This is my first attempt at this type of story (and writing is not my favorite subject anyway). Any feedback on this story would be appreciated. Down on the farm Alan was rather surprised to come home from collage to find his dad leaning over the phone swearing loudly. Normally his dad was a quiet man, not given to loud outburst like this. Also, as the mangier of the largest farm in the Inverness area he would normally be outside at this time of day. “What’s wrong?” Alan asked, causing his father to stop swearing and turn to face him. “There are two fields of silage that need baling and wrapping before it starts to rain.” Alan nodded, starting to understand the problem. Silage, a major source of feed for the 500 beef cattle on the farm, consisted of cut grass, bailed into circular bales and wrapped in thick black plastic for storage until winter. The problem was that the wrapping process needed a lot of men and equipment. One tractor (and driver) baled the cut grass; another loaded the bales (each weighing 500kg) onto a trailer pulled by yet another tractor. This carried the bales to where they were to be wrapped before a final tractor lifted them off the trailer and placed the bales on the wrapping machine. Ounce the bales were wrapped, the tractor then stacked them ready for winter. “So what’s the problem, do you need me to drive again?” Alan asked, thinking back to the time he had helped out by driving the tractor and trailer between the fields and the stack of bales. His father turned a sad face on his son and shook his head slowly. “Jon’s at home with a broken leg and Graham’s off on holiday (Jon and Graham were the two farm laborers). And anyway, all but two of the tractors are broken down, and one of the others has a flat back tire.” Alan understood the problem now. The tractors weighed 5 tons and the back tires weighed half a ton each. Changing them would be a difficult job at any time, and with only two people available (himself and his dad) would be impossible. And even if they could get the tire changed, with only two tractors it would take far too long to finish both fields, a total of 300 bales. Suddenly Alan had an idea. “Let me make one quick phone call, I might have a solution.” Grabbing the cordless phone he ran though to the living room. His dad listened but all he can hear are snatches of conversation. “Hi, it me Alan, Listen I have a problem that I think you might be able to help with.” “O that’s great, remember to wear old clothes.” “And do you think you could try and get hold of that friend of yours I met last time.” “That’s great, see you soon.” Alan then comes back though smiling. “That’s sorted; I have some friends coming to help.” His dad is still mystified, “how can your friends do anything to help with only one tractor working?” his mind still trying to understand how Alan’s friend could be of any help. “Don’t worry about that, go and get the wrapper ready, the help should be here soon,” Alan replied, heading upstairs to get changed from this collage clothes into older one for the farm. His dad, still mystified, headed off to get the wrapper sorted out, convinced there was no way that he could get both fields finished in time. Half an hour later as Alan’s dad was just heading back to the house, he saw a sports car pulling up in front of the his house. He watched as two young women climbed out of the car and wondered who they could be. Both looked to about 19, one was tall (about 5’10”) with long bright red hair, while the other was shorter (about 5’6”) with short brown hair. Both are slim and obviously very fit, judging by the firm muscles on their legs and arms. They are both wearing old shorts and old tee shirts with walking boots on their feet. Just as he is about to ask these two (admittedly lovely looking) ladies what they are doing on his farm, Alan appears and waves to them. His dad watches as Alan has a quick conversation with the two girls, before wavering him over to the group. “Mete your two tractors for the day,” Alan say to his dad, introducing Lisa (the red head) and Cathay (the brunet). Alan’s dad is still puzzled. “What do you mean tractor for a day? And how can these two lassies help, only one tractor is working?”. “Don’t worry,” Alan replies, “we can change the tire on the tractor, and then I can do the baling with that one while you unload the bales with the other.” His dad remains unconvinced. “How can we change the tire, we can’t lift both the tractor and the wheel at the same time, and how can we move the bales without a tractor to pull the trailer?” “Simple,” Alan replied smiling, “Lisa and Cathay can help me change the wheel and then they can pull the trailer.” His dad looked stunned at this; the trailers weighed 2 tons each, before adding any bales to them. “How on earth can a young girl like Lisa pull a trailer loaded with bales back and forth between the field and the wrapper?” Alan simply turns to Lisa and says “Show him.” Smiling, Lisa turned to the car and crouched down beside it. She then placed one hand underneath and, almost casually, lifted the sports car high over her head. She stood there, the car still over her head, still smiling. The weight of the car was totally negligible to her, her muscles were barely even flexing. Alan’s dad just stood there staring, his mouth wide open. As Lisa slowly lowered the car back to the ground, he finally managed to speak. “How did you do that?” he stuttered, still staring at Lisa. She simply smiled back at him and replied “O, I’m a wee bit stronger than other girls,” She giggled playfully, amused at the look on Alan’s dad’s face. As his dad still stared at the two girls, Alan interrupted. “Now that you have seen how Lisa and Cathay can help, lets get on and change that wheel. You go and get the spanner for taking of the tire nuts, while we get the other wheel.” His dad nodded dumbly and headed off to one of the farm sheds. He still could now get