BIG BERTHA VS. THE MIGHTY HERCULES PART 2 by IRONMACK. HERCULES watched in awed silence as BERTHA reached down to grab the heavily-loaded barbell. With incredible ease she cleaned and jerked it above her head.Once again,she demonstrated atomic-powered strength as pumped it up and down-up and down-for thirty reps-then placed it back on the floor. She turned to HERCULES with an arrogant smirk,brushing a lock of hair out of her eyes. "You're up,champ,"she said. HERCULES summoned up inner reserves of strength and managed to get to his feet.He walked over to the 800 pound weight,his legs slightly weak.BERTHA admired his cock as he past her.Even at half-mast like it was now it was a huge dangling hunk of sausage. After pausing to take a deep breath,HERCULES grabbed the weight and easily cleaned and jerked it as well.He even topped BERTHA'S feat by pumping the weight for 50 REPS! When he turned to BERTHA after setting the weight back down,she was applauding. "Good job,SUPERMAN!Of course now comes the next part of the test of strength and stamina." BERTHA laid back down on the mattress and again spread her magnificent legs. "Think you can get it up again?" HERCULES' face showed determination.He flexed his mighty muscles,biceps swelling STILL BIGGER.AN ERUPTING VOLCANO APPEARING ON EACH ONE!His abs even more like steel than ever.His entire body doubled in muscle.And his cock rapidly thickened into an erect sinewy guided missile this time A ROCK-HARD 14 INCHES!! BERTHA gasped."Damn!I AM impressed." HERCULES rushed over to the blond amazon goddess and grabbed her by the legs.He then spread them like a wish-bone,exposing her moist and vulnerable pussy.He pulled her closer,raising her lower body off the mattress. BERTHA'S head and shoulders were pinned. "OK,champ," she giggled."LEMME HAVE IT!" HERCULES grit his teeth while steam came out of his nose."TAKE THIS,BITCH!" Once again,HERCULES plowed HARD into his woman,hoping to make her cry "UNCLE." He pounded and hammered deep-deep--DEEP-IN AND OUT-IN AND OUT!FASTER!STRONGER!HARDER!!His iron spike charging forward like a POWER DRILL!Grunting and puffing like a rampaging bull! But instead of cries of helplessness,BERTHA was sounding off with moans and growls,challenging HERCULES to fuck her even HARDER!She shocked the hard-driving man-of-might when she suddenly wrapped her thick-muscled legs tight around his waist-squeezing tighter-TIGHTER while at the time gripping his powerful dick HARD with her vaginal muscles,milking him with the strength of an IRON VISE! They battled on and on for close to an HOUR,both of their muscular bodies soaked in sweat. HERCULES pounded harder and HARDER-while BERTHA squeezed and milked him TIGHTER AND TIGHTER.HERCULES was grinding his teeth,rotating his ass,trying to summon more strength.His muscles swelled even BIGGER!A BATTLESHIP APPEARED ON HIS CHEST FIRING ALL CANNONS!BERTHA'S HAIR STIFFENED STRAIGHT UP ,HER BODY ELECTRIFIED! EACH OFHER EYES GLOWED WITH THE WORD "TILT!" FLASHING LIKE NEON! SUDDENLY both superhumans stiffened -then throbbed and screamed.Hammering each other with the titanic force of AN EXPLOSIVE ORGASM!IT WENT ON FOR TEN MINUTES!! Finally------BERTHA collapsed,uncoiling her legs from HERCULES.Her mountain-sized breasts heaving up and down as she lay breathing heavily.The battleship on HERCULES' chest was damaged and sinking-the cannons limp and no longer firing. Wheezing and whimpering,HERCULES withdrew his spent cock from BERTHA'S mighty vagina and dropped dead alongside her. They both remained silent,too weak to even speak. "That oughtta do it," thought HERCULES."NO WAY this bitch is gonna have any strength left.I WHIPPED HER GOOD!" After ten minutes,just as he was about to declare victory,HERCULES-to his shock and amazement-saw BIG BERTHA back on her feet! She was drying her hair and face with a towel.She looked refreshed.She smiled at HERCULES-then threw the towel at him. "That was great,stud,"she said."Time for round three." HERCULES could still feel the soreness in his cock."HUH??" He was even more shocked when he looked over to the weight and saw that BERTHA had added even MORE plates-loading the barbell up to ONE THOUSAND POUNDS!! BERTHA picked up two 75 POUND DUMB-BELLS and was easily doing alternate curls,her muscles bulging bigger and BIGGER! "Lemme warm-up a little first,"she said,winking at HERCULES."Enough of this SISSY STUFF.Time to turn up the volume AND DO SOME REAL PUMPIN' AN' FUCKIN'!!" HERCULES whimpered.'Oh shit." END OF PART 2.