No Need For Tenchi; Just Another Day

By GhenKai,

Chapter 5: The Skies Are The Limit! Or, Just the Beginning…



"Kaisers! ASSEMBLE!!" Otaru called out through the speakers, before making a complex set of sentai gestures with his arms. Plucking out a small red stone, he placed it into an ebbed out place in a piece of cobblestone within the cockpit. Immediately the entire cockpit came to life as he sat down in his chair buckling up as the enormous robot powered up.

Each one of the other teenagers did the same, Brent however skipping over the stupid poses. He never understood what was it with doing those dumb things anyway. Otaru and his idiotic ideas…

70 miles out to sea from Kagoshima, the seabed parted and opened unveiling to the deep waters the infamous 5 Kaiser mechs. Each of them were over 600 feet tall, made with an amazingly tough compressed armor that was still alien to the Earth as of today, with a starting weight of 700,000 tons. All except one mech.

The Supreme Kaiser mech. The most powerful of the 5 mechs, weighing in with an extra 300,000 tons within it’s body and standing with an extra 200 feet advantage over the others along with an even higher energy output, and driven by the one and only Otaru. The bossiest of the group always got the leader bot.

"Okay! Let’s GO!" He yelled as they took off. A transparent screen suddenly popped up infront of each and every pilot. The screen then blipped on, the face of a rather cute female redhead greeting their eyes as she smiled at them, her billowing red hair taking up the rest of the screen space and not allowing them to see past her.

"Heeeey! What are the chances robots from Migros would end up on Earth?? What a find!"

The 5 teenagers gawked.

"Hey! Who are you??" The appointed leader asked.

"Name’s Little Washu!" She called out over the screen, "Greatest Scientific mind in this Universe! But anyway, I suggest NOT following through with your course of action. I know what those cleaning bots can do, and at this point, it won’t even affect them; they won’t even notice."

"CLEANING BOT?!" Otaru yelled, "Cut it with the insults old woman!"

"Actually, they really WERE used as cleaning robots on Migros," Washu corrected with a small sweatdrop on the side of her head as she chuckled humbly. "The inhabitants there had…. really strange customs. Ranked the third smartest, and most violent species in the charted universe.

AND WHO ARE YOU CALLING OLD?!!" She yelled back, a vein popping up on her temple for a moment.

"What do you want!!" The boy yelled. During the talk, his eyes kept coming back to one particular aspect that prickled the back of his mind. That is her neck, and the black choker that was threatening to pop off of it. Unlike normal people where their necks ran straight down into their torso, her seemed to flare out offscreen into what must be her shoulders. He couldn’t help but notice how thick with muscle her neck was, going from that beautiful face of hers to barreling out like a funnel into the rest of her body that was out of sight offscreen.

"To tell you not to waste your time!" She said. "Don’t worry, the world won’t end; they just need to get some frustration out of their system. Afterward, I will clean up the entire mess!"



"….. Well?" She asked, blinking innocently.

"You’re somekind of joke the prof made for us or something, right? Ohwait, sometype of test right?? ‘Ohh don’t worry! Let the world blow to pieces! I’ll clean it up later!’ Well that’s nice all but excuse us while we try to prevent that from happening! Come on guys!"

Washu sighed, leaning back in her floating chair. The eyes of the pilots nearly shot out of their heads when they got a good view of the female before them. She sat there naked, and her body was gargantuan, yet very feminine-shaped. For all of them, including the girls, they didn’t know where to look first; at the immense beanbag large mounds that sat out perkily and perfectly round upon her chest, or the gigantic thickly muscled treetrunk thighs and calves as she sat there with her legs crossed infront of them as she wiggled her equally large but proportionate foot back and forth idly, giving them a glimpse of the red fingernail polish that adorned each toe. Otaru was right in his assumptions, her thick neck was almost running straight into her massive shoulders. She must’ve been over 4 yards tall he guessed! If that is not a goddess, then she was definitely the closest thing he will probably come close to ever seeing.

"Well, since I can’t talk you kids out of it, I’ll just have to wish you luck then. Baibai!" Smiling, she waved at them, her enormous muscles rhythmically flexing through her arm casually before the sound of multiple explosions rung out from where she sat.

