She-ra VS Godzilla

The horde had created a monster that was over 1000 feet tall, weighed
15,000 tons and set it loose on Etheria. First, it tore through
Etheria's boat fleet, easily taking direct hits from all the ships.
Then, it made it's way towards the shore. She-ra was called to help
out - despite being the strongest entity in the universe, she was
about to be put to the test.

Seeing the sinking ships, she dove into the water, swam at super speed
and gathered all the ship's anchors together. Using her super strength,
she towed all 75 destroyers onto the shore. The anchors had been
crushed by her insane strength into one piece of scrap metal, which she
set down onto the ground. She asked the crews of the ships if they were
OK, to which they replied "yes", so she set off to battle Godzilla.

Flying on Swiftwind, she spotted Godzilla walking through a mountain
range and decided to try to stop him here. Jumping off Swiftwind, she
landed 700 feet in front of Godzilla and dug her fingers into the base
of the mountain in front of her. Calling upon her super strength, she
pushed with all her might, applying 70 trillion tons of force through
her slim arms. She began to sweat and shake as her small 5'10" frame
began to support the immense mountain's unbelievable mass. Gritting her
teeth and biting her lip, she found she was able to apply even more
power through her 5 inch round super arms, actually managing to uproot
the mountain! Now she began to lift it slowly over her head. Whilst
holding it over her head, She-ra's strength quadrupled allowing her to
throw it at Godzilla.

The mountain flew through the air before shattering against the beast's
head, buring him underneath tonnes of mud and rock. Suddenly, the earth
shook as the mountain exploded and a seriously pissed off Godzilla
emerged out of it. She-ra couldn't believe that it hadn't even phased
him. Maybe he was stronger and more powerful than she was! Godzilla
picked up a huge piece of the mountain about the size of a skyscraper
and hurled it so that it landed on top of She-ra. She braced herself and
met the huge boulder with a punch. When the huge rock hit her, it met
something far stronger than mere rock; as it hit she-ra's fist it
shattered into millions of pieces.

"Wow! He IS strong!" she thought.

With a flash of light, Godzilla spewed forth fire at 1,000,000 degrees
centigrade straight towards She-ra. She had no time to react and it hit
her right in the breastplate, knocking her down. Laying in molten rock,
She-ra rose up to her feet. She was standing in molten rock up to her
knees. Now SHE was pissed off big time. Godzilla swung around and caught
her off guard and hit her with his tail.

She-ra was catapulted 1000 miles in just 2 seconds, causing a earthquake
when she hit the ground. She shook off the fall and sent for Swiftwind.
Swiftwind arrived and she mounted him. He asked if she was OK, and she
replied by saying that it takes more than what that lizard has to hurt me.
Arriving back at Godzilla, she took a more direct approach. Standing in
front of his foot, she waited for him to make his move. He raised his foot
and stomped it down with all his strength, but to his surprise his foot
stopped when it meet her super strong hands.

"Go pick on someone your own size!" she said, throwing him back 700 yards.

While he was in air, she ran at super speed, waited under his falling body
and then CAUGHT HIM! Holding him over her 5'10" frame with ease, she said:

"Lets go for a spin!"

And spun at super speed, quickly reaching 7000 rpm! Using his tail, he
managed to spring from her hands. He was able to land on his feet, but he
decided that was enough. How could this little morsel of food be so
strong?!? He grabbed her, tossed her in his mouth and began to chew on her.
She-ra was gripped between his teeth, but they could not penetrate her
super body. She climbed to the front of his mouth and placed her hands on
the roof of his mouth and began to push. The pressure from her hands caused
his teeth to break off and she easily pushed open the jaws of the most
powerful beast to ever live! Standing holding his jaws open she was
benching more than a million tons. Grabbing her before she broke his jaw,
Godzilla tried to crush her in his hands. After placing his claws on either
side of her, he started pushing them together as hard as he could, exerting
more then 600 trillion tons. It was muscle against muscle, 80" arms against
5" arms.

She-ra struggled as she fought the pressure. Slowly, the stronger power
started to win. Godzilla's hands were quickly spread open.

"I don't want to hold hands. Let's just be friends," said She-ra.

