No Need For Tenchi; Just Another Day

By GhenKai,

Chapter 6: The Battle Ends, Explosive Conclusion!


Within minutes, their fight had completely circled the globe multiple times, the intensity levels continuing to rise higher and higher as they unleashed more of the strength and power against the other. The Earth also found more and more damage done to it that spanned across continents.

Ryoko furiously blinked the rock and dust out of her eyes.

It takes light a skim over 1.2 seconds to traverse the more than 238,000 mile difference to reach the moon.

It took one opening, the swing of Ayeka’s thickly muscled leg that

sent an almost visible white concussion wave on impact 400 miles around, and alittle under two seconds for the ultra-powered space pirate Ryoko to be sent through Earth’s burning atmosphere and wind up planted over 200 miles deep into the thick of the hard, rocky lithospheric mantle. Her place of impact could nearly be seen by the naked eye on the dark side of planet Earth as miles and miles of moondust shifted across the surface.

‘Okay… she’s REALLY getting on my nerves now…’

She suddenly felt the rock walls around her begin to shake, shift and

crumble with growing intensity all around her, but of course she knew what, or that is, who was causing it all.

Within seconds, Ryoko was greeted with an upclose view of Ayeka as she finished burrowing through the hard rock that made the moon’s mantle, as grin on her face as felt the tide of battle press lean to her advantage.

Ryoko growled and tossed out a hard haymaker, but the Juraian Princess reacted swiftly, catching the wrist of her arm which was traveling at lightspeeds. Before Ryoko could think to retract her remaining free

arm to attack, Ayeka also grabbed the wrist of that arm as well, her

imperiously tight grip quickly beginning to heat up her forearms to

thousands of degrees.

Ayeka quickly pushed the space pirate’s arms back and placed herself atop of Ryoko, her large firm rear seated upon the ex space pirate’s thick abs.

"I have you now, demon!" She yelled, her voice bending the laws of space to communicate through the very vacuum of space as they struggled back and forth within the constantly crumbling rocky layer which threatened them harmlessly with the idea of crushing them under what must be billions of tons of pressure.

"Really?" Ryoko responded coyly despite their struggling. Ayeka had a bad feeling when a strange grin came over the spikyhaired female’s face, and she soon found out what it was about. Ayeka was perplexed when the demoness sunk her chest in, and actually began pulling Ayeka closer. She quickly understood what her new tactic was that she was implementing as she flexed and thrusted her chest out into her own, slamming into her gigantic dual mounds with her own. Though the extreme force would’ve obliterated anything else as she shockwave did around them from contact, Ayeka only felt as if she’d been thumped hard into her abundant chest. Ryoko continued the strange tactic with a wild smile on her face, but the purple haired lass steeled her own chest against the blows, quickly making them ineffective. Despite that,

Ryoko was far from done as another unusual idea came to mind in her

fight against the princess.

Wriggling around quickly, Ryoko bucked her hips and at the same time thrusted her thigh up into the exposed giantess Princess’s sex. Ayeka lurched with a shouting gasp in sudden intense pleasure, throwing her head back against the tight ceiling of the collapsed tunnel as the demoness’ knee slammed into most sensitive spot with the strength of a million, kiloton nuclear bombs. The entire moon shook from the force.

Ryoko’s evil fangy grin widened as she ground her knee harder into those puckered and swollen lips, heating up and turning from a glowing red to white hot incandescence from the friction.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!! ST-STOP THAT! DON’T YOU HAVE ANY-- AHHHH!" Ayeka tried to yell as her muscles bulged and vibrated from extremely intense pleasure that was growing within, causing an earthquake within the moon that spread out to enormous canyons on the surface. Afew glistening drops beaded into life from the violethaired massive female’s large nipples, floating across the void of space the dabble against Ryoko’s cheek…

"My my, quite responsive aren’t we princess?!"

Ryoko showed no sign of stopping, infact she seemed to be enjoying the plight she was causing to the ‘prissy princess’. Ayeka didn’t realize that subconsciously she had given up her struggles to the violating knee pressing against her opened lips. Her clitoris swelled and her lips clenched tight and her hands squeezed harder around Ryoko’s wrists, and she could feel it coming closer and closer by the second, her cunt clenching and rubbing harder against the unrelenting knee, the muscles underlying her breasts bulging upward to a point where they blocked her view, those breasts in question seeming to swell out tightly for a cluster of inches as her nipples throbbed upward...