"AGH! MIHOSHI I TOLD YOU TO STAY OUT OF THAT SECTOR!!" Was the last thing they heard from her as she got off of her large cushion chair, her enormous calves and thighs flexing in sympathy with eachother, her wide hips and enormous high rear running off screen, the screen vibrating up and down lightly insync with her off screen strides. They all caught a glimpse of a naked young man in the background, wriggling frantically in a captive vice before the screen blanked out and disappeared.

All five of the young pilots stared slackjawed into space for a good 2 minutes.

"….Umm…. okay……….errr…… let’s… go?"

"…Yes……. go…. " the others said mechanically, eyes wide as saucers.


The heat of the ‘two stars’ was finally dying off, their bodies down to a ripe red glow. The two rivals floated 20 miles high in the air over the continent of Australia. Despite all of the fighting they’d done, they were slowly realizing that they were getting nowhere with eachother. Each attack they made against the other only stung so far!

‘If I’m going to win Tenchi… I’m going to have to turn it up a notch,’ Ryoko thought.

‘I’m going to win my love for Lord Tenchi," Ayeka contemplated, ‘I’m going to have to think ‘BIG’, and go all out!’

As the radiating heat finally cooled from their bodies and around their breasts, Ryoko turned her head to the sound of… a rocket ship?

No, as it came into sight, it was… 5 giant robots?

She smacked her forehead.

"Now THIS, is just ludicrous."


"So… the old man…. was telling the truth?" Brent asked.

"…..Looks… like it," Ryuji answered.

"They look just like that giant woman we saw earlier!" Miko said gawking, and gave a huff in exasperation.

"Just how many of these Godzilla women are there?? And who in their right mind would find them sexy?!"

"Yes….. sexy…." Brent, Otaru, and Ryuji mumbled mechanically as they stared at their massive round breasts riding high on their enormous chests, their long freeflowing hair draping just the right places to preserve their modesty, and the glow of the sun shining down on their bodies making their skin glisten.

"GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!! THEY’RE TEARING UP THE EARTH!!" Miko yelled into their speakers, nearly deafening them.

"You sound abit jealous," Yasagi innocently stated with an smile.

"I AM NOT JEALOUS!!!" Came the sudden answer. Yasagi winced as she rubbed her ears.

"But, we don’t know if they really are the source to all the violence," Ryuiji told her.

"Well, then we’ll ask!" She said simply. "Hey you two! Are you the ones trying to destroy the Earth??" She asked.

"….Huh?" Ayeka asked.

"What?" Ryoko stammered. Neither realized just how much damage they’d caused.

"See?! There’s your answer!!" Miko yelled, jumping the gun and pressing the button in her cockpit. In response, multiple compartments opened all over the large 600-foot mech.

"Anti-Matter Nukes, LAUNCH!" She screamed as she pressed the ‘Fire’ button. A hailstorm of large missiles shot out of each open area of the giant machine, heading directly for the two floating giantesses. Enough firepower to raze an entire large continent was unleashed upon them.

The Demoness and Juraian Priness felt each and every missile as they crashed into their bodies at Mach 10. Each missile was the size of a small house and covered with an 8 foot thick metal that was 30 times stronger than Earth’s titanium, and inside each was stored an alien anti-matter nuclear device capable of annihilating near anything the released energy touched down to the very last atom.

Within the haze of bright eclipsing light before them, the tough metal cone-nose of the missiles crumpled against their various bodyparts; arms, legs, breasts, and faces, like plastic, the impacts detonating their charge. Both arched their backs as afew of the missiles tried to drive themselves into their exposed sexes, even that part proving to be no different from the rest of their invincible bodies.

"Talk about OVERDOING IT! Fall back!!" Otaru yelled to the others.

The cloud of explosions grew bigger and bigger with each detonation, vibrating the very air around the tough mechs.

After two minutes when the smoke, haze and light finally dissipated, the 5 pilots moved in once more to see the verdict of barrage.

All 5 developed a big twitch in their eyes when they the smoke revealed the two giantess’ bodies… unharmed… with their heads tilted to the side in a curious look.

