Going Super By Happiest_in_shadows@yahoo.com The story of a woman and her ever-growing abilities. I make no claim to any DC characters used within this story. After all, they are trade marks and I don’t want to be sued. **************************************************************************** The entire world had turned against him. At least that was the way Jack felt as he drove towards the hospital. Recounting all the things that had gone wrong, he shuddered. His girlfriend had left him, saying that his job was taking up too much time and she wanted more attention. His family was turning against one another as various disagreements that had been building over years tore them apart. He had lost his job at LexCorp, the one that had cost him his girlfriend a week ago, and now his closest friend in the world was dying of cancer. The injustice of it all was made even worse because he knew she hadn’t done anything in her life to encourage the development of cancer in her body. It had just happened. A low growl came from him as he clutched the side of his pocket and felt the tiny vial laying within it. He might have lost everything else but he hadn’t given up any of it without a fight, and as sure as he was alive he had no plans of giving up his friend. He only hoped that what he currently carried with him would be Kate’s salvation and not her demise. Looking up at the massive structure in front of him, he pulled into the hospital parking lot and climbed out of his vehicle. His mind was so focused on the task at hand that he didn’t bother taking his umbrella as he trudged through the rain. "Kate Stonecutter’s room, please." The nurse looked up for a moment at the dripping wet man who stood in front of her. Checking her computer screen for a moment, she turned to face him. "I'm sorry si,r Miss Stonecutter is currently in Intensive Care. Are you a member of the family, or do you have an appointment?" "Appointment." Jack pulled out his wallet and showed the woman his id. She proceeded to check a list on the computer. Seeing his name, she nodded towards him and began to bring up another list. "You may find Miss Stonecutter on the third floor in room 34." Jack only nodded as the woman handed him a pass and wrote down the room’s number on it. A few moments later a rather large male nurse showed up to escort him to the room. The hospital being one of the better ones in the city, security really surprised Jack every time he visited. He imagined the rather large fellow in front of him could not only handle the most unruly of patients, but probably doubled as security. The two took the elevator upstairs, Jack resisting the urge to reach into his pocket and feel the bottle that it held. "Here you are." Jack was ushered into the room, and the sight that met his eyes nearly made him cry right there. Kate, one of his closest friends, lay in bed, her skin a pale white, her once athletic figure reduced to nearly skin and bones. An iv provided a steady stream of painkillers into her bloodstream. The door clicked shut as the nurse left. Jack walked over to her bed and pulled up a seat as her dazed eyes turned towards him. "Hi there lovely lady." A grin formed on Kate’s lips as she knew she was anything but lovely in her current state. Even her fiery red hair seemed to have lost its shine. Her hand moved out and Jack took it within his own. "Hey there. What brings you here? Decided to come and pay me one last visit before I go?" The impulse to make small talk with Kate was there of course, but as Jack looked at her he decided the best thing that he could do was to get straight to the point . He didn’t want to see her like this any longer then he had to. Standing up, he began to search around the room as Kate looked at him. "You're not going anywhere. I won't allow it." Jack’s voice quivered a bit as he said this, wishing that he felt as confident as he tried to sound. "That is so sweet of you." Kate was glad to see her friend trying to comfort her, but she knew that she was going to die. The doctors couldn’t do anything for her; the only thing they could even attempt to do was keep the pain away. Now even the painkillers didn’t work all that effectively. "Did I tell you that I was fired recently?" "No you didn’t." "Yup. I was fired when my research project failed to produce any results, despite the promising start. Of course, the recent controversy over genetic engineering and the moral implications didn’t help much. So everyone on the team was let go or moved to another department. Well, except the ones working on military research, the lucky bastards." Kate giggled as she tried to think of something to say, but in her current state thinking wasn’t so easy. Finally Jack found what he was looking for. As he walked over to her, he held a needle in his hand. Placing it on the table he began to talk to her. "Kate, you know that the doctors can’t do anything for you." Kate nodded. A moment later she noticed a vial held in her face, its contents a bright red. "Inside this bottle is a vector virus loaded with a genetically engineered strand of DNA. It was what we were researching in my former project before it was terminated. In theory, and in simulations, it has the ability to spread throughout the body and enhance every single cell within it. If it works, it would strengthen the good cells you have remaining and let you survive." Jack’s lip quivered for a moment as he fought back his tears, wanting to be strong for Kate but not wanting to lose his friend. "But it was never a success." Jack vigorously shook his head no. It was the one thing that he couldn’t understand. In most of the tests it had worked, but when they had actually tried it on people the results had been horrible. The hyper-evolved cells had been meant to replace the old ones by cannibalizing them, but things had gone wrong and instead every cell in the poor man’s body had turned against one another. The result had not been pretty, to say the least. It drove Jack insane. Despite all his college and degrees, he couldn’t find out what had gone wrong with the drug. Little did he know that the project was doomed from the start by some of the older research members who had learned of Luther’s real nature and thus had ruined the project. "We were never able to get it to succeed outside of simulation, but if only we had had some more time. This is actually my own work. I was able to get a few things before the lab was shut down and manufactured this at home. That's why it took me so long to come and see you. I've been up for two days straight now working on this, trying to fix everything that I could think of." Kate looked at Jack for a moment as she realized what he was getting at. He was asking her if she wanted him to try this untested, refined version of a drug that had been a failure beforehand, on her. Her teeth showed as she couldn’t help but smile. "You know, stealing from your company is illegal. Even if they fired you, if I was in uniform I would have to arrest you. Jack, I'm dying and there doesn’t seem to be anything anyone can do for me. So I just have one question. If this does kill me, will it be less painful?" Jack shook visibly as he slowly shook his head no. "It will be far more painful for you if this does not work." Kate didn’t much like the sound of that. Still, much like Jack, she didn’t like the idea of giving up without a fight. So it was only a moment later that she began rolling up the sleeve of her hospital gown. "Stick me." Kate didn’t exactly find it a hard decision to make at the moment. She was assured a slow, painful death even if she did nothing. At least with what Jack was offering her she had a chance, though if it went wrong her death would be that much more painful. Jack, on the other hand, was suffering a moral dilemma as he wondered if he was just going to be putting his friend through an even more painful death. He didn’t even stop to consider what would happen if it was discovered what he had done, should she die. Looking into Kate’s eyes, he steadied himself as he prepared the shot, the liquid filling the syringe. He injected the needle through her skin and slowly injected the liquid into her bloodstream. Kate didn’t flinch, instead simply watching the liquid vanish into her bloodstream as she gave up any second thoughts. There was no going back now. Leaning back in her bed, she turned her eyes back to Jack as he withdrew the needle and tossed the now spent syringe in the waste bin. "Well Doctor, how long do I have before I know if it is working or not?" Jack smiled at her and looked towards the clock before standing up. "It will take roughly three hours to start making any noticeable progress, and in five hours we will know what is going to happen." Jack looked around a second before finding the tray that was used to serve Kate her dinner. Picking it up, he noticed it was full. He set the tray down next to her and began to prepare the items, intending on feeding her. "No thanks, I'm not hungry." Jack only grinned at her for a moment. "Whether you're hungry or not, you are going to eat this, because that drug is going to work and you are going to need the raw materials inside you for your body to effect repairs." Kate started to protest, but got a mouth full of jello before anything could make it past her lips. Having only eaten a little over the past few days, she still didn’t feel hunger, but from Jack’s demeanor she doubted he was going to let her speak again until she had finished her meal. Jack watched as Kate ate her food, feeding her another spoonful every time she opened her mouth. He only hoped that the little show of confidence he had put on would help put Kate’s fears to rest, and prove to be truthful. Kate ate slowly, her body weakened by the cancer that had ravaged it. Jack didn’t mind, though. He watched her carefully to see signs that the vector virus was doing its job. He knew Kate’s weakened immune system wouldn’t be able to put up much of a fight, so he expected to see the earliest signs that the drug was working somewhat earlier than usual. As Kate finished her last few bites of food, Jack sat back in his seat and closed his hands together. He didn’t bother saying another word to Kate. The entire conversation had been draining on her and she really needed to rest, perhaps more than she realized as the drug began to take hold. As Jack looked upon the twenty-two year old Kate, he couldn’t help but run his hand through her hair and imagine that it looked just a little bit better than what it had before. Looking down, he noticed Kate’s hand reaching for his. He took hold of it, moving his chair closer, and let her rest while he fell into scientific observation. Though he held her hand, his gaze began to travel up and down her form, looking for any changes at all. The most important thing he kept his eye out for was anything that would indicate her cellular structure was deteriorating, at which time he would know that things weren’t going the way that he had desired. Kate slept through the first hour and the second without any indication that something was going on. The third hour rolled around slowly, however, as various nurses peeked in to see how they were doing. Jack would always wave them off, and none bothered to question as they looked at Kate. In truth they all expected her to die, so if it made her happy to have him around they couldn’t think of any harm. However, as the third hour rolled around Jack was nearly crying, not from sadness but from joy. There seemed to be no adverse effects within Kate’s condition. All others had complained of their bodies feeling hot and pain beginning to build within certain key areas. These were the earliest warnings that the drug was going to fail horribly. The only dilemma was that unlike the others, Kate was currently on some very powerful painkillers, so he couldn’t be sure if it was because of the painkillers or the drug working that she wasn’t waking up. Jack never made it to see what the fourth hour held. As he leaned back in his chair, the lack of movement and the sleep depravation of the last few days began to catch up with him. His eyes slowly slid shut and he drifted away from the world into a deep sleep, his hand still refusing to release Kate’s as they both rested. Had he managed to make it past this point, he would have noted a slight increase of temperature throughout her entire body as the fifth hour rolled around. As it was, the two ended up resting together, the hospital staff choosing not to bother them. Jack felt numb as he opened his eyes and began to look around the room. At first he didn’t know what was going on, until he felt the grip upon his hand and looked down to see Kate still resting peacefully, her breath slow but steady. A wave of fear went through him as he turned to look at the clock, hoping that several hours had passed as it would mean Kate would have made it longer then the others did. As his attention turned towards the clock, he felt a wave of excitement run throughout his entire being. It was now four hours past the five hour mark that he had set earlier. His eyes quickly returned to Kate, then the clock again. This was done several times as he assured himself that it wasn’t only wishful thinking. Finally sure of what he was seeing, he began to rub Kate’s cheek. " Well, you've made it further than anyone else. I don’t know if you're out of danger yet though. I guess we can only hope for the best." Jack stood up. Still looking at Kate’s sleeping form, he took a moment to search his pockets before pulling out a pad of paper and a pen. Jotting down a few things for Kate to read when she woke up, he gently lifted her head and slipped the tiny slip of paper just under her neck, not wanting anyone else to come in and read it while she was out. Jack didn’t want to leave Kate, especially not knowing if she was going to be alright, but now that he felt she was at least safe he could stop in later on. Kate woke up a good three hours later, her stomach aching with hunger. As she moved around, she felt the edge of the slip of paper poking into the back of her head. Reaching back and removing the paper, she began to read it. "Sorry Kate, I had to take off. I need to get cleaned up, I can freaking smell myself. I'm surprised you didn’t mention it yesterday. Oh and be sure to eat, especially if you feel hungry, after all you're going to need nourishment in order to get better." Kate didn’t need his encouragement to eat, though. Reaching around, she found the call button for the nurse and gave it a light press. A few moments later a nurse came in. "Pardon me, but I'm feeling really hungry. Could I get something to eat?" The nurse looked at Kate for only a moment before agreeing to go and get her something. Kate smiled and leaned back into her bed, suddenly feeling rather weak. Fifteen minutes later the nurse came back in carrying a tray and set it down next to Kate, who found herself devouring her food far more quickly than she expected to. The nurse was a bit shocked to see a person who was