No matter what we tried we couldn't find a limit to her strength. She was
just to strong. First she stepped up to a car crusher and placed her tits in
between the massive steel walls and I turned the crusher up to full power it
contacted her tits but it couldn't move them an inch! Her tits were holding
back 300 tons like there was nothing pushing against them at al! The press
was pushing so hard it started to conform around her tits. "Hmm let's try
this" she said. I watched in awe as she put her small hands on either side
of the press and casually pushed the press's walls apart. I had to cover my
ears as the metal screamed in protest as this super strong woman was easily
opening this press like I seen her open a pack of cigarettes earlier. "Well
this isn't proving anything I'm just to strong everything here is too light
for me." "how strong did those scientists say you were?" I asked. "Well they
said I am probably stronger than the entire planet" "I don't think there is
a feat of strength my muscles cant do" she said. Remember last month when
that volcano erupted well I was flown in and simply squeezed the volcano
shut" "That had to test your strength level out didn't it?" I asked "Nah it
was kinda easy to tell you the truth" she said while she smiled and lit up a
cigarette. "Here watch this I'll prove it to you" My jaw dropped to the
ground as she power inhaled the cigarette in one super puff and exhaled it
in one super exhale for my amusement. Then she bent down and grabbed the
bottom of the huge 500 ton car crusher. Using her unlimited strength she
started to lift it up but she didn't know it was secured to the steel base
with 20 30" long steel rivets. But her strength was so great she didn't
even notice the extra resistance. I could hear the steel succumbing to her
greater strength as she casually tore it free from it's base. her small
round super strong arms now lifted the huge press over her head as easy as a
girl would lift a cardboard box over her head.. She turned her head and
said, "You might want to cover your ears for this next part so I did and
couldn't believe what she started doing she starting squeezing the press
inward like an accordion! Metal screamed as she forced it inward on itself.
I looked for signs of strain on her face but she was smiling she wasn't even
trying! She kept folding and crushing the press for what must have been 3
minutes until it fit in the palm of her hand! now she covered her hands and
pressed them with her unlimited strength it was then I realized what she was
trying to do. still she showed no signs of stress while doing this
unbelievable feat of strength. I watched her hands continue to press the
now small car crusher until her hands met and I realized she just squeezed a
500 ton car crusher so hard she squeezed it out of existence!!!