"…Didn’t feel a thing," Ayeka said, blinking innocently, scratching the side of her head, small puffs of smoke coming out of her mouth as she talked. Feeling around the inside of her mouth with her tongue, she spit out a deformed piece of metal that found its way inside. The tiny piece was shot with such velocity it shot through the 7000 feet difference and tore through the 15 feet of alien metal which was logged as being over 13 times tougher than what the missiles themselves were made of.

"I’ve been attacked?!" Brent gasped as his warning lights came on within his cockpit.

"Hey! This is a private matter!" Ryoko shouted as she shook her fist angrily at them, "Stay out of it!!"

"Actually darling," Ayeka said as she floated over near Ryoko…

"No it isn’t."


Ryoko gawked as she was suddenly grabbed by the hair, and spun overhead like a helicopter propeller, making a mini-tornado in the process. Ayeka was laughing that evil, mirthful laughter again.

"Have fun!!" She yelled as she tossed Ryoko like a bullet towards the group of hovering mechs over a mile away.

In a couple of seconds, Ryoko found herself planet 8 feet deep into the superarmor of one of the mechs.

"Must… kill…. Ayeka…." She thought angrily as she peel herself out of the armor.

"Lookout! It’s coming right through the armor walls!" Ryuji shouted to Yasagi as Ryoko made a new hole during her exit, shredding through it with the simple movements of her body.

"I got it! Get back!" Brent yelled, aiming from the 600 foot mech’s shoulders what looked to be an oversized gatling gun, even for the enormous robot it was grafted to, at the small target with a hundred feet away. The gun roared as it spat its ammo at its target with deadly accuracy. Specially shielded Bullets the size of busses tore through the air, propelled by highly advanced alien technology at lightspeed. Theoretically, anything that moves at lightspeed, gains ‘infinite mass’. With that in mind, the gatling gun was designed with the capability to take down galactic M-class battleships.

She felt as each massive alien-made bullet collided into her with incalculable force, her impenetrable body molding out holes into and through the giant bullets as she idly floated in the sky. Thousands of bullets shattered against her by the second, each impact creating immense booms as shards rained for multiple miles around. After emptying half his ammo on his small target, he finally stopped.

"Hah! Take THAT!" the man inside the mech cheered, dancing within the cockpit.

"You could’ve hit me Brent!!" Yasagi whined.

"Atleast he would’ve hit something," Otaru mentioned. All of them turned around to see their target still floating in the spot she always was in, seemingly unharmed, though picking with something in her ear.

"Okay, I’ve had about enough of this!" the annoyed demoness groaned as she flicked and sneezed out the last chunks of metal that got stuck in her ear and nose. In a sudden blur, she went on the attack.

Appearing beside the leg of the mech that just shot her, she drove her fist into the alien metal up to her elbow. Immediately she took off for the next nearby giant mech, hoisting the giant 500,000-ton machine behind her by its gigantic leg, looking like a gnat dragging a human. Swinging around her arm, the mech smashing into the other with the sound of colliding metal echoing for miles around as the batted mech went flying for the ground toward a surviving island.

Miko blanched. But her shock soon turned to anger.

"You gigantic bitch!"

After ripping off the giant leg of the 500,000-ton robot she held fast, driving it’s booted foot into the rear of the machine with a hysterical chuckle, Ryoko turned around toward her mech.

"Uh oh…"

Fading in and out of reality, the Ex Space Pirate advanced toward her. All the color drained from her face when her visual cameras got a close-up view of the agitated giantess. As suddenly as she appeared she vanished once more, leaving the female pilot perplexed.

"Where did she-- AHH!"

Suddenly her entire mech began to shake violently as if it was about to fall apart all around her, the sound the squelching metal ringing in her ears. She screamed when she was two immense round spheres shove their way through her visual screen, snapping electrical cords, shattering the glass that made the monitor, and distorting the otherworldly metal.

Cords and tubes were snapped and crushed against her massive body, within moments, the spikyhaired demoness was in full view, a fanged, angered look upon her face. The girl realized that this angry giantess before her just plowed her way effortlessly through 15 feet of alien steel, and 50 feet of tangled pipes, wires, and giant tubes.

"And, what exactly did you just call me?" She calmly asked.

