No Need For Tenchi; Just Another Day

By GhenKai,

Chapter 4: Inferno! And The World’s Last Hope Arises! Too Bad…



"And in the news today! Japan comes under attack by an unknown force! Numerous homes, buildings, skyscrapers and fastfood franchises have been destroyed in the past hour! Many eyewitnesses report the cause of behind the destruction being two… giant… women. No proof has been found to back up these stories, and the frequency of the attacks continue to increase all across Japan! We will keep you informed as the events unfold."

Sasami sighed, laying her head on the coffeetable.

"I think...they might have taken this rivalry thing just ‘alittle’ too far."

"Miya," RyoOhki agreed as they both continued to watch the news.

"This just in; we have word of a sighting in Tokyo, Japan…"


"Welcome to Oriental Run! Can I take your order?"

"I’ll take the seasoned sushi dish with the special of the day please," A man said as he ordered from a streetside meal cart.

Everyone at the meal cart was soon scared out of their wits however when tons of cement and concrete exploded behind them, raining small pebbles on his back as he turned around to see what could’ve made such an impact.

Traffic coming from both ways desperately swerved to avoid collisions with the two giant feminine bodies now standing in the middle of the street, but not all of them managed to drive around the large targets. Speeding cars found their entire sides mangled and shredded upon impact with the immovable bodies, the metal crumpling like tin foil and the headlights flying off, coming to a top on the sidewalk. A short mountain of cars in a growing pileup started right behind Ryoko.

Ayeka turned out to have a bigger problem barreling down on her back; literally.

The driver of the 15-ton 18-wheeler who was on his way with the delivery of an enormous 20 foot, 40-ton fountain statue to The Kyoto shopping mall blared his loud horn as he tried vainly to stop his giant speeding semi truck which was roaring down the streets at 40 miles per hour. The impact was horrendous, the flat front of the semi caving in and exploding in a mess of glass and shards of sharp metal as the frame folded around the giant princess’s body. The massive steel engine block found itself crushed against her unyielding muscular back, the sparks from the hot metal igniting the gas running through the engine for a small explosion. A split moment before the engine exploded, the half-conscious driver was thrown through the windshield and across the ground when he felt his airborne body slap against something soft. Something hard. Something warm. Something fleshy. Something smooth, with a lot of taut large bumps…His mind surmised that it was two large smooth rocks. Best it could do after such a life-threatening event.

Very disoriented, his face cut up by the broken glass he flew through, he grabbed against what felt like a small ‘rod’ that almost didn’t fit in his palm, but netherless stopped him from tumbling off the high perched rock he must be on. The ‘rod’ seemed to suddenly begin growing within his fingertips, so large that it split the grasp of his fingers apart. The rod also seem to be throbbing… and the soft rocks seemed to rise and fall gently…

The miraculous survivor of the truck crash finally managed to open his eyes, seeing double vision before they finally focused, on the face of a beautiful, feisty looking, spikyhaired female angel with a slight blush on her face as she stared seemingly emotionless down at him.

"H-hello there," the man stammered as he clenched the ‘rod’ within his hand. Though warm and fleshy, the rod felt like living steel… infact it got harder and bigger within with his hand….

"Hey, stop that. Can you get off of there now?"

"W-well I did just fly through the windshield of a truck miss, but I’m glad you…. caught… me…?" He blinked, and blinked again. Those were not rocks he was laying upon, and if he was right, that wasn’t a simple rod he was holding onto.

"MY GOD!! Y-Y-Y-Y-YOUR’RE…" Ryoko’s previous blushes turn to a scowl.

"Yea?? What?!" The injured man easily mustered enough strength and then some to turn over and glomp as much of her magnificent mountainous rack as he could.


A large sweatdrop ran down the side of Ryoko’s face. The wailing scream of one airborne hormone pumped truck driver could be heard as he disappeared over the crest of afew buildings after Ryoko angrily flexed her chest muscles.

"Ugh, Pervert. I certainly didn’t see that coming…"

The Juraian Princess laughed demurely at her rival’s earlier predicament, stepping forward to pull her immensely powerful body from out of mold of mashed metal that was once a semi truck.

"Well I thought he was just PERFECT for you, Miss Ryoko."

