Gym Conqueror by James E_olas Jennie shows off her strength to Brian Update: 20/10/1997 to misc3 Author's note: This is my second story. My first was Christina McCallister. That is presumed to be a continued story. This is not. But I find myself liking the character of Jennie so I might use her again. I must warn that this story is far more erotic than the other. FAR more erotic. If you have any comments about either story PLEASE E-mail me at Your feedback is VERY appreciated. Thanks for reading the stories. Fire and sweat burnt the gym walls today. Men were pumping iron like there was no tomorrow. Weights were rising and falling, lungs were burning, and muscles were aching. Every man was determined to a point of destiny, like lifting those weight laden bars was life giving, deeming the strongest immortal. Joe Louis Smythe was rocking his muscles on the bench press. Each press, harder then the first, pressed 345lbs above his heaving chest. He breathed hard on every push, flexing his pectorals the tightest he could. His arms were rock solid, his biceps pumped to their 24 inch max. His skin was golden brown, glistening with rivers of sweat forming pools in every crevice and pit of his Herculean body. He wore tight work-out shorts and a small, loose fitting tang top baring his six-pack, rippling abdomen. Every lift did little to hide his trembling chest and arms and showed his exhaustion more. On the ninth rep, slowly pushing the bar up with a heart rending cry of anguish, his spotter, Brian Ceekler, seized the bar and helped reset it on the racks above. Joe sat up slowly, breathing heavy, flexing and rubbing his iron hard biceps. His chest was burning like liquid fire, smoking with sweat and strength. He loosened his arms, shaking them out beside him, and his mouth dropped agape while his eyes melted in his cranium from what he saw. "Holy shit, Brian. Do you see that fucking shit coming this way?" He motioned to his friend, telling his to glance ahead. As it seemed, the heavens had opened up and spat out an angelic, amazingly fit and sexy goddess for Joe to show off for. Brian practically fell back in shock. As she approached, Joe had little he could do to conceal his growing member. Blond, arrow straight hair spilt down her back and over her face, framing an absolute perfect complexion. Her eyes were like diamonds in a green sea fire on a salty evening swim, terribly sexy and emerald green. Her smile was full and inviting. It was her heavenly and well exposed figure that drove and pushed Joe to that point of inflamed desire. She wore denim shorts, torn and tattered at the hem, cut to form a perfect V shape, rising up to bare her flawless thighs. Her legs were golden brown and spectacularly developed, smooth and sexy, yet well muscled. She wore no shoes, and even her feet were faultless. She walked with an angelic grace towards Joe. She wore a white, hand ripped tang top, hauntingly skimpy and cut short just below her breasts to reveal a toned stomach. Her upper body was strongly built, solid and sexy, with the small, feminine muscles a fitness model would have. Every curve was deeply pronounced with a definite power, but still an unbelievably sexy appeal. Her breasts were ample and firm, pushing against the shirt which read in blue letters across the front "power." As she paused before Joe who still sat baffled on the bench, her abdomen in his face, she ran her fingers down his shoulders and over his pumped biceps. She wore bright blue work out gloves. Joe immediately felt his strength doubled with his firm erection and infamous desire. A river cascaded through him, and he deeply wanted to turn this woman on by showing off his excellent strength. "Oooo I bet you're so strong." She snickered like a kitten, a wide beautiful smile spreading across her lovely face. She purred, "My name is Jennie. Work out with me, show me your muscles..." Joe already felt her desire as she started breathing heavy, anticipating his show of strength. "OK." he said. He motioned to Brian to increase the weight, feeling refreshed with more strength then he ever felt before. Brian finished quickly, the thick iron bar now weighing in excess of 450 lbs. Joe took a deep breath, sat back, and braced his fingers around the bar. The other men working out had grown attentive to this heavenly goddess he was working out with. Brian spotted, let go, and Joe began the agonizingly slow descent of the bar across his chest. He then maxed out his muscles, pushing with disturbing force against the bar while his erection pushed against his stretching shorts. The bar rose slowly while he cried out, flexing his chest tightly. Every muscle in his body rippled with strength and definition. Sweat streamed off him like water down mountain sides. He pressed the bar a second time, his muscles pumping even more. He didn't feel the bar rising a third time and was ready for his spot. Jennie brushed her fingers over his shorts, feeling the iron hard erection pushing against the fabric. She fondled the bridge of his penis, purring and whispering. "Oooooo come on big boy, use those muscles for me." She puckered up and made a sweet kissing sound for him. Suddenly Joe felt the strength of Hercules frothing though his veins. He easily pumped the bar a third time, dropped it to his chest and pushed out a forth rep. After a fifth rep, his muscles rippling with strength, Joe feared he was going to climax in his shorts as she still fondled his excited member. He cried out and pushed out another rep, and then another. Unbelievable power was coursing through his muscles. At the ninth rep, he held the bar high and slowly lowered it to his chest, heaving and streaming with sweat running in crashing rivulets down his sides. "One more." She whispered coolly, reaching her fingers down his shorts and claiming the member in her palm, slowly caressing it. Joe could stand it no longer, screamed out in fury, and pushed the bar up like it was nothing. He pushed out another three reps like this, his penis throbbing before exploding in his shorts. With the strength of his climax came the strength for another four reps. Brian then seized the bar and rested it quietly on the racks. Jennie pulled her hand free and licked the burning cum from her fingers like it was vanilla pudding, slowly relishing in the sensations between her own legs. "Mmmmmmmm that felt so goo. You are so strong big boy. You got me so turned on." As Joe sat up painfully, she sat down beside him, her arms beside her, palms resting on the bench, and pushed out her chest. Her body was bronzed and damp from the sweat of her own arousal. His exertions had inflamed her desire. Joe quickly rose, unable to continue sitting because of the warmth in his shorts, the oozing semen that still soiled his groin. He was entirely embarrassed and headed for the shelter of the locker room amidst jealous gazes. "Wait big boy, it's my turn." She licked her fingers dry like a feasting predator. Her gaze fell on the incredibly aroused Brian as he backed