"Well, umm, ahh-- eek!" She winced back further into her seat Ryoko clenched her chest, the glass and wires that were caught within her cleavage crushed to the thickness of a sheet of paper.

"Well?? WHAT WAS IT!!" She asked again, the idle clench of her leg muscles snapping and exploding the tubes and wires wrapped around her legs and pulverizing the tubes and metal that were caught between them into nothing but steaming, red metallic liquid running down her thighs.


"Umm! Well, Just that… y-you…"


"A-a-are a…


Ryoko silently stared at the cowering girl…

"….Oh! Okay. Guess I misunderstood you."

Ryoko laughed a light chuckle as she ran her hand through her hair, turning to head her out, Miko staring uncontrollably at her large round rear.

"Next time, watch who you call names," She said waving a finger before she floated through another wall, plowing her way through the same way she came in. After bursting through to the outside, she flew up to the head of the giant 600-foot mech. With a wild laughter in her wind she reeled her foot back and kicked the giant head. The enormous dome that made the head shot off completely, spiraling through the air and a 3rd of the way across the planet. With no control mechanism, the entire thing fell lifelessly down to the Earth.

"Now, let’s speed this up shall we!!" She yelled as she formed her energy sword as she flew towards her next metallic victim. ‘Sword’ was an understatement. Obviously the Xoa has also increased her energy manipulation abilities. Blaring solid energy stretched over 1300 meters long,

100 feet wide.

With three precise swipes, Yasagi’s mech was carved up into one single lump of metal, that being the cockpit that housed her as she too fell toward the Earth, the energy of the powerful sword haven disintegrated the powerful alien armor within milliseconds. The Ex Space pirate licked her lips.

"One more to go."


"Oh crap Oh crap Oh crap Oh CraP Oh CraP Oh CraP OH CRAP!!"

Otaru quickly fiddled with the controls on his mech, bringing online the weapon he personally nicknamed, the ‘Guiding Light’.

The Supreme Kaiser raised its arm, aiming at its target with what was for the moment a naked metal fist. Materializing out of thin air, thick pieces of metal began to form and assemble upon the mech arm. After afew moments, a humongous, three barreled 300-meter long cannon finished it’s space-matter assemblage.

"STAGE ONE COMPLETE," the computer voiced,


It struck him for a split moment how Earthly this technology was despite it being something from another galaxy.

This is what the Supreme Kaiser the title of, ‘The Supreme Kaiser’. They had nothing of Earth origin to rate the power behind this behemoth cannon. Even the alien tech that came with the machine could not accurately rank the power of the shells the cannon used. The professor hypothesized that it could possibly destroy an entire planet. This was the second time ever that it would be used.

"LOADING, COMPLETE," the computer spoke, lights along the barrel of the cannon beginning to glow as a powerful humming sound began emanate from within.


"Stupid cleaning bots, huh," He thought as his finger inched for the ‘fire’ button.

"That alien race must’ve been some pretty thorough CLEANERS!"


"WHAT THE HELL?!" He shouted as his entire mech lurched to its side.

"MALFUNCTION." The computer simply said. When he looked back to the visual monitor, he was horrified to see his ‘tiny target’ holding the enormous now detached cannon, the severed hand of the mech still attached around the trigger.

"Mind if I take this??" The demoness sarcastically asked before letting loose a burst of wind from her hand that sent the giant bot tumbling for a 1000 miles away.

"Heads up, Ayeka…"

Aiming in the multiple mile distance and disjointing the mech hand free, she pushed the oversized trigger.


"Now what is that hussy up to," She wondered. She quickly got her answer, and barely had time to scream as a 100-mile wide, bright white energy discharge careened and engulfed her body.


Still naked and large as she ever was, The Universal Genius Washu sat with one leg cross-legged on her cushion, legs crossed as she watched on a giant screen the annihilating energy beam slam into surprised princess, using her chopsticks to pluck out another scoop of noodles from out the bowl she sat upon her breasts to slurp into her mouth. He chuckled when she saw a truly PO’ed look come over Ayeka’s face. She also noticed she was blushing ruefully; the high speed rush of intense energy over her body sending a tingling response through her erected nipples and sex.

