Superwoman stops an armored truck robbery: By Iceman The citizens of the city were thrilled to have a superheroine to protect them. In her honor the Mayor presented her with a plaque and the Chief of Police (who was delighted to have her to help out his police force) give her a special signal device to call her whenever she was needed. Lori was sitting in her apartment wondering if the signal was ever going to go off and call her to action. “Sometimes life can sure be dull, no emergencies have happened that I’ve been needed for days now.” She thought. Just then the signal started beeping. She quickly read the message being sent. “Superwoman we need your help ! heavily armed robbers have taken over 2 armored cars that were just leaving the Federal Reserve Bank with millions of dollars on board.” Lori quickly donned her Superwoman costume. As she went by the large mirror by the front door she hit a flex. “Boy all this working out is really making me look great she said as she gazed at her incredibly muscular body in the mirror.” Her biceps had grown to over 32” and her thighs to 44” as always her steel like abs shown through the thin costume. They looked hard enough to stop a speeding train. She quickly left and ran at high speed towards the bank. Her mighty legs propelling her at an incredible speed. She ran up to the bank just as the robbers were pulling away. Lori quickly ran past the armored cars and shouted “I am Superwoman, and if you know whats good for you, you’ll get out and surrender now. The boss of the gang sneered to his partners “Lets show that musclebound bitch what it’s like to get run over by an armored car boys.” The robber driving the first armored car floored the gas and roared straight for her. Lori thought “ Time to teach these crooks not to mess with my muscles.” She hit a huge flex and wound up just as the armored car reached her she hit it in the grill with an uppercut. Her punch was so powerful the entire front end of the armored car was bent up covering the front windshield. She then grabbed the front end of the armored car with one hand and hefted it over her head. With a mighty heave she hurled the armored car like a bowling ball at the other armored car. The trashed armored car hit the other armored car with a loud crash and knocked it end over end several times. “Looks like Superwoman throws another strike.” Lori laughed. The robbers started bailing out of the smoking wrecks that she had made out of the armored cars. Twenty heavily armored robbers stood facing the superwoman. “Now that you’ve seen what I can do don’t you boysthink you should just give up ?” she said. Being slow learners the twenty robbers leveled their automatic weapons and began firing. The bullets just bounced off Superwoman like confetti. She flexed her huge arms and waded into the robbers. The robbers sailed through the air like bowling pins as she let fly with her mighty fists. Soon there was nothing but a pile of twenty unconscious robbers. “I’d better do something to hold them until the police arrive.” Thought Superwoman. She Grouped the unconscious robbers into groups of five. She Then reached up and using her incredible arm strength bent over a street light post. With the heavy metal streetlight post screeching and groaning she bent it around the robbers. Superwoman repeated this with three more streetlights until all the robbers were tied up. Just then several police cars pulled up to the scene. Superwoman proudly stood in the middle of the carnage flexing her huge muscles. “Looks like all the hard work is done here officers.” Superwoman said. The officers all surrounded Superwoman patting her on the back and gazing at her mighty muscles admiringly. “Yes” their Sergeant said. “Looks like once again you’ve saved our city from a big problem.” As Superwoman ran down the street towards her apartment she looked over her shoulder and said. “Glad I could help if you need me you know where to call.”