Superwoman: Under attack ! Superwoman’s headquarters had originally been a secret military research installation nestled in the mountains above Capitol city. It was buried deep under a mountain like Norad headquarters only smaller. With budget cuts for most of the military the facility had been abandoned until Superwoman found it. Under a secret agreement with the government she was allowed to use it for however long she wanted. The installation was completely encased in both steel and lead to prevent anyone from scanning what was going on inside by satellite or xray. Superwoman’s current project was trying to rehabilitate Iceman who she captured while fighting the Battletrain. Iceman’s cell had a large superstrong dense plastic window that opened onto Superwoman’s workout area. The plastic was so strong that even Superwoman was unable to penetrate it. Iceman seemed to be becoming more friendly and open to Superwoman. He would often sit by the window and watch Superwoman heft around several thousand tons of barbells with ease when she worked out her magnificent muscles. They would have long talks and he seemed to be changing daily. One afternoon Iceman asked Superwoman if she noticed that he seemed to be different. Superwoman told him he seemed to be much more open and alot less angry. Iceman said “ I don’t know what the deal is, I seem to have lost my anger at the world. I don’t feel that driving rage to conquer and destroy that consumed my every waking moment.” Iceman told Superwoman that since he had been confined here he felt like the person he used to be. “And who was that ?” Asked Superwoman. “Steve Richards, a Colonel in the US Marines prior to undergoing the Supersoldier experiment .” Said Iceman. “Why the Iceman name then ?” Asked Superwoman. “Oh, I’ve had that nickname for years.” He said. “Everyone calls me that so I thought what the hell it’d be a good name for a Supervillain or a Superhero.” Suddenly Iceman cringed and shook his head. Superwoman threw down her barbell and ran to the window. “ Whats wrong ?” She said. Iceman said “I have this ringing in my ears that hurts like hell and I seem to be remembering things ! I remember after the experiment being taken to another place and some sort of operation. Something was placed inside my skull. I also remember two faces faces looking down at me ! I know who they were they were Masterman and Timebender. The two most evil genius’s in the world ! They have been controlling me all along. Everything I was doing was for them. I’m not a criminal after all ! tell me are the walls of the facility lined with lead ?” Superwoman said “Why yes they are, do you think that is interfering with the signal they send to the device they put in you ?” Iceman said “I’m sure of it ! but those two are brilliant. They’ll be able to find me here. They have contacts with people all over the government.” Superwoman asked Iceman “ Do you think the device can be removed ?” “Not unless your a surgeon and have operating facilities here.” Iceman said with a dejected look on his face. “ I guess I’ll have to stay here to try and help you out. If I leave the device will just take control of my mind again !” He said. “Well you can start helping me by filling me in on who Masterman and Timebender are and what they do.” Iceman said “Masterman is the result of an old Supersoldier experiment undertaken by the Germans during World War 2. The merged an incredibly strong mind with an incredibly strong body. Masterman doesn’t look like he has aged since World War 2, is almost as strong as I am and can outthink a Cray supercomputer. He is an incredibly dangerous person. He has amassed a huge fortune and controls armies of fanatic followers.” “Timebender is a brilliant but twisted scientist who has mastered time travel and is able to bring things back through time with him. Very dangerous things !” “Wow, that was more than I wanted to know !” She said. “ How long do you think it will be before the discover you are here and try to attack ?” Superwoman asked. Just then the perimeter alarms began sounding. “Looks like I got my answer sooner than I expected !” Superwoman said. “First thing lets get you out of that cell so if they get past me you can at least defend yourself.” She said. They both watched the large monitor screen as a black Humvee leading a column of large armored Semi trucks and trailers pulled up to the perimeter. Two men got out of the back of the Humvee a very tall, very large man with blond hair dressed in all black and a smaller man with dark hair wearing what looked like a Khaki safari suit. The doors on the first Semi opened and about twenty armed men came out poking and prodding