away, trembling with desire. "Do you want me?" she asked, stepping towards him, chest proudly pushed out against her wet, skimpy shirt. Her breasts were heaving and threatened to burst the thin fabric. Arms at her side, fists clenched, Jennie stepped up behind the bench, assuming the readied position of someone preparing to spot a heavy lift. She stood in thick contrast against the 450 lbs bar. She glanced over to Brian, feasting on his bulging shorts and thickly muscled chest. As he watched on, she wrapped her fingers around the heavy, iron bar. "Oooooooooo this is heavy." She purred. She took several deep breaths, trembled as a wave of pure pleasure ripped through her, and grunted a super sexy "umpfh..." as she curled the 450 lbs bar to her chest. She exhaled deeply through her mouth. Those golden brown biceps, damp with sweat, bulged into impressive, baseball size muscles. Her entire body tightened, every muscle flexed from her shoulders to her legs, absorbing the incredible weight. She looked over to Brian, a temptress smile crossing her face. Slowly she lowered the bar to her waist area, just above her moist, burning center. Jennie looked down at her steaming biceps and inexorably curled the bar a second time, watching her biceps pump into steely mounds of muscle again. She continued pumping the weight to her chest, breathing through her mouth, tensing incredibly with every lift. Her blonde tresses fell in her face, wet with the perspiration of her exertions. She started grunting softly after the fifteenth rep, breathing heavy, her breasts pushing out every time she lowered the bar and inhaled. "Ooooooooo." She whispered with every lift, passion broiling through her. She smiled, closed her eyes, and continuing pumping the weight to her chest as if it weighed only 30 lbs. Brian was shaking madly, his penis growing with an unstoppable erection, jerking in his pants, ready to explode and spill. He never saw such a display of strength. "Feel my muscle." She whispered as she pumped the bar. Brian couldn't resist. He wrapped his fingers around her biceps as she lowered the bar, his member trembling with arousal. He could smell her beautiful perfume in her golden hair, could see her bare shoulders under the spaghetti straps of her shirt damp and tight. She curled the bar slowly, giving him the full effect. Beneath his fingers, as he tried to squeeze with all his strength, her biceps pumped and expanded, breaking his grip. They were steel hard. He was unable even to dent the surface as he squeezed. She lowered the bar and pumped it again. Again and again she pumped the weight, breathing through her mouth, slowly lifting it every time like it was hardly an effort. Her baseball sized biceps flexed, steel balls of unstoppable strength, pumping and pumping explicitly with super human power. Her entire body tensed, shoulders flexed and back arched, as she curled the weight for the fiftieth rep. The men surrounding her were feeling woozy, weakened by their awed state of confusion and arousal. As slowly as the first, she pumped out her last rep, holding it to her chest as her biceps threatened to explode under Brian's fingers. She held it there and held it there, tensing her entire body for the release. Every muscle in her rippled with super strength as she climaxed, shuddering with sheer passion and crying out in gasped whispers. She rested the bar back on its racks and stepped away. Brian let her biceps go and stepped away, hardly able to contain his jerking member as it threatened to spill like Joe's had earlier. "Oh man, that was a decent stretch." She said softly, caressing her super pumped arms. Her skin was wet, streaming with sweat from the workout. The deep, pronounced cleavage she bared was glistening beneath the crystal white lights above like wet, golden brown melons. Her naked abdomen was tight and damp as well, heaving with every breath she took. "Now for a workout." She smiled to Brian, motioning for him to increase the weight. He could barely breathe, passion overwhelming him, but managed to handle the weight easily. She kept motioning for him to add more weight. The bench bar was looking obscene. Huge weight disks burdened either side until it seemed that no more could fit. When he was finished and the bar was filled, he stepped back, his member steel hard with arousal. Could she possibly lift that? He'd explode if she could. The bench bar weighed an excess of almost 1145 lbs. Jennie sat down on the bench and caressed her breasts softly, feeling the strength that pulsed beneath them. "Ooooo my babies, this should about do it. Hope you're feeling pumped today." She whispered lightly, brushing her fingers over her hardened nipples. She laid back, taking several deep breaths to prepare for the incredible strain on her muscles. "Baby," she purred, looking to Brian, "I'll need your help with this one." She caressed her hand down her naked, wet abdomen and inside her denim shorts, brushing a finger over her pulsating vagina. "If you know what I mean." She smiled. Hey! What the hell, Brian thought. He walked over and straddled her, unsnapping her denim shorts and fondling her warm maiden head with his trembling fingers. "Oooooooo yes, that's it." she purred like a satisfied kitten. She pushed out her chest, reached up with both arms, and slowly wrapped her fingers around the thick bar. She took several deep breaths, absorbing the fabulous sensations ripping through her abdomen right now. With a final deep breath she hoisted the bar slowly off the racks, balancing it above her before lowering it with a snail's pace to her chest. The cold iron bar rested on her hardened nipples, adding to the orgasmic waves rushing through her. "Oooo yes that feels so good." She whispered in a startled gasp. Slowly she pushed the weight up, closing her eyes and arching her back, pressing the bar with super human strength. She ground her teeth, crying out as rockets of pleasure ripped through her stomach. It was so fucking heavy! But inexorably with awesome power streaming through her biceps, Jennie pressed the bar, exhaling quickly and strongly while she held it aloft above her with trembling arms. "Oh baby, come on." She called to Brian who was fondling her, fingering her with his burning hand as quickly as his strength would allow. "I need more strength than that. Give it to me baby." She made pouting faces with her lips, tempting him, her gaze falling on his. Still the bar balanced precariously above her.; all 1145 lbs supported by those pumped, golden brown arms. "Ooooo that's it," she cried out, arching her back deeper and closing her eyes, lowering the bar slowly across her heaving breasts. She pumped her strength into the bar, the added strength of her orgasm doubling the effort. She easily pressed the weight, crying out in delight as she did so. "Oh yesssss! Yesssss!" She huffed and puffed like the big bad wolf, breathing hard with strain, feeling oceans of strength pumping through her every muscle. She pressed the incredible weight