Release came like that of an exploding sun for her as she screamed and arched her back. Multiple volcanoes consisting of moon rock heated to temperatures matching the core of the sun and her own body’s inner juices thundered to the top the moon’s surface. Another earthquake, one that dwarfed any before it’s kind, ripped through half of the moon, chunks of the size of cities exploding loose to fly into the void of space and become asteroids. For 20 minutes the catastrophic tirade went on before the Juraian Princess finally and mercifully relaxed.

That was the moment Ryoko struck, snapping her wrists free of Ayeka’s weakened hold, and rammed her two feet into her solar plexus. Ayeka shot through the rest of the moon a moment later, coming out on the otherside. She managed to catch herself with her ill-practiced before, but now vastly easy flying ability, to touch down on the moon’s surface once more as she quickly recovered herself from the attack.

Her face glowed red with anger and embarrassment after having been violated by her spikyhaired rival, just so she could get an upperhand.

"HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO THE CROWNED PRINCESS OF JURAI!! WHERE ARE YOU, YOU DRIED UP MUMMY!!" Ayeka yelled as the surface of the moon continued to shift and crack from near the very point of the center itself, more chasms of enormous boulders ranging from skyscrapers to cities flying off into outer space.

One large mountainous boulder that was drifting out suddenly stopped. Not only stop, but also redirect itself. Ryoko guffawed sadistically as she pushed the mountainous hunk of moon rock, undoubtfully afew couple of hundred billion tons, back down towards the spot Ayeka stood, propelling the rock acouple of thousand miles per hour. Ayeka had just enough time to scream in surprise as the mountain crashed down upon her shaking the entire collapsing moon; that was the final attack needed to knock the moon out of its orbit. The 700-mile large rock touched down, crushing her deep back into rocky mantle, the impact visible from the Earth.

Ryoko floated down to stand atop that mountain of rock, laying her hands upon her very wide hips as she looked over her handy work. Mockingly she sat down atop the rock indian style and knocked on the surface of the rock lightly as if it were a door.

"Feel good down there, princess?"

Ayeka fumed as she lay crushed under the hundred billion of tons of rock, moving her arms forward to throw off the collapsed rock…

‘…. But… then again, why waste that much energy...? I won't let her

1-up me!!’

And so she flex her powerful chest muscles and thrusted out her immense breasts…

The ex space pirate felt a thunderous shudder travel through the gigantic boulder, large cracks flowing through the top of the rock. The next shock was many times worst than the first, and the collapsing 500-mile around boulder exploded into chunks the size of planes and houses as they spiraled out into space.

Like a goddess, Ayeka floated out of the rubble with a demure smile, her massive breasts pushed out proudly with her arms behind her back, her purple hair floating in all directions around her in the vacuum of space.

"Well, that was sure fun."

Ryoko glared at the violethaired princess, pointing out hand as she collected massive jolts of energy into the center of her extended palm.

"Game’s still getting started."

What was left of the entire rupturing moon was easily engulfed and decimated by the massive wave of pure power 5 times larger than it.


Just on the outskirts of the Sol system, the immense raging orange comet roared through anything in its path... the squadron of space cruisers from the Galaxy Police found themselves being thrown across space by the mere concussion wave spreading out hundreds of millions of miles from the annihilating beam. The radio waves were filled with hysteria as numerous pilots struggled to regain control of their ships.

"They were right!"

"-- Sol system under attack!!?"

"-- such POWER!!"

"-- Only the shockwave’s passing!!"

"-- did that come from??!"

"-- think I wet myself..."

The 90 space cruisers finally brought themselves to a halt, contemplating this bad omen. After getting erratic readings with tremendous fluctuations of energy, the GPD (Galaxy Police Department) decided to investigate this disturbance in the remote sector of the galaxy. Earth by Jurai law was under their protection, and to preserve the planet as it is, mainly untouched by alien contact, it was decreed offlimits to the rest of the universe. Unable to get in contact with Detective Mihoshi Kurumitsu and fearing the worst (these types of readings they had never seen since Kagato’s Souja, infact they even dwarfed said power as all readings were solidly offscale), the Galaxy Police Force took action. But now at seeing what could possibly be a demonstration of whatever power that was in the Sol system, their next moves would have to be decided with extreme caution.

"The energy signals! They’re coming this way!" One officer reported. "And FAST! 9 seconds to confrontation!!"

