Lori takes on the terrorists (and gets a new name) by Iceman Lori after her exciting day at the zoo was the talk of the city. The people were thrilled to have a real life super hero to protect them. Lori thought she should come up with a name and a costume for herself if she was going to be the protector of the city. She couldn't just have people running around yelling for Lori every time they needed her ! She decided that for now "Superwoman" would do as that was what she looked and felt like. Her new costume would be a tight red tank top with a big SW emblazoned in gold on the front and tight red spandex shorts with knee length red and gold boots. Lori stood in front of the mirror and hit a massive double bicep flex. The tight costume and boots really showed off her muscular body, from her huge shoulders to her massive 28 " biceps right down too her chiseled six pack abs and incredibly muscular legs she looked every inch the super hero. Suddenly a loud booming and yelling from her TV caught her attention. A local news crew had received a tip that something big was going to happen at the local National Guard facility and had went out to get the story. The TV was showing live film of a group of about 40 terrorists that had attacked the facility and had hijacked 6 M1 Abrams tanks and were headed towards the Federal building. Lori's apartment was less than a block away from the Federal building and Lori thought "Here's my first chance to show the world Superwoman. " Lori quickly ran down the block towards the Federal building and arrived just as the 6 tanks came around the corner. "Do I have a suprise for you guys." thought Lori. The first 2 M1's moved towards Lori and stopped right in front of where she was standing in the middle of the road. The commanders hatch popped open on the lead tank and a bearded man looked out at her. "He yelled I don't know who you think you are woman but either get out of our way or we will crush you like we did the foolish police." "I think I am Superwoman" Lori yelled back, and if you know whats good for you you'll turn those tanks around and head back to the guard base and surrender to the authorities. "Hah" the terrorists leader bellowed. "What is one woman going to do against six of the most powerful armored vehicles in the world! " " I guess it's time you found out" said Lori. Lori ran the 5 feet to the first tank and seized it by the armor on front between the treads. She lifted the huge tank into the air with just one hand. Just then the other tank moved towards her and she grabbed it in the same place with the other hand. Holding a tank in each hand she quickly smashed the tanks together over her head. Both tanks were smashed almost flat against each other. Lori's incredible arm strength had trashed 2 of the most powerful tanks ever built. Lori thought "Two down, only four to go." Lori hit a huge bicep flex and the sprang towards the other tanks.The other terrorists seeing how easily this superwoman had dealt with the first 2 M1's were in a panic. The tank closest to Lori fired it's 105 MM main gun directly at her. The shell hit Lori right in her steel like abs and bounced off. This only served to enrage the superwoman and she pounced on the tank like a lioness on her prey. The gun was still lowered to try and shoot Lori again. She grabbed the gun with one mighty arm and squeezed the barrel closed. She then again seized the tank by it's frontal armor and with one hand lifted it off the ground. Lori then tore off both of the massive steel treads so it couldn't move. She sat the tank back down and jumped up on the tank right in front of the turret. Lori flexed her huge arms and proceeded to bend the huge cannon into a knot. "This should keep them from doing any damage." she thought. The last 3 tanks had had enough of this superwoman and were trying to get away. Lori quickly ran after them and grabbed 2 tanks by the back ends. Lori threw both in the air and after flexing her massive muscles proceeded to juggle the tanks. The news crews on scene were filming this and she juggled the massive vehicles for several minutes before catching them both and smashing them to junk over her head like the first two tanks. "One tank to go" thought Lori. I think I'll really give the news people a treat and really put on a show wrecking this one. Lori ran after the tank and quickly caught up with it. She ran in front of the tank and hit a massive flex. Lori then wound up and hit the tank with a huge uppercut to the frontal armor. The entire front end of the massive vehicle was bent upwards at an angle all from the power of her one mighty punch. Lori then lifted the front of the huge Abrams tank with one hand and eased herself under the vehicle. She then spread her massively muscular arms under the frame of the vehicle and lifted it over her head. Lori then grabbed a hold of the armor on the bottom of the tank and with her incredible arm strength began folding the huge tank in half. Lori folded the tank in on it self. She then took hold of the end of the barrel that was sticking out of the crumpled wreck and started spinning the vehicle around her head with one hand. When the wrecked tank was just a blur she released it and it sailed upwards into the sky until it couldn't be seen any longer. She thought "Well if it doesn't reach orbit won't someone get a suprise when it lands !" Lori then brushed the dust and dirt off her hands and turned around to face her adoring public. All the people watching were screaming and yelling "Superwoman, Superwoman, thank you" Lori hit a huge flex for the crowd and they even got louder. Once again the city was saved ! "This being a superheroine is just allright." Lori thought. The end