slowly dying eating so ravenously. "Could I get another tray?" Kate looked up to find the nurse had left. With a slight huff, she pressed on the call button again. As the nurse looked in on Kate again, a sheepish smile appeared on Kate’s face. "May I have another?" The nurse blinked for a moment before giving a hearty laugh and picking up Kate’s tray. "Sure thing." Kate was actually surprised at herself, realizing that just a few hours ago she hadn’t wanted to eat anything and now every cell in her body seemed to be screaming out for nourishment. The vector virus had done its job very well. It had already managed to alter several healthy cells, while a few of them had been wasted on a attempt to alter the cancerous cells. These were beyond help, even by the introduction of the new DNA, and thus the newly- altered healthy cells instinctively set about the task of destroying the least fit ones. Even this would not provide enough energy for Kate's cells to fully undergo the alterations that the DNA introduced to them was calling for. When the second tray was brought in, Kate ate it only with slightly less tenacity then the first one, though unlike the first it left her feeling quite full. Leaning back into the bed shortly after finishing her meal, her stomach now full to the brim, she couldn’t help but give into the wave of exhaustion that ran throughout her entire being. Her eyes slowly drifted shut once again. While Kate had spent the day resting, Jack had made his way home, gotten cleaned up, and was now spending a few hours sending job applications to various companies. He doubted he would be finding a job at a place like LexCorp again, or that Star Labs would be hiring someone of his age range or limited experience. He had actually been fairly lucky to get hired at his previous job, but he still had a good deal of training as far as genetics and computer technology. He had spent seven years total in college. Had he wanted to, he could have spent a few more years, specialized a little more, and been a doctor, but he really didn’t see himself as a people person, plus he had always been a little too easily nauseated. Still, he felt confident that it wouldn’t take him very long to find another job, though he doubted he would be able to get one that had as many perks as the previous. For now he couldn’t help but feel he would be happy even if he was simply stuck repairing computers. After working with such a large corporation with so many shady dealings, it would be better working with a small group and not having to worry about something going on behind the scenes, so while he did send in applications to a few large companies he also took the time to apply to a few small businesses as well. As he was beginning to prepare his dinner, a thought came to mind. Digging into his wallet and checking to see if he had the money to spare, he resolved to bring Kate something nice to eat instead of the hospital food. Besides, he really needed to make sure she was eating. Stopping by a local steakhouse on his way to the hospital, he went with one of the larger steaks, wanting to get as much protein into Kate as he could. For himself he got a chicken dinner. Arriving at the hospital shortly after, he approached the receptionist. "Glad to see you, will you be visiting your lady friend again?" Jack nodded as she handed him a form, and proceeded to fill it out. "I hope it's alright but I brought her a little something." The nurse looked over the counter, taking note of the carry out bag, and nodded as once again a nurse was called to escort Jack to Kate’s room. Everything seemed alright as the door was opened, at least until he stepped into the room and noticed four trays stacked up where, the previous day, there had been only one. Kate still looked rather sickly as far as Jack was concerned, but she didn’t seem to be in as much pain as she had been before. Actually, overall she looked far more alive then she had only a few hours ago. "Well hello there." Kate grinned as she looked towards Jack, having spent the day eating and resting. She wished for a moment that the trays had been removed before he came by. These thoughts left her mind though, as the scent of the steak Jack had brought with him hit her nose. "Hmm, is that for me?" Jack blinked as he wondered just how recently Kate had finished off the four trays he now found himself looking at. And now she wanted more? Still, he had told her to eat. Instead of saying anything he simply walked over to her bed, pulled up the little table and began to lay her food out for her. Kate just grinned and watched as Jack placed her food before her and even took the time to cut up her steak into little pieces. She could have done it herself, but she didn’t mind letting him pamper her. Finishing this off, Jack moved away and laid his own food out and the two begin to eat their meals. Jack occasionally looked over his shoulder to check and see if Kate was doing alright. "So, has your family come to see you?" Kate only shook her head as she currently had a mouth full of steak. They had been in earlier, but not since Jack had started coming. After all, they all had lives and work to be done. This made Jack somewhat glad that he hadn’t gotten a job yet, as it would allow him to visit Kate frequently and observe to see how she was doing. "They haven’t been around in about four days now, but that's okay. Besides, I'm glad you didn’t have to sneak me that little nick earlier with them in here. Jack, do you think that I'm going to live through this? I mean, I am feeling better. The pain has gotten to be a lot less compared to what it was. Actually, I feel fine." Jack fell into a thoughtful state as he considered how long it would take for the treatment to spread completely throughout Kate’s system and deal away with every old cell within her body. The only reason she felt good right now was thanks to how bad she had been feeling earlier. Still, he could at least make a guess. "Well, you have made it further along then anyone else, I will say that much. So I think you are well within the safe zone now. As for how long it is going to take, I would say in a week or two everything will have been completed, though following the past behavior of the altered cells I saw during testing, they are probably focusing on the cancerous cells at the moment, trying to destroy them as quickly as possible and make use of the raw material to create more of themselves." As Jack said this, an odd thought came to mind. All the people that the drug had been tested on had been healthy at the time, while Kate had had a good deal of her body in rather bad shape. This gave the altered cells something to focus on, rather than simply replacing healthy cells that hadn’t been altered. He couldn’t help but wonder if that wasn’t the reason the test had failed and why this one might succeed. "Well, I'm glad that it seems to be working... are you going to finish that?" Jack looked over, noticing Kate had already finished off her entire steak and was now eyeing what remained of his chicken dinner. Chuckling, he simply removed her tray and placed what remained of his in front of her. Now feeling good enough to really eat, Kate was not only making up for the last few days of hardly eating a bite, but also the demands of her now altered cells as they strove to make more of themselves. As Kate ate, Jack couldn’t help but laugh at how the hospital staff must be feeling at the moment. A look of concern crossed his face though, as he turns his attention back towards Kate. "Kate, I want you to refuse any more blood tests." Kate looked up for only a moment as she took time to consider why. She didn’t have to ask the reason, and only nodded her head. She didn’t like the idea of what might happen if the doctors were to take a blood sample from her and find a new strand of blood cells going through her entire system. After finishing up the chicken dinner, she leaned back in her bed once again. Almost immediately she regretted her choice of actions, as sleep once again overcame her. By the time Jack looked over, she had fallen fast asleep. Grinning at this, Jack walked over to her and gave her a slight kiss on the forehead. "Sleep well, pretty lady." Throwing away the trays, Jack made his way out of the room. He decided to make visiting Kate a regular thing, since her family hadn’t been by for a while. Besides, once they started coming he imagined he would hardly ever get to see her, at least until she got out of the hospital. **************************************************************************** "Unless you want to be taken to court, you will get the fuck away from me." The doctor blinked as he looked at Kate, who had been rather close to death just a few days ago. Now the woman was showing not only signs of recovery but an extremely quick temper which almost matched the fiery color of her hair. It had been three days since Jack had stopped by with the steak dinner and he had visited every day since then, each time bringing Kate something to eat. The food had changed as Jack quit focusing so much on taste and went for what was the most nourishing for Kate. With each passing day Kate had felt better, finally removing her iv the previous day and saying she no longer needed the painkillers. "Now miss, we just want to get a little blood work done." "I am warning you, if you don’t back off right now you will be in court. In fact, I want to use the phone. I am feeling better now and I want to sign myself out." The doctor couldn’t believe what he was hearing as Kate gave him a rather stern look. He really couldn’t keep her though, after all she was a grown adult and perfectly capable of signing herself out if she should desire to. So it was with a sigh that he did as Kate requested and handed the phone to her. Kate didn’t bother calling any of her family though, all of them living rather far away. Instead, Jack found his phone waking him from his slumber. "Hey Jack. Would you mind coming and getting me from the hospital?" Kate’s voice came across the line quite clear and rather full of energy. A bit surprised, he wondered if she had already recovered. "You already recovered or something?" "Or something. I'm still pretty weak, to be honest, but I am feeling better and these white coats keep trying to stab me." Jack chuckled as he dragged himself out of bed and began to get dressed while holding the phone to his ear. "Sure thing. Still, if you haven’t fully recovered yet I am going to have to insist you stay here for a while. After all, you're going to need someone to take care of you." "Just how big is your apartment?" Jack was taken aback by the question, but looked around the room. His apartment was a decent size, but not huge. Despite his previous job, Jack was a avid believer that a penny saved was a penny earned. He had chosen a comfortable apartment but nothing too fancy, and instead saved his money and occasionally invested it. Still, it was a nice enough apartment. So he ended up being a bit shocked when he told Kate the size. "What? You have got to be kidding me. I'm not staying in that little apartment! We're going to mine, so you better pack some of your stuff." Jack didn’t have time to argue before Kate hung up on him. Taking a moment to consider it, Jack realized that he had never actually seen Kate’s apartment. He had met Kate while she was attending college and had been in need of a tutor. Jack had been so taken aback by the stunning young lady that he had refused to allow her to pay him for the lessons he gave. They had both lived on campus at the time, and when she did visit him after college it was always at his apartment or meeting at one of the various restaurants they frequented. They had also tended to speak online, greeting each other almost every morning. Now as he prepared a few things, he wondered just what he was going to see. Kate didn’t have to wait too long before Jack showed up at the hospital. Currently in a wheelchair, she did look a lot better, but still a little weak. Jack imagined she looked about like she would if she had just had surgery and was ready to come home. "Well it's about time you got here, slowpoke." Jack only grinned and moved to help Kate get out of the chair, imagining he would lift her up. He then remembered something about Kate. Kate was not a little woman by most standards, standing a total six feet tall and weighing in at 180lbs of very toned muscle. The cancer had taken a toll on her muscle mass, but even then Jack, the computer nerd, doubted that he could actually pick her up. Kate only laughed as she realized Jack’s dilemma, and ended up having to help herself into the vehicle. "So, just where do you live?" A tapping on his seat belt buckle got Jack’s attention as he began to start the vehicle. Looking over, he noticed Kate had buckled herself up already and expected him to do the same. Sighing, he snapped the buckle into place before pulling out of the parking lot, allowing Kate to give him directions. Jack felt poor as he helped Kate into her apartment. Looking around at the large area, he couldn’t help but think one thing. "Alright young lady, are you a crooked cop?" Kate burst out laughing the moment the words left Jack’s mouth. She had been wondering what he would accuse her of. In all truth, she really couldn’t blame him. She did have a rather pricy apartment, that was for sure. "Of course not. However, my family is, umm, financially well off." Jack grinned as he looked around, resolving quite quickly that there was no way she could afford such a nice place without either doing something illegal on the side or, as she had said, having a 'financially well off' family. "Oh, and just how rich are you, young lady? I imagine it was a real shock to your parents when you decided to become a cop." "Yup, that is quite true. However, we are not rich. Remember, I said financially well off. There is a difference." Jack only chuckled as he pushed Kate’s chair over to a sofa and helped her into it. Laying back, she sighed and smiled up at Jack. He gave a slight yelp of surprise when her hand landed on the back of his neck. Kate didn’t yet have the strength to force Jack to bend down, but he didn’t exactly resist as she pulled him down and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You have a bad habit of stealing those, you know." Jack blushed as he realized that Kate hadn’t been fully asleep when he had taken the time to steal a few kisses from her. Judging from her body language though, he really doubted she minded. "My mom and dad take care of the rent for the place as well as the utilities." Jack could only sigh, wishing he had parents like her. As he considered the past he realized that Kate had never really complained about lacking money, even as a college student. Kate grinned as she watched Jack wander around for a few moments. "There is a spare bedroom that you can make use of, since you're going to be my nurse for the next few days. Lucky thing for you I'm strong enough to get around now. You'll need to go grocery