"Everyone’s shields to maximum power!" The commander barked out. Then suddenly the energy signals stopped, and the two collided once more on their screens as indicated by the flashing lights on the radar graph they were reading.

"It’s a battle," one of the officers realized, "And we can’t get an accurate reading; all ratings are off the-- !" The gawking, long eared tiger faced GP officer was suddenly cut as what looked to be a cosmic explosion lit space before their eyes, blinding them for a brief moment. One ship was lurched backwards as something pierced through its high-powered energy shield, denting the hull of the cruiser and knocking the 700,000-ton ship off course.

Ryoko blinked the stars out of her eyes as she peeled herself out from the thick metal designed to withstand the fiercest of impacts, not at all realizing how far the last attack threw her, covering interplanetary distances in less than seconds. Ready to take off after her adversary, she stopped as her curiosity prickled and she took a good look at whatever she’d just crashed into. It took only afew seconds for her to recognize the design of the enormous Galaxy Police attack vessel.

"The Galaxy Police? Just what are they doin-- ACK!!"

A familiar maniacal laughter rang through her ears as she felt a massive paralyzing surge of energy run through her, coming from what looked to be hordes of tiny logs hanging in the air around her and running trillions of joules of Jurai energy into her body.

"Pay attention Miss Ryoko!!" The purplehaired Princess yelled she lunged forward multiple times faster than light, toes angled forward as she rammed into her momentarily captured foe, driving her into the thick armored metal, into the ship, through various rooms and pathways and out the otherside in the gram of a second like a laser through butter.

The demoness managed to halt her acceleration, suddenly vanishing before the princess’s eyes. Reappearing, Ayeka felt a massive arm hook around her neck and grab one of her arms in a restraining hold.

"Hey, juggernaut, take a good look at those ships." The fuming Princess blinked confused at her rival before doing what she suggested.

"…Galaxy Police Ships? And why are they here?"


"Commander, doesn’t those two look somehow familiar?" One of the officers asked as he and other zoomed in on the two sources of the energy signals.


"Well… yes… one looks like... Ex Space Pirate Ryoko? And that purple hair... that can’t be the reknowned Jurai Princess! But they’re both too... BIG!!" But netherless, their monitors were indicating a 97.6% facial match. However, energy signatures on both were somehow altered, different, and vastly amplified to the point where they were easily incalculatable with even their advanced technology.

‘It’s never easy when it comes to his sector,’ the old captain chided as he sat back in his chair. The ruckus among the other ships was ecstatic as the lecherous men zoomed their visual scanners in on the enormously huge breasts as the two goddesses stared back at the fleet uneasily, floating in the void of outer space. Clusters of smacks

rang out through the said ships as female officers slapped their

co-workers silly.

"Someone get a tracking beam on those two so we can get answers!" He commanded. He realized his blunder too late as numerous tracking beams leapt forth toward the two women, Ryoko managing to leap out of the reach and push her violethaired adversary into the lightbeams.

Ayeka felt herself suddenly buck forward as the 89 of the tracking beams tried to reel her in, pulling her body from various different angles with enough combined strength to tow acouple of moon-sized

objects. The pilots looked on alittle confused when she stopped

moving, easily resisting the tug of the multiple high tech apparatuses combined strengfth capable of easily moving hundreds of billions of tons.

"Hey stop that!!" She shouted as she pulled back against the attraction of the energy constructed lines, each and every one of the ships jerking forward like abunch of enormous yo-yos before she managed to escape the ship’s grasp. The pilots stared on confused and half-believing at what seemed to be abundantly over-endowed and over-muscled female, pulling herself out of the tractor beam sights, and seeming to be yelling angrily at them in the void of space. Those perposterous energy readings were proving be more and more accurate...


Ryoko reappeared within another sector of the Sol system.

‘While she deals with the Galaxy Police, I’ll figure out a way to finally beat her,’ She thought to herself as she flew though space. She didn’t bother trying to avoid the asteroids floating in her path, careening through them like they weren’t even there. Soon she came

to a particularly large asteroid, she estimated to be close to the size the Earth’s now non-existent moon. Looking around at the other asteroids within belt, she got an idea.

"This could be is a good start..."

Quickly flying around, she grabbed hold of other enormous asteroids within the area ranging from the size of continents to moons, pressing

them tightly together and fusing them together with abit of energy. She chuckled as she felt like a galactic carpenter, easily pressing massive floating trillion-ton-and-larger rocks together with devastating effect. Moving around at over 700 times lightspeed, she gathered each and every asteroid she saw and melded it into her growing planetoid. Once she was satisfied with the utter size of it, she viewed her handywork with a snide grin.

