She-ra comes to earth PART 1 The workers eyes widened as they fired up the time warp for its first test try. A flick of the switch and it began a swirling motion but noting happened, but something did happen just 500 miles away. She-ra was just finished putting down a 4 trillion ton mountain that she was casually holding up while the last of the trapped people escaped. When she was whisked away from withering woods and found herself in the middle of a strange land.. I was working at my job as a junkyard machine operator and hit the switch as I seen the huge car crusher begin to crush another car and just before it started to close I coulda swore I seen a flash the I heard a strange noise coming from the crusher it sounded like metal bending, but what could bend the iron sides of a car crusher? Then I seen the sides bow outward and seen a figure in the middle of it PUSHING THE SIDES OUTWARD! the metal screamed as this figured to seemly easily push the sides backwards then a figure of a beautiful woman dressed like She-ra appeared out of the darkness. I couldn't believe it. I thought, "But how did she break the car crusher?" it couldn't be her but as I approached it was her I asked, "Who are you?" she said, "I am She-ra the princess of power!" with a smile "How did I get here and who are you?" "I'm Jim and you are on earth" . 'Earth huh, I never heard of it I must get back to whispering woods" "You appeared out of thin air" I said "I doubt you can get back are you really her?" I asked "Yes I am" she-ra she said I asked her to prove it she bent down and grabbed the bottom of the car crusher and with ease rose up and pressed it over her head. I cummed in my pants. She held it up above her heard as if it weighed nothing. :Wow how strong are you?" I asked. "I have been able to lift anything I tried so far I don't think there is a limit to my strength" she said as she put the crusher down. I thought I couldn't let her stay out here along after all she was in a strange world. I said, "You can stay at my house." So she came home with me. the next day I woke up and thought it was all a dream till I seen her sleeping in the next room her was the most beautiful woman I ever seen she woke up and I made breakfast. We ate and she asked what this was I said a TV watch this and learn a little about this world. So she stayed home as I went and got fired from my job trying to explain how the car crusher got broken how was I going to say a girl tore it apart with her bare hands! I came back and asked if she learned anything oh yes she said she asked what those white things were hanging out of peoples mouths. I said, "Here try it" as I got an erection as she placed the cigarette in her mouth "Now what?" She said "Suck on it and inhale the smoke while I light it" she looked so sexy inhaling the smoke all my dreams came true as I watched She-ra actually smoking a cigarette in front of me in real life! She exhaled the smoke and said, "Wow that is different" I said, "Here try to take a real deep inhale" and watched in amazement as she started to inhale and she didn't stop her super lungs powered though the rest of the cigarette like it was nothing. She exhaled the smoke so expertly I lost control and cummed my pants again. "How did u do that?" I asked "Do what power though that cigarette?" I shuddered "Oh that was easy I once inhaled all the ash from a exploding volcano" she smiled I cummed my pants again I said, "How are you so strong with suck small arms?" "within my arms is contained the most powerful force in the universe the combined power of Castle Grayskull and The Crystal Castle!. I said, "Please let me feal your arms" "Sure go ahead " she replied "I grabbed her one skinny arm and it felt like any other normal girls arm. I just couldn't figure it out "Here crush this and smoke another cigarette I cant believe you are that strong" So she lit another cigarette up took a steel beam and power inhaled the cigarette in one puff while crushing a steel beam into nothing with the other hand I cummed again I was speechless. "Wow your incredible!" I exclaimed. "Use your full power on something" "I'm not sure that would be a good idea" she said "I am stronger than the universe remember?" "OK just do something amazing" I asked. She looked around and spotted a huge slab of metal that was 20'x50'x3' and walked up to it. Thinking what she could do to it. She decided to use only a small fraction of her awesome strength. She raised he hand up and curled her index finger up to touch her thumb. And only wanted to sink the huge slab into the ground 3 or 4 feet she flicked her index finger apron the top of the slab. The force of he finger was the greatest force the earth has ever experienced in it's history! The slab didn't go 3 or 4 feet into the ground but bored a hole clean though the planet! Causing a massive earthquake. "Whoops" is all she could say realizing her home planet Etheria must be trillions of times as dense as earth. But she didn't have time to think about that now she had to stop the huge earthquake NOW! be continued