again and again, slowly and passionately, arching her back and pushing out those perfect breasts with every lift. The word "power" across her shirt stretched wider as her pumped breasts expanded against the fabric, growing stronger and firmer as her pectoral muscles strengthened below. As she pressed the weight, eyes closed, sweat spilling down her chest and abdomen, the skimpy shirt stretched more, hardly able to contain her tightening muscles. The fabric grew saturated as sweat poured from her every pour, leaking down her bronze skin like a spring shower. Her biceps flexed steel hard with exertion, her abdomen tightened with every breath, and her breasts rose and fall as she arched her back. Orgasm after orgasm rocked her body, doubling her strength, and the weight grew lighter, easy to press. "Yessss!! Oh God!! Yessssssss!!" she screamed. She arched back, grinding her teeth, and pressed out her thirtieth rep. A sudden ripping sound filled the stifled gym atmosphere. Brian, as he drove his fingers in and out, realized her soaked top could no longer contain her pumped breasts. The low neck line which already bared a great deal of sweat soaked cleavage began ripping, spreading apart farther as her breasts expanded. She continued pumping the weight, ignoring the tearing shirt. Brian pleaded silently. "Oh please stop, please.." His penis ached and burned with a nuclear passion, threatening to explode. He shuffled on top of her, hardly able to contain himself. "No stopping me now baby. Oooooooooooo yeah..." she gasped, smiling beneath the strain, feeling the wet shirt succumb to her unyielding chest. "I am so pumped." She gasped as she pressed the bar. "So......" she slowly pressed again, crying out. "So strong." She said slowly as she pressed the weight again, exhaling powerfully. Her shirt could stretch no more. As she lowered the bar to her chest, arching her back, the fabric split entirely down the middle, baring her entire wet chest. The bar touched her bare nipples, rubbing against them while rivulets of passion rippled through her muscles increasing her strength. She cried out, pulling the bar against her naked breasts with incredible force while pulling out against the bar at the same time. They would not crush beneath the thick iron bar, refusing to yield to the force pressing down upon them. She was pumped beyond belief; every muscle steel hard. The iron bar groaned, screaming in terror, as it bent easily against the unyielding breasts. Her nipples pushed into the iron, leaving imprints in the bending bar. She cried out orgasmic screams of intensity as she felt the incredibly hard iron bar bending and breaking across her super breasts. She arched her back farther, pushing out with her breasts and pulling with her super strong biceps. Brian whispered cries of terror. "Please, oh please stop. No. Don't....." Too late. As she ground her teeth, smiled liked a ravished demon, and purred seductively looking into his eyes, the iron bar could bend no more against her rising chest and broke, pulled apart like melted mozzarella cheese. She grunted with satisfaction as it snapped, dropping the shattered bar to the gym floor. The weights crashed uselessly on the matted floor, defeated by her super muscles. Brian climaxed, his penis jerking quickly and erupting pools of semen into his shorts. He cried out, unable to contain himself, his body shuddering with inhuman ecstasy. Jennie still lay on the bench, her arms out at her sides, her fists clenched, her breasts pushed outward as she breathed deeply through her mouth. She felt so pumped. Her muscles had never felt so pumped and strong in her life. Ripples of ecstasy shot through her. She felt unstoppable, every muscle as hard as steel and fueled with super strength. She wasn't built like a body builder. But her muscles were super strong and tight and steel hard. And nothing could stop her right now. Unlike most body builders, the more pumped she was the stronger she was. And she was pumped hard now. Brian leapt from the bench, his face a million shades of crimson, and cruised for the locker room to join his conquered friend Joey. Jennie rose slowly, pasting her gaze on the ten or more bodybuilders who circled around her. Her tattered top fell to the floor in pieces, torn apart by her super breasts. Her perfect, solid body glistened with sweat. Her breasts, ample and firm, stood proud and strong and straight out, devoid of the slightest sag. Her inviting nipples were hard, rigid and aroused from the cold iron bar which had pressed against them. She stepped toward the circle of solid muscle, every man taking a step back in awe of her strength. She flexed a double biceps pose, her baseball sized muscles pumping hard and strong. Her breathing eased down, but her breasts still pushed out firmly, inviting any man to test his strength against them. "Do you boys want to see what real muscle can do?" She blew kisses to them, flexing her biceps tightly, tempting every man to challenge her at once. She almost wished they would all attack at once. She thrust out her chest, clenched her fists at her sides, and started walking towards the splitting circle of bodybuilders. "Come on." She motioned them forward with her hands. "Try and test my strength." She ground her teeth and growled like a hungry monster, her every muscle taunt and ready. They glanced at one another, their own muscles hard as granite, glistening with sweat. They were ten in number, all incredibly aroused, and solid from their workouts. "Oooooo baby give it a go. Come on." She whispered seductively, her eyes tempting them with passionate glances. She ran her fingers down her steel hard biceps, the skin smooth and wet, pulsating with unstoppable power like the word etched across her torn shirt. She caressed her breasts, kneading them with her own strong fingers, brushing the nipples and gasping lightly. They were so firm. "Do you want to feel my strength?" She flexed again, her biceps fueled to the max with young might. Someone grabbed a thick bench bar from the nearest racks and charged her, screaming a wild battle cry, his member hard and his spirits already beaten. "Get out of here you alien bitch!" Jennie's arms shot out and seized the thick iron bar as he charged, stopping him dead in his tracks. Her arms tensed, pushing against the bodybuilder. He pushed with disturbing strength against the bar, hoping to crush her against the wall behind her. Jennie eased up, letting the bully push her up against the brick wall. She surrendered to his awesome power, her arms collapsing and the bar pressing against her naked breasts. "Ooooooo, it looks like you win." She smiled a devil's smile, bent forward and kissed him lightly on the lips. His penis trembled in his shorts, an iron hard shaft. She flicked back her damp blonde tresses and looked directly into his eyes, smiling her evil smile, knowing something he didn't. "Anyone else want to join in and crush these strong breasts?" she laughed softly. Four other men rushed in, grasped the