Government Warning! (Janine Part 1) By L. King "Yes of course she's still human! Janine already being a bodybuilder was ideal, but she had reached her peak, the limit of the human body, so we've increased her strength. Her muscles are still the same size as when she was competing, all we have done is enhanced her muscle fibres and increased the force/strength that she can deliver from her muscles so that it is more than any man, and we mean any man. She can still do normal day to day stuff, but boy when she needs it she's got it. I suppose she's like a bionic woman with muscles, but she doesn't look any bigger than any other female bodybuilder. We've fixed up a few tests, just for fun really, to show you what your money has paid for. "We've set this up so she is testing arm strength against one of the army's most powerful tanks." The tank started to trundle forwards, the scientists looked nervous, Janine smiled. Then, she tensed her bicep, already the change in tone of the engine was noticeable. It roared really low, the engine feeling a little strain. Janine smiled as she rubbed her right foot on her left calve, she was clearly enjoying this show of her strength and was under no strain what so ever. Janine then started to bring her arm down, her bicep growing, as her arm moved downwards. It was pulling the tank towards her, engine screaming, a 4000 BHP engine getting nowhere - everyone was amazed. Janine stood up and grabbed the special reinforced titanium rope (even this was starting to give way; it could only withstand her strength for 20 seconds) with both hands. She started to reel the tank in like it was a toy. The tank's tracks were desperately trying to grip, but Janine's strength was pulling the tank in. Her thighs were at full flex and her biceps peaking as she applied this new found strength. She was pretty strong just as a normal bodybuilder - she could lift the rear of cars and tear telephone books - but now she was bionic, superstrong, wonder it whatever you want! The tank was near Janine, smoke pouring out from the engine cover. She moved to the side of the tank. Suddenly, the reinforced rope broke. Janine grabbed hold of the tank track, her legs started to push as she grabbed the steel tracks with her hands. It was hard to get a grip as her strength just sheared the teeth off the track, but she grabbed hold of one and crushed with her hand like it was play-doe. With a firm grip she started to force it round in the opposite direction to which the engine was trying to drive it. Her smooth legs were exploding with muscle as they anchored her body. Loud mechanical noises and a deep groaning came from the engine as it revved at full power. Boom! The engine cover flew off the side! Janine had blown the engine! It could no longer fight against this wonder woman. She jumped on top of the tank and got hold of the gun barrel and began to lift. Again, her tanned bronze biceps grew with power, a twisting groaning scream came from the amoured steel as the muscle woman ripped it from its fixings, the whole turret coming off with a scream. Janine tossed the waste aside, she smiled at the driver and said it was nothing personal as she grabbed the seat and ripped it from its fixings with the driver still in the chair. She blew him a kiss as she threw him to safety. Janine then jumped down from the tank and went to the back of the vehicle. Next, she put her hands either side of the tank and pressed downwards and inwards with her hands. They moved through the armored steel like a hot knife through butter. There was the noise of groaning steel as she started to move her arms apart. Janine was splitting the tank in half! She eventually left the rear in a 'V' shape. Everyone was amazed, so much strength, from a 23 year old bodybuilder, who had just destroyed one of the most powerful tanks. The Investors were more than happy. "Maybe we could produce a whole army of these, muscle-superwoman?" "Actually Janines DNA was unique, one In a million." The Investors wanted a product, but the government wanted Janine to be used for bodyguard work and other assignments. There would be only one.... To be continued...