"Hmm… not bad! But, not very proportionate though..."

She laughed and shrugged. "Ahh who cares about that!!"

"Prepare yourself... Princess."

Floating onto the massive drifting planetoid and placing her hands against the sturdy rock, she began to push.


Even after receiving a means of communication between eachother in the form of a neural-wavelength-frequency radio, talking was not doing much good between either of them. And it was only agitating the anxious

empowered Juraian Princess, who had more important things to do; like

handing a certain ‘Demon’ her round ass on a platter. And so, she decided to send the Galaxy Police fleet on its way.

Ignoring the immense blaster fire upon her body, Ayeka barged through the energy shield 89th Galaxy Police cruiser, shields that were capable of deflecting immense S-class firepower and errant meteors or asteroids. Thrusting her hands into the front of another 700,000-ton ship, the crew inside was thrown forward as the entire vessel suddenly began to accelerate at rapid speed. With a swift butt of her wide firm hips, the ship was sent spiraling toward the outer reaches of the Sol System, a massive dent placed into its thick hull 5 times the size of her body from the ‘meager’ impact.

"Princess Ayeka, if that is truly you, then PLEASE stop this!!" The captain wailed into the radio as he hailed her.

"As I specifically told you before, I don’t have time for this!!"

Ayeka replied, waving a finger as she humbly replied.

She flew straight for the front of the single last ship, easily breaking through the energy shield like all the ones before, gripping her hands into the meters thick hull, her bounding breasts molding out a place for themselves within the sleek resistant metal.

"But Ayeka! You both are destroying the solar system single-handedly!!" He argued for the 10th time in the last 15 minutes. She didn’t seem to be listening or caring much of what he was talking about as he felt the entire ship shudder, making him bang his head against the control deck infront of him.

"Ouch!!" He yelled as he rubbed the large bump on his forehead. "Hey! Stop! DON'T!"

A mirthful chuckle came from Ayeka as she began to push the ship

through space, nearing the ship’s own warp factors of speed.

"Now that we’re all in understanding there’s no reason for you to stick around and you all can go back to headquarters okaaaay? I have a matter of love to attend with!"

"WHAT UNDERSTANDING?!!" The captain said, flailing frantically.

"Off you go now! Have a good day!" she said in a delightful tone before she flexed her chest in the flash of a moment. Like before, a humongous crater was spread out from the point where her large breasts had drilled into as the entire ship was propelled twice as fast toward the edge of the solar system. Following after it, an added sway of the hips doubled its velocity speed again as she ship tumbled through millions of miles of space uncontrollably, disappearing from her eyesight completely in a width of acouple milliseconds.

"And that takes care of that," The Juraian Princess mumbled as she brushed her hands clean. Casually she looked through space.

"Now, where did that hussy disappear off to... ahh! THERE you are, you--"

It was the slap felt across the solar system as the back of Ryoko’s hand casually connected with the princess’s face With the impact of a supernova.

"Stop mouthing off. Let’s wrap this up already."

Alittle miffed, Ayeka rubbed the sting out of her cheek before she smiled.

"I agree."


They fought across millions of miles through the solar system, causing what seemed to be cosmic eruptions in their wake. Strength of hundreds of supernovas was unleashed as crackling power clashed against power in the ‘silent’ blackness of space.

‘She’s attacking defensively,’ Ayeka thought as her tiny juraian logs appeared into reality and scattered about the 50 mile radius, the sheer brightness of a shining star lighting up space as dreadfully immense volts of energy were directed into her opponent.

‘What IS she up to??’

Out the side of her eye, she spotted a blue ‘speck’ afew million miles off…

‘What is that? A planet…? Yes… I think it’s planet umm... what is the name... yes, that looks to be Venus! She’s leading me here!’

Her second of thought was costly as she was blindsided and sent spiraling through space towards said planet.

Her impact was swift, the thick corrosive layer of clouds not even having time to try to eat at her skin before she met ground zero, striking like an apocalyptic meteor. Digging herself out from under the

superheated rubble of her city large crater, flows of bubbling lava running off her body like lumpy water as she brushed herself off, she began to ponder.

‘She led me here... but for what reason? What is that she-devil up to now?!" She asked herself as she ground her teeth in question as the molten rock sizzled under her feet, the acidic atmosphere attacking futilely at her soft skin and lungs.

