No Need For Tenchi; Just Another Day

By GhenKai,

Chapter 3: The Fight for Love Begins…



"…--chi…. Tenchi? Wake up Tenchi…"

Tenchi Masaki dazedly opened his eyes. It only took him a brief second to realize he was in the dark confines of Little Washu Hakubi’s lab, in quite the familiar position. That being tied up against one of her high tech restraining orbs. Only difference was where she usually left him the dignity of his boxers, this time he was left stark naked with some weird suction clamp wrapped around his member.

"Ugh… Washu…? Where am I…" He asked unthinkingly.

"Where else?" Little Washu asked, dressed in the hospital uniform she dubbed the ‘Angel of Mercy’, dabbing his cuts, bruises and bug bites with a damp cotton ball.

"You had quite a fall, but don’t worry! I saved you of course. Now hold still; it may sting, but your injuries will be gone without a trace in just afew minutes."

"Washu! What happened to Ryoko and Ayeka??" He frantically asked.

"Well, to make a long story short, they ate muffins," She answered, grinning lewdly and widely as her dabbing came closer and closer to his groin. A vein popped up on the side of Tenchi’s head.

"Ate muffins?! What do you mean ‘Ate Muffins’!! You don’t turn into a juggernaut by just eating MUFFINS!!"

"Awww come on Ten-chiii, you know what they say about fiber and all that!" Little Washu responded with a teasing whine, running her fingers around his chest.

"Well, aren’t you like, going to work on a way to reverse it??" He asked. Washu blinked.

"… Why would I do that?"


"Don’t you like those type of women? Ryoko and Ayeka each ate one of those muffins just for you!"


Washu looked at Tenchi with a ‘the look’. The look that said she was concocting something in that crazy mind of hers. He knew he was in the hot seat when she reverted into her Adult form, an ‘innocent grin’ forming across her lips as her. Tenchi could feel the blood stirring in his loins just thinking about what might have planned, as hard as he tried not to.

"Allllrighty, let’s test a theory."


The space pirate touched a dainty foot to the ground, staring at the mountain in the distance. Or rather, the large over-proportioned hole in the wall she just created with a certain Juraian Princess’s body. Her arms crossed, she rapped her fingers across her mountainous bicep as she waited.

"Come on Princess, your not going to beat me by BORING me…"

She felt the ground suddenly begin to shake harder and more violently, as if another earthquake was being made. In afew extra seconds, a giant form exploded through the thick ‘unyielding’ solid rock, twenty feet away from the hole her body made on impact half a minute ago. Each bodypart was revealed slowly one after another; first the dual giant mounds bursting through the solid rocks, followed by thick mountainously muscled legs, one dainty silky skin foot followed after another, smooth but unrelenting harder-than-titanium abs, and finally face of the owner of such an impossible body, her locks of violet hair swaying behind her.

Princess Ayeka strode confidently of the hole she made walking through and out of the mountain with boulders of various tons from the size of televisions to houses raining down upon her body. Each one cracked in two upon impact with her head. The ones that rained down atop her breasts only managed to budge the mounds less than half an inch from it’s own natural small bounce, not dimpling the silky soft flesh a fraction as they cracked and rolled off her body. Even the stones that fell against her half-erected nipples found themselves outmatched, not managing to bend or move the powerful teats.

She ‘hmphed’ and gave a slight flex to her chest, the small basketball-sized boulder that got slightly wedged within her immense mounds of her creamy flesh instantly annihilated into fragments.

"Sorry to keep you waiting Miss Ryoko," She spoke in a sarcastic manner, arrogantly flicking her ponytail behind her.

"…Shall we continue?"

"Let’s!" Ryoko agreed, taking off towards the Princess faster than a bullet. Her hyperspeed punch came up short, Ayeka nimbly ducking the shot. She could not recover in time to avoid the counter attack, a powerful rising knee connecting right into her bulbous mounds. A shockwave reverberated about the mountain and destroyed forest as Ryoko was casually shot 5 miles into the air…


At the Masaki Shrine, Katsuhito ‘Yosho’ Masaki heard the devastating sonic boom 15 miles away. Pushing his glasses up on his face, he watched the streak of a tiny form flying high through the air. That form got larger and larger as it yielded to gravity. Casually stepping 10 feet off to the side, watched the falling form crash into the tiled ground of the Masaki Shrine, causing large crater on impact and shaking the ground a half mile all around.