shopping, though. After all, I have been a bit laid up." Jack just nodded as he looked at his patient, musing over how he had always thought the doctor was suppose to tell the patient what to do. "Oh and Jack, don’t worry, I'm not asking you to use your money to pick up the groceries. Just go into my room and check in the third dresser drawer down." Jack started to ask which room that was when he noticed the direction Kate was pointing. Heading on in and checking the dresser, he gasped in surprise. Instead of a few pairs of socks and maybe a purse, he found various lingerie items inside the drawer. "Whoops, did I say third drawer down? I meant on top of the dresser in the little drawer." Jack walked into the room a few moments later, packing two hundred dollar bills and blushing a bright red. Kate seemed strong enough to tease him, at least. "Alright young lady, just how rich are your parents? I need to decide if I should hold you for ransom." Kate puffed up her cheeks for a moment as, once again, Jack accused her of having rich parents. "As I said, my parents are not rich, we are just very financially well off." Jack grinned realizing that he had probably found something that Kate had been accused of before and never really gotten use to. "Alright but still, how does a financially well off girl like yourself decide to become a police officer?" Kate seemed to muse on the question for a moment as she tried to decide the best possible response. Finally she settled on a option. "I like being able to write tickets and give other people a hard time." Jack couldn’t help but laugh at his friend's comment, which of course got a grin from Kate. "Other than that, I do it because I like the thought of helping out others. And besides, it was pretty much what I wanted to do even when I was growing up. Heck, it even lets me rebel against my parents a little bit. They wanted me to have a nice desk job." Jack just shook his head as he walked into the kitchen and found a pen and paper on the fridge. Removing the pad from the fridge, he began to search through the kitchen, taking note of what Kate seemed to have a lot of or had eaten. As he did this, he quickly began to notice that there was a nearly complete lack of any candy and an abundance of fruits and vegetables. "Alright, I think I have a few things, but you need to fill out the rest of the list." Kate took the list from Jack’s hands as he returned to the living room. Looking it over for a moment, she then took the pen and added in a few more items before handing it back to him. As he started to leave, a slight ringing got his attention. Turning around, he noticed Kate holding a key out to him, and realized that he had been so caught up that he had forgotten this simple but crucial item. He took the key and proceeded to head on out the door, taking a moment to ensure that he could find his way back by writing down the room number, as well as the address of the apartment complex just to be doubly sure. As Jack left, Kate simply stretched herself out on the couch and let herself fall asleep once again. All the moving around had tired her out a bit. As her eyes drifted shut, she wondered just how good of a nurse Jack would make over the next few days. In actuality, she wanted to keep Jack around for more than a few reasons. She wondered just how far the drug he had given her would take her. There was also the little matter of just how she was going to thank him for what he had done for her. **************************************************************************** Jack was in pain to say the least. It had been five days since he had arrived at Kate’s apartment and started taking care of her. During this time, Kate had recovered far more quickly then he would have imagined possible, even under the influence of the drugs. While this was a good thing as far as he was concerned, he found he didn’t like what Kate, now nearly fully recovered, was insisting he do. Being a avid fitness nut who had had no trouble passing the police physical exams, Kate had decided that he would be joining her as far as physical exercise was concerned. Now, on the first day of such activities, Jack felt like he was going to die. Still, as he lay on the floor he couldn’t help but admire the view as he turned his attention towards Kate. Watching as she pressed the 150 pound bar, he shuddered a bit. He knew that the only reason Kate was pressing 150 pounds was that she was still somewhat drained from her experience and couldn’t yet do her normal 180 pounds. The thought that Kate was capable of bench pressing her own weight was actually an immense turn on for Jack as he admired her athletic figure. Having only seen her in uniform most of the time, he found he didn’t want to take his eyes off the red and black clad amazon as she worked out. Kate’s arms and legs had always looked fit, but now as he watched her he got a new appreciation for just how toned Kate truly was. The only odd thing was the fact that despite Kate’s strength, she didn’t appear bulky in the least. Rather, she appeared to be built for swimming, long distance running or perhaps martial arts. Kate grinned as she felt Jack’s eyes on her. She rather enjoyed it when a guy appreciated a woman with a little bit of strength. She regretted she wasn’t fully recovered so that she could really show him up, having noticed how Jack seemed to focus on her even more after she topped him at every exercise. While he could bench 100lbs, she had benched 150lbs and could go higher once she had her full strength. He had managed to curl 20 lbs in one arm while she was able to do 36lbs, and while he felt entirely drained she still had plenty of energy to continue pushing herself. "Hey Kate, I was thinking...shouldn’t your parents have come to check up on you by now?" The sound of the bar being set down rang throughout the room as Kate sat up in her seat. "What, you don’t like taking care of me?" Kate put on a pout that got quite a reaction from Jack’s loins as the mixture of the innocence in her face, her powerful body and her emerald green eyes looking back at him seemed to overwhelm his senses. The only way he could define Kate would have been striking. As he attempted to stutter a response, Kate giggled and feel backwards once again starting on the bar. "My parents called a few days ago when they learned that I had left the hospital. You were out just then. I told them that I was fine and I had a friend taking care of me. They offered to come down but I was able to talk them out of it. My mom and dad stay pretty busy with work, so it's hard for them to break away without planning ahead." Kate finally set the bar down for the last time and climbed off the bench. Walking over to a counter, she leaned against it so that her rear was shown nicely and used her right hand to pick up a bottle of water. As she drank she gave her rear a few shakes, watching Jack's admiring gaze in the window's reflection. Some of the water sputtered out of her mouth as she noticed Jack quickly turn his head away from her, realizing what he had been doing. "Umm, sorry about that." Kate grinned as Jack apologized and pushed herself off the counter. Slowly she walked towards Jack’s drained form and, much to his surprised, settled down on his stomach, resting her firm tush against his chest. "Jack, I take you into my personal exercise room, I put on an incredibly tight workout suit and make you exercise, then while you're laying on the floor I continue to prance around you and show off my body. Do you really think that I don’t mean for you to look at me?" Jack only blushed more as he felt the weight of this divine creature sitting on top of him. "Well, it still seems a bit rude of me." Kate couldn’t help but laugh as she looked down at Jack and ran her fingers along his arms. There wasn’t much tone there, but she was testing for potential rather than strength, and that is what she saw in him. Potential, both physically and mentally. Jack gave a slight groan of pain as Kate bounced on his stomach lightly, just enough to knock some of the wind out of him and keep him from talking for a while. "Oh come on Jack, you know I like you and I want you to look at me. I like the attention, being a spoiled brat and all." Jack went wide-eyed and wished that his arms hadn’t been pinned to his sides by Kate’s well developed thighs. As nice as they felt, he was feeling a little embarrassed having this woman come on to him so strongly. "And besides, I have other things I want to talk to you about." Kate’s thighs relaxed as she blushed a little bit, something that didn’t escape Jack as he looked up at her lovely face. "What do you need to talk to me about?" Kate gave Jack a large grin, one that made him worry a little bit. Still, she seemed a bit shy about what she was about to ask. "Well, we have been friends for a while now so it isn’t like we don’t know one another, and to be honest, I like you. So I was thinking that it would be nice if you moved out of that dinky little apartment of yours and moved into mine with me." Jack could hardly believe what he had just heard. It was true that he and Kate had been friends, but he had never thought of going any further with her. He had been dating at the time, and also thought Kate was far out of his league. While she was a powerfully built amazon, he happened to be a computer addict with a complete lack of any tan or real muscle tone, thanks to the amount of time he spent inside. And now, he had learned that Kate came from a financially well off family, as she had put it. "I don’t know, err...I'm not sure about that. I mean we have been friends for a long time now." "Too true, which is why I am asking you to go ahead and move in with me. After all, you've been with me for these last few days, only going home to check on your answering machine. Besides, I think it's time we got to know one another better, and by moving in with each other we can get to know if our habits really match up." Kate leaned in rather close, allowing Jack to look into her green eyes. "Since you put that drug in my system...will I ever return to normal?". Jack swallowed, a nervous look on his face as he realized that he had made the same mistake of several great minds and hadn’t considered what would happen to Kate if the drug did work on her. It wasn’t exactly something that would just be reversed. Whether he liked it or not, Kate had been permanently changed right down to her very DNA. "No, there is no way to reverse the treatment. I mean, you are the first success story, and without being able to repeat the results, there is no way we can reverse the effects." Kate slowly nodded as Jack stated what she had expected the entire time. She wasn’t mad at him. After all, the treatment had saved her life and as far as she knew would have some other benefits, but it meant there were going to have to be some changes in her life. "Just what kind of alterations did the drug make? I mean, will I get to be super strong, super fast, umm, maybe able to fly?" "Oh no, nothing like that. At least, as far as I know. What the drug is meant to do is allow the body to better fight off illness and adapt to new environments more quickly. I really can’t say how effective it is but who knows, perhaps you never need to worry about getting sick again." Kate smiled. The thought was rather appealing, but it still left a problem. "That is nice and I am grateful, but you do realize that I can’t return to work without a physical, especially since just a few days ago I was about to die. I don’t want to be used as a lab rat when it comes time for blood work to be done on me. I'm going to need some help. Now I can take the physical without getting blood work done of course, but you know I still need someone who can check me out and make sure I am alright. And since we are keeping this a secret, that someone has got to be you." Jack blinked for a moment as the words sunk in. "Woah, woah, I don’t have the degree needed to be a doctor. I mean, I got a pretty good deal in, but nothing that advanced." "Jack, you were just telling me a few days ago how I have been changed all around, so I doubt a normal doctor’s degree would do you any good in working with me. Though I really can’t force you. After all, I owe you my life." Jack gasped as Kate’s legs pressed back against his arms. She let her form fall down upon his, wrapping her arms around him she pulled his face closer to her own. "Please, won’t you continue taking care of me?" As Jack laid there he quickly considered his options. A lovely woman, whom he at one time had considered totally out of his league, had her legs and arms wrapped around him. He had just found out she had a wealthy family, and to top everything off she was already a very close friend. It didn’t take him long to decide. "Alright, but it still doesn’t mean I need to move in. I mean, you could just stop by for regular checkups." Kate grinned as she rolled off Jack and stood up. "Oh I know that, but I get lonely living alone. And besides, I am going to help you get into shape." Kate grinned as Jack’s face seemed to sink a little at the thought of exercise. "Now don’t give me that look. The only reason I lasted long enough for you to save me is that I was in such good shape. Don’t worry, I'm not going to push you too hard, but you really need to put on a little muscle tone." All Jack could do was grumble; he couldn’t exactly disagree with her. Overall the deal was quite good, though he knew he wouldn’t be getting in the sack with Kate anytime soon. As far as he knew, Kate had never slept with anyone. Despite her charms and her teasing nature, she had never let anything go that far. He was never sure why. After all, she could have had her pick of a good deal of men, but she had always held back. Jack eventually learned that her religious beliefs as well as her own personal feelings kept her from giving in. "We'll get everything set up later. But until then, how about we just go relax?" Kate offered her hand to Jack. He allowed her to help him to his feet, and they walked into the main room. Jack was still somewhat wobbly. He got a laugh from Kate, who gave him a playful poke in the stomach. Jack soon took his seat next to Kate and couldn’t help but feel a little bit of excitement as he considered what had just happened. While at first he couldn’t help but think how strange it was for him to be moving in with her, she had made a pretty good argument. And it did at least mean he had a chance with her. If he proved that they were capable of living together, Kate might be willing to move things a step further. For her part, Kate had chosen to go ahead and skip to living together since dating wasn’t really necessary for the two of them. Having spent so much time simply hanging out with him, she had a pretty good idea of Jack’s behavioral patterns and didn’t find anything particularly annoying. Kate was up early the next morning while Jack was still asleep in the spare bedroom. As she picked up the phone she had a big grin on her face. Howard Low was at