As if on cue, the immensely powerful space pirate appeared before her, hovering just an inch above the smoldering lava, the two mega-muscled goddesses glaring at eachother though the daily violence of the planet’s climate. Millions of thoughts ran through their minds as they stood there, Ryoko wearing an all-knowing grin on her face. Ayeka realized that it almost seemed as if she were waiting for something...

"50 seconds."


"Well in 50 seconds until you die, of course. While you were busy playing with the G.P.D., I cooked up alittle scheme. Ever wondered what it would feel like to be hit with an over Earth-sized meteor infused with my energy, and moving at over 80 times the speed of light?" Ayeka’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head.


"Crushing you between planets," Ryoko finished with a simple ‘as-a-matter-of-fact’ tone in her voice. Ayeka thought for a moment.

"I’m just as strong as you are..." Ryoko nodded as she listened...

"And just as fast..." Ryoko nodded again, waiting for the princess’s inevitable point to be made...

"Therefore, how are you going to hold me here and expect to get yourself away at the moment of impact? Plus, why did even tell me that anyway?"

An enormous sweatdrop quickly sizzled out of existence on the side of Ryoko’s head as she thought nervously on that.

"……..Umm…. well easy, I...I knock you… no… well, I simply... no... that won’t work either... it’s that…well... OKAY I HADN’T CONSIDERED THAT FACTOR OKAY?!! Ugh, no more James Bond movies. Earth Tv is having a bad influe--... Huh? What the--!!"

Ryoko spotted the sudden littering of Juraian logs around her, paralyzing her on spot once more. She realized with some anger, that Ayeka was going to try to use her own trap against her. But despite this advantage the Juraian Princess had on her, she knew it would

take her but a good moment to break free...

"If your not going to stick around for the impact then neither am--!!"

She suddenly felt herself grappled from behind and placed into an restraining hold, her massive arm twisted behind her back and a bulging forearm wrapping deathly around her thickly muscled neck. She could turn her head around just enough to see afew locks of purple hair flowing in the hot blowing winds as she struggled harder against the grip.

"….Ryoko, it’s over." This phrase made the once feared space pirate struggle harder in the grip, the mystic floating logs around them dampening her teleport and phasing ability as well. The calm serene voice the princess was now suddenly talking in confused the space pirate and actually sent shivers up her spine. She never talks like this unless she thinks she has sometype of upperhand...

‘Has she lost it??’

"Like hell it is!! Just give me an extra second to jam my fist up your no--!!"

"How much have I hurt you this entire time?" She calmly asked. Ryoko was really beginning to feel off-balance now.

"None! Like you could hurt me!! ….Wait a minute..." At first she was boasting, but now that she thought about it...

"Exactly. I don’t think we can hurt eachother. All the fighting has been pointless. And to tell the truth… I don’t think that planetoid will actually barely manage to scratch us. But, would you care to make a wager on that?"

"Okay, spill it princess. What's your game?!"

"Simply that. Let’s just see what happens. Don't think you'll survive? Do you have the guts, space pirate?"

Ryoko frowned.

That soft, sultry voice was really making her uncomfortable.

"And, what about Tenchi? You’re trying to pull some trick aren’t you??" At that question, Ayeka’s grip slackened, the arm which was holding Ryoko releasing and wrapping around the rippling abs of her stomach, making the space pirate flinch.

"No trick... we have no choice really. Neither of us can win over the other." The demoness raised an eyebrow as her tone of voice got unmistakably lower and deeper, rumbling like a cat’s purr... She had to admit it, this was the first time the ‘pristine lily’ had EVER put her on edge like this.

"So then… what do we--" The spikyhaired female was cut off with a sudden gasp and moan that came from her own lips, when she felt a hand suddenly grip around her large nipples, causing them to snap erect near instantly against the force squeezing against them, beginning to throb hungrily. An uncharacteristic blush ran through the pirate’s face as the princess leaned closer to Ryoko’s neck, the breath of the purple-tressed princess rushing against her ear as she talked coyly with an almost innocent, sultry tone.

"...We’ll just have to come to an understanding."

About 3.4 seconds before impact, the atmosphere instantly went insane on the blue planet. The area for thousands of miles around shook with an intensity that would make a 9.0 would look like twitch. The ground ripped apart beneath their feet forming canyons as the very air thickened and accelerated across the entire planet to hundred of thousands of miles per hour, then second, strips of acidic air slicing through and pulverizing even the toughest of substances. Explosions of magma erupted from the mountains of once inactive volcanoes, before those mountains themselves split open like a geometric wound, blasting out hot secretions for many hundreds of miles on end.