Ryoko sat up, brushing off the bits of leaves and crushed cement, hopping back to her feet, still fresh as a daisy.

"Lucky shot!" She yelled. Another sonic boom could be heard from where the forest once stood near the mountains, before a streaking speck of a form could again be seen soaring through the air, flipping head over heels into an intricate, perfectly executed tumbling flip, the legs extended out beautifully like those of a ballet dancer. With a battlecry, the spiraling form then shot down dead on towards Ryoko like a meteor feet first, toes pointed. The ground shook once more upon contact, Ryoko jumping back and dodging the attack, flipping twice before landing lightly on one bared foot. Ayeka however was stuck up to her gargantuan breasts from her impact.

"Try again you big COW!" Ryoko chided with a hand upon her hip.

Feeling the sting of the demoness’ jibe, Ayeka gritted her teeth angrily, her nearly equal 12 foot body flexing so impossibly quick and large that the ground trembled as her invincible body cleared room for itself in the tight pocket of stone, dirt and granite, another web of huge cracks shooting out from all directions around her along the ground. Hopping out of the large hole, both dashed towards each other, fists cocked back into a raging battle cry…




Both froze immediately, their fists two inches from colliding with the other’s jaw.


"Umm… yes, Yosho?"

"Please ladies, you know the rules; there is no fighting allowed at the shrine."

"Sorry Yosho."

"Yea, sorry."

"And, if you permit me to ask; this somehow has something to do with Washu, does it not?"

Both looked at eachother for a moment before nodding their heads. Yosho placed a finger against the bridge of his glasses.

"…I see… okay, carry on. And, please, try not to cause TOO much destruction." Both girls nodded.

"Hey Ayeka?"

"Hmm? Ahh!"

"Ever had a ‘Purple Nurple’?"

"A ‘Purple Nurp’--?? AHH!" She shrieked as Ryoko suddenly grabbed hold of the princess’s two nipples, twisting them in what would normally be a painful vice, but instead a suprisingly pleasurable and stimulating one. The 2,000 year old space pirate laughed outright as she from there began to spin around, holding onto the Juraian Princess by those two thick and long nipples. Both of them began to spin higher and higher into the air, and by the time she was 2 miles up she was spinning around at Mach 10 like a miniature hurricane, her grip still fierce upon the now throbbing nipples.

Yosho sighed.

"Just another day…"

Meanwhile up high…



"… NO!! WAIT! DON’T LET ME GOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo…..!!!"


The device that sat atop Tenchi’s head bleeped wildly, the lights flickering crazily. His member was throbbing painfully now as streams of sweat ran down his body. Washu was driving him nuts. It’s pretty amazing what a 20,000-year-old person can learn in their lifetime.

Still dressed within her ‘Angel of Mercy’ outfit… barely… Washu danced about Tenchi who was still incapacitated against the restraining orb. By now the front of the outfit was straining to hold in the two bulging, perfectly round basketball-sized orbs, the back of her uniform having torn afew inches up the middle of her back, one being exactly at the split of her thickening rear and acouple adorning the sides. The sleeves were pulled tight around her massive arms, only moments away from bursting. Powerful sculpted thighs continued to tear at the sides of her short uniform and white stockings slightly at each step. Standing at currently over 7 and a half feet, it looked by that if she were to take a slightly deep breath, the entire uniform would explode from her powerful body. When Washu talked earlier about only one person ever having taken the Xenoma project on… of course she meant herself.

Her dancing is what reeled Tenchi in. Using perfectly executed movements and motions, motions that precisely enticed the senses, placing the body in the most stimulating and attractive positions; the right arch of the hips, the prominent thrust of her chest, each set of sultry movements brought the sputtering, almost braindead, 18 year old closer and closer to…

"Soooo, how’s my guinea pig holding up?" She asked casually with a succulent grin as she approached him, her mounds pressing against his chest. Another button popped off of her white hospital nurse outfit during her idle breathing. Tenchi quivered and groaned with his teeth bared and gritting fiercely. Taking a pen from right out of her tight cleavage, Washu began writing again on a transparent notepad.

"I would say this is a positive response to ‘exceptionally healthy females’," she spoke as she wrote on the pad, "AND you’re holding out quite well to outside stimulation! You earned your check plus! I’m willing to bet you didn’t even know you had an attraction to ‘big girls’, eh Tenchi?"