his desk when the phone began to ring. As he picked it up he was surprised at the voice that he heard on the other end. "Hi there Chief, I was just calling to let you know that I am out of the hospital." Howard’s jaw nearly hit the floor as he heard Kate on the phone. Some of the departments had sent her get-well cards when they had heard the news, but none of them had really expected her to recover. "Kate, how are you doing? I mean, are you alright?" "I am doing just fine, Chief. Well, I was actually calling to see when I could start coming back in to work." Howard couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Not only was Kate on the phone and sounding just fine, but she was also talking like she was fully recovered. "Umm, Kate...I mean, how are you even at home? Last time I heard anything about you...well, you weren’t in very good shape." Howard could hear Kate giggling on the other end of the phone. She couldn’t help but find everyone’s shock as of late rather amusing. "I got better of course, and I am wanting to know when I should start coming in to work again." Howard could hardly believe his ears, but resolved he wouldn’t push the issue any further. "Well, why don’t you come in tomorrow if you feel able to and we can see just how you are doing." Kate grinned as she flexed a bicep. Even though she wasn’t fully recovered yet, she did feel more than able to return to work and she didn’t want to just leech any longer then she needed to. "Sure thing, I'll be in tomorrow." As Kate hung up the phone, she mused over what she needed to do in order to get ready. She had already invited Jack to move in, so she figured that would be the first order of business today. He would need to get ahold of his landlord and start closing his accounts, then they would move his stuff to Kate’s. Jack would probably have to finish paying up his lease rather than risk leaving anyone in a sour mood. Leaning her head to the side, Kate began to consider waking Jack up, but changed her mind. She opted for a more pleasant way of getting him out of bed then just dragging him out. Jack awoke quickly as the scent of eggs and bacon hit his nose. He slowly rose from the bed. Taking in a deep breath, he made his way to the kitchen and found Kate at the stove making a rather large breakfast. As he started to ask her why so much, he recalled the changes her body was undergoing and opted to keep his mouth shut. "Well good morning, sleepy head. I figured we should start the day with a good breakfast. After all, we have some moving to do." Jack nodded as he joined Kate in the kitchen area and began to rummage around the cabinets until he found a few glasses. "What do you want to drink?" Kate grinned as Jack went about helping her to prepare breakfast. Although she was nearly done already, she was glad to see he was willing to help. Kate chose orange juice, and Jack found he didn’t have very many options. The health-conscious Kate limited her beverages to milk, juice and water. He finally settled for orange juice as well, and took his seat opposite Kate. "So, you're sure want me to move in with you?" Kate grinned as she took a few moments to finish chewing a mouth full of eggs. "Yes, I am. After all, you’re my doctor now." Jack grinned. "Hmm, well then I guess the only thing I have to regret is that all the job applications I put out earlier have the wrong address." Kate chuckled as she began to wonder just what she was going to do about Jack’s job. A grin formed on her face. "Well if you live with me, you could just be my 24/7 doctor." As Jack looked at Kate, she noted that he seemed completely shocked by what she just said. "No way. I couldn’t ever do that. I mean, I am grateful that you invited me to move in, after all this place is a lot better than my old one, but there's no way I could just stay and not help out. I'm not a leech, after all." Kate couldn’t help but grin at Jack still holding on to the notion that a man was meant to provide. Even faced with a chance to just lay around, he had rejected it quickly. What was more, the shock he showed in his voice at least hinted at the fact that he was being honest. Of course, his choice wasn’t purely based on old ideas. Having gone to college for seven years and worked his fingers to the bone, Jack had put a lot of effort into getting his degrees and he was going to use them. "Hehe, alright. Well I guess we will just have to find you some other work then. Who knows, perhaps I can help you out." Jack only nodded as he resumed eating, noticing the wide grin on Kate’s face as if he had just done something that she approved rather strongly of. It was strange; a few days ago Kate had been laying in bed near death and he had been the one to take control, making the effort to help her. Now just a few days later, with her health rapidly recovering, Kate seemed to be making all the decisions for him. He couldn’t help but think it had something to do with her job, though. After all, as a police officer she was probably use to taking charge of a situation. "Hello. Yeah, this is Jack Hunter. I'm calling in regards to my apartment... yeah, I would like to close my account....no, I will finish paying up this month's rent...yeah, I will be stopping by later today." Jack felt a little nervous about what he was doing. He had the money in his bank account to pay off the month's rent and then some, in all truth that was one of the reasons he didn’t feel worried about losing his job. At least, not as badly as some. Since he would be moving in with Kate, he didn’t have to worry about that anymore, though part of him still worried about the trouble it would cause him should she just decide to kick him out. He felt he could trust Kate more than that though, considering how hard she had always tried to keep her word. Kate, for her part, was going over a checklist in her head to see how Jack matched up with what she liked and what she didn’t. So far he had done quite well, except that she didn’t care for the fact that he liked to sleep in late. Sleeping more than eight hours always left Kate feeling that she had wasted part of the day. Other than that he was doing well, but the real test would begin in a few days, now that she was entirely healthy. She knew that Jack would help around the house and take care of her while she was ill, but now she needed to see how he would behave otherwise. "Well then, shall we get going?" "Sure thing . Whose vehicle are we taking?" "Mine. I haven’t gotten to drive around in a little while." Jack nodded, figuring Kate’s vehicle would do better than his anyway considering that she drove a Humvee. Kate slipped on clean clothes, deciding to bathe when she got back, while Jack put on a few items he didn’t mind getting messed up. As the two made their way down the hall, Jack got another surprise when Kate didn’t go to the elevator but stopped at the stairs and grabbed hold of the back of his shirt. "Now don’t be lazy, we're going to take the stairs." Jack groaned audibly as Kate opened the door. They began to make their way down the steps, Jack wondering if he would be stuck walking up them upon their return. This was Kate’s intention, of course. She preferred to get a little exercise in on the side, and really, walking down the steps wasn’t all that much of a workout. As they finally made it to Kate’s vehicle, Jack remembered to buckle up this time, knowing that she wouldn’t leave until he was firmly strapped in. Jack had been inside Kate’s vehicle before, but he couldn’t help but take note of the interior and how particular Kate was about keeping it clean. It brought back other thoughts as well, such as when, even before she joined the police force, he had been about to throw a pop can out the window only to have Kate stop him. Kate had never been the type to pick up a sign and strap herself to a tree or anything, but she at least tried not to make things worse than they were. So while she didn’t join a large group and go pick up cans, she made sure all of hers ended up in a recycle bin. It seemed to be the way she treated most things in life. "Aha, I think I know another reason why you like being a cop. I just remembered, every time I tried to throw something out the window you wouldn’t let me. Heck, you even started insisting that I ride with you so that you could prevent such activities. I bet you like being a cop because you can help force people to clean up the roads." Kate gave a rather large grin as she came to a red light. She looked over at Jack. "Yup, and I can also force them to donate to the city by writing them a ticket." Jack grinned as he wondered if Kate was really as bad as she made herself out to be. "So do you always write people a ticket?" Kate’s first temptation was to say yes, but she knew that wasn’t anywhere near the truth. "Naa, actually I tend to let people off more often than not, so long as I don’t catch them going more than ten miles over the speed limit. Well, and I like to write tickets on Wednesdays for some reason." "What do you have against Wednesdays?" "I think it's probably because it's the day when you're not almost done with the work week or just starting out, but you're right in between. Which means I don’t know if I should be happy or angry, so I just opt for angry and become a real pain in the butt." Jack rolled his eyes at Kate’s answer. The two of them made small talk for the rest of the ride, Jack deciding to try and find out just how strict Kate was at enforcing the law. When they finally arrived at the apartment complex, Jack had resolved that she wasn’t nearly as strict as she made herself out to be. There were just a few things that got her after some quicker then others. "Alright, I want you to go ahead to your landlord’s office and get things dealt with there. I'm going to go on to your room and get to packing your stuff." Jack cringed as he wondered if he really wanted Kate going through his apartment and seeing some of the items he had. But he resolved that he didn’t have too much to worry about. Despite being a cop, Kate was a friend and she wasn’t on duty at the moment. So he finally handed over his room key and they went their separate ways. No longer having Kate with him, Jack took the elevator, while Kate opted for the stairs once again. As Kate entered into Jack’s room, she looked around for a moment and let out a slight huff, wondering why he chose to live in such a small apartment. She knew he made better money than that. A worried look appeared on her face; she hoped she wouldn’t have to write Jack off as cheap. It might have seemed shallow, but simply put, little annoyances could become big problems if you were stuck living with someone. Then again, Jack had never gone cheap on her when he had taken her out to dinner, even though they weren’t dating. And he had shown a strong incentive to provide earlier on. So she held back on this as she began to roam around his apartment. Searching his closet, she found a carrying case for his clothes and began to load them up, as well as a few other items. "You didn’t have as much porn as I thought you would." Jack blushed bright red at these first words to hit his ears the moment he stepped into his apartment. The landlord had decided to stop by later on and make sure it was in the same state as when Jack had first begun renting it. "Well, of course not. I have the internet after all," Jack grinned, deciding to play along with Kate. She just laughed at his comment. As Kate packed his clothing, Jack wandered over to his computer and began to disconnect it. Having spent the last few days in the guest room, he already had a few ideas of where he was going to put his stuff. It was kind of amusing to consider that the guest room he was going to be moving into was bigger than his old one. Jack couldn’t help but feel lacking as Kate helped him move out of his room. Not only could she pack more than he did, but she was still able to move significantly faster. Of course, she continued to use the stairs while he made use of the elevator, but that didn’t really help things as he didn’t live far from ground level. To make matters worse, Kate could more than make up for lost time in the parking lot. As the final items were being brought down, Jack was surprised when Kate dove into the elevator with him. She smiled at the look of shock on his face. "See, didn’t take long at all to get your stuff with me helping out. I was thinking that you could start putting in job applications to a few businesses tomorrow. How many have you already put in though?" "Just a few. I mostly put them into small businesses, you know, just little computer repair shops." Kate looked at Jack for a moment as he mentioned this. "Now that is just silly, why would you apply to places like that when you know you would rather be in a lab, working for a larger company." "I don’t have that many job references, though LexCorp is a really good one. I don’t know how much that will help me in getting other jobs, though." Kate rolled her eyes at Jack. It was true that he probably wouldn’t be picked up right away with his lack of experience, but still. "Well, you can forget that. You're moving in with me now, so unless you get a decent job you are just going to stay back and keep putting in applications." "LexCorp owns most of the good research jobs in this city and you know it, so what else am I suppose to do?" Kate exited the elevator with Jack as it finally put down, and they began making their way across the parking lot. "There are other companies to work for. And really, you put too much effort into college to just settle for something that wouldn’t require half as much education. Don’t worry if you feel bad about living with me; I'll just start drawing up a tab." Kate giggled as Jack smiled at her. As he considered the option, he felt a little bit of greed poking into the back of his mind. He could just leech off Kate for a little while and not feel too bad; after all, he would be looking for a job. But still, he didn’t want to take from a friend and he really hated feeling like he owed someone a debt. So it was with a bit of reluctance that he responded. "That sounds fair. So what utilities will I be covering?" Kate looked at Jack for a second. She had only been joking, and didn’t plan on making him pay for anything. But the offer was nice. "Jack, I was only joking with you. After all, my parents have the utilities and rent covered. All I have to buy are groceries, clothes and a few other miscellaneous items. There is no way I am going to let you start paying now. It's nice that you want to help out, but it isn’t really a big deal. Now, if I was some little poor girl then I would have to take you up on that offer." Kate heaved the last of the items into her vehicle and helped Jack get a few of his into the trunk as well before she climbed into the driver's seat and he the passenger. "But I don’t want to be a burden, and besides I hate feeling like I owe a debt." Kate giggled at the thought of Jack owing her a debt, especially considering what had happened only a