The two females had one brief moment to take a good look at everything, before the cataclysm was truly upon them. The burning, planet-sized meteor propelled at impossible, extreme speeds, collided with planet Venus. The whitehot shockwave of immeasurable power would travel through the solar system for a decade of years to come. It was like a scaled down reenactment of the Big Bang.

As the two once quarreling women were bathed in the impossible magnitude of infinite crushing, tearing, incinerating force, they smiled.

It was a beautiful sight to behold indeed.


Next morning...

"Washu? Breakfast is ready!!" Sasami called into the lab. The cabbit Ryo Ohki miyaed happily atop the young 11-year-old princess’s head.

"Be there in a sec!" The Universe’s Greatest Scientific Genius called out after releasing a biiiiiig yawn. After moments afterward, the pint sized Little Washu stepped out of her lab, typing furiously on her transparent keyboard which was hooked up to her mainframe. There was the obvious sign of bags under her eyes from not sleeping the day earlier.

The breakfast table was rather quiet that morning, minor chatting going on among the gathered group.

"Pass the milk Ayeka?" Tenchi asked.

"Ohh, yes," Ayeka cheerfully and half nervously responded as she poured out a glass for him even.

"Thank you!" he said as he began to drink. He was surprised at Ayeka and Ryoko. They were sitting right beside eachother, and neither had gotten into an argument yet. The day was still young, but this was a great start. He kept thinking about the dream he had last night. It was preposterous and constantly picked at his psyche; Ryoko and Ayeka both suddenly growing into humongously muscled amazons who end up destroying Venus and their moon, and nearly ripped the Earth along with the rest of the salar system itself apart barehanded?? Then Washu and Mihoshi transforming into mountainous amazons right before his eyes??

‘Whatever I had last night, I’m never eating or drinking it again,’ He

thought to himself as he drank the last of his glass of milk.

Little Washu sat at the table, typing wildly with one hand while taking a bite from her hard-boiled egg. The others at the table stared at the redhaired scientist for a moment, before she glared back at the stares, making everyone flinch and quickly turn away.

Especially Ayeka and Ryoko.

She shook her head in exasperation.

"Why o’ WHY... did I let it get so out of hand..."

"What get out of hand?" Nobiyuki asked. Washu nervously blanched.

"Nothingnothingnothing!" She said quickly and stuffed another egg into her mouth... forgetting to crack and peel the shell off this one. She frowned, but kept eating, nearly choking on the crunchy eggshells as she continued to type unabatedly on her hovering transparent keyboard. Collateral damage to Earth, wouldn’t have been a big problem to deal with; afew time jumps and chrono distortions, and most of Tokyo was already remodeled back the way it once was.

A moon would not be that big of a problem as well, though she would have to find a fitting replacement.

A decimated planet however, would be abit tougher to deal with as she would have to find and create a replacement for the destroyed planet Venus.

The biggest problem however at this moment, came from the explosive wave of pure erratic energy that was sweeping through the solar system and threatening to knock every planet and their moons' out of orbit, or at worst, shatter those those planetary masses.

‘But, I guess it was worth it,’ she surmised. ‘Though next time I’ll take greater precautions. I sure hope Jurai doesn't catch word of this...’

Extensive information had been collected on the reaction of TXZ on a Juraian of pure royal blood and her own engineered daughter, the ex-space pirate. Strength and invulnerability levels were still inconclusive. A rough estimate of the enormous planetoid Ryoko quickly put together brought her calculations to at starting point of around 3,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 metric tons, give or take the density of the incredible mass of the fused asteroids. And then the both of them taking an impact of such an object, the weight being infinitely multiplied by its traveling speed.

And there they sat at the table now, with only a bandage covering a small scratch on their cheeks.

Their speed was also quite incredible, but she would ask them later if

they were actually going all out on all aspects. Their energy powerlevels were also off the charts of even HER advanced technology. She’d never seen the production of such amounts of power since the untouchable LightHawk Wings, specifically, the massively powerful ones that Lord Tenchi and Tsunami could summon. But atleast one thing went as she predicted…

Casualties: 0.

Atleast nobody asked about the strange similar collars every girl there beside herself and Sasami now wore around their necks.