"Wonder if I should’ve mentioned to them just what ‘Cleaning’ means to the civilians of Migros…"

Beside Washu sat an even larger and possibly more powerful giantess. 35-foot tall Mihoshi, fully clothed once again (though they were stretching to their limits; even with the unstable molecules the clothing was an ill and tight on her like an adult in child’s clothing) and still had not figured how to control the transformation process, but actually managed to push it farther. She wondered just how did she manage to do that anyway… she did not think it was possible to push her body past the preset limits so quickly. Tru Xoa immediately brings out the full potential of a being and amplifies it by hundreds of thousands of times. The same is said for Tru Xoa-Z as well, except the results are by the billions. But besides being able to control the level of power the host desires with some practice, they should not be able to FURTHER amply the effects!

Leave it to Mihoshi to break the unbreakable.

"Miss Washu, why are we just watching them?" She asked while slurping her own noodles from her plate.

"Research," she said, looking at the levels running high and low on a separate bar.

"You mean… ALL of this mayhem and destruction… is for RESEARCH, Was-- erk!" Tenchi coughed as another batch of noodles was shoved into his mouth by an automated feeding robot.

"Well…. Sure!" She answered. "As I said before; leave it all to me; I’ll fix it all up once it’s over! So far the damage to the planet is great, but mainly superficial. Nothing your resident genius can’t handle!"

She took a another slurp from her bowl of noodles, "It’s not everyday I get a chance to see the effects of my Tru Xoa-Z on the ‘Princess of Jurai’ and my own daughter; who took it without my willing consent mind you."

She took a moment to scoop the rest of her bowl of noodles into her mouth, "Ryoko may be my daughter, but Princess Ayeka deserves a fair chance for your heart as well, doesn’t she?"

An uneasy look came over Tenchi’s face as he tried to flail his arms and legs, but the restraining device held fast. "You know I don’t want them fighting over me Washu! Especially not like THIS!"

But Washu continued, large evil grin spreading across that gorgeous face.

"So, who DO you love Tenchi? Ryoko? Ayeka? Maybe Mihoshi?"

"….Oh my…!" Mihoshi blushed as she listened to the conversation going on down below.

"Or perhaps, me?" She suggested, hiding her facial expression behind a small japanese fan while flexing her enormous chest muscles enticingly. The bowl slipped into the crack of her cleavage only to be crushed a second later from another bulge from her bulbous round breasts.

Tenchi swallowed nervously.

"C-Come on here! I love you guys all the same!" He answered quickly before another chopsticks of noodles were shoved into his mouth. He couldn’t help but think of the fight Ryoko and Ayeka were having right now as the new standard for their quarrels. Washu ‘hmmed’ and stood up, walking over to him, her massively long billowing hair floating lightly with each of her steps like a giant cloak. His eyes mesmerized by the slight swaying of her giant breasts, that he didn’t even notice the slight tremors made on the floor from each step due to her dense weight.

When the 13 and a half foot genius of the universe stopped, even held by the floating device Tenchi only come up to her rigid abed stomach.

"Awwww Ten-chiiiiiiiiii," She cooed, idly placing her thick but relaxed nipples between her own fingertips, pulling on them enough that her immense mounds parted. Leaning over, she allowed her mounds to come to a rest on either side of the drone’s head that was feeding Tenchi, easily engulfing it. Another lump formed in Tenchi’s throat as she whimpered and pouted seductively at him.

"You want to tell me the REAL truth, don’t you Tenchi, darling?" She lisped cutely. Just as Tenchi was making ready to answer, she let go of her the now erected nipples, allowing the two giant mounds to crush together around the head of the robot. There was an immediate metallic CRUSH that rung in Tenchi’s ears as the robot’s head was squished to a slit of paper. She stared at him with that same coy look; Tenchi could not tell if she was trying to seduce him or intimidate, or scare him, or was simply playing with his emotions. He had a feeling the answer was ‘all of the above’.

"Umm, ‘Little’ Washu?" Mihoshi asked, making the giant super genius sigh and huff alittle.

"Yes, Mihoshi?"

"Can you fix moons?"

"Why would you ask a question like that?" Washu said as she turned around to look at the screen…

"………………..Ohh. Perfect."

To Be Continued…