bar, and pressed against her with all their strength. It was useless. They would never give. Her breasts were pumped solid beyond belief like two rock hard melons. "My turn." She whispered. Slowly, the five bodybuilders felt their arms weaken and tremble. She was pushing back. Her biceps tightened, her skin glistened as it stretched over her muscles, and she smiled again, fluttering her eyes at the shocked men. She cried out a guttural growl like a beast, satisfied with her abilities, and pushed against the bar, easily pressing the five heavily muscled men back. "You boys are so weak." She gasped through her quick breaths. "Ooooooooooooo......" she whispered climatically, pleasure racing through her as she stepped into their force, pushing them back with little effort. With a grunt she knelt down slightly, increased her grip, and pressed the bar into the air, lifting the five terrified bodybuilders with it. Holding the bar at chest level, she hoisted it over her head, balancing the five men dangling helplessly in the air. She had pushed the men back against the other brick wall, carrying them through the thick, hot air. Now she pressed them all against the wall, elevated high above the floor below them. All were terrified of her incredible strength. Her biceps flexed, rising into steely mounds of strength she used to crush the five men against the wall. She breathed hard, smiling, looking up at the beaten men through sun blonde tresses that hung damp in her face. The men wrestled their arms free from the iron bar, tightening their chest muscles to resist the crushing force of the bar. With their heavily muscled arms they pawed and tore ineffectively at her biceps and fingers, trying to relinquish the grip she held on the iron bar. She was firm, rigid like a steel statue, incapable of being resisted. Her naked, wet breasts heaved with her heavy breathing. She closed her eyes and pushed with all her strength, a force capable of tearing steel beams and shattering iron walls. The men watched in stupefied horror as their rock solid pectoral muscles were no match to resist her fabulous biceps. They lost all oxygen, ripped from their lungs like busted balloons. They cried out in terror for her to stop as they heard the brick wall behind them crumbling and cracking, unable to stop her unstoppable might. She grunted as she felt the wall collapse, an easily conquered victim to her super strength, and gasped in orgasmic relish as pleasure tore through her in rippling tidal waves. The men and the brick wall combined had been no match for her. She relished in the climax roaring through her as the men, unconscious and beaten, fell uselessly in a battered heap of broken bones and crushed concrete. Suddenly she felt two pairs of large, muscled arms wrap around her from behind in a savage bear hug. Her arms were free, still holding the thick, iron bar before her, and the two men collapsed all their strength on her naked breasts in an effort to crush her lungs. "Is this all you men have got?" she whispered, chuckling to herself demonically. "Come on, squeeze." She roared in passion, feeling her throbbing breasts resisting their combined strength. Those steely melons were pumped solid and would not be contained. Holding the thick iron bar in front of her, Jennie pulled down with her elbows, flexing her glistening wet biceps with super power. The bar groaned, squealing in inhuman pain as it bent, unable to withstand her strength. It bent slowly like a stick of cheese, melting in her hands like molten steel. "Oooooooo, now that's strength." She purred in ecstasy, twisting and molding the thick bar to her every whim. As her bending arms continued ripping and twisting the iron bar, her triceps began pushing against the four heavily muscled arms that squeezed her breasts. Pain shot through the men's arms as she crushed them between her triceps and sides. They screamed as they felt the pressure of a grinding compactor compressing and relentlessly crushing their huge arms. She pushed out her chest, moaning as they brushed over her nipples, slowly breaking apart their interlaced fingers with ease. They felt her breasts pushing out, expanding slowly with menacing strength, and their double bear hug inexorably split apart as she broke free. With a seductive growl like a satiated huntress Jennie finished the bar, bending it completely, her fists grasping either end meeting in front of her abdomen. She turned on the two men, still holding the mutilated iron bar, her chest still pushed out, and her penetrating gaze fell on them. "What a bunch of wimps. Can't even overpower a little girl." The other three men stepped forward, aroused and eager to confront the super powered muscle girl, her golden brown skin wet and hard, every muscle solid and pumped. "Not so fast." She purred, puckering her lips and blowing kisses to the combatants. Her biceps, shoulders, and forearms grew taunt, tightening with strain, as she closed her eyes and placed both hands beside each other at the junction on the iron bar where it had started bending. With a slow, deliberate action Jennie pulled in either direction, a smile spreading over her beautiful face as she felt the bar resist her. "Oh baby, watch this." She said to the men, tempting them. "Here's what a real woman can do." The iron bar stretched in her fingers slowly, melting and tearing like soft clay. It was over two inches of solid iron, and she was pulling it apart like a weak piece of scotch tape. The men trembled with arousal, fascinated as this woman exerted her erotic super strength. The iron bar split in two pieces, torn and broken at the ends like shattered coils of rope. Breathing hard Jennie threw away the conquered strips of iron, her gaze burning the men to the pits of their souls. She then tightened every muscle, an aura of strength and power emanating from her sweat soaked skin. "Are you ready?" she smiled. The five bodybuilders hesitated, waited, and stepped forward. The first charged her quickly, ducked low with his head down, and buried his thick right shoulder into her abdomen. He felt as though he'd crashed into a brick wall. Pain shot through his muscles and down his spine. He wrapped his powerful arms around her, locking her in a fierce bear hug, and tried wrestling her to the ground. She stood her ground firm, locking her leg muscles in place, and wrapped his head in a front face lock. She wrestled him back while crushing his cranium against her side with the menacing strength of one arm. His every breath was taken from him as the world spun around him, the ferocity of her grip on his head stifling him to the point of total oblivion. He dropped the bear hug and began pounding her stomach and sides with every ounce of strength he still had. His fists beat uselessly against her solid body as he fell to one knee. He grappled with her arms, trying to loosen the hold, but her biceps were steel hard and her grip was firm, unmoving and unbreakable. A second man lunged forward, his right fist aimed high