She-ra's power She-ra the princess of power's brother He-man was killed while protecting castle Greyskull from the horde since that day all of Grayskull's power was transferred into She-ra. She now has all of He-man's powers and strength added onto hers. Deep in the fortress of the horde a new metal is developed. It is said to be unbreakable. It could not be dented by any means. Hordak orders a vault to be constructed to hold She-ra (the one force that stands in the hordes way of ruling Etheria) prisoner. Little does the horde know that a black hole is heading straight for Etheria and will hit and destroy the planet in 3 days. The order is sent out to summon She-ra (Etheria greatest protector) maybe she could help in solving this problem. Adora transforms into She-ra and arrives at the observatory. "How can i help", she exclaims. "The black hole will be here in 3 days we are all doomed!", shouts a scientist. "There is always hope" She-ra exclaims. "Maybe i could throw a boulder to destroy it", she says. "It can't be destroyed a rock would only pass though it", a scientist frowns. "Are only hope is if it ,by a miracle, misses Etheria. A thought runs through She-ra head. "Maybe i could move Etheria out of the way.", she says. "Etheria must weigh 100's of zillions of ton's it is doubtful that even you could move it" one scientist says. "There's only one way to find out" she says. "Where is the next largest planet?" She says. "That would be Zenon but it is 3 light years away?" "That will have to do " She-ra interrupts. "Show me where it is" she shouts. "There" a scientist says. "And how far does Etheria have to move to be safe?" She asks. "About 30 miles," one says from the background. With that said she runs out of the observatory and heads for the mountains. But she runs into a horde attack on a village. "I have to help", she thinks. Then she springs into action. She jumps in front of the horde transport and places her hands on it and pushes she overpowers it and stalls it out with her great strength. Ripping her though the hull she enters a completely dark room. All of a sudden metal straps force her arms to her sides and knockout gas fills the room. Knowing she only has seconds to react she tries to free herself but to her surprise her arms don't move and the she sur comes to the gas. She is delivered to hordak and knowing she can't escape he thinks" wouldn't it be funny if the princess of power had my child?" So he pulls up her short skirt and sees her pussy." Wow!" He thought. It was the nicest puss he ever seen. He placed his fingers and tried to move her pussy lips open. But to his surprise they didn't move. He tried with all his might but couldn't do it. He ordered the most powerful door opener they had. It was used to force locked doors open. Setting the drill on the highest setting of 700,000 psi and placed it between her pussy lips and turned it on the motor screamed and churned and finally ground to a halt. Surprised that her pussy lips didn't even move. He gave up and order her thrown in the special cell designed to hold her till she gave herself to him and swore never to stand in the horde's way again. Waking up She-ra shook off the rest of the gas and stumbled to her feet. She was still bound by these 3 strange bands that must have been 3 inches thick across her chest. Calling for hordak to plead with him to free her. So she could try to save the planet since there was no time to waste. Hordak came up on the monitor in the cell. "What's wrong She-ra can't you free yourself from those bonds." "They can withstand in excess of trillions of tons per square inch your mine hahahaha!" ""You must free me hordak the planet is in grave danger", she shouted. "Don't make up stories my dear the only way you can get out is to give yourself to me and swear you will never try to stop us again." "Never!!!", she shouted. Realizing that she must try to free herself she concentrated on her bands. Calling on her great strength she gritted her teeth and tried to break her bonds. Hordak laughed as he watched her struggle. She never tried so hard to move anything before. After all she lifted everything she ever tried before she didn't know the full limits of her strength. Or if there even was one???. focusing her strength on breaking her bonds she applied thousands then millions then billions. A slight moaning sound came from the bonds on her chest and across her arms. Then applying more pressure the moan became a loud groaning sound from her bonds. The smile disappeared from hordaks face as he ordered everything he had to get to her cell and stop her from escaping. Now applying well over 7 trillion tons psi She-ra smiled as her bonds .Began to bend and then tear from the great pressure from her delicate arms. Beads of sweat began to run down her face as she applied even greater force to the bonds. The bonds fell to the floor as she focused on the vault door. It was 5 foot thick of the same metal. Using all her power in one punch she hit the door and made a dent in it. The shock wave of her fist hitting the metal blew half the horde into the back wall knocking them out. Her punched made a huge dent so she could actually see daylight. Reaching in the new hole she made she placed her small hands in the hole. One on the vault door and one on the frame. Using all her power she gritted her teeth and applied all the pressure she could to try to force the 5 foot door open. The metal screamed as it was being forced open by one super woman. Bending the once thought unbendable metal back enough to escape her next task was escaping from the horde fortress. Reacting at super human speed She-ra gripped the bent vault door and with all her strength ripped the vault door off its hinges and threw it through the wall to make her getaway. Running at 200 mph she broke through some wall and through the outer hall. Grabbing the bottom of the base she used her great strength to lift the whole 5 million ton base off its foundation and flipped it over. Jumping 5 miles to the nearest mountain she called for her sword to turn into a harpoon. She then located the star the scientist revealed to her and threw the harpoon. It traveled so fast it covered the distance of 3 light years in 3 seconds. Landing on the star it imbedded about 500,000 miles into the crust of the star. Bracing herself She-ra placed her feet against the mountain and pulled with all her strength. Beads of sweat poured down her body as her super muscles produced an incalculable amount of power. Pulling herself though half the mountain the entire planet begun to shake. Her arms now outstretched began to move slowly towards her chest. Even she was amazed that she was this strong! Pulling with all her might the entire planet started to move. Slowly at first but slowly moving faster. Her hands became a blur as she now towed the planet seemingly easily hand over hand. Pulling Etheria 3 miles she stopped and retrieved he rope and saved the day again. All in a days work for the princess of power!