"Washu… we should… sToP… " Tenchi tried to pant out.

"Ohh don’t worry about the girls Tenchi, I’ll clean up any damage they cause!"

"But… they could… hurt …"

"No they won’t; as we know, nobody gets hurt in fiction stories like these!"

Somewhere, in another time, another dimension, a fourth wall was shattering.

"Anyway, time to bring a close to this experiment, shall we?" She asked as she placed the pen back into her cleavage. Looking down at her magnificent bosom, Tenchi watched as Washu clench the muscles within her chest, the cleavage area where the pen was immediately closing in on the writing utensil, crushing it into tiny pieces. Tenchi lurched. Once more the seductive Washu danced around infront of Tenchi for afew seconds, each and every turn and pose causing a louder and louder rip in her clothing. Button after button popped off the front of her uniform, the sleeves shredding slowly as the biceps and triceps became more profound, her white stockings tearing away from her bulging thighs and calves. The outfit was clinging for dear life as the sultry scientist strutted around, her nurse’s hat strangely staying on with each step and movement.

Coming to the apex of her dance, Washu wound herself up before she spun around on the tips of her toes like a gold medal ice skater, a practical swirling blur to the young man’s eyes. The form of the human top rapidly thickened far past anything before and quickly changing color from white to skin peach as bits of clothing were thrown about the darkly lit section of the science lab, one large piece hitting the poor incapacitated boy in the face. As the clothing rain came to an end, the enormous spinning top slowed, Washu ending the maneuver in a kneeling position, staring up at Tenchi. Only the nurse’s hat atop her head survived. The lights on the device Tenchi wore on his head bleeped and blew out one by one as he body convulsed into the socket around his pulsating member.

In a fluid motion Washu stood, her body easily as giant and curvy at first look as the two females who were now battling for his love. However she stood roughly a foot and a half higher than they did, and was comparably bigger and more massive around the body. Like the others, her hair also streamed longer and thicker, the locks that made up crab formation of the front of her hairdo extending out three times further than usual, acouple of locks dragging along the floor. The rest of the crimson red hair that hung down her back and billowed out like an enormous shiny red cloak, undoubtfully twice the size of her body all around, and big enough to hide herself within cape if she so pleased!

As she walked over to Tenchi, each step rumbled the floor slightly thanks to her new weight of over 19,000 pounds as she strode towards him with the grace of a cat, her green eyes sparkling with a new inner light. Her thick nipples sat upon even larger bases and the breasts themselves jiggling just slightly with each step.

"Well, I guess I finally got that sample I’ve always wanted."

Her new body towered over the incapacitated Tenchi, who now knew what it felt like for a hamster to stare up at a full-grown grizzly bear. For seconds on end, Washu only silently stared down at the young man, who could only guess poorly at the millions of thoughts that might be coursing through her mind as her abundant chest rose and fell in step with her breathing…

"WAASHUUUUUUU!" A voice called through the lab along with a set of tremors. The expression on Washu’s face drooped, turning around to meet the bubblehead who once again defeated her lab security. She was glad her body was now easily large enough to shield her line of vision from Tenchi.

"It happened again!!" A 12 foot Mihoshi bawled, wearing a set of her clothing Washu moleculey unstabilized so she would have something to wear, (that didn’t stop her pink sweater and usually baggy brown pants from clinging to her like second skin) "I can’t figure out how to shrink back to normal! How did you say I do it again?"

Washu sighed.

"Just CONCENTRATE, Mihoshi. Think small, simple thoughts even, like I told you before."

"Okay," Mihoshi nodded, closing her eyes and beginning to chant to herself.

"Think small thoughts… think small thoughts…."

‘Shouldn’t be too hard for you," Washu mumbled, swatting a large sweatdrop off of her cheek.

"Think small thoughts…"

A nipple perked…

"Think small thoughts…"

Her breasts bulged slightly…

"I’m thinking small thoughts…"

Her muscles flared and swelled…

"Small thoughts… small thoughts…"

Washu raised an eyebrow…

"Think… small… thoughts? WAAAAAAHH! WASHU IT’S NOT WORKING!!" She bawled with rivers of tears pouring out her eyes as her body swelled and grew, rumbling the floor harder and harder as her weight and height dramatically increased.

"Yes…. I see…" Washu mechanically blurbed gawkingly out as a shadow was cast down upon the her and Tenchi…

To Be Continued…