for her face. While she still held the dying man with her right arm she seized the swooping fist of her second assailant with her left within inches of her face. The momentum his weight threw behind the punch was ineffective, and he stopped dead, frozen in his tracks while she squeezed his fist in her iron grasp. His finger bones shattered, broken and beaten in her closing grasp. He screamed, seized her forearm with his free hand, and dug his grip into the steely muscle. He couldn't break her hold. She smiled, her face shrouded behind wet golden tresses of hair as he cried out in protest, unable to free himself from her. Her biceps bulged as she poured her super strength into the attack, easily beating the two assailants. A third man ripped a free bench bar from the racks behind, stepped up behind Jennie, and swung the bar like a whistling sword cutting down its foe. It crashed into her naked back ineffectively, bending uselessly as it struck. He gaped in awe at the twisted bar, terrified by her unstoppable power. She dropped the man she held in a face lock and let the broken fist she held loose as well. The first attacker crumpled into a beaten heap while the second backed off, holding his shattered hand in horror. "Is that all you've got?" Jennie asked, breathing hard, her breasts, naked and wet, heaving with every breath. She clenched her fists and flexed her biceps for the man who backed away, dropping the useless bar and falling over the bench. Her body was golden brown, glistening beneath the neon light, and looked as solid as a steel mannequin. "Is this too much for you?" she smiled, taunting the man to try and wrestle her down. "Come one, give me all the strength you've got." She laughed coldly, knowing his greatest effort would be nothing against her strength. He leapt up and jumped for her, seizing her throat with both hands as he tried to squeeze the life from her lungs. Her eyes burnt through him as she slowly wrapped her fingers around his tight wrists. Her breasts pushed out against his thick pectoral muscles, he felt the hard nipples brushing against his naked chest, and he felt his own penis start pumping with arousal. A steel shaft started pushing out against his sweat soaked shorts. His grip loosened, even though her squeezed with every ounce of strength he had. "Shit. No." He whispered, terrified as he saw her biceps flex with threatening strength, knowing she was breaking his hold. With little effort and deliberate slowness, she pried his hands free from her throat, his arms trembling with resistance against her power. "Oooooo baby, you're giving me a workout." She smiled and kissed him lightly on the lips. His member immediately stiffened, shuddering with excitement. His three comrades looked on in baffled awe. His arms still trembling, sweat soaked, and helpless to resist her incredible biceps Jennie took his hands and pressed them against her firm breasts. She pursed her lips and kissed him lightly again, moaning softly with passionate arousal burning inside her. "Oh baby, use that strength." She purred. She forced his hands down to her sides and told him to keep them there, He was helpless to obey. She caressed his hard shoulders, brushed her fingers over his rock solid chest and down his pumped biceps, pushing her abdomen against his. She pressed her crotch against his throbbing penis feeling him tremble with arousal, sensing his climax shortly. He could only stand so much. She brought her naked leg up his side, brushing it against his thigh, and then inward, teasing his member. She brought her leg in slowly between his thighs, pressing ever so lightly against his erection. She kissed him again, parting his lips with her tongue, her ravishing sexiness seizing complete control of his every thought. He could not resist her and stood helpless, a victim to her every touch and tease. As she ran her fingers down his spine, pressing her body painfully close to his quaking erection, he found himself incapable of further sensations and exploded where he stood. His every muscle flexed tight and his crotch instinctively pushed forward against her, his penis jetting white semen into his stretched shorts. She pulled away from the final kiss, gently licking his lips with her tongue and smiling, knowing he had been beaten and humiliated. Her irresistible sexiness and super strength had laid waste to his intended attack. Like the others before him he sought the shelter of the locker room. Jennie stepped toward her two remaining opponents. They backed away slowly, impressed and terrified by her fierce strength and irresistible charms. What the hell could they do against something like her? They glanced sideways at one another, contemplating the imminent defeat standing before them. The gym lay in battered ruin, bodies sprawled across the floor, broken and beaten. "Come on boys, don't you want a shot?" she cooed, purring with ecstasy. "I can take you places you've never been before." She smiled a smile of the devil, a seductress beckoning them into bed. She approached the two heavily muscled body builders, her biceps tense and prepared to rend them apart if they attacked. Her naked breasts heaved with every breath she took. Her entire body, solid and wet, bronze and beautiful, gleamed in the snow white lights above, permeating the gym with a presence of unstoppable power. She stopped within inches of them. Seconds which seemed like eternity passed where the only sound was Jennie's heavy breathing from her incredible exertions. Her eyes poisoned the men with doubt, golden tresses spilling over her gorgeous face, dripping with perspiration from the immense heat of the gym. Every driblet swept down her steel hard body slowly, coursing through every canyon of muscle and over every perfect feminine curve. Suddenly with the snake lightning speed both men lunged forward like serpents seizing her arms by the wrists. Using karate like skills they twisted the joints of her elbows, one man bending either arm, turning her arms at uncomfortable angles, forcing her into a position of submission. She fell to her knees, the shock of the attack taking her my surprise, how easily they had forced her down. They held her with all their strength using both arms to grapple with her one each, threatening to break her arms behind her back if she did not surrender. On her knees it would seem she were helpless. "It looks like you've got me." she whispered, her voice soft like a temptress. She closed her eyes as pain shattered her concentration. The men twisted her joints further, locking her wrists back in an agonizing wrist lock / arm bar combination of wrestling holds. "Jesus, take it easy." she managed through closed eyes and grinding teeth, a look of baffled pain painting her expression. Yet below that struggling, pain filled whisper was a temptress' voice of knowing she still had her men beaten. She smiled softly, her eyes gazing up at the men with dark, lustful power. She looked as though she knew something they didn't. Suddenly she