Patty the strongwoman: Patty Miller the famous strongwoman stood gazing at the large crowd gathered in the stadium to watch her perform her demonstrations of her unbelievable strength. Patty wasn’t a tall woman only standing a little over five feet tall and weighing about 220 pounds. Patty was an incredible specimen though. Patty had long flowing red hair and a beautiful face with a cute upturned nose. freckles covered her tanned body. And what a body it was ! From her boulder like shoulders to her basketball sized 32 inch biceps, horseshoe shaped triceps into massive forearms. She had an incredibly hard little tummy that looked like you could bounce cannon shells off of and an immensely muscled pair of thighs leading down to perfect diamond shaped calves and dainty feet. She was a sight of female muscle perfection ! Patty was set to perform some of the most amazing feats of strength ever performed by a human. Patty wasn’t nervous though, she knew she was easily the strongest person on earth ! Pattys first strength feat was to be a tug of war with 20 elephants. The elephants were set up on a special harness that lead to a chain that stretched to where the beautiful muscle woman was standing. The chain attached to a special crossbar so Patty could grip it with both hands. The elephants were the biggest and strongest African bull elephants that could be found. Patty signaled to the elephants trainer that she had a good grip on the crossbar and was ready to begin. The elephants started moving and stretched the chain taut. Patty calmly smiled and started backing up. The elephants grunted and heaved but were stopped in their tracks by the mighty musclewoman. Then Patty did something even more amazing. She took one hand off the crossbar and smiled an waved to the crowd ! Patty the flexed her amazing arm for the crowd and began pulling the elephants with just one hand. The elephants dug in their heels but to no avail. Patty easily with just the strength in one mighty arm pulled the elephants across the center line. Patty thought now was the time to really show the crowd her strength ! She smiled again and with one arm started spinning the chain and the 20 elephants around her head, her mighty biceps and triceps flexing. Soon the elephants were spinning so fast they were a blur. Patty then let go of the chain and the elephants flew out of the stadium and landed hundreds of miles away. The crowd went nuts ! They thought it was the most incredible display of strength they had ever seen ! Little do they know that was just a warm up Patty thought to herself. A huge door then opened at the end of the stadium and a giant robot walked out ! The robot was easily 3/4 the length of the field in the stadium in height. It strode up to Patty and grabbed her with one giant metal hand. Patty flexed her tremendous muscles and easily broke the robots grip. It reached for her again and Patty grabbed ahold of one of its large fingers. Patty easily flipped the giant robot over her head and smashed it to the ground. She then repeated this two more times. The robot lay on its stomach on the field. Patty then wound up an upper cut to the robots jaw that stood it straight up in the air ! As the robot fell to the ground again Patty seized it by one of the metal fingers and started spinning it around her head like the elephants. She then gave it a toss and it flew up and out of the stadium on a trajectory to follow the elephants. The crowd again went crazy ! The door of the stadium again opened and out rolled 50 Abrams tanks the most powerful armored fighting vehicles on earth. Patty ran towards the first two tanks and grabbed both by the front armor lifting them over her head and smashing them to junk. She then lit into the rest of the tanks, destroying some of them with single blows over her mighty fists, others she lifted over her head and bent into “U” shapes. She grabbed cannon barrels and smashed those tanks into other tanks crushing them flat. Some tanks she grabbed the cannon barrels and tied them into knots then smashed the tanks to pieces with her fists. Soon the field was filled with the debris of the 50 destroyed tanks ! The crowd went wild ! Patty bowed to the crowd picked up a microphone and thanked them all for coming. Patty went into the press box where she knew her boyfriend was watching or had been watching until he passed out from continuous orgasms from watching her mighty feats of strength. Poor guy she thought as she threw him over her shoulder. Hope he’s ready for some heavy duty loving when we get him. Performing in front of a crowd always makes me extra horny ! The end