few days ago. "Jack, you know saved my life. The way I see it, I am very much in your debt." "That's different..." Jack didn’t get to finish talking before Kate’s hand clamped down upon his mouth. "Still, it isn’t a burden on me. And if you still want to help out, I guess you can pay for some of the groceries and maybe take me out for dinner a few times. But other than that I expect you to just accept my offer." Jack grinned as he finally gave in. After all, no matter how nice of a fellow he was, there were only so many times he was willing to try and convince her to let him pay. The rest of the day went smoothly as Kate helped Jack to bring his stuff inside and get him set up. He found that he actually had room to lay out quite a bit of his equipment that he had been keeping in storage. Having taken care of everything that he could think of, Jack figured he would spend tomorrow checking around to see how things were going while Kate returned to the police station to resume work. At least that was the plan, though considering that she had been expected to die only a few short days ago, Jack doubted things would be that simple, especially with Kate having signed herself out of the hospital. Officially, she was still dying of cancer, a rather amusing thought since as far as Jack knew she might now be the healthiest human on the planet. Kate glared at Jack’s sleeping form the next morning, having once again woken up before him. At first she thought of cooking breakfast again, but quickly changed her mind. It was clear to her that if she wanted Jack to develop good sleeping habits, he would have to be trained to wake up at a certain hour, much like she had trained her own body. So turning around, she proceeded into her room and removed her alarm clock. Setting it down on the table next to Jack’s bed, she set the volume for full and the alarm to go off in thirty minutes. She would have to pick herself up a new alarm clock on the way home, but at least now Jack would be woken up. Returning to her room, Kate removed a pair of thong panties, a white bra and her police uniform before proceeding to the bathroom. She locked the door, placed the items on top of the sink and began to strip. While doing so she examined her body, wondering just how badly her time spent in the hospital had damaged it. It had surprised her the previous day when she found that the 150 pounds she had been bench pressing felt a little light now. As she looked herself over she couldn’t find anything wrong with her. Kate admired her form in the mirror as she sought to think of a way to define herself. Her arms and legs were both extremely well toned, that was obvious even when she stood relaxed. However, it became even more apparent when she flexed. The muscles expanded if she so much as bent her arm, while her stomach sported a four-pack. She couldn’t help but admire her figure. Having spent so much time and energy on herself, she had the right to be a little vain about her appearance. Her figure remained slim overall, as she had focused more on tone than on actually building muscle mass in an effort to maintain her agility. The most difficult thing for her to maintain had been her measurements. Even though she wasn’t the most well-endowed of females, Kate was quite happy with her measurements of 38C-27-36. The only thing she didn’t care for was the fact that she had gone down a cup size since she had started exercising. As her thoughts turned to her chest, Kate’s hands came up to cup her breasts. Her fingers gently messaged them, and she let out a slight moan as her fingers moved over her nipples. While she couldn’t boast a large cup size anymore, she could be glad her breasts remained standing even without a bra to support them. It made Kate extremely happy that there was no sag anywhere in her body. This had allowed her to pick and choose almost any male she wanted, so long as they weren’t scared of a physically capable woman. The fact that she came from a well-to-do family helped things quite a bit as well, but had also caused problems. As Kate had learned early on, she really didn’t have any desire for a man that was stronger then her. She preferred to be the stronger of the two and be able to wrap her arms around a fellow and know she was in control of the situation. She had stayed away from most athletes for this reason. It seemed the stronger a man was, the more of a turn off it was for her. Of course she liked a guy to be in shape, just not to be stronger than herself. This was one of Jack’s shortcomings, of course, as years in front of a computer screen and his own refusal to exercise had left him a bit on the unfit side. But Kate planned on taking care of that. She would just have to encourage him to start working out with her on a regular basis. Before long she was sure she could mold him into what she wanted him to be. Of course, she couldn’t force him to exercise, but that wouldn’t stop her from giving it a try. Stepping into the shower, Kate shut the door and turned on the water. She stepped back for a moment, allowing it to strike her breasts first. She let out a slight yelp as the water started cold and then warmed up. Turning her thoughts to Jack, Kate found that being laid up in the hospital for so long had left her a little more hormonally charged than normal. She began to imagine what he would be like if she could just get him to trim away the slight bit of fat he was packing and put on some muscle tone. He would still be small compared to her, and she had no doubt that unless he began to push himself as hard as her, she would remain the stronger. The thought of wrapping her arms around him and holding his weaker body to her own excited her as she played with her nipples. Her left hand drifted from her nipple to take a firm hold of her breast and slowly began to massage it, her right hand soon working on her right breast as well. Moving the globes of flesh in slight circles, Kate leaned up against the shower wall, letting the warm water hit her red mane and run down her back. Her right hand finally abandoned her breast to move down to her stomach. Kate's fingers pressed firmly into her abs, feeling the strength of her abdominal muscles, while her left hand now gripped her right arm, feeling her bicep. It was odd, but feeling the strength in her own body compared to others always seemed to excite Kate. Her right hand finally left her abs and traveled down to her lips. As she lightly moved her finger against her pussy lips, Kate’s left hand once again returned to her breast. Soft moans began to escape her mouth. Kate's index finger began to press inside her vagina. Her internal muscles were still quite tight, having never known a man. It didn’t take much at all to stimulate herself as she moved her finger around. Her hand began to play with her nipples once again, moving some what quicker then before, as Kate began to take in sharp gasps of air. As Kate did this though, the years of living alone caught up with her as she forgot that she had company. Jack was not awakened by the alarm clock, but by a much more pleasant sound. As the sound of Kate’s pleasure woke him from his sleep, it took him a moment to realize what was going on. He could hear running water, and moans of pleasure which he soon realized were Kate’s. Not knowing exactly what to do, his first thoughts were to enter the bathroom and ask if Kate wanted someone to join her. The image of her fist, propelled by her powerful arms, sinking into his soft stomach quickly took those thoughts away. However, the thought of Kate’s strength and how much power she could pack into a single punch only excited him more. In truth Jack had a thing for strong women, and had spent many nights lusting after Wonder Woman. It was odd though, as he much preferred Kate’s build. Unlike Wonder Woman, Kate was not only strong but also looked it. The thought of Kate having the same pound for pound strength as Wonder Woman was an immensely exciting thought. He pictured just how much stronger that would make her. Having never seen Wonder Woman pop a bicep nearly as large as Kate’s, he imagined that if they were of the same group, Kate could take her apart. These thoughts, plus the sound of Kate’s moaning, got a rather strong reaction from Jack. A tent appeared in his trousers, and he found himself taking care of his own needs. Finally a long moan came from Kate as she felt her body go weak. She leaned quite heavily against the shower wall, a wide grin across her lips. It took a few minutes before Kate finally pushed herself up from her resting position and began the task of getting herself cleaned up. She hummed to herself as she stepped out of the shower at last and began to dry herself off, first drying her body before placing the towel over a stool in front of the sink mirror. She began the process of combing out her hair before it could dry. She did not like having to get knots out of her hair, especially since it came down well past her mid-back. Finally brushing her teeth and slipping into her uniform, Kate checked herself in the mirror one last time before stepping out. Making a quick stop in the kitchen, she grabbed a apple and called out to Jack before she left. "I'm going to head in to work now, I imagine they will want to see me to make sure I'm still alive. Don’t burn down my home while I'm gone." Kate giggled as she stepped out and locked the door behind herself. Jack remained in bed, having noticed the alarm clock and turned it off. He had no idea whether she had meant to get his attention like that or not, and the exact method with which one should deal with such a situation escaped him, so he simply kept quiet. Howard was stunned as he looked at Kate, who had bounced into work a good ten minutes early. Having been to see her a few times while she was in the hospital, he had learned that she had been dying there and that the most they could do was ease her suffering. Now she stood before him looking to be in as good of condition as she had ever been. Of course, he had talked to her over the phone, but it wasn’t quite the same as seeing her now in perfect condition. "Well, um, I don’t know what to say." "How about you're glad to see me?" Kate grinned, having actually liked the looks all the police officers had given her upon her return to work. It was nice to see that they had been worried about her. Of course, everyone had developed a good deal of camaraderie. It was sort of a requirement for people trying to enforce the law in a city where villains like the Shade liked to make their appearance. "Oh, I am, but...well, to be honest we thought you were as good as dead. We sort of already filled your position." Kate's face sunk as soon as she heard this news. She had expected as much, though. After all, one doesn’t hold a spot for someone whose death is assured. "Don’t worry though, your job is still here. We just don’t need any more cops on the beat. And besides, after that little brush with death you had, are you sure you're okay?" "I'm feeling just fine, Chief." Howard nodded before he began typing on the computer. Bringing up Kate’s file, he began to make some changes on it before printing out a document. "I'm going to send you to have a physical to make sure you're alright. I hope you don’t mind, but the last time I saw you, you were holding onto life by a thread." Kate nodded as she took the paper in her hand. The document required the signature of a doctor. "Now you just go ahead and get that taken care of, and once we know that you're fine you can come back. Still, I don’t understand how you recovered. Do the doctors know?" Kate shook her head, a wide grin on her face. "Must have been some people praying for me." Howard could only nod as he watched Kate head out the door. As Kate left, she looked down at the document in her hand. Until she had it filled out there would be no way for her to return to work, which meant she might as well head over to a hospital and get to waiting around. Normally she would have gotten a appointment, but she didn’t want to return home just yet, and since she had been planning on working she figured she might as well head on to the doctor’s office. Taking a look at herself, she grinned and decided she would head to the doctor’s office after she went home and changed clothes. Jack looked up from the computer screen as he heard the front door opening. Walking into the living room, he was a bit surprised to see Kate back early. "Hey, how did things go?" Kate was smiling as she walked past Jack, showing him the paper before vanishing into her room and calling out from behind the closed door. "I have to go to the doctor and get them to sign this little form saying that I am as healthy as can be. I would normally prefer to have an appointment, but since I don’t have anything else to do I figure I might as well just go. So how is the job search going?" Jack leaned up against the door so that he could hear Kate better and not have to yell so loud. "It's going pretty good. It turns out that there is a branch of InCon Ltd in the city. I was reading through some more information on them and I think I might actually send in an application." Slipping out of her uniform, Kate stopped for a moment to try and recall the name. She couldn’t help but feel that she had heard it before, but wasn’t sure. "I can’t seem to place the name, but I know I've heard it. How big are they?" "Well, they aren’t nearly as huge as LexCorp, but then again it's pretty hard for a company to really grow in size with some of the giants hanging around. I mean, even Skunkworks has been having trouble with places like Star Labs opening up and taking up so much of the market. Still, they do well enough to survive and make a decent profit, so I figure I might as well go with them. Maybe they won’t mind picking up a Lex reject." Kate chuckled as she listened to Jack. It didn’t sound like the exact spot she was hoping he would get, but it was fine enough. "Well, so long as you can get a decent pay check I guess everything is alright. And don’t sell yourself short. I'm sure those pencil pushers will regret dumping you eventually." Jack couldn’t help but laugh at this, as Kate echoed the dream of many former employees, the desire to get back at their employers. "Yeah, well at least there is one thing I can say for sure. I doubt they have as many rumors going around about them as LexCorp, and since they are smaller I imagine they have fewer break-ins. At least I hope so." "That's always a good thing in this city. Kind of frustrating, I imagine, for the companies. As soon as they develop some real top of the line technology, some over-powered nut job like Copperhead or The Shade breaks into your lab. Well, let me know if you decide to put in a application or not when I get back." Jack stepped away from the door as Kate stepped out wearing a baggy t-shirt and some jeans. Jack couldn’t decide if he liked Kate better dressed up, or in her casual clothing. Once again he watched her leave before returning to his computer. He located the employment