Lori goes to the zoo...By the Iceman Ever since she was a small child Lori Chambers dreamt of what it would be like to be a Superhero like Supergirl or Wonderwoman. Lori was never a small girl and as she grew older she discovered weight training. She took to it like a fish to water. Now in her 30's Lori stood an even 6'0" and weighed 285 lbs of pure muscle. With huge shoulders 28" upper arms and 16" forearms and abs like concrete she was quite a sight to behold in a bikini top or a sports bra. Her legs were also huge with 40" thighs tapering down to the most beautiful set of diamond shaped calves the you have ever seen. She was no slouch in a miniskirt or shorts either. Lori had long flowing curly black hair and a face some said looked a little like Cher. Lori definately turned heads everywhere she went. Today she had went with some friends to the city zoo. They were nearing the area where the Elephants were kept. As they came closer childrens screams were heard and Lori saw that a section of the tall fence that penned in the Elephants had been knocked down. Lori saw two huge bull elephants had broken through the fence and were charging a group of children. She thought "oh my gosh I have to do something or those kids will be slaughtered." Lori ran in between the two elephants and quickly picked up two large rocks and threw one at each elephant to get their attention. Both of the elephants whipped their heads around to see what had hit them. There was a look of suprise and anger in their eyes when they saw a human female was the one who had struck them. But what a female, Lori stood there in all her glory wearing a red tube top and short jeans shorts. She felt like all her childhood heroines rolled into one as she hit a massive double biceps flex and shouted to the elephants "bring it on boys" the two elephants charged Lori from each side down the path and Lori calmly stood her ground waiting on them. As the elephants got close enough to reach Lori quickly grabbed an elephant by the trunk with each hand. She squeezed down on their trunks with all the power in her mighty arms and the elephants screamed in pain and dropped to their knees. Lori then with a mighty heave hurled both elephants over her head causing them to strike their heads together. Both elephants slumped lifeless to the ground at her feet. She had done it. She was like the heroines of her past she had defeated two elephants with her bare hands. Lori stood proudly posing and flexing her mighty muscles for the crowd of grateful children and onlookers. Suddenly she heard a huge bellow from behind her. Another huge bull elephant had discovered the opening in the fence and was charging at her. Lori again flexed her mountainous muscles and waited until the elephant got close then seized him by the trunk and spun him around her head so fast it looked like a blur. she then threw him into the pond in the pen where the elephants swam with a huge splash.The elephant evidently had enough of this human superwoman as he let out a bellow and ran to the other side of the fenced in area. Lori then took the huge section of fence that had been knocked down and slammed the ends of the poles into the ground. "That should hold them until the zoo people can make the necessary repairs" she thought. Lori the stood back and basked in the admiration of the crowd of onlookers. It looked like the city had a new Superheroine to protect them. The end ?