started breathing very heavy through her mouth, closing her eyes, taking short deep breaths. Her body quivered with delicious delirium, exciting passion racing through her every nerve. "Now it's my turn again." She purred through breaths, tightening her shoulders, throwing back her golden hair, her wet body trembling with orgasmic delight from knowing what she was about to do. The men grew terrified. Suddenly she stopped breathing hard, still wrestled to her knees by the two powerful men grasping her wrists, resumed a controlled deep rhythm of breathing, her shoulders rising and falling with every breath. The men saw her shoulder blades tighten and her biceps flex again, a small canyon of muscle spilling down her spine as she used her back to exert a menacing strength against their hold. The men's arms started trembling as they felt themselves weaken, realizing she was slowly twisting her wrists back to normal. They pulled with every ounce of strength in opposite directions, but she was easily resisting their force, slowly pulling her arms up as she pushed out her fabulous chest. She slowly pulled up into a double biceps pose, her biceps exploding into super strong balls of unstoppable power. The men could not hold her back. "See how greater the strength of a woman is?" she purred, watching her biceps rise into baseball sized mountains of might. "Wait." Cried the sweat soaked body builder on her right. He realized they could in no way challenge this woman. "We don't want to test your strength. We want to feel it." he smiled, forcing back his terror and focusing on the steamy arousal ripping through him right now. His friend was equally turned on by this woman's awesome strength. Their members were stiff, iron shafts longing to explode in ecstasy from her incredible displays of strength. "Yes." Said the other. "We don't want to fight what we want. We want your body and you strength to bring us to another dimension. Make love to us both now and use your muscles to turn us on, please." he begged, tremors of passion taking hold of him. They released her arms, and slowly they undressed before her, revealing their pumped shafts in explicit glory. They stood nude before her, opening themselves to passions' gate. She ran her fingers down their thick pectorals and over their abdomens, relishing in their granite muscles. "OK." she whispered, a smile painted on her beautiful face. She purred like a kitten as she fondled their shafts, making the men tremble in her grasp. "My way..." she said. The men just nodded, willing to explore all lengths of desire to satisfy their uncontrollable passions. "You will stand and watch, and imagine yourselves masturbating while watching. I will make you cum." She cooed, whispering like a temptress, calling her every power to arouse these men without even touching them. "With this pumped, super sexy body," she said, flexing her biceps and pushing out her steel hard breasts "I will conquer this gym. I will crush it... using my strength to break and tear and pummel its every nook and cranny. Ooooooooo baby, these muscles will be unstoppable." She cooed, gazing down her own wet figure. "You will cum when I tell you." With one last inhale, pushing out her breasts and pumping her baseball biceps, Jennie walked powerfully over to the nearest military bench press rack. It was loaded with 200 lbs from the latest lifter, one now unconscious amongst the broken rubble of the brick wall. She seized the rack and glanced over her shoulders at the two men she was showing off for. "Watch this." She purred, blowing the men kisses. Her biceps ballooned impressively as she exerted herself against the rack. She threw back her head, blonde tresses flipping sweat soaked down her back, took several deep breaths, and lifted the entire rack while pushing at the same time. She slowly lifted the iron rack, ripping it loose from the steel bolts which bolted it to the brick wall behind. The brick wall shuddered and cracked, splitting apart, and with a deep popping sound the bolts snapped free with the sound of crumbling concrete beneath. She grunted softly. The iron poles of the rack began bending, groaning in pain as they were pushed against the wall behind, The loaded bar fell across her chest, but Jennie kept pushing the lifted rack, ripping it with her super strong arms against the wall. Her pumped breasts caught the bar, balancing it across her chest. It melted against her like a bending toothpick, breaking against her pushing chest and the twisting iron rack. She ignored the iron bar as it bent uselessly against her chest. The wall began to crumble and bricks smashed to dust beneath her incredible strength. The broken, battered rack crumbled into the ruin of the shattered wall, crumpled like old coat hangers twisted and tied into obscene knots. The loaded iron bar fell bent as well, crashing into the floor at her feet as she backed away from the destruction she rent upon the rack. She breathed hard, glancing towards the men who were light headed and woozy, their cocks throbbing like jolted sticks. She pumped her biceps, winking at the men softly while purring with arousal. "Are you babies hot yet? Are my muscles turning you on?" she cooed, enjoying the state of oblivion she was throwing them into. "Oh Jennie." They cried in stifled gasps. "You are incredible." She blew them kisses, took a few deep breaths to pump herself for her next test, and walked over to the dumb bell shelf, loaded entirely with dumb bells weighing from 10 lbs to 125 lbs. The shelf spanned the length of the far wall, and was built against a mirror where the lifter could watch them self pump up. Two tiers shelved at least five dumb bells for each weight. It had to weigh nearly ten thousand pounds. Jennie walked up and stood at the center of the shelf, gazing at herself in the mirror. She breathed hard, pushing out her perfect breasts and sucking in her smooth abdomen, caressing her soft skin and her steel hard muscles. Rivers of ecstasy ripped through her, pumping her up further and doubling her strength, practically tripling it. She seized the shelf beneath the first rung, clamped her fingers tightly against the hard iron, and took several deep breaths. Slowly she pulled up against the shelf, her every muscle straining with terrifying strength. Her arms trembled as the steel bolts bracing the shelf to the floor resisted her effort. She cried out softly, an orgasmic gasp of arousal and exertion mixed. A soft grinding sound, like a muffled moan of creaking metal, filled the silent air. It sounded as though something strong were being strained to its limits. The two men realized, shudders of arousal coursing through them, the sound was that of the steel bolts bracing the dumb bell shelf. She was over powering their grip. Her biceps pumped and streamed with sweat from her exertions, her naked breasts heaved with every breath she took, and her denim shorts stretched to bursting point as her buttocks and thighs absorbed deluges of strain against her whole