Idly Mihoshi continued to pick with her newest piece of neckwear, a small choker with a red crab-shaped button attached to it. She yelped when Washu smacked her hand down from her collar, not missing a beat in her typing.

"DO NOT. Touch that."

Mihoshi smiled nervously with a brow full of nervous sweatdrops running down.

"Okayokay I’m sorry!"

"So, what’s going on? I thought Washu said Lord Tenchi knew about all this," Ayeka whispered to Ryoko meanwhile.

"He did, but Washu said he fainted unconscious after know... crushed ourselves between those two planets," The spikyhaired demoness answered back. Ayeka nodded, feeling relieved.

"So he probably thinks it was a dream..."

"Guess it’s just as well; I wouldn’t want to see his reaction after what we did... I can’t believe we caused all that destruction, even if it was because of those ‘muffins’! Hope he doesn't turn on the news today..."

"Doesn't matter; most of the Earth is under a temporal pause or something that Washu did to it..."

Tenchi watched the two girls whisper back and forth, trying to hide his smile. Yup, today had a really good omen to it.

Tenchi patted his stomach as he finished his meal.

"That was great Sasami, as always!" Their resident 11-year-old professional cook blushed and smiled.

"Thank you!"

"Well, I’m going to go off and get the rest of my chores done!" The young man said as he headed out the door. Ayeka sighed.

"…We should tell him… he’ll find out sooner or later."

"That the world was nearly destroyed by two raging goddesses?" Nobiyuki asked, making remaining people at the table flinch nervously. They completely overlooked that he knew!

"Yea," he continued with a long face, "That’s what eye witnesses were saying yesterday! I wish I’d been able to get atleast a look at them if even half the talk of their beauty, power, and chest size rings true..." Washu arced an eyebrow at the middle-aged man.

"Nevermind the fact that they were obliterating hemisphere after hemisphere?"

"Well... I guess that minor detail might make it tougher to approach them... say, you guys didn't have anything to do with what happened yesterday do you?"

All the girls are the table coughed profusely. Yosho, quiet the whole time he's been at the table, simply continued to drink his tea. Nobiyuki sweatdropped.

"Oh well, too bad for them. I wonder how goddesses would act to a dinner date..." The middle-aged man joked.

Mihoshi was half a second away from saying something but was cut off by a yelp as she felt Washu’s fork poke into her thigh under the table.

"Ryoko, Ayeka, might want to tell Tenchi soon; I haven’t began restoring the demolished forest halfway to the carrotfields," Washu suggested casually as she continued with the rematerialization of the city of Tokyo. The two girls gulped visibly. Taking a last look at eachother and nodding in silent agreement, the two stood up and headed out the door.

"Atleast they won’t be fighting anymore after this," Sasami said as she watched the two leave. Washu shrugged.

"I wouldn’t be completely sure..."

Nobiyuki looked around blankly.

"I feel like I'm missing something..."


"Tenchi!!" Ryoko called as she appeared above him, "We need to talk for a moment!"

"Yes, Ryoko?" He asked as he continued own his path down the side of the road.

"Well, umm… nice weather huh?" She frowned to herself. ‘This might be alittle tougher than I thought.’

"Yes, it is a very nice day today," he replied. ‘Striking up conversation? Not normally Ryoko’s style...’

"Yea... and... well... It’s a great day I just wanted to say!" She said with a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of her neck as she floated on infront of him.

"Why not blow off chores this once and go have alittle fun huh?"

"Umm, maybe afterward," Came his answer.

"Oh come on! Please?? I know; I’ll get the carrots for you!" She answered.

Warning sirens went off all through Tenchi’s head. ‘Ryoko?? Volunteering to do WORK?!’

"Okay Ryoko, what did you do this... this... thuh... thuuuh... thuh-thuh..."

"’Thuh-thuh’?" Ryoko asked, raising an eyebrow. She turned around to see what Tenchi was getting tongue-tied over and bit her lip, a larger sweatdrop gleaming as it slid down her face.

"I’m... guessing the cat’s, out of the bag?"

Tenchi nodded dumbfoundedly, starring at the multiple chasms that was once a peaceful forest and mountainside. He now remembered everything about yesterday. Ryoko sighed and placed her feet on the ground, scratching the back of her head.

"We’re sorry you know, we kinda... went overboard yesterday and all... Washu says it was because of the initial effect of the muffins on one’s mind. ‘Said the same thing happened to her; after drinking afew too many bottles at a bar, she said she nearly leveled the home planet of Aphexians on a drunken binge! Funny huh?? Ahahahahahah!!"

