She-ra Comes To Earth, Part III

She-ra the princess of Power wanted to have sex with me? Wow I couldn't
believe it. Her body was perfect it had no flaws at all. She looked like a
goddess as she approached me. She laid down beside me and I was in awe of
her beauty. "Is there something wrong?" she said. "No I just never seen
anyone as beautiful as you." She just smiled and placed her lips on mine.
The suction from her kiss was incredible. I couldn't break free and pushed
as hard as I could to try to break free. She said "What's wrong?" I replied
"Wow you lung power must be incredible I couldn't break free from your
kiss!" "I'm sorry I do have a good set of lungs I guess" she said with a
smile. I admired her perfect set of breasts and cupped my hands around skin
wasn't as hard as a rock as I expected but as soft as silk to the touch.
"Now just relax" I said as I tried to enter her but I couldn't penetrate
her. Her body was just to strong for my weak member to enter. "Just relax."
I said. After a couple minutes she soften up her amazing body and I was able
to penetrate. It was the most amazing experience of my life. "UGHHH OHH MY
GODDD!" She screamed and she started her climax and I was thrown off her
shaking body. As a relax she grabbed the bedposts and instantly they were
crushed out of existence. She continued climaxed for 10 minutes straight.
After she could regain her speech she said "WOW! that was the most
incredible experience I ever had!" I was in heaven. Words couldn't convey
what it was like fucking She-ra. The rest of the night we got to "Know" each
other very well. I woke up and found her eating breakfast and watching TV.
She sprung up and gave me a huge kiss being careful not to suck so hard that
I pass out. "Last night was incredible I feal like a new woman!" She said as
she lifted me up and threw me down on the couch and fucked me right there
till we both passed out from exhaustion. After I woke up I realized I had no
job and needed to look for work so I started getting dressed. She awoke and
asked where I was going "Well I need to find a job so I will have money."
Then I thought to myself why do I need a job she couldn't be stopped. She
could just walk into a bank and rip the door to the vault off. But she
wouldn't do that. "Hmm I wonder if it will work and went outside and grabbed
a lump of coal. "She-ra try to squeeze this really hard till I tell you to
stop, OK?" She took the lump and cupped her hands on the lump. She started
to apply pressure and I said, "Apply a lot of pressure and keep increasing
it." A glow started to come from her hands as she slowly increased the
pressure on the lump of coal. "OK stop!" I exclaimed. She opened her hands
and where the lump of coal once was now was a diamond. "WOW your soo strong
you can squeeze coal into diamonds!" I kissed her and realized I no longer
needed a job. Months passed and TV soon found out about She-ra and her
powers. I lived way out of city so keeping her identity secret wasn't a
problem. Soon she seen that the world could benefit from her special powers
and started flying on Swiftwind into the city everyday to help out where she
could. One day she was flying on Swiftwind and spotted an Army convey that
was broke down on a bridge. She landed on Swiftwind and went over to the
convey to see what was the problem. The general walked up to her and said,
"Our truck had a flat we will be on our way in a minute She-ra" Seeing the
massive flatbed truck was carrying 3 M-1 tanks and the men were having
trouble jacking it up she decided to give them a hand. She walked up to the
front of the truck and put her small hand under the front bumper. As the
private was struggling to jack up the front of the truck he was surprised
when he seem the truck raising up into the air, but he wasn't jacking it up.
Standing in front of him was the most beautiful girl he ever seen and she
was holding the front of his truck up! Standing there holding the front of
the truck at waist level she said, "You don't need the jack this truck isn't
heavy I'll hold it up while you change the flat" The General was speechless
he seen TV footage of a woman doing amazing feats of strength but thought it
was all hype to get ratings. There before him was a woman holding up at
least 120 tons with one arm and she looked like she wasn't even trying.
Setting the truck down she walked over to the General she said, " There do
you need anymore help?" "How did you do that?" he asked. "I'm a little
stronger than most people" she said with a smile. "We could really use you
in the Army! Just how strong are you?"
"Well, I was told I could lift all the matter in the entire universe" she said.
The general's jaw dropped. "Yeah, right. Whatever," he replied.
She just walked up the side of the huge truck, bent down and grabbed the
truck's tire. Casually hoisting it over her head with no effort at all, she
found the balancing point and placed her index finger under it. The General was
dumbfounded - standing before him was a woman holding at least 400 tons up over
her head with her index finger, with no signs of effort at all. Placing the
massive weight back on the ground the General rushed up to her.
"Please show up at this address tomorrow," he said, handing her a card. "Miss I
don't know how you are so strong but we can't let you fall into enemy hands.
Please show up tomorrow," he said.
"Hmm I'll think about it," she said as she mounted Swiftwind and rode off.
After thinking about it she decided to show up at the address. Arriving at the front gate
she met the general he said, "We want to test what the limits of your
strength She-ra" She replied, "I told you I don't think there are limits to
my strength. It seems the harder I try the stronger I become." "That's
impossible miss there has to be a limit to your strength there is no such
thing as limitless strength, and we intend to find it so we know what you
are capable of lifting." Well I once moved an entire planet that was
thousands of times larger than this one. And even that didn't test my
strength even the slightest." The General couldn't imagine how such small
arms could generate that much power, But he was determined to try anyway.
The first test was a simple one it was a gate. "OK She-ra those bars are
made of the strongest metal know to mankind and can withstand ten million
psi. Take your time and try to bend those bars." She realized her telling
them her strength had no limits wouldn't work she decided to prove it to
them. She stepped up to the bars and placed her small hands on the 5 inch
bars. Calling on he strength she tugged at the bars, but they dint move. So
she tugged harder and could feal the massive amounts of pure power flowing
into her slim arms and again the familiar sound of metal being bent filled
the air as she easily spread the bars apart.