link. Clicking on it a moment later, he found himself filling out a job application. Even if he wasn’t completely sure if he wanted to work for the company, he figured that an interview couldn’t hurt. He also planned on filling out applications for jobs that he wasn’t likely to get, such as those at Star Labs. As Jack finished this up, he looked at the computer's clock. "A few more hours before Kate will be home." Turning his gaze towards the living room, his first desire was to see what channels Kate had. But he changed his mind, stood up and proceeded into the kitchen. He soon found himself rummaging through the fridge and drawers, laying out various pots, pans and food items. Kate had been nice enough to prepare breakfast for him the previous day, so he would be nice enough to prepare her dinner while she was getting herself checked out. Having lived by himself for a while now, Jack had developed at least a bit of cooking skill. As he began to prepare dinner he hoped Kate didn’t have anything planned for the steaks in the fridge. Kate, for her part, was experiencing just what she had expected upon her arrival at the doctor’s office. She had been made to wait rather a long time to see the doctor, and now that she had been admitted, the doctor was being a pain and wouldn’t give her a simple physical as she requested. He kept questioning her about her medical records and why they said she was dying of cancer. Finally getting fed up with him, she shouted, "Listen, are you going to give me a damn physical or not? I don’t have any cancer, and if you would just check me you'll find that I am in perfect health." The doctor finally relented at having the six foot amazon shout at him, and began to give Kate the physical that she had been requesting. Still, as he checked her over he could hardly imagine that she had been dying of cancer, and couldn’t help but wonder if the previous hospital had been up to something. Kate, for her part, couldn’t help hoping that she wouldn’t have to put up with too many questions for too long. As she began to consider the situation, she thought of her available options. She could say she didn’t know anything, and get pestered for who knows how long, or she could tell the truth. That was out of the question, at least for now. She could also say aliens had abducted Jack and her while he was visiting, proceeded to have wild alien sex with them, and healed Kate of her cancer. Not an entirely bad story. Or she could always say that she had seen an angel come in through her window and perform a miracle. As she considered what she would start telling people, she finally opted to ask Jack if he would rather be an alien or an angel. Jack looked up from the stove, seeing Kate enter and hold up the paper proudly. She only did this for a moment as she noticed Jack in the kitchen. "Welcome home! I hope you don’t mind, I decided to go ahead and prepare dinner." Giving Jack a curious look, Kate made her way into the kitchen and began to look over what he had prepared. She was glad to see that he had prepared simple items. Jack felt Kate’s arms wrap around him from behind. "It looks good, but which steak is mine?" Jack grinned as Kate’s lips pressed against his cheek. Using a fork, he pointed towards the larger of the two steaks. Taking her seat while Jack put on the finishing touches, Kate grinned, "So Jack. Are you an angel or an alien?" Jack turned around a moment later, giving Kate the ultimate 'what the fuck' look, which got a giggle from her. "Well I was thinking, what am I going to start telling people about my recovery? And I figure it has to be one or the other that saved me. So which one are you going to be, an angel or an alien?" Jack couldn’t help but grin as Kate asked him the question. He considered it. "Well, I'm not going to risk you turning me into some tentacled creature, so if anyone asks, you can say you got a message from God and an angel saved you." Kate giggled at this as Jack carried over the steaks and a few other items, serving Kate and then himself. "Alright then, Mr. Angel." Jack just rolled his eyes, wondering which religious group Kate was going to give the credit to. It didn’t really matter much to him, as even though he considered himself a Christian he was not of any particularly strong conviction. He tended to make his appearances in church only when it was convenient to do so. "So did you send in any job applications?" "Yup, I sent in a few of them. Not sure about the odds of getting them, but I figured I might as well try. Heck, I even sent in one to LexCorp, despite their recent decision to remove me from my position." Kate just nodded her head at this. Their conversation broke down into small talk. Later, sitting on the couch, much to Jack’s surprise he found Kate’s powerful legs wrapped around him from behind. As she pulled him back to rest on her, he could feel the strength in the legs around him and the arms that hugged him to her body. "Hey Jack, I was wondering if you would like to get into shape." Jack looked at Kate out of the corner of his eyes. "Yeah, I suppose I would. After all, how am I ever supposed to get the girl if I don’t?" Kate grinned and messed up Jack’s hair a bit. "Alright then, starting tomorrow you're going to be my workout partner. You don’t have to join me for my morning warmups, but you have to work out with me from six to seven." Jack gave Kate a concerned look, as he didn’t particularly like the idea of having to work out for a entire hour. "Don’t worry sweet, I'll go easy on you. I just want you to lose that spare tire of yours. You only have to work out from six to 6:30, and the rest of the time you can just admire me. After all, I don’t want to risk you catching up to me. Otherwise I would worry you might try to take advantage of me." "Oh, so you prefer to be able to rape me." Jack laughed slightly as Kate nodded in the affirmative. "Well I hate to tell you, but you can’t rape the willing." Now it was Kate’s turn to laugh as she continued to pet Jack. While she did this, Jack found his hands exploring Kate’s arms and even some of her leg. Feeling the muscles underneath her skin, he had no doubt that she could overpower him if she chose to. He looked down at his stomach and gave it a few good taps, watching the flab shake just a little, and decided that so long as Kate wanted him to, he would be her workout partner. Howard couldn’t help but be a bit shocked the next day when Kate stopped by and simply handed him her physical examination results. Looking up her beaming face,he just chuckled. "Well alright, I guess I will show you to your desk." Kate’s expression changed immediately as he stood up. "Wait, you mean I'm going to be stuck doing a desk job?" "Sorry Kate, but it's the only position we could really find for you. A lot of people find it hard to believe that you are alright, especially after what the doctors had been saying. So I can’t risk giving you something physically demanding." Kate grumbled as Howard showed her to the receptionist desk and pulled out a seat for her. This was truly a shocker. She had been expecting to be put back on patrol, not given a desk job. Finally she simply shrugged her shoulders and resolved that she was back on the force, and that would be good enough. Once they saw that she was healthy, she felt sure they would put her back on patrol. Jack felt useless as he lay on the floor, watching Kate exercising. It had been a week since she had gotten her old job back, and yet he hadn’t even been called in for a interview. He had thought about getting a job in a department store or the likes, but each time he would even mention it Kate would scold him and tell him it wasn’t happening. He hated how not working was making him feel, like he was taking advantage of her. Kate, on the other hand, was actually getting kind of used to having Jack around the house and having dinner prepared when she got home. She would make their breakfast each morning, while Jack would take care of dinner. It had worked out quite well as far as she was concerned. And she loved having someone to exercise with her. The fact that Jack was there seemed to make her push herself even harder. Kate did enjoy showing off her body and what she could do, even more so if she happened to like the person. Jack’s admiring gaze always seemed to push her even further. It was an enjoyable routine for her; every other day she and Jack would work out, and every time he would end up giving out long before her. It only made it more fun as Kate strived to see if she could double or even triple the amount of time he had spent working out. On this particular day though, the 180-pound barbell felt wrong. Each time she lifted it she couldn’t help but think it seemed to be lacking in weight. She had been having the problem all day with every weight she did. "You know Jack, I think it has been good for my exercise routine having you around." Jack gave a slight hum as he looked towards Kate. She set the barbell down. As he admired her form, she walked over to each side of the barbell and removed the bolts that held the weights in place, slipping on another five pound weight on each side. "Hey now, isn’t that a little dangerous? I mean, I'm a bit drained right now to spot you, and isn’t your max 180?" Kate just shook her head as she laid back down. "Don’t worry, it isn’t that much more than what I was lifting before. The 180 just feels lighter than it should for some reason." Lifting the bar from its stand, Kate lowered it slowly to her chest, feeling the weight before slowly lifting it up again. As she tried to gauge how it felt, she resolved that it still didn’t feel quite as heavy as it should, but it did require enough effort on her part to be worth her time. Jack watched Kate’s muscles swell as she lifted and lowered the weight. Her workouts were the one time that he could really admire her muscles for all they were worth. Jack was surprised to admire this view for longer than he had expected. The weight remained a bit lighter than Kate would have liked, and her stamina seemed to have improved since he last saw her work out. Jack didn’t really know what to think as he watched Kate complete multiple sets of twelve, except that she hadn’t been kidding about improving since he was here. "Dang, I didn’t know exercising just a week could pay off that well." Kate gave Jack an odd look before speaking. "It doesn’t. At least, not normally. I mean, I could bench 180 when I went into the hospital, but I was laid up pretty bad for a while so it should have gone down. Now, here a week later I am benching 190 and I can do more sets than I used to be able to." Jack nodded his head, wondering if it had something to do with the drug helping Kate to recover, but he didn’t exactly see how. The drug had been meant to help the cells adapt to illness, as well as to handle things like radiation, cancer and viruses, not to increase strength. Still, perhaps the fact that the cells had been slightly altered and made healthier had something to do with it. "Oh well, guess you should just be grateful. Maybe just being healthier in general is helping out." Kate nodded as she went to the free weights and picked up the 35's. She stopped for a moment, then set them down and lifted the 40's before taking a seat. Having worked with the free weights earlier, Kate couldn’t help wanting to start over. She wasn’t nearly to the point she liked to be after working out. She still felt a lot of her stamina, and unless she burned up the energy exercising it would take her forever to get to sleep. As Kate moved from exercise to exercise, she found herself increasing the amount of every weight she used in order to get the same feeling she had beforehand. "Yup, something is different alright. I wish I could get these kind of results all the time." Jack only nodded as he finally recovered enough to sit up, though he didn’t leave the room. Instead he continued to watch Kate, particularly on her leg curls and extensions. The latter allowed him to watch the muscles in her legs, and as she was sitting up he felt that it gave him a better view of her breasts than just about anything else, except of course when she warmed up by doing push-ups. The leg curls, on the other hand, afforded him a wonderful view of her rear. As Kate worked, Jack could get an idea of what kind panties she wore. The material hugged her butt so firmly that he could make out the impression of her panties, the material just about small enough to be considered a thong. Each time Jack saw this he would remember the first time he had exercised with Kate in her home, and having her firm rear pressed against his chest. Despite her being somewhat heavy, he had rather enjoyed the experience and wondered if he would ever get to feel her well-toned rear again. This only encouraged him to work out harder, as well as increased his desire to get a decent job. He hoped to show Kate that he was willing to work for her. It was an odd notion, but now that Kate was no longer considering him as just a friend, he felt an incredibly strong desire to prove himself to her. Kate had realized this long ago and was glad to see Jack working out, even though it had only been for such a short while. The fact that he was trying to better himself for her enjoyment was something Kate found immensely appealing. This was not a one way street, of course, as Kate was very much willing to improve herself for his sake as well. The fact that Jack liked how strong she was and how weak she made him feel was something Kate delighted in, and it only pushed her to improve herself more. Of course, they did differ on some things. Kate had already learned to hate how often Jack watched the Discovery and History channels, while Jack didn’t exactly care for Kate’s interest in police and court shows. These were minor differences, which they felt could be easily adapted to. Kate simply planned on getting another TV and having one in her room while allowing Jack to have the living room television. That way they could both watch what they wanted. Finishing with the weights, Kate let the bar return to resting position and looked at Jack, who now seemed lost in thought. Chuckling, she took a rather large swig from her water bottle before walking over to the punching bag. A moment later her fist struck the cloth, the impact resonating loudly enough to startle Jack out of his musing. He turned his attention back towards her. As each punch slammed into the cloth, Jack found himself focusing on Kate’s arms and fists. He wondered what it must feel like to be hit by them. Kate finally finished her routine with a light jog on the treadmill to completely burn herself out. Jack grinned as she climbed off the machine, every muscle in her body fully pumped up. Also grinning, Kate flexed her right arm. "Let's get cleaned up and you can feel them later." Jack nodded as he watched Kate leave the room, her words taking a moment to sink in. Quickly dashing into his room, Jack retrieved a few clothes before making his way to the smaller