body. Her blonde hair draped across her face, soft as silk and wet like a rain storm. She closed her eyes and cried out with strain, her every muscle pumped and burning with super human intensity. A loud growl erupted from the shelf. Slowly the steel bolts snapped, unable to withstand her strength. Each broken bolt fell beaten and bent to the cold floor with a clang. She very slowly curled the entire shelf, fully loaded, to her chest, gazing intently on her own biceps as they flexed. She gasped, orgasmic relief touching her to the very core, astounded by her own strength. "Oooooooo baby," she cooed softly, "How do these...." She grunted lightly, curling the shelf a second time. "Umpfh, ..these muscles make you feel?" She smiled, gazing in the mirror at the two men behind her. She curled the shelf again as though it weighed only 60 lbs or more, holding it to her naked chest against her wet breasts. She breathed out her mouth pouting with her lips and blowing them kisses as she continued pumping the immense weight. She could see their bodies trembling, their members rock solid and ready to burst beneath their shorts. "Are you ready?" she whispered. The two men slightly bent over, hardly able to resist spilling cum in climax. They could take very little more. They were breathing heavy, aroused to an orgasmic point without being touched. "Watch this.." she cooed, smiling softly. By this point she was so pumped up from using her strength she knew its capacity and limits. She felt mountains of strength erupt through her biceps alone with the stream of orgasms that rocked her solid body and with a soft and sexy "Umpfh" she pulled apart with both hands. "I want your cum now." She cried out in stifled gasps, feeling the hard steel tear and melt in her grasp. "Ooooooooooooo" she whispered, tearing the steel in her hands more, smiling and pouting to the men behind her. "I want it now!!" she cried out. With one final gasp and exhale, pushing her naked breasts out before her, Jennie ripped the entire shelf in half like it were a small phone book. Dumb bells of all sizes fell with loud clatter to the floor, crashing here and there. She threw both broken, torn, and twisted pieces away to her sides, clenched her fists, and turned on the two men as though she were invincible. As she tore the steel shelf in half, the men fell to the knees crying out as they both could take no more and climaxed in their shorts. "Please, no more." The one cried out. "You are so incredible." Breathing heavy and stepping up to the two men, she smiled. "Am I too strong for you?" she asked, flexing her biceps that were now fueled with absolute, unstoppable strength. They were still base ball sized, but harder than steel and emanating with fabulous power and strength. They deified description, golden brown and damp, perfect in every curve, but able to withstand a spray of gunfire. No man or machine would stop such strength. "I hope you men aren't finished," she cooed lightly, glancing down at their cum soaked shorts, still evidently bulging with their throbbing members beneath. "I need some loving." She smiled, reaching down for the two men and pulling them easily to their feet. "I'm hot baby. Oooooooooo, using my strength like this gets me so turned on." She fondled her naked breasts, firm and wet beneath her trembling fingers. The two men felt themselves growing stiff again, flames of desire ripping through them. She seized her denim shorts, taking a deep breath, and effortlessly ripped the fabric in half like it were tissue paper. She wore no under wear, and her maidenhood was bared in all its golden, ruffled glory. Her trembling fingers brushed across her golden maiden head sending shivers of ecstasy through her super strong body. She batted her eyes at the two heavily muscled men, gently stroking their throbbing cocks through cotton shorts soaked with cum. "Take these off." She whispered breathlessly as she tore them down slowly and easily, bearing the rock hard swords of passion like pulsating steel rods. "Ooooo men, you've pushed me so far. My strength is unstoppable." She cooed softly, tightening her stomach muscles and flexing her biceps before them as mountains of passion boiled within her. "I feel..." she breathed deep, pushing out her firm, wet breasts while pumping her biceps, "......invincible. So strong." She purred lightly, bending at her knees and slithering up the man on her right, brushing her solid, bronzed naked body up against his. She pushed her breasts against his heaving chest, feeling his engorged penis press against her shapely thigh. He groaned, feeling the sensation of cum breaching within him again. She kissed him ever softly on the lips, her feminine gentleness contrasting deeply with her super strength. "Oooo baby," she whispered, brushing her left hand down into the other man's black pubic hairs and over the thundering head of his penis. "You men are hard and strong." She chuckled, her teeth showing in a gorgeous smile while she still kissed him. "Definitely ready for me.." Her right hand, trembling with anticipation, reached behind the weight lifter for a thick steel bench bar leaning up behind him against the nearest rack. She pulled away from them for a brief moment and handed one the steel bench bar. She smiled. "I need you to fill it to the max baby. I'm too pumped for those light workouts." Her voice was breathless with passion, oceans of orgasmic release pumping within her. Her naked chest heaved, and she pumped her biceps hard, breathing strongly with every flex, pumping like she were curling a bar bell to her chest. "I feel so fucking strong." She cried out. "Load it on the bench press." He complied swiftly, wasting no time in loading the bench to full capacity. It was an obscene amount of weight; almost 1500 lbs. The bench moaned beneath the weight, almost as though it knew she could lift this incredible weight with those golden brown biceps and it was turned on, anticipating the moment when the goddess would easily pump this weight and save the bench from crumbling beneath it. She breathed hard, stepping up to the bench, motioning for the man to lay on the bench as though he were going to bench the weight. He lay supine, his rock hard shaft sticking into the air twitching every second in anticipation of what she would do. She motioned for the other man to straddle the lying man's muscled legs on the bench. She then slipped softly over the supine man, gasping gently and closing her eyes as she felt his shaft slip into her, throwing back her head while tresses of golden silk hair spilled across her sweat soaked shoulders and down her back. "Oh baby, you're so hard." She cooed, smiling, making short winded whining sounds like a pussy cat as rockets of passion and release exploded through her. She faced the man straddling the others legs, standing on his wobbly feet, his weakened knees ready to surrender. She sat and knelt forward, allowing the sea of ecstasy to throb within her. She kissed his penis softly, and it twitched