"Ahh shuttup, that’s a lie and you know it!" Ryoko responded, un-wedging herself from the pile of cars that plastered themselves against her back and rear, the swatting movements of her massively pumped limbs swinging tons of crushed and collapsed metal each and every other way, casually flinging around cars into buildings and telephone poles, one actually flying into the air and falling atop her head, the car almost breaking in half against her hard noggin. Clenching her bulbous rear, the small chunk of hood that had become folded in-between her cheeks screeched as it was further crushed until quickly turned red hot and oozed down across those perfect cheeks. She felt a tingle of delight that she tried to hide as the molten metal flowed down her legs and over a portion of her sex.

"You look tired," The immense Ayeka said as she strode forward, showing no fatigue and not a blemish on her skin.

"Hardly!" The Superbuffed space pirate Ryoko responded as she reached up and tore the whining and grinding car atop her head in two before tossing them away carelessly, also walking forward with purpose in her stride.

With an intense glare in their eyes, both walked forward, cracking the tarmac with each step. They did not stop walking until they were face to face and breast to breast with eachother, and still they continued to press against each in a rather unique test of strength, their large delicate feet caving heavily into the ground from their exertion. Their mounds pressed gradually harder and harder against eachother, their nipples dimpling the other’s flesh, but they continued to push on to the point where steam was beginning to swirl up between them from the extreme friction they were placing on eachother.

The cloud of steam thickened larger between them before finally, combustion took place. Blaring red heat began to blaze forth between them from the impossible amount of pressure they were placing against eachother, their breasts going from flesh to a bright raging orange. But harder still they pushed themselves together, one trying to overpower the other, there intense fearsome cries filled with the indomitable passion and determination to win this fight at all costs.

Soon it looked as if someone has placed an enormous white hot shield between them as their breasts reached the color of incandescence, the ground melting all around them and under their feet and between their toes. Both of them locked hand-to-forearm with eachother, increasing their friction by many hundred folds, only their glares matching the 17,000c and rapidly rising heat radiating from their unstoppable bodies, floating in the air by now under their own power, the ground long since having been incinerated with everything else nearby. People who hadn’t been scared off by the ground exploding earlier, screamed and scattered from the two female titans as heat spread over their bodies, turning them into one big furnace, flames of red heat spiking up over 200 feet around them and rapidly growing. And at the center of the inferno, the two fem-fatales continued their contest of strength in the smoldering white-hot center of it all.


"There is sometype of growing inferno," The news reporter shouted from inside his helicopter high above Tokyo.

"Buildings are melting like candy left out in the sun!! It’s like someone dropped a nuclear bomb in the middle of the city set on slow motion, but somehow, far different!! Call me crazy, but I don’t think that is the cause in the first place!! The heat is growing larger and larger, incinerating everything in sight!! A call for evacuating Tokyo has been made!! It’s like, like a star, a sun or a god of fire is being born in this spot right here in Tokyo!!! Utter insaniTEEEEE!! Is the apocalypse upon us??! Let’s get the hell out of here before we’re fried!!

"And now back to you Masumi."


"GIVE UP!!!" Ryoko yelled, "YOUR GOING TO LOSE!!!"

"STOP IT WITH THE PATHETIC HEADGAMES, DEMON!!!" Ayeka shouted back. Their hair raged and swirled untamed around their heads, the bands that held Ayeka’s hair in a pair of ponytails utterly destroyed by the immense heat. Both had forgotten that this was a battle of strength against strength, but with their hands locked firmly around the other’s wrist to the point it lent a percentage to the heat. But now both were using their grips on eachother’s wrists to PULL in the other into them as if they were trying to go right through the other, unrelenting mound pressing against unrelenting mound and drastically increasing the already impossible friction on their mounds as they placed some real strength into this strange little game. To say the least, the starting games were simply a warm-up. Soon almost all of Tokyo from Mito to Fujisawa had been turned into a pit of a volcanic wasteland, with two stars hotter than the center of the sun ushering it in.


1,800 feet below Kagoshima, Japan…

"There is no further choice. It is time."