guest bathroom. Normally he would wait for Kate to finish and just use the main one, but in this situation he figured he would make an exception. In his hurried state, though, Jack found that he had actually managed to finish showering before Kate, despite her having started sooner. Of course, considering how long it took Kate to wash and condition all of her hair he didn’t exactly blame her for taking a long time. Her long hair was one of the few features about Kate that wouldn’t serve her well if she got into a fight. Still, she remained very adamantly against cutting it. While waiting, Jack had time to wonder just what Kate would be wearing when she came out. He couldn’t help but hope she would choose a tight t-shirt and low-cut shorts. What he got a few moments later was even better, though. Kate entered the living room, her body still dripping with water from the shower. Jack was surprised to see that instead of wearing shorts, she had on a rather large t-shirt that reached down almost to her mid thigh. The shirt didn’t show off her breasts as much as he would have liked, but that was easy to ignore as it allowed a wonderful view of her legs. Kate grinned at Jack as his eyes locked onto her. Walking over to him, she surprised him by slipping her arms under him and lifting him from his siting position in a cradle hold. Laying herself down, Kate settled Jack on top of her and wrapped her legs around him from behind. With his back resting against Kate’s chest, Jack remembered the position from a few days earlier. A moment later Kate’s right arm draped around his chest, allowing his hands to explore it. At the same time Kate’s left arm began to feel Jack’s arm, playing with the weaker muscle. This did make Jack a bit self-conscious and made him eager for the day when, instead of weak muscle and flab, she would fine a nicely toned arm where her hand currently rested. It might not have been as good as sex, but being cuddled by Kate was nice enough, and Jack had no desire to leave the embrace of this powerful lady. The two ended up falling asleep like that, both of them rather exhausted from their workout and enjoying each other's company, nodding off wrapped up in one another’s arms. Jack woke up a few hours later still entangled by Kate’s arms and legs. Realizing how late it was, he looked towards Kate and once again started to steal a kiss. But he stopped himself, resolving that he would quit that and just hope for Kate to give them voluntarily. As he attempted to get up and go to his own bed, however, Jack found a problem. Kate had always been a heavy sleeper, ever since she was a little girl, and on top of that she had often had stuffed animals to cuddle when she was young, a few of them larger than herself. In this comfortable state, it seemed Kate’s body was back in its childhood, and Jack found that her arms and legs had quite a firm grip upon him. As he tried to remove himself from her grasp, he found that he couldn’t get her arms to release him and he didn’t want to try too hard for fear of waking her. Finally an idea came to him. He reached up and began to tickle Kate along her collarbone. She let out a slight giggle and squirmed a bit, her legs tightening up around Jack at first and causing a bit of pain, but a moment later releasing himi as she squirmed about. Seeing his chance, Jack quickly moved away from Kate’s grasp by rolling on the floor. Slowly sitting up, he noted an odd thing as Kate’s arms seemed to still reach out to him as if looking for something to cuddle. The action, even though she was asleep, made Jack feel a bit guilty about slipping away from her like that. Having intended to return to his room, Jack instead opted for a quick trip to the restroom before returning to Kate’s arms. After all, he didn’t know how often he would get a chance to sleep while being held to her form, so he felt that he should make the most of it. Once again in Kate’s arms, he slept for another four hours. It was then that Kate’s natural habit of getting only eight hours of sleep kicked in, and she found herself waking up at four in the morning. Looking around for a moment and realizing she wasn’t in bed, she didn’t take long to notice Jack either. She chuckled lightly to herself as she realized what must have happened. Standing up, Kate lifted Jack, being careful not to wake him. she carried him into his room and placed him in the bed. Looking at the equipment he had brought with him, she couldn’t help but imagine Jack as the mad scientist type. She began to search curiously through some of it, noticing that a few of the items bore the LexCorp logo. Considering the complexity of the items, she doubted that they were all purchased. "Oh, you naughty boy. Well, I guess it's natural to take a few souvenirs from your job when they can you for no reason." Kate gave Jack’s sleeping form a kiss on the cheek. It helped to explain why he was able to develop such a advanced drug after he had been fired. Curiosity got the better of her as she began to look through Jack’s stuff, wondering if she could find some notes on just what was in the chemical. It didn’t take her very long to find Jack’s notes but she ran into a problem the moment she saw them. While Jack did take notes, they were mostly rough scribbles meant only to jog his memory. Anyone else who looked at them could hardly make sense of them. Furthermore, he had the horrible habit of making personal notes for other events which were nearly impossible to tell apart from the scientific ones. Kate was a little disappointed, but even if she had found rather clear notes she doubted she would have understand them. She didn’t have nearly the level of medical training Jack had. She would just have to ask him later on if she felt like it. Kate snuck out of Jack’s room a few moments later and proceeded into her own. Stretching her arms above her head, Kate began to move around to get her blood flowing and loosen up her muscles. She and Jack had had a fairly good workout session the previous day, so her body was still fairly sore. Still, she liked to start each day with some light exercise to help her wake up. These days were mostly meant for building up her agility and centered around exercises that would help her remain limber. The next week would follow roughly the same pattern Kate, spending her mornings working out and cooking breakfast before leaving for work. Jack would spend his morning looking for job opportunities and checking on the ones he had already applied for, then prepare dinner. He began to get more into the workout routines as well, after which he and Kate would often end up snuggling on the couch and falling asleep, he trapped in her embrace. He noticed that with each day it seemed Kate’s grasp on him grew a little more solid. Not painful, of course, but he could budge her arms less and less. He would find out why only a short while later. "This can’t be right." Jack looked over at Kate as he sat doing leg extensions while she was working on the bench press. Kate didn’t respond right away but instead seemed to start testing the barbell's weight as if something was wrong with it. A few moments later she set the barbell back down and stood up. Walking over to the weights, she retrieved two fifteen-pound weights and removed the bolts that held the weights in place. Removing a 5 pound weight on each side, she replaced them with the fifteens, bringing the total weight to 210. Sitting down, Kate then proceeded to heft the bar much like she had done the previous week. Except this time she only went a few reps before setting the bar down. "Just two weeks ago I was only benching 180, and to be honest I was pretty happy with that. This week I'm benching 210. Jack, I shouldn’t be able to benchpress 30 pounds more in just two weeks, especially since this seems slightly easier than when I was just benching 180." Jack just looked at Kate for a second as he considered what she said. Kate had already been fairly fit before they started working out together, while he on the other hand had just been starting. It made sense that with Kate’s greater amount of development it would take her longer to improve than him, and yet he couldn’t lift nearly 30 pounds more than what he could two weeks ago. "I guess we need to take a look at this, don’t we?" Kate nodded. Jack stood up and headed into his room, Kate following. Sitting down at his desk, Jack proceeded to dig around for a few moments before pulling out a case. Taking out a sterile pin as well as a glass slide, he laid the slide on the table. "Alright, come on over Kate. I'm going to get a sample of your blood." As Kate sat down, Jack couldn’t help but think he should have done this earlier. He had just wanted to think everything was going to turn out alright, that Kate’s DNA had only been altered along the predicted guidelines. Now he wasn’t so sure. Pricking Kate proved to be a bit tougher than he expected as her skin put up some resistance, but the needle did get through and a few drops of Kate’s blood fell onto the slide. Jack grinned as he put a bandage on Kate’s finger and gave it a slight kiss. This got a grin from Kate, who just watched as Jack slipped the slide into a microscope. Instead of looking into the lens, Jack proceeded over to his computer and brought up a program. Kate looked on curiously as an image of what must be her cells appeared on the screen. Jack pushed a few keys, and the microscope made a few noises as the tiny motors in it were adjusted. At first Jack thought Kate’s cells looked completely normal, until the image began to focus and he could make out the predicted alterations. These were the alterations that he had seen in test batches, so he didn’t think much of them. But as he looked on, things began to change as the computer provided more information. Jack found himself focusing more and more on the image. "So can you tell what is wrong?" Kate was by now leaning over Jack’s shoulder, her eyes focused on the screen. As she did this, Kate could tell something was different about her cells from the models she had seen in college and high school. That said, she couldn’t tell what changes had been planned and what was now causing her strength to increase more quickly then normal. Jack didn’t respond right away as he took note of Kate’s cells. A few adaptations in particular began to get his attention, such as the fact that Kate’s cells seemed to be sporting a unusually high amount of mitochondria, and the general structure of the cell had been slightly altered. At last he took in a deep breath and spoke. "Your cells seem to have a few more mitochondria than normal. I assume that is helping with the increased stamina, but it isn’t only that. Your cells' configuration seems a little odd. This might be so that they can make use of the greater amount of energy. Have you weighed yourself recently?" "No. Should I?" Jack nodded and gave Kate’s hand a slight pat. Shaking her head, Kate proceeded out of the room and into the restroom, where she climbed onto a scale. It read 180.2 lbs. Nodding her head, Kate returned to Jack’s room a second later. "Not a pound more than I did two weeks ago." Jack nodded his head. It didn’t take him long to develop a theory about what was going on. Kate’s cells had slightly altered themselves in order to yield greater strength without having to increase in actual muscle mass. The exact reason why they were doing this escaped him at the time, as he wasn’t sure of just how they functioned. The reason could very well have been so as not to hinder her agility, but he still couldn’t be sure of that without further testing. "Well, I would normally want to do some tissue testing, but it is pretty obvious that something is going on here. Your cells have only altered a little bit so far, but to be honest they shouldn’t have even changed that much." Kate didn’t really feel worried. At least Jack wasn’t saying her cells were degenerating all of a sudden. Jack, for his part, was plenty worried as his demeanor changed and he went from roommate and friend (with hopes of forming a deeper relationship) to scientist. At the moment, the changes that Kate’s cells had undergone were relatively minor. The problem was that they shouldn’t have happened at all, and he had no way of knowing just how far they would go. "So do you think we need to take a little vacation and see how far this is going to go?" Jack looked up at Kate, who was once again leaning over him. "Err, well it might be safer that way, so we could get a idea of just what changes are going to happen. But I'm not sure if I have the money for..." Kate’s hand smacked Jack upside the head playfully as she pointed towards herself. "Like I would let you pay for my vacation, you silly. My parents have a place up in Appalachia where we could go hide out and see if I am going to turn green or anything." Jack grinned, having forgotten who he was talking to. Still, it surprised him how relaxed Kate was. "That would work out well, but hey, I thought you said your parents weren’t rich." Jack received another playful smack from Kate. "They aren’t! Just financially well off. Besides, it isn’t like they had it built for the sole purpose of vacations. It used to belong to my grandma and grandfather. When they passed away, my parents thought of selling it, but considering the rise in land value they figured it would be a wise investment to simply hold onto the old place. How long of a vacation do you think we need to take?" "Well I would like to say until your strength quits increasing, but we don’t know how long that will be. Hopefully before we started needing money. Also, I'm kind of worried how your parents will react. I don’t exactly want to tell them what happened just yet." Kate rolled her eyes. Jack still didn’t seem to understand the situation. She put her hand to her head as if she was talking on the phone. "Hello Mom and Dad, this is your little girl. I was calling to ask you a favor. You know how I'm in police work and how you just hate it? Well, it's finally getting a little too dangerous for me, and I'd like to quit but I don’t know what I want to do. Would it be alright if I made use of my grandparents' house and took some time to think it over?....... Oh, take as much time as I like and Daddy says he will take care of the necessities?.....Thanks Mommy, see you for the holidays!" She hung up. "That is roughly how the phone call will go. My parents really don’t like that I became a police officer after college. They even told me to take a year off to think about it." Even though Jack was trying to remain scientific at this time, he couldn’t help himself. "Lucky rich girl. I wish my parents could have given me that many options." Kate didn’t bother smacking Jack this time. She had to admit it was a pretty nice luxury she had been given. "Well, my dad will pay for the utilities and even send some money for groceries and maybe a few amusing things. Just so long as I don’t start asking for cars...well, more than one or two." Jack blinked. He was now quite sure that Kate’s version