SUPERMAN SAVAGE MEETS HIS MATCH PART THREE by IRONMACK "Whatsamatter,baby?"said OLYMPIA."'Run outta man-juice?" Once again----SOMEHOW==--JACK SAVAGE screwed up his courage and summoned up his strength.He stomped past OLYMPIA and faced the tremendous weight. He paused----took a deep breath------ THEN ATTACKED----bending and grabbing the barbell,hosting it to his shoulders,then above his head.He proceeded to duplicate OLYMPIA'S incredible feat,pumping out 15 overhead curls,the nautilus machines banging and clanging with every move,JACK grunting and groaning along with them. He just made the FIFTEENTH rep,his body shaking.After completing it,instead of bringing the weigh to the floor with guidance and con- trol,JACK dropped it down with a deafening CRASH,destroying the nautilus machines,bend- ing the barbell which was now smashed into the gym floor. Incredibly,JACK remained on his feet------ just long enough to make it over to a nearby bench and collapse,breathing hard. "GODDAMMIT!"exclaimed OLYMPIA."I honest- ly didn't think you were gonna make that.I think I'M IN LOVE!" She examined the demolished barbell. "Well----I guess it's on to the leg machine." OLYMPIA went over to the specially-built LEG PRESS MACHINE,designed to test JACK SAVAGE'S super-human strength. It was a simple set-up.A seat with pedals that would push a stack of iron weights in front of it.The weights were HUGE,the LIGHTEST setting was at ONE THOUSAND POUNDS. OLYMPIA set the machine for THE ENTIRE STACK,which put the weight at 500 TONS! She positioned heself in the seat,placed both feet on the pedals----AND PUSHED! Her leg muscles rippled as the weights MOVED UPWARD-----powered forward by OLYMPIA'S might. She pushed the stack ALL THE WAY,held it a moment,retracted her leg,bringing it back down, paused----THEN REPEATED THE MOVEMENT! She repeated it again. And again.And again.AND AGAIN.AND AGAIN! ON AND ON AND ON-------- FOR ONE HUNDRED REPS! By now,JACK was sitting up on the bench,his mouth hanging open again,watching in disbelief.What does this bitch eat? "I guess that's enough",OLYMPIA said cheer- fully. She leaped from the machne and landed on her feet,twirling like a ballerina over to JACK. "Go to it,CHAMP!" With a groan and a curse,JACK slid off the bench and slowly made his way over to the machine. He positioned himself in the seat,taking deep breathes.He glanced over at OLYMPIA. She was flexing her thigh muscles,making them ripple with sinewy roadmaps.She grinned at JACK. "Whatcha' WAITIN' on?"she asked. JACK took one more deep breathe,placed his feet on the pedals----AND PUSHED! THE WEIGHT DIDN'T BUDGE. "OOOOH",cooed OLYMPIA."Too BAD,CHAMP. Guess yo' finally run outta steam." JACK flashed her an angry look,and pushed AGAIN. This time,HE MADE IT! He forced the stack up,held it a moment,then brought it back down,repeating the movement again and again AND AGAIN--------- ON AND ON,UNTIL HE FINALLY EQUALLED OLYMPIA'S FEAT OF ONE HUNDRED REPS. When he finished the last rep,he brought the stack back down with an echoing CLANG! He remained in the seat,laying back,puffing and wheezing,soaking in sweat. OLYMPIA was wiping herself off with a towel. She tossed one over to JACK where it came to rest on his shoulder.He was too tired to touch it. "That was FUN!"she said."You're really hangin' IN there.Now it's time for MORE fun." JACK strained to raise his head,staring up at her. "Come on.You're gonna LOVE this next one." END OF PART THREE