KARA Gritting her teeth KARA used her SUPER POWERFUL MUSCLES to lift a mountain up till workers could escape. She was amazed to see how strong she was lifting at least 1 billion tons of rock over her head. It was acutely giving her super muscles a workout. She hoped that she didn't always have to uproot a mountain to get a good workout. As the last of the workers escaped she was told it was safe to put the mountain down after all her muscles where interfering with the habitat of the mountain. She slowly put the mountain back to where she uprooted it. A huge THUD shook everyone as the young super girl put the huge mountain back in the ground. The shock wave of the mountain hitting the ground caused a dam to break. Millions of gallons of water was racing towards the town down below. Kara knew she was the only hope for the town. Flying at super speed she raced in front of the water racing to the town. Taking a super breath she exhaled a gust of wind from her super lungs that exceeded 1,400 mph. Which stopped the water in it's tracks. Blowing the water back to the dam. She narrowed he lips to form a perfect "O" and increased the pressure to 2,300 mph. Which caused the water to retreat back into the dam. She then moved at incredible speed throwing huge boulders to form a new dam. After throwing 1,000 boulders in place in .5 seconds she stopped the flood and saved the day again. For money she will carry complete bridges and set them in place or squeeze coal in her hand so hard that it turns into a diamond. Or test high power explosives or lasers out on her body as a backstop. She once stopped an earthquake by pulling the plates back together with her little super strong arms generating 4 BILLION TONS OF PULLING PRESSURE