over how easy it had been for Lisa to lift that car over her head. After getting the spanner, Alan’s dad walked round to where the tractor we sitting. He saw Alan leaning against the wall chatting to Cathay, as she squatted down beside the back tire. As he got nearer, he saw that the tire nuts were already undone. “How did you get the nuts off?” he asked, and Cathay replied smiling “O I took them off, no trouble.” Once again Alan’s dad was astonished by the raw strength these girls had. The nuts were 25mm in diameter and caked in mud and dirt. Even with a large spanner it took him a lot of time and effort to remove those nuts, but Cathay seamed to have removed them with not trouble at all. “If you took it off so easily, why did you want the spanner?” Cathay giggled, “If I put those nuts on, then you would have never got them off.” “And you would probably have striped the threads off anyway,” Alan added. At that point, further conversation was stopped by Lisa coming round the corner, roiling one to the massive tractor tires before her. “Right, lets get this wheel sorted so we can start work” Alan said, pushing himself off from the wall and collecting the spanner from his dad. Lisa lent he wheel against one of the nearby walls and stood next to the tractor. Then Cathay straitened up, lifting the side of the tractor by a few inches. Despite the fact that she was no supporting the best part of 5 tons, Cathay seamed to be barley even straining. Lisa lifted the tire of the tractor, then lent it against the wall and returned with the new one. Then, with Alan helping to glide the tire into position, she carefully slotted it onto the axel. Cathay lowered the tractor back to the ground and the job was over. As Alan stated to put the wheel nuts back on, his dad marveled at the speed and ease with which the job had been completed. The whole operation had taken less then a minute. Shaking his head, he headed off to the wrapper, still unsure of how Alan and the girls were going to move the bails. But after the display of power he had just witnessed, he had no doubts that they could do it. While Alan finished the nuts, Lisa and Cathay were attaching the bailer to the tractor. Once everything was ready Alan clambered into the tractor, calling to Lisa and Cathay “get the trailers and follow me.” The girls waved back over the roar of the tractor stating and ran over to where the two flatbed trailers were sitting. The trailers were each over 5 meters long, made of heavy metal beams and sheet steel each weighed over 2 tons. But Lisa and Cathay just grabbed the circular hitches on the trailers in their feminine hands and lifted the end of the trailer. Then, holding the hitch of the trailer at waist height, the followed Alan to the first of the fields. The field had been cut the previous day and now lay in long rows ready for baling. There were already about twenty bales lying around the field, some gathered into groups of eight ready for loading while others were scattered over the rest of the field. As Alan started to bale the rows of grass, Lisa and Cathay headed towards one of the groups of bales. These bales were normally loaded by tractor onto the trailers that the girls were casually pulling. Six bales would be loaded onto the bed on the trailer and then another two placed on top, forming a pyramid shape. Lisa and Cathay were only able to load the first layer of bales, but they did this much faster than could be achieved using a tractor. Each girl simply bent down and picked a bale up in each hand, the half ton weights carried easily over their heads. Then, turning to the trailer, they carefully placed the bales onto the flat bed, making sure that they were lined up and would not slip off on the trip to the wrapper. Then, one of them would take hold of the hitch, lift it of the ground and tow the trailer back to the wrapper while the other started gathering up the loose bales for the next trip. Once the girl with the trailer reached the wrapper, she set the trailer down and left it there for Alan’s dad to unload and wrap. She would then collect the other trailer once it had been emptied and return to the field for the next load. The first time Alan’s dad saw Lisa jogging towards him dragging the trailer loaded with bales behind her, he could not believe his eyes. But soon, as the trailers came and went he became less and less shocked by the beautiful young women pulling them. The work continued for hours, Alan baling the grass, Lisa and Cathay loading the bales onto the trailers and then dragging them to where Alan’s dad waited to wrap the bales and stack them ready for winter. Finally, Alan finished the last bale and stopped the tractor to watch Lisa and Cathay at work. At college Alan was studying engineering and watching Lisa haul the loaded trailer away he started to work out just how much weight she was supporting. His eye widened slightly when he realized that although only about two tons of weight would be resting on the hitch when stationary, with Lisa holding the hitch lower than the axle of the trailer and with the movement of her run, the actual load on her arm would be more like 5 tons. He smiled; even after all this time with Lisa her strength still amazed him. It didn’t take much longer for the girls to finish with the bales, and soon Alan, his dad, Lisa and Cathay were all sitting in the farm kitchen drinking hot tea and relaxing after a hard day’s work. Alan’s dad was still amazed by what he had seen, and asked Alan “where on earth did you find these two?” Alan smiled back, one arm round Lisa’s shoulders. “Lisa was at college doing a degree in chemistry,” he replied. “And I took pity on this poor engineering student,” Lisa added with a giggle. Alan looked lovingly at Lisa and then gave her a quick kiss. “Brains, beauty and an incurable strength” he said, still gazing at the stunning redhead next to him. “What more could I ask for in a Girlfriend.”