Superwoman Vs the Battletrain The supervillain Iceman and his army of mercenaries had taken over the Army’s newest weapon the Battletrain. The Battletrain was very heavily armed and armored with the same armor applied to the Abrams tanks. It was so heavy that it took six engines to pull it. The engines pulling the Battletrain were also heavily armored and had minigun turrets built on to the tops of them to fight off anyone trying to take the train. The next four cars had huge 8” howitzers in turrets mounted on them. The next two cars were air defense cars with both Stinger missile and .50 Cal machine gun turrets on them but also had Patriot missiles mounted on them. The next car was a Command center car with state of the art radar, communications and detection devices on it. It also had six miniguns positioned to fire out the sides. The last four cars had rotating turrets from M1A2 Abrams tanks with their 120 MM guns mounted on them. The Battletrain was an incredibly powerful weapon and it was speeding towards Capitol city right now under the control of Iceman’s mercenaries. Iceman was the most feared supervillain of all. He had originally been a US Marine who volunteered for a secret experiment to turn him into a super soldier. However the experiment didn’t work quite right. While Iceman’s intelligence and strength were increased incredibly and his body was almost indestructible, the experiment had somehow affected his mind and turned him against everything that he had believed in. He was now evil personified. He was called Iceman due to his ability to remain calm cool and collected in any situation. Iceman had a huge army of mercenaries and he used a portion of these who had formerly been special operations troops to seize the Battletrain from the Army. Iceman hoped to use the Battletrain to either destroy or at least weaken Superwoman so he would be free to take over control of the United States. Iceman knew it would take something special to stop Superwoman as she had foiled both his mens attempts to destroy the Federal building in Capitol city and also rob the Federal Reserve Bank. Superwoman had received the signal on her special communicator alerting her to the fact that the Battletrain was headed for Capitol city. She planned to stop it at least 30 miles from the city, just out of range of the 8” howitzers on the Battletrain. Superwoman slipped into her Superwoman costume and as usual hit a double biceps flex in front of the mirror as she went out the door. Her massive 32” biceps looked incredible as did the corded muscles of her forearms. She looked down at her chiseled six pack abs and her massive 44” thighs and thought, “ Battletrain be prepared to meet your match !” Superwoman quickly ran to the point on the tracks where she wanted to stop the Battletrain. She could see the diesel smoke of the Battletrain in the distance. Superwoman reached down and tore up a 20’ section of rail. She then reached down with the other arm and tore up another 20’ section of rail. With her mighty arms flexing and steel screeching she tied the two sections of rail into a knot. Superwoman thought, “There even if they can defeat me they’ll still have to repair the track if they want to go any farther !” Superwoman stood in the middle of the track awaiting the approaching Battletrain. As the train approached her Superwoman hit a huge double biceps flex. She hoped if any of these men had faced her before she might be able to intimidate them into stopping. Instead the minigun on the front engine opened up on her and the train sped up. With 7.62 MM bullets bouncing off her body Superwoman wound up and launched a mighty punch into the first engine. Her tremendous blow stopped the train dead on the tracks and caved in the whole front of the engine. Superwoman then hit the smashed engine with an uppercut that lifted the entire engine off the tracks and sent it flying sideways through the air to land with a huge crash 50 ‘ away from the tracks. The second engine opened fire on her with its minigun. Superwoman again belted the second engine just like she hit the first. Then again she hit it with an uppercut sending the second engine to crash on top of the first. The next four engines suffered the same fate as the first two and soon there was a pile of smashed and smoking train engines laying next to the tracks. The Army had finally sent some help for Superwoman and six Apache attack helicopters swooped on the train. The air defense cars opened up and quickly swatted the Apaches out of the sky. “Better finish off the rest of the train !.” Thought Superwoman, “Before anymore lives are lost trying to help me !” Superwoman leaped up between the two howitzer turrets on the first howitzer car. She reached up and grabbed a howitzer barrel with each of her mighty arms. Then with a crunching and screeching of tortured metal she tied the howitzer barrels together in a knot. Superwoman proceeded to do the same with the next three howitzer cars. She then went to the end of the last howitzer car and with her mighty muscles broke the coupling between it and the air defense cars. Seizing the car by the coupling she began to spin the four howitzer cars around her head. When they were only able to be seen as a blur she sent them sailing through the air to land miles away. She then went to