A man wearing a long white labcoat paced back and forth about his office. He couldn’t believe it, but he had to accept it. Tokyo, Japan has just been wiped off the map. And if he was to truly believe his eyes…

He gazed at the photos again, fresh from the memory of an orbiting satellite, staring at them for a long while before throwing them down once more, still in utter disbelief. Izuno Watashi continued to pace around his office until…


"Finally! Come in."

The door opens, and 5 teenagers piled into the room. It was always 5. It was always teenagers.

"Wassup, old man!" There was always an unruly one in the bunch that seemed to take the unannounced position of ‘team leader’.

"Otaru, Brent, Yasagi, Miko, Ryuji. Get ready to deploy the Kaisers."

The Kaisers. One of the best-guarded secrets in the entire world. 5 immensely powerful mechs that possibly date back further than the days of cavemen.

"What?? What’s going on??" The seeming ‘leader’, a young man by the name of Otaru shouted.


"Hey look! The Prof collects porno pictures!! Of musclechicks!! With huge boobs!!!" The professor paled at the accusation.

"DO I LOOK LIKE I WOULD DO SUCH A THING!!" All 5 teenagers looked him over.


Fuming, the red faced professor counted to 10.

"N-E WAY, get your damn butts in gear!! There’s a crisis going on!! Don’t you watch the news?!"

"Oh yes," the levelheaded young female, Yasagi answered. There is always atleast one female in the group. And usually that female is the calm and the straight thinking one out of the group. "Tokyo was nuked into the ground by some unknown force!"

"And take a guess at what was behind that force." The 5 blinked at him silently.



"……Well, old man? What is the ‘force’?!"

"’Use the force Luke’…"

"Shuttup Brent." And of course, there’s the joker. The guy who’s jokes are only funny to anyone who doesn’t use two ears in the way of communication.

"You’re looking at it. Well, ‘them’ actually." All five of them raised an eyebrow as they once more looked closely at the photos….


"You really had us going for a second old man!"

"This is a pretty terrible joke Prof!"


"So, what is the real threat that the Kaisers are so much needed for that you called us for? Giant monster, apocalyptic end of the world, or what?"

A book, a folder, a framed picture of him and his daughter, whatever the good prof could get his hands on, slapped each one of the teenagers in the face. Except Yasagi, who casually sidestepped the projectiles.


The five teens found themselves chased into the lower secret chambers of the underground lab with a mad professor on their heels, tossing whatever he could get his hands on at them like a raving lunatic.


As the fight went on, the two girls became even more careless, holding back less and less of their immense strength and ability. By now, thanks to the side effect of the Xenoma muffins, both were completely entranced into their one desire; to win and take Tenchi for their solitary own in the squabble to end all squabbles.

Both of their bodies were now 3 times hotter than the core of the sun from their earlier friction, radiating intense unyielding white-hot heat for miles upon miles around them. It was a good thing their fight had taken to the upper atmosphere. Over the various countries and cities they wound up flying over, people would point up and shout crazy things about the end of the world as ‘two stars’ would briefly pass overhead, turning night to day for the time they hung overhead.

"FIGHT BACK AYEKA! YOU’RE MAKING THIS TOO EASY!!" Ryoko called out with maniacal mirth in her voice as she flew after the Juraian Princess’s enormous spiraling body circling the Earth below at millions of miles per hour.

"Happy to oblige, DEMON!!" She shouted back as she rightened herself.

The next attack left Ryoko flying around half the planet before she could halt her momentum, but only to leave her open for another attack from above as the princess crashed down into her full force from above. The next time Ryoko blinked, she would find herself surrounded by bubbling lava after piercing the 30 miles of solid rock that made the ‘crust’ to breach into the mantle of the Earth.

"Ohhh is she so DEAD when I get my hands on her!!"

She did not have long to wait as the Princess dove down into the planet through the miles and billions of tons of rock after her. And things got worst…


"EARTH-QUUUUUAAAKE!!!" People on the streets of Moscow, Russia cried out as the ground trembled beneath each and every other person’s feet. People fled as best they could as enormous cracks ruptured through the concrete and dirt. The quake only continued to worsen as time went on, buildings cracking in half and collapsing as the tectonic plates shifted against their will. And Moscow, along with much of Russia, were but only afew of the places that felt their residual might.

To Be Continued….