She-ra comes to earth part 2

The massive 10.0 earthquake shook the ground violently and She-ra knew she
had to stop it. She seen huge skyscrapers in the distance begin to tilt and
fall. The ground opened up revealing a deep 4 foot crack under her feet and
she knew she had to stop it now. She laid down on the ground and straddled
the crack. She put her small arms on either side of the crack. Calling on
her infinite strength she dug her fingers into the earth and started to pull
her arms inwards. It seemed ridiculous that a woman could out pull a 10.0
earthquake but after all this was She-ra. To my surprise it only took her
strength 3 seconds to match the power of the quake and then begin to pull
the ground shut. I was thrown around like a rag doll as this superwoman
pulled the earth back together again. She had to excreting literally
trillions of tons though those skinny arms, but her face showed no signs of
strain it was as if this wasn't testing her strength limit at all! Slowly
the ground stopped shaking and we seen the city behind us didn't fair well
at all against the quake. Buildings were either already on the ground or
ready to fall over. Then her great eye sight spotted something in the air.
It was Swiftwind She-ra's flying horse. Shouting loud enough so Swiftly
could hear her and in the process almost breaking my eardrums she called for
him. He landed my her side and she hugged him. "Swifty I'm so glad you are
here!" "She-ra where are we and what just happened?" She explained where we
were and that she just caused and stopped a earthquake to Swifty as we flew
towards town. Arriving at the city we seen it needed a lot of help from the
most powerful being in the universe She-ra!

"Tell me She-ra are you as
strong as you were back on Etheria?" Swiftwind said. "Watch this Swifty I'll
crush this beam with my muscles!" She grabbed a huge steel girder and
easily as crumbling tissue paper she crushed it into scrap metal. Swift seen
this display of strength he laughed and said "yes it appears your great
strength hasn't left you." Seeing She-ra crush this steel beam like nothing
caused me to cum in my pants. "Whoops I see you had another problem Bill?"
she said. "You know what seeing you perform great feats of strength does to
me She-ra" I said shyly. Now she set her sights on fixing the city. Two
massive 100 story tall skyscrapers where dangerously close to falling over.
She-ra stepped and stood in-between both of the massive structures. Placing
a hand on each one of them she started pushing. A low moaning sound came
from the steel inside the structures as She-ra's muscles started to
overpower the skyscrapers. I still couldn't believe what I was seeing here
was this small 5' 10" girl actually pushing two enormous buildings back into
their original positions, and she seemed to be doing it with no signs of
effort! People inside the buildings couldn't believe their eyes as they seen
the most beautiful girl they ever seen pushing their building skyward. Being
careful not to push to fast or hard She-ra finished pushing the skyscrapers
back into their original positions. As the low moaning or metal being bent
stopped she said, "There that should do it, What's next?." I was at a loss
for words after seeing such a display of strength. I stopped a bridge that
was sagging to one side so we mounted Swiftwind and flew towards it. As we
arrived at the bridge's base we could see the quake had shook the bridge so
bad that one section of the supports had fallen off it's base and was in
danger of toppling the entire bridge. Dropping me off She-ra rode Swiftwind
down to the damaged support. Hopping off her steed she walked up to the huge

Seeing it wasn't damaged to bad it had just fallen off it's base
she crouched down and grabbed the massive support. Again calling on her
limitless strength she slowly started to stand erect. She must have been
pressing well over a million tons as she lifted the huge support chest
level, but to her it felt weightless.
Looking down being careful not to trip and drop the enormous structure she
walked the support back and carefully placed the support back on it's base.
Then to make sure the support didn't fall off if another quake hit she
grabbed the support and used her strength to actually push the massive
support downward into the steel base about a foot. Seeing this woman lift a
bridge and then actually force it downwards into solid steel I cummed my
pants again. Jumping on Swiftwind we flew high into the sky and seen no
other major structures that needed the help of She-ra and the fire crews had
the fires under control so we decided to call it a night. We arrived back at
my house and I took a shower. Coming out I seen She-ra smoking a cigarette
and remembering the feats of strength she did earlier I had the biggest
erection of my life. Turing to me and exhaling the smoke I lost it and
cummed in front of her. She just giggled and grabbed a towel and handed it
to me. I was embarrassed by what I did and decided to go to bed while She-ra
took a shower. About a hour later the door to my bedroom opened and there
was She-ra naked. She said, "I this doesn't sound strange but I was watching
TV the other night I seen two people laying in bed and the male was doing
something to the female. I heard them call it making love could you make
love to me?" I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. There in
the doorway was the woman of my dreams wanting to make love to me!

To be continued...