a crowd of about forty gradeschool aged children with their guns. The large man stepped forward and spoke. “I am Masterman and I know you can hear me. You will surrender Iceman to me or I will turn loose what is in the other eleven Semi’s on these Children !” The shorter man laughed an evil laugh “ You definitely don’t want that to happen !” Masterman said “Come out and talk with Timebender and I Superwoman, I’m sure we can reach an agreement !” Superwoman turned to Iceman. “You stay here, I’m sure I can handle what ever they have planned for those kids and Masterman and Timebender too ! They don’t look near as tough as you do !” She laughed. Superwoman went out a hidden entrance came around the mountain and walked towards the two villains. She saw that the children had been moved into a large circle surrounded by the Semi trucks. “What are your demands ?” She asked them. “You give us Iceman and we’ll turn the children loose.” Otherwise we’ll turn what’s in the trailers loose on the children !” Said Masterman. Superwoman said “No way !, Iceman has returned to his normal state of mind and there’s no way you are getting him back !” Have it your way !” said Timebender. “ He pushed a button on a small remote control he held. The backs and sides of the trailers dropped down to reveal eleven huge dinosaurs ! “Tyrannosaurus Rex’s I brought back from my last time trip. Those kids will make a great snack for them. Superwoman’s mouth dropped open in surprise. “My god I’ve got to save those kids from being lunch !” She thought. Superwoman took off at a dead run for the Semis and leaped over them into the circle of dinosaurs and children. One T Rex had already started towards the kids. “I’ve got to attract his attention to me !” Superwoman thought. She quickly tore one of the back doors off a trailer and threw it near the T Rex. She then jumped right in front of him and flexed all her mighty muscles. Iceman watching on the monitor almost passed out with lust. “My god that woman is magnificent !” he thought. Superwoman then yelled up at the T Rex “Come on big boy lets play !” The huge T Rex bent over to gobble up this irritation and got a big surprise. Superwoman cranked a huge uppercut into the T Rex jaw. Teeth and blood flew everywhere. The huge dinosaur hit the ground, down for the count. The other ten T Rex’s started closing in on Superwoman. She quickly seized the unconscious T Rex by the tail and with her mighty arms began spinning the huge dinosaur around her head. Using the dinosaur as a club she began hitting the other T Rex’s in the jaws. Soon there was a pile of unconscious dinosaurs and Superwoman was holding a battered and bloody one by the tail. She again started spinning the dinosaur around her head with one mighty arm. Her muscles bulging and flexing. Superwoman then threw the T Rex miles away over the mountains. Meanwhile Iceman couldn’t stand it any longer and proceeded to come in his pants and pass out with lust. Superwoman brushed the dirt off her hands and surveyed the pile of unconscious dinosaurs. “Now to take care of Masterman and Timebender.” She said. Superwoman turned to find both of them as well as their men had disappeared. “Well that takes care of them for now but what should I do with these dinosaurs. I guess I could keep them around to wrestle with, but I’d rather wrestle with Iceman ! “ She thought. “ I know I’ll throw them into the ocean. They can’t swim and no one will even know Timebender brought them here.” Superwoman reached out one mighty arm and started spinning a T Rex around her head. She let him fly when he was just a blur and he sailed hundreds of miles away to drop in the ocean. She then proceeded to spin the next ten dinosaurs one at a time around her head and let them fly into the ocean. During this time Iceman woke up saw the spectacle of Superwoman spinning the dinosaurs around her head and letting them fly with one mightily muscled arm came in his pants again and again passed out. Superwoman returned to her headquarters to find Iceman passed out in front of the large monitor with a huge stain on his pants. “Hey sleepy head wake up!” Superwoman said as Iceman began to stir. He looked up at her with an embarrassed look on his face. Superwoman said “Was the sight of little ol me beating up all the dinosaurs too much for you ?” Iceman shook his head sheepishly. “ It looks like you made a mess.” Save any of that for me “? She said. “ Oh Yeah baby I’ve got lots more, all it will take is you flexing a little and I’ll be ready to go !” Superwoman looked over her shoulder at Iceman as she walked towards the bedroom. “Well come on then big boy lets wrassle !” she giggled. The end