Then, she pushed so hard against his hands they flew back and almost tore
off altogether thanks to this female juggernaut's limitless strength.
Realizing she was much stronger than he was, he blew his radioactive breath
on her again. This time, she took her sword out and blocked his breath.

"That does it," she thought, "Enough of playing with the big lizard. It's
time to end it. To make it fair, I'll let him have first shot at
me. But first, I've really gotta do something about this bad breath."

Taking a super inhale, She-ra used her super lungs to go toe to toe with
Godzilla's radioactive breath.

"Lets see who has the better set of lungs," she thought to herself.

She removed her sword and started to blow wind at 700 mph straight towards
Godzilla's breath. The two forces met and stopped each other in their tracks.
After 10 seconds past, She-ra started to grow bored.

"Ohh well. I gave him a chance," she thought.

Then, she formed her lips into a perfect 'O' and increased the pressure from
her super lungs to 2000 mph, blowing Godzilla's breath right back into his

"OK your free shot," she said, standing her ground.

The huge, 1000 foot tall lizard raised his fist high in the air and smashed
it down with all his strength against She-ra's head. His fist hit her flat on
the top of her skull. The force was enough to shake the ground, but to his
surprise she didn't even blink! It didn't even faze her!!!

"OK, my turn," she said with a smile, "Didn't your mom tell you it's not
polite to hit a lady?"

Then, she pounded the ground with both hands, creating a earthquake. Her
great strength caused a 'quake which measured 12.5 on the Richter scale. Now
that she had knocked Godzilla off his feet, She-ra charged at him but he
lashed at her with his arm, flinging the 125lb supergirl though the air. As
she flew, she hit a bridge and her super strong body easily tore though it
like tissue paper. Landing miles away, she spotted a train heading for the
bridge she had just destroyed.

"Oh on! I'd better do something!" she exclaimed and took off running at over 300 mph.

As she ran past the train at super speed her legs became a blur to the
naked eye. She stopped 400 feet from the broken bridge and let the train
smash into her super frame. She pushed with over 7 million tons of force as
soon as the train hit her. However, she quickly realized that this wasn't
enough, so she increased it to 2 billion tons, stopping the train within 100
feet of the broken bridge. Just to make sure the train was safe, she once
again used her super strength to push the train back a further 50 feet to
make sure it was safe and headed back to meet Godzilla.

"How am I going to stop him?" she asked herself.

She knew she was much stronger than him but she didn't want to hurt the big

"I've got it," she realized, "I'll make a cage out of that mountain!!"

She ran to the base of the enormous mountain, took out her sword and forced
it into the ground. At super speed, she ran 1500 feet, turned and ran a
further 1000 feet, quickly making 20 such carvings into the solid rock. Next,
she dug her fingers into the solid rock and at super speed ripped them out
of the ground. Easily standing them up she took her sword and drove it into
the ground again and ran 10000 ft by 20000 ft square on the solid rock and
dug her super fingers into the rock. Then, using just her fingertips, she
easily uprooted the huge slab of rock. After setting it down, she set off to
get Godzilla.

"Sword to lasso," she said and her sword changed into a huge lasso, "It's
round up time, big guy!"

Then, She-ra threw the lasso around Godzilla. It was a tug a war between
Godzilla and She-ra. Her legs quickly proved to be too strong for Godzilla
and she dragged him back kicking and screaming. He still couldn't believe
that he was being so easily out muscled by this small morsel of food.
Running over to his tail she gripped it and threw him into the cage. He
tried as hard as he could to move the stones but they were made out of the
heaviest substance in the known universe - a 1 ft by 1 ft by 1 ft piece
weighs 1000 tons. Despite this, She-ra had been able to move huge slabs with
ease. Now, she picked up the 20000 ft slab and threw it on top of Godzilla's
cage. Godzilla was trapped but could not escape his cage.

Next, She-ra drew her sword and carved another slab at the base of the cage
and then dug her fingertips in and uprooted the whole thing in with truly
superhuman effort.

"Lets go for a walk," she said and picked up cage, supporting it all in one
hand, even though it now weighed over 792 trillion tons.

She carried Godzilla to a remote island and released him. Realizing that he
only wanted to be left alone, she never had to deal with him again. Every now
and then she went back and wrestled playfully with him to keep him company,
being careful not to hurt him with her immense strength.