But she left out what she REALLY she was doing there. Their people had never seen such skill… such grace and finesse, such fierce strength and and indomitable stanima...

Such a massive, oversexed, insatiable, unstoppable, redhaired nympho that cracked open two of their three moons.

Tenchi meanwhile stood where he was, eyes wider than dinnerplates, jaw reaching toward the ground as he backed up uneasily. The Ex space pirate sighed, and grinned alittle, showing a cute fang in her expression.

"You seem alittle scared of me," She stated as she stepped toward him. In one swift motion, her hand went up to grasp the collar around her neck, snapping it off in one simple tug. He wondered if his eyes were playing tricks on him as her clothing seemed to suddenly become tighter an instant afterward.

"Well don’t worry, I’ll show you that you have nothing to be afraid of from me."

Tenchi swallowed a large lump in his throat as he stumbled backwards, watching her clothing grow all the more tighter each second uutil the front of her stripped, long turtleneck dress stretched widely before tearing at the center of her growing cleavage, her swelling arms bursting through the fabric of the sleeves a moment afterward. He felt himself bump into another person, someone he was happy and at the same time felt slightly uneasy to see.

"Oof! Lord Tenchi!" Ayeka said as Tenchi rightened himself.

"I think, we should probably get out of here," he suggested as Ryoko continued to proceed closer, her growing muscular shoulders filling up and soon ripping away at the seams of the fabric, the gust of wind revealing the hugely growing pairs of pillar-like cales and thighs that were bulging underneath her long dress...

Tenchi suddenly felt a delicate arm wrap around his torso as he heard the sound of leather snapping, looking to the ground to see the collar like Ryoko had just worn drift helplessly to the ground from out of her fingers. He felt the soft breasts that were pushing into his back through her kimono become surprisingly firm, and grow firmer with each breath. He also saw that delicate forearm around his waist suddenly thicken with layers of rapidly swelling muscle and definition. Being so close he could hear the blood rushing through her body, engorging with incredible might.

"Actually… Tenchi," The princess spoke with a purr in her voice, "We have both come... to a point of... agreemnent."

Ryoko nodded as with a final bravado her entire outfit blasted from her immensely growing body, littering the ground around her as each step weighed heavier than the last to the point of cracking the concrete on each delicate footfall.

"No more fighting."

He could feel Ayeka’s height rapidly climbing, her clothing rubbing harder against him as she rose. The sound of the thick fabrics suddenly shredding and tearing themselves assaulted his ears pointblank as she lifted him up by her forearm which was larger around than his waist, bulging through the very thick kimono sleeves. He felt her rapidly lengthening nipples grow longer and thick right beneath his armpits, and begin to lift him up effortlessly. Each thundering heartbeat made the nipples swell thicker like two pulsating iron bars, her chest and breasts growing so large his arms were forced to spread open wider until he had to wrap his very hands around those teats to keep from falling the short trip to the ground. It never occurred to him to simply let go, but he did realize just how hard these particular bodyparts were as he couldn’t squeeze them in the slightest, yet their pulsating rhythms easily widened and closed his grip. Ayeka breathed harder from the stimulation of where Tenchi's hands rested.

"Aren’t you... happy for us...?"

Tenchi sputtered as he watched Ryoko’s teats did the same thing, rapidly swelling to amazing size along with her body.

"Es-stat-tic," he answered as he spotted a gleaming liquid glistening between the 12 foot hulking space pirate’s treetrunk thighs, a slight blush lighting up her cheeks. But he knew that wasn’t a blush of embarrassment. He could also feel a sweet smelling liquid coating his fingers, the moisture dribbling slowly from the very tips of the ‘steel pikes’ he held onto to.

They both practically purred in his ear, finding himself 1 foot away from the vast cleavage of pectoral muscle and breast that were Ryoko’s. Both of them gazed down upon him like a piece of fresh meat, a predatory grin that only these two women were capable of as they both answered him finally.


They ignored the sound of a small explosion in the distance back at the Masaki house, and the squealing, 50-foot tall tan skinned blondehaired muscle bound woman that was sticking out of the ceiling.



"I KNEW IT! I KNEW YOU GUYS KNEW SOMETHING!! ...My, what a 'view' from


"I was wondering how long it would be before that happened... anyway, I will be over at the Shrine."