the rear of the air defense cars and uncoupled them and proceeded to twirl them around her head like a top. She sent them sailing off over the horizon just like the howitzer cars. “Only the command car and the cars with the tank turrets to finish off now. “ She thought. Super girl ran past the command car and leaped up onto the first tank turret car. With her mighty arm strength she seized the gun turret by the barrel and bent upwards. Superwoman pulled the entire turret off the car and holding it by the barrel brought it smashing down on the second turret, smashing both turrets flat. She then leaped to the next car and proceeded to use her mighty arms to tie the cannon barrels into a knot. The next car she ripped off both turrets and smashed them down on the car and the last car she used her incredible fists to smash the tank turrets to junk. Superwoman ran to the first car and again tore the couplings apart between the command car and the tank turret cars. She again spun the cars around her head and let them fly. Superwoman had spun these cars so hard and fast that there was a sonic boom when she let them go and they sailed upward so fast they reached orbit. “Only the command car to go.” thought Superwoman. The command car opened up with all three miniguns on the side Superwoman was facing. She strode towards the car with bullets bouncing off her indestructible body. Superwoman seized the side of the car and hefted it up over her head. She then spread her mighty arms and started bending the command car in half ! Suddenly with a loud crash Iceman burst through the side of the command car. Superwoman calmly finished folding the car in half and tossed it onto the pile of wrecked engines. She then turned to face her nemesis Iceman. Iceman stood about 6’ tall and looked as if he weighed about 260 lbs. He had short brown hair and a small goatee, he was very well built and looked almost as muscular as Superwoman. Iceman was wearing a blue gray and white tiger striped tank top and blue gray and white tiger striped BDU pants with combat boots. Iceman chuckled evilly. “So Superwoman we meet at last.” You are every bit as beautiful and sexy as my men have told me.” Iceman said “It’s too bad we have to be enemies. I have always had a thing for gorgeous women with incredible muscles.” Superwoman shook out her long dark curly hair and laughed “You’re really cute too!” Maybe after I kick your ass I can work on reforming you. At least you wouldn’t break if we had sex !” Superwoman then hit a mighty biceps flex and prepared to do battle. Iceman rushed at her and Superwoman met him with an uppercut that knocked him clear back into the pile of wrecked train engines. Iceman roared with anger and picked up one of the engines and hurled it at Superwoman. She hit the engine with a mighty punch that knocked the engine to pieces. She then charged at Iceman and hit him with several punches to the body. Iceman staggered back reeling from the force of the blows. Superwoman then connected with his chin with an uppercut and Iceman again flew through the air and landed almost unconscious on the ground. Superwoman pounced on him while he was dazed and wrapped her mighty arms around him in a bear hug. Iceman screamed from the pressure she was applying with her mightily muscled arms. “Ready to give up yet ?” Superwoman said. “Not on your life !” Said Iceman. “No woman is going to make me give up ! I don’t care how big and strong she is !” Iceman was almost ready to pass out when Superwoman hoisted him over her head and lowered him onto her mighty shoulders. “ I saw this move on pro wrestling once. It’s called the torture rack.” Superwoman pulled down on Iceman’s battered body and he again screamed with pain. “Ready to give up yet ? or still being stubborn ?” she said. “No way” said Iceman through gritted teeth. Superwoman was very impressed with Iceman’s determination as she was obviously more powerful than him. “It’s too bad this guy is so evil.” She thought. “With him on my side no evil doer’s would be able to stand up against us ! I wonder if he could be reformed ?” Superwoman hoisted Iceman High above her head. Iceman gazed down on her beautiful face and amazing body and thought. “What a woman! If she weren’t my enemy I could fall in love with her in a heartbeat !” Superwoman slammed Iceman to the ground. As he lay there groaning she again picked him up and placed him in an over the shoulder back breaker hold. Iceman finally screamed out his submission. “I give ! I give ! you are too strong for me to fight !” Superwoman knew she couldn’t turn Iceman over to the authorities as they had no prison strong enough to hold him. Superwoman took Iceman to her secret headquarters. There she had a specially made cell that would hold even Iceman. Superwoman stood in front of Iceman’s cell and said to him. “Its too bad you won’t see things my way. I think we could have a great relationship !” Iceman gazed out the door in adoration at Superwoman. He thought “You know she’s my perfect woman, She might be worth going straight for !” Iceman told Superwoman “I’ll give it some thought, after all I don’t have anything else to do locked in here. And with you around I not only get to look at the perfect woman for me but it saves me from getting my ass kicked again !” He laughed. The end ? Not hardly !