The general was beyond belief
nothing the army had could even dent those bars but she was bending them
like play dough. causally bending the bars back he said, "What's next?" The
next test was to test her invulnerability she stood blindfolded as a M-1
tank bored down on her small frame. Firing a shell at her it struck her on
her perfectly round tit and to everyone's surprise her tit didn't flatten
out the shell fell to the ground with a perfect indentation of her tit in
it. Charging her at ramming speed it was steel armor Vs bare skin as the
tank connected with her body the barrel smacking her square in the middle of
her tits. Having not braced herself for the impact the 125 pound heroine was
thrown to the ground and the tank ran over her body. As the tank passed over
her she grabbed the middle of it and easily stood up. Everyone was in awe as
they seen the tanks tracks rise off the ground and this little girl stand
there holding a tank over her head with ease.

She decided to show off a
little and slammed the tank down to the earth and began pushing against it.
The tank's motor wasn't designed to push against something as powerful as
She-ra's legs and quickly the engine stalled out. Hopping up to the barrel
of the main gun she inserted her tit into the gun barrel and said go ahead
and fire. The General gave the order and at supersonic speed the tank shell
sped up the barrel and into her super nipple. As it contacted her nipple it
exploded and blew the main barrel apart. As the dust settled there was
She-ra standing there with a piece of tank barrel on her chest. The General
couldn't believe it but the explosion didn't affect her in the slightest
way, she was completely unharmed! There was one more test before the General
would consider her to be invulnerable. The army was working on a anti-mater
bomb that would be as powerful as 10,000 supernova's exploding at once but
only be 3" round and 9" long. This might kill you She-ra do you still want
to continue?. I doubt you will able to survive it." "Let's try it and see
General I doubt anything can hurt me." she said confidently. "Do you think
you could survive the force of 10,000 supernova's exploding She-ra?" he
said. "Well there's only one way to find out." she said as she took the
bomb. Trying to think of a way to contain the blast so her body contained
the full force of it I thought crossed her mind. Lifting her skirt she
carefully placed the bomb into her moist pussy. Placing the bomb completely
inside her she said she was ready. The General gave the word to detonate but
it didn't explode, something was wrong. She said she had it under control
and just increased the pressure inside her vaginal walls. Her inner muscles
now exerting 10 tons of force the bomb exploded inside her vagina. The force
was intense as the bomb exploded with unimaginable force inside her. But her
super strong body proved to be truly invulnerable and held the blast in
completely. The force did cause her to have an orgasm and shook her body
violently as we watched in awe. Calming down from her orgasm she said "WOW
that felt great, got anymore?"
to be continued...........