SUPERMAN SAVAGE MEETS HIS MATCH PART ONE by IRONMACK In his secret research facility located some where in the countryside of Northern California, DR. JACK SAVAGE,the scientist,businessman, playboy,and superhero, was on leave from his regular business affairs,catching up on his sci- entific research,while at the same time improv- ing on his already superhuman physical condit- ioning that had earned him the nickname of SUPERMAN SAVAGE. Half AFRICAN-AMERICAN on his father's side and half NATIVE-AMERICAN on his mother's side,SAVAGE was a handsome 6 foot 4 inch tall bronzed god with incredible strength and stamina. While known the world over for his genius IQ and vast business and industrial empire,the young super-scientist was even better known as a WORLD CHAMPION STUD,not only able to attract and fuck the most beautiful and sexually dynamic women in the world,but also to possess SUPERHUMAN SEXUAL STAMINA.No one single woman was ever enough for him.He could take on an ARMY of women and easily WEAR THEM ALL OUT. Leaving them sore and satisfied. JACK SAVAGE started the morning with a light workout in his specially-equipped hi-tech gym. He was casually curling a pair of 100 POUND DUMB-BELLS for a WARM-UP SET,dressed only in a pair of purple briefs,barely containing his huge schlong. The broad,rock-hard shoulders,bulging 65 INCH BICEPS,sinewy forearms,six-pack ABS OF STEEL,tree-trunk thighs,and thick calves all began to glisten with sweat. Suddenly----JACK SAVAGE'S super-hearing picked up footsteps approaching the gym. But who could it be? JACK was alone.He'd instructed his assistants and crew not to dis- turb him unless it was an emergency.There was supposed to be no one else in the two-story above-ground and one-story underground facility. Could it possibly be one of JACK'S enemies? How could they have bypassed the highly-ad- vanced security system. As the footsteps came closer,JACK'S hyper- sensitive sense of smell detected a wonderful scent.The perfumed scent of a well-groomed woman.Could it be? Sure enough,appearing at the doorway of the gym was a .woman. BUT WHAT A WOMAN! She was a strikingly beautiful AFRICAN-AMER- ICAN woman with southful brown eyes,high cheek-bones and a full sensual mouth,with lovely silky jet-black hair. But even MORE impressive was her PHYSIQUE.She was tall.5 foot,11 inches. Her blood-red short tight short-sleeved dress did little to conceal the broad boulder-like shoulders,rock-hard 5O INCH BICEPS,MASS- VE 50 DDD TITS,A GREAT ROUND ASS,BIG GRANITE-HARD THIGHS,AND DIAMOND SHAPED CALVES,supported by very sexy black pumps.The strap of a black purse was draped across her powerful shoulder. She stood tall and proud,carefully inspecting ALL of SUPERMAN SAVAGE. She smiled and said,"Um Hmmm.Even better than your photographs.Yummm." Her voice was sweet and sensual. JACK had stopped curling. "Who are you?"he asked. "My name is OLYMPIA BROWN." JACK SAVAGE actually gasped. He had heard of OLYMPIA BROWN.She was a special agent under contract with the govern- ment.She fought crime and went out on covert missions around the world.She was well-known for her SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH AND STAMINA. "You've heard of me",said OLYMPIA,seeing JACK'S reaction. "Yes,I have",replied JACK."But----How did you get in here? How did you get past the security system?" OLYMPIA held up a nail file. "You've got to be kidding." "You'd be amazed at what you can do with one of these things.And,when this didn't work,I simply ripped through th' locks with my BARE HANDS." JACK placed the dumb-bells back on the weight rack and faced OLYMPIA. "What exactly do you want?" His voice was stern. "Things have been dull lately.All I've done in th' last few weeks is bust up a dozen robberies, capture some illegal arms dealers,and stop a runaway train.I had to destroy it with my BARE FISTS.Nothing that would work up a good sweat." OLYMPIA took a stroll around the gym as she spoke,checking it out.JACK,meanwhile,was checking HER out. "So,anyway",she continued,"I was thnking things over-----and I finally came up with a REAL challenge." JACK was following her at a distance,smelling her perfume and admiring that gorgeous round ass. "How about if I took on a man---A SUPERMAN. A LEGENDARY SUPERMAN KNOWN FOR HIS GOD-LIKE STRENGTH AND STAMINA." She halted and faced JACK with a smile. "JACK SUPERMAN SAVAGE." JACK smiled and moved closer. "You may be biting off more than you can chew",he said."I'm in the best shape of my life.I'm not just a SUPERMAN--I'M A SUPER DUPERMAN!!" JACK SAVAGE flexed both his mighty biceps, which expanded and grew into MOUNTAINS OF POWER! The muscles on the rest of his body THICKENED AND HARDENED. HE WAS A PERSONIFIED GOD OF STRENGTH AND POWER! OLYMPIA merely arched an eyebrow. "UmHm",she muttered. She then removed her purse and tossed it to the floor.She removed her shoes and tossed them aside as well. JOHN dropped his arms to his sides.He had hoped his display of muscularity would shake her up,but the bitch was FEARLESS! Then,she planted her feet and flexed both HER powerful biceps.They grew into ENOR- MOUS PEAKED MOUNTAINS,THROBBING WITH MIGHT! Her chest EXPANDED,TEAR- ING AT HER DRESS.Her thighs THICKENED EVEN MORE.As her muscles hardened,the red dress tore more AND MORE,finally RIPP- ING AWAY,revealing HER MAGNIFICENT NAKED ROCK-HARD BODY. SUPERMAN SAVAGE could only manage one word. "DAMN!" The bulge in his breifs grew THICKER. OLYMPIA grinned in satisfaction as she circled JACK,her hands on her hips. "Now,"she said,"this is what I propose.You and I engage in several contests of strength and stamina.We keep at it until ONE of us is wore out and CAN'T continue.And IF you've got ANYTHING LEFT after all that,we'll just SEE about that LONG-LASTING SEXUAL STAMINA.We'll see whether or not you can wear out THIS girl." She stopped in front of JACK,facing him eye to eye."Well?---Whatta yo' say,STUD?" JACK smiled,contracted his muscles,and stuck out his barrel chest. "BRING IT ON,WOMAN!" he said. OLYMPIA clapped her hands together like an overjoyed girl. "OKAAAY! LET'S GET AT THOSE WEIGHTS!" JACK once again admired that phenominal ass as the amazonion superherione danced over to the weight rack. But the smile on his face faded when he saw her effortlessly pick up TWO 2OO POUND DUMB-BELLS,which she began curling as if they were paperweights. "Just let me WARM-UP a little first",she said with a wink. JACK SAVAGE found himself stammering. "OH-----SHIT!" END OF PART ONE.