
Life with the worlds strongest girl is amazing. Mileena is incredibly
strong. She is far stronger than any man or beast on this planet. She
said she as always been incredibly strong even from birth. So I
decided to test her strength out it just wasn't possible in my mind
for a woman to be this powerful. Especially without having muscles
the size of tree trunks. But somehow in those little round arms of
hers the was what seemed sometimes to be unlimited strength. First we
went to the junkyard there we found a car crusher. She motioned for
me to turn it on. Setting it on the highest setting I watched as it
closed on her small frame then seen her acually out powered it. Her
fingers tearing into the steel and pulling on it so hard the steel
tore off in her mighty grip with ease! "Whoops I guess I don't know
my own strength" she said with a smile as she continued to bend the
steel into halves then fourths. It couldn't take her power anymore
and tore apart. Next we went up to two tanks placing her hands
underneath one I said "There's no way you are going to lift that tank
up you cant be that strong?" "No I'm going to lift both of them up"
she said and did standing up with one tank in her one hand she
casually bent down and picked the other up I cummed in my pants. Next
we stopped at a machinery plant and thought something in her should
be to heavy for her to lift seeing the heaviest press she stepped up
it and placed her little hands on the huge presses bottom and applied
her great strength to it slowly a loud moan came from the press as I
realized she was lifting it off the ground it must have weighed 1,000
tons "Ugh there!" she said as she let go with one arm and supported
the huge press with one arm!! Next we took a ride into town looking
for a obstacle heavy enough for her to get a decent workout. after
hours of looking around it was useless she just was to strong
everything was like a feather to her super strong arms. But we didn't
give up hope we posted flyers out to have the city have a tug of war
with her. We were amazed when 600,000 people showed up! But she knew
she could handle it and grabbed the end of the huge 3 mile long rope.
"Ready set go!" I said and all 600,000 people started pulling at
once. Over 90,000 tones of forced pulled on her super strong arms at
once but to her it was like pulling a car door open. So she took the
end of the rope and rapped it around her smallest finger and started
doing curls while all 600,000 people jerked forward uselessly trying
to resist her power. About a week past and we gave up hope of finding
a limit to her strength then it happened. An earthquake hit, not just
any earthquake, but a 9.0. She had to act fast
so she thought, "I wonder?" and jumped into the swear system and the
ground seemed to start to shake more but then stopped as the air
filled with screaming sounds like metal being tore from metal. If I
didn't know better it seemed like the city was rising into the air.
But as I realized the city was raising into the air she was lifting
the entire city up to protect it from the earthquake! Using her legs
as a shock absorber she out lasted the quake and decided to move the
city to safer ground and began walking 80 miles to the next safest
site. I jumped down from the moving city to see mileena under the
city holding it over her head with one hand and enjoying a cigarette
in the other! It blew my mind how could she look like a beautiful
woman but have seemingly unlimited strength? But there she was
walking 80 miles and holding a 50 mile long city over her head with
ease! Arriving at the new site she put the huge 50 mile long city
down and climbed out of the nearest manhole and said, "you know
what? this city isn't as heavy as it looks" while smiling playfully
at me. Sop she ended the perfect day with a display smoking skills
and smoked 15 cigarettes nonstop as I cummed on her pants and ABS. I
watched the next hour as she bent steel girders like taffy and molded
steel with her bard hands. repairing the damage her muscle done in
the process of moving and I began to think her strength had no