madly, jerking too and fro ready to spew white pudding down her throat. She laughed in a startled gasp as a brief orgasm rocker her. "Oooo baby, ready already." She ran her fingers over the member, stroking the head. In one swift action she cast back her head, golden blonde, sweat soaked hair spilling down her shoulders and arms, and reached over her arcing chest for the steel bar fully loaded to 1500 lbs. As a climactic orgasm rocked her, Jennie grunted and hoisted the bar slowly off the rack. She made what looked absolutely implausible so easy. Her pumped bronze muscles tightened as she rode his throbbing cock, breathing hard out her mouth, rising to a sitting position with the incredible weight held high over her head. She looked up at the man standing before her, gazing upon him with her sexiest gaze, smiling like a demon satisfying herself. Slowly she suckled his rock hard penis while holding the weight above with relative minimal strain. He caressed her arms while she sucked his penis softly, so gently for a lady with such phenomenal super strength. She pulled away, licking his trembling tip with her tongue as she backed off, teasing him forward. She lowered the weight to her chest with inexorable slowness, pressing the steel bar strongly against her pushed out naked breasts. As her biceps flexed, he could feel them burn, feel a nuclear warmth flaring below as they pulsated with unstoppable strength. He was almost forced to pull away from the burning heat. They were solid and pumped, and as a small orgasm tumbled through him, he squeezed with his own sexually doubled strength and moaned as he felt impenetrable power beneath his fingers. She cooed softly, moaning gently as she rode the other man who was near to climax. She cast back her head, closing her eyes and smiling, as she felt him squeeze her biceps with all his strength, his effort futile in every way. She laughed softly as rockets of passion ignited inside her, and she felt a universe of indomitable strength explode in her, a power so demanding she needed to express it. She cried out lightly, gazing on the man with her irresistible gaze. He felt his penis jerking and twitching like mad, boiling and ready to launch. She released one hand from the steel bar she held across her chest and softly caressed his solidly muscled thigh. Her heaving breasts supported the weight easily, and against them the bar felt like a stick of cheese ready to bend and twist at will. She exerted herself slowly, opening her mouth wide to exclaim a silent cry of orgasmic delight. With her one arm she slowly pressed the immense weight up, brushing the steel bar against his throbbing penis. She felt orgasms upon orgasms rock her, and she relished in every one as her body trembled and shuddered like electricity, absorbing the fierce sexual arousal from pressing the weight and feeling its imminent defeat. The forces of gravity surrendered to her incredible, sexy muscles. "Oh my god..." the man cried out as he watched her incredible feat. As she pressed the weight up slowly, she softly locked her lips on the tip of his penis and suckled, kissing and teasing him, smiling as she did so, closing her eyes as she pushed against the weight above her. Her arm eventually fully extended, she nibbled his penis tip until an ocean of arousal crashed through him he couldn't resist. His penis pulsated with inhuman strength and launched into her. Hot buckets of cum shot into her mouth as she closed her eyes, moaning passionately as the searing liquid warmed her insides like liquid fire. She swallowed and guzzled the liquid fire in her mouth, then backed away as his thundering cock launched and launched again, shuddering and jerking like a fired .44 magnum. In streams like jet spray cum spilled down her solid naked breasts, sizzling and smoking on her hot, damp skin. He flexed every muscle, his fists clenched at his sides, as a fountain of super strength pumped every inch of his body. He felt strong and pumped with his sexual release, growling with an aroused ferocity as he cum all over her heaving breasts. "Rub it in." she whispered, pushing her eager chest out towards him. He quickly smeared her naked breasts with his burning semen as she cried out in delight, closing her eyes, tightening her every muscle and flexing the bicep of her free arm while the other still held the weight above. She squeezed the fingers holding the steel bar and felt the bar easily surrender, feeling like a soft clay stick between her grip. She breathed hard as the man beneath her increased the velocity of his thrusts. With increased strength he was nearing climax. "Ooooooooo baby!!" she cried out, passion ripping through her every core. "I feel it now, Oh yeah... OOOOOHHHHhhhhh yeeeaaaahhhhhhhHHHH.........." She breathed out her mouth, closing her eyes, and lowered the incredible weight to her chest. As she rested the steel bar across her pushed out breasts, she reached up with her free arm and grasped the bar. With her hands far apart on the bar, she arched her back, her golden hair spilling across her wet back, streams of sweat dripping down her every curve. She tightened her legs muscles, slightly standing astride the man's pulsating penis, feeling the orgasm rip through her with atomic intensity. It exploded inside her like a nuclear bomb, ripping and tearing and shredding like dragon talons through tissue paper. His rock solid cock ignited, erupting like a frothing, beastly volcano inside a deep black cavern. She screamed in passionate release, pulling the steel bar down across her pushed out , cum soaked breasts as she climaxed there above him. Solid and pumped to the max, the steel bar proved no match against her naked breasts and pulsating biceps. She smiled through clenched teeth as the bar groaned and screeched, bending and twisting against her heaving chest. The farther her roaring climax took her, the farther she bent the bar, and she cried out again, shaking her head from side to side in frenzied arousal, throwing her golden hair into tousled, wet knots. With a soft, sexy growl like a satisfied beast, she pulled down against her breasts and felt the steel bar snap in half, incapable of resisting her impenetrable breasts and unstoppable strength. "Oooooooooo yessssssss." she purred, hissing like a snake. She dropped the beaten bar and weight to the gym floor, holding her clenched fists out to her sides, looking at her naked body pulsating with strength and gleaming, sweat soaked in the neon light. She breathed hard and smiled down at both men who had collapsed with exertion. They both lie unconscious, absolutely exhausted from their sexual escapades. She, on the other hand, caressing the still searing cum across her naked breasts, felt pumped and strong. She still cold feel her strength reaching out to indefinable reaches. Her biceps pulsated with unrestricted, super human strength. Her breasts were firm and solid. And every core of her being yearned for further sexual feasting. And there were other gyms to conquer......