs Things only got worse. "TRY THIS ON FOR SIZE!"he heard OLYMPIA yell. JACK looked up and saw OLYMPIA pick up one of the motorcycles,holding it high,then THROWING IT AT HIM. This time,JACK moved fast. He snapped to attention and CAUGHT THE CYCLE WITH HIS BARE HANDS AND SET IT DOWN GENTLY. OLYMPIA threw ANOTHER cycle---- THEN ANOTHER. AND ANOTHER. AND ANOTHER. AND ANOTHER. AND ANOTHER---FASTER AND FASTER! JACK caught each one and set it down.His back was KILLING him. Suddenly,he heard OLYMPIA yell,"HEADS UP!" JACK looked up and saw one of his favorite sports cars hurtling at him. He managed to catch it just in time. Just as he ffinished setting it down,groaning with every move,he suddenly saw ONE OF HIS LARGER TRANSPORT TRUCKS FLY- ING TOWARD HIM. He had no time to try for a catch.He struck like lightning with his right fist,TOTALLY DE- STROYING THE HEAVY VEHICLE,SMASH- ING IT INTO SEVERAL PIECES OF METAL DEBRIS. "GODDAMN,YOU ARE GOOD!"said OLYMPIA. She picked up another sports car,BALANCED IT BY THE FRONT END ON THE TIP OF HER LEFT INDEX FINGER AND SPUN IT LIKE A BASKETBALL. Then,she FLICKED IT UPWARD where it con- tinued spinning in mid-air.She DROVE HER RIGHT FIST INTO IT as it came down,DEMOL- ISHING IT and sending the wreckage across to the opposite end of the garage where it crashed to the floor,a useless hunk of metal. "So much for toys',sighed OLYMPIA."Time for our next contest.This one is very BASIC." "Basic?"asked a weary JACK SAVAGE. "Yep.You and I are gonna put on th' gloves AND DUKE IT OUT.MUSCLE AGAINST MUSCLE.A FIGHT TO THE FINISH! JACK gulped."Awww----SHIT!" END OF PART FOUR.