of 'financially well off' was his version of rich. "Just what do your parents do, anyway?" Kate grinned as she leaned in closer to Jack and acted like she was going to whisper it to him. "It's a secret." Jack gave Kate a odd look. She was taking the time to tease him even now. At least the alterations didn’t seem to be affecting her way of thinking. She was still every bit the tease that her remembered her as. "Alright, but I think we need to start getting ready. I imagine you will want to give the force a week's notice before you take off." Kate nodded her head and sighed, regretting that she was taking off so soon after just getting back. And after all Howard had done for her, sticking her on the receptionist desk and all. Kate gagged a bit at the thought. Perhaps when she came back she would be able to get to working the streets again. She didn’t really think she would end up superhuman or anything, but as she flexed her arm she imagined what it would be like to be able to pick a full-grown man up with just one hand. "Well then, I guess there is no reason to put it off." Kate proceeded to take a closer look at the screen once again, nodding her head at the sight. "I guess this isn’t one of the things you just ignore and hope goes away." Jack nodded in the affirmative, watching Kate leave the room. He leaned in closer to the computer screen and continued to watch the cellular activity. Biting his lip, he couldn’t help but wonder how all of this had happened. The drug hadn’t been meant to make that many alterations. A thought hit him a moment later. The drug had been adapted by him a bit more before he gave it to Kate, but he doubted that it was the drug alone that was causing this. The drug hadn’t been engineered to make the exact alterations Kate’s cells were currently showing. He considered that it might not be the drug that caused the alterations at all. Instead he began to wonder if the drug had simply allowed the cells to make the alterations to themselves. It was a somewhat troublesome, yet exciting thought. He considered what it could mean. If the drug had made the alterations, then it may very well quit soon and Kate wouldn’t go much further. However, if the cells were now making the alterations by a form of adaptation, then this could go on for much longer, perhaps even indefinitely. Looking around for a moment, Jack soon found his old notes and took a moment to organize them before flipping them over on their backs and numbering them. Kate could hear Jack’s pen scratching in the paper as he began to take random notes and points of interest. Realizing that it probably wouldn’t be a good idea to pull him away from what he was currently doing, she made her way back into the gym and once again took her position under the barbell. "210 pounds." She grinned a bit. It was odd, but she really wasn’t scared. Of course, that was partly because she didn’t see a reason to be. Panicking right now wouldn’t help anything, after all, and working out helped her to relax. Kate began her exercise routine, leaving Jack to his business and deciding to have faith in his scientific ability. The irony of the thought didn’t escape her, as she realized it was that faith that had caused the mutation in the first place. Of course, it was also that faith that had saved her life; thus she felt no ill will towards him. As she lifted the weight, she actually found herself hoping that Jack wasn’t trying to stop her body from strengthening. In all truth, she liked the idea of her body increasing in strength so quickly. She simply didn’t want to turn into some abomination with green or blue skin. As Jack took notes, he heard Kate exercising and smiled. At least she wasn’t letting it get her stressed out. Jack found himself regretting that he couldn’t join Kate in today’s routine, but at the moment he felt he had something more important to take care of, which was to make sure the changes weren’t endangering Kate in any way. Halting for a moment, he looked to the notes before writing down 180, 190 and 210, recalling what Kate had gone up to the previous week. As he noticed a trend in her strength increases from the past two weeks, he at first wanted to assume that her strength would continue to follow the trend. But he pushed it out of his mind. He would need to keep track of Kate’s strength increases for several weeks before he could make any such assumption. Kate looked at the phone, having finished her work out a short while ago, and wished she was as relaxed about calling her parents as she had pretended to be. It was true that her mother and father had attempted to prevent her from becoming a police officer and even offered her a year off, but Kate had refused it. She had done what she wanted to do despite her parents thinking it was too dangerous for their little girl. Of course, they were still proud of her. They just didn’t like the idea of their daughter getting shot at. The reason Kate hesitated was that she didn’t want to ask her parents for more than they had already given her. In truth, she had come to feel that she was taking advantage of her parents' willingness to give her what she wanted. It was the way her father tended to make up for his inability to be with her. Keeping a business alive when there were so many giants to compete with took up a lot of his time. Kate knew this and tried to console, him but he still insisted on giving her things in order to make up for not being there. It had hurt her a little while growing up, but when she had needed him he had been there, just not much of the rest of the time. She had gotten use to it. After all, it was more than what some kids had while growing up, so Kate held a great deal of respect for her parents. This was a important matter though, so at last she dialed the number. A few rings later a voice came on the other line. "Yes hello, I would like to speak to Mr. Stonecutter. Tell him it's his little girl." A moment of silence, and she heard the phone being picked up. "Hi Dad! I was calling because I need to ask a favor...well, it is going to be a little costly..... Okay, well, I've decided to quit the police force...Well you don’t have to sound so happy about it... Yeah, I know, you can’t help it... the reason I am quitting... Well, it just seems to be getting a bit dangerous for me and to be honest I don't think I've fully recovered from my little bout with death.... don’t worry Dad, you don’t need to apologize. You visited me as often as you could....anyway, I was wondering if I could use grandma and grandpa's old home for a while and think about what I want to do....really, thanks Daddy. Is it alright if I have a friend along?.....oh, he's a rather nice fellow, you will have to meet him some time...of course not, Daddy... We'll probably head out there in a week... okay Daddy, love ya, bye, and I will call more often." Kate hung up the phone musing over how easy that had been. Grinning, she flexed her muscles for a moment. Her father never really seemed to worry about the men she hung out with, confident that his little girl could bust their heads open if they tried anything. Heading into her room, Kate finally wrote up her week's notice, planning to hand it in to the chief in the morning. She knew it was rushing things, but she did need to get away soon. Finally she climbed into bed. It took a while for her to nod off, her body having already adapted to having someone to cuddle these days. She could still hear Jack clicking away in his room so she doubted he would be up for anything tonight. The scent of coffee and biscuits hit Kate’s nose the next morning, waking her from her sleep early. Sitting up in bed, her hair a mess, Kate glanced around the room and wondered just what was going on. She heard the clicking of a keyboard and then rapid scratching on some paper. Jack, having spent the entire night observing the sample of Kate's blood, had taken the time to prepare Kate some breakfast as well as some for himself. Kate wandered into the kitchen to find a plate laid out for her with three boiled eggs, some toast, biscuits and a good deal of oatmeal. Walking over to it, Kate grinned, realizing Jack had probably chosen boiled eggs so that he wouldn’t have to watch them. She picked up one of the eggs and bit into it before locating the coffee. Pouring herself a cup, she was surprised at how thick Jack had made it, and realized that he had probably been up the entire night. After adding a good deal of milk and sugar to her coffee, Kate poked her head in on Jack who had his dirty plate sitting besides him on the table, as well as a rather large cup of coffee. "I didn’t think you liked your coffee this thick." "I don’t, but I needed caffeine to keep me awake and you don’t have any soda." Kate grinned and walked over to Jack, giving him a kiss on the cheek. She looked into his eyes. "You were up all night trying to find out if I am going to be okay, weren’t you?" Jack nodded lightly and got another peck on the cheek. Walking back into the kitchen, Kate proceeded to eat her breakfast, figuring that she would drag Jack away from his computer screen after she got home from work, even if he didn’t like it. She didn’t want him spending all his time with that machine, after all. Grabbing another one of the eggs, Kate downed it before heading back into her room and beginning her morning exercise routine. "Hey Jack, don’t bother cooking dinner today. I'll stop by a restaurant on my way back from work." Jack grunted his okay, not looking away from the screen except to write down a few more notes once in a while. Howard was surprised as he looked at the paper Kate had just given him. He pulled a drawer from his desk, opened a file and slipped the paper into it. "So, do you hate desk work that much?" "Oh no, it isn’t that. It's just the time I spent in the hospital so close to death seems to have affected me in ways that I didn’t predict." Howard gave an understanding nod. He figured it was because she had come so close to death; people at times felt certain emotions when they got hit with a bullet. Even though Kate’s near death experience wasn’t work-related, he imagined she was feeling similarly. "Well then, give us a week to find someone to replace you and then you're free to go." Kate nodded and left the room. She walked to the front desk and took her seat, grinning a bit as she wondered just how long it would take to find someone to sit at the desk and handle the people that came in. The noise of the door opening got Jack’s attention. He listened to the footsteps coming closer to his room until Kate peeked her head around the corner. Seeing him still at the computer, she held out the take-out bags she had brought. "Hey there, time to get away from that computer." "Could you give me a while longer Kate, I really need to get this down if I'm going to help you." A moment later, Jack was surprised to see Kate enter the room and even more surprised when her hands took hold of his. "Nope, it can’t wait. You're going to join me for dinner and take a rest from this. You've been watching that screen for hours now; I doubt anything new is going to change." Jack began to argue, but as Kate pulled on his hands he realized it wasn’t really a request she was giving him. "And Jack, from now on don’t sit up all night like that. It isn’t good for you. I'm glad you want to take such good care of me, but I won't have you make yourself sick for my sake." Jack tried to resist but found he didn’t have the strength, physically or mentally, to resist Kate. As he was dragged into the dining room, he picked up one of the bags while Kate got the other. The two of them sat down for dinner. Jack was glad to see that Kate had gotten the same chicken dinner she had seen him bring to her room. He didn’t much like the idea of her choosing something that he might not like. "So what have you found out since yesterday?" "Nothing really, I was just taking notes and getting general data. I will analyze it later and see if I can come up with any theories. Really though, if your cells stayed the way they are now you would be fine. The big thing is finding out just how they're going to change and maybe how to stop it." A hush fell over the room as Kate leaned forward a bit, getting a better look at Jack. "So long as the changes don’t alter my appearance too much, if at all, and I remain healthy, would we really need to stop it?" Jack looked up at Kate for a moment, considering. He shook his head. "No, not really, if you want to just let it go. Still, we need to make sure it isn’t going to do anything strange to you." "Fair enough. But I'm wondering, if you didn’t expect to really find anything why did you sit up all night?" "Well, I was detailing as much about your blood cells as I could so that I could tell just how much they had changed over time. I figure we can get a blood sample from you every so often and see how the changes are going. Perhaps I can find a pattern. That way we'll know if you are going to grow a tail or something." Kate giggled at Jack’s statement, imagining how she would look with a tail. "Well I think you got enough data, so how about we just enjoy our dinner." Jack nodded. As they ate, Jack noted for the first time that Kate’s eating habits were actually a bit different than what he had expected. She ate more than he had expected her to. Considering her exercise habits, he really didn’t have to guess why. She didn’t ever seem to put on any weight, unless it happened to be muscle. **************************************************************************** Jack sighed as he walked behind Kate, heading towards her vehicle. He carried a few items of luggage under his arms while Kate carried the bulk of what they were taking. Looking over her shoulder at Jack, she smiled. "Don’t worry Jack, so what if we are getting away a week late. It isn’t like you don’t have all the data you would have even if we had left on time." The only reason they were leaving was in case the alterations to Kate’s body began to become overly apparent. Over the last two weeks Jack had watched Kate’s strength steadily increase from benching 210 lbs to 240, and now she had recently hit 260 lbs. Jack found it somewhat amusing, but in spite of himself he was only getting more attracted to Kate as her power increased. As for Kate, she was growing closer to Jack. Living with him proved to be a rather enjoyable experience. He was also getting more physically attractive as his body responded to the exercise routines fairly well. He was no longer as drained after a decent workout, his waistline was going down and his body was showing some general tone. Loading the last of the things into the vehicle, Kate climbed into the driver's seat while Jack took the passenger's. "Well, say goodbye to the old place Jack, we're heading out." Jack only grinned as he buckled up, now without Kate having to give him a second glance. As they drove off, Jack couldn’t help but wonder just how long this was going to take, and just how far Kate would go before it was over. End Chapter: 1