No Need For Tenchi; Just Another Day

By GhenKai,

Chapter 2: Ayeka’s Desperate Hope!



Tenchi wiped the sweat from his brow as he toiled in the carrotfield.

"Doesn’t seem like RyoOhki’s lurking anywhere around today; guess that makes me lucky! I'll be done in no ti--"


His sentence came to an abrupt end when he felt the ground shake.

"Huh??" Quickly he looked about for the source, wondering if an earthquake was beginning to start. But as immediate as it started it stopped…

"Guess it was nothing…" But by now after living with the family of girls including one wacky scientist, a space pirate and two juraian princesses, he learned that ‘nothing’ usually turns out to be ‘something’. Netherless he continued his work in the field…

Thoom… ThooM…

Tenchi felt his heart sink into his stomach.

‘Yup, something is going on…’ he turned and stared at the ridge which the heavy shakes were originating from. What would it be this time? Giant out-of-control RyoOhki robot from Washu’s lab? Ayeka and Ryoko having another fight over him? He really didn’t like it when they fought. Sometimes he wished they could give him some space and let him come to his own decision… but then again, the last thing he wants to do is hurt any of them, which is what would happen the moment he did make a decision…

He leaned against his garden hoe and fished out his Master Key, Tenchiken, as he waited for today’s newest threat.

"Ohh, hi there Ryoko," He said as he saw her face peek over the high ridge. She looked different to him somehow, but he couldn’t put his finger on it…

"Hi there… Teeeennncccchiiiii," She lisped as she strutted up the side of the ridge. Tenchi wasn’t sure what a heart convulsion felt like, but he wondered if it felt anything like what he was feeling now.

"R--Ryoko!! What happened to you??! Y--y--y--… your HUGE!! GIANT!"

"I know! You like it??" She asked, posing for him, her fanged teeth glinting in the light from her grin as she made a sultry sideways pose and stuck her chest out. The steely hard muscles within her chest flexed idly, thrusting out and expanding her already enormous chest by an extra three entire feet all around.

"Wh--what happened to you??" He reiterated, stumbling backwards, mentally fried by the strange vision before him, and scared out of his wits.

"Just took a visit to Washu’s lab is all; nothing big really… besides me that is!" She said as she stepped towards him, her humongous breasts jutting upward into the air and bobbing just slightly side to side during her approach. Every step she took was sending small shudders through the ground.

"Like what you see?" She asked as she began to tease her nipples, coaxing them even longer and thicker, the sound of reeds being wrung loudly as they grew to over twice their size in thickness and hardness, electricity beginning to sparkle around the pulsating teats.

"I ahhh, I-it’s, r-really n-nicee!" He stammered nervously, crawling back into a set of bushes as she towered over him close enough (not that she needed to get too close) that her enormous breasts blocked her face from sight, her chest swelling and relaxing as she breathed in and out.

"Oh stop playing hard to get!" She said coyly, rubbing her larger toe against his crotch delicately. Tenchi chided himself once again for not making out a will.


Ayeka stumbled towards through the exit of the lab, disheartened. Was that what Tenchi really wanted, what he really desired? She wasn’t sure at all. She had to be mistaken… but, she wouldn’t go through such extreme measures if she weren’t…

She thought about what Washu had told her earlier…


"Gaaah! S-t-o-p s-h-a-k-I-n-g me and I’ll e-x-p-l-a-i-n!! The reason why I won’t change Ryoko back is because I can’t!"

"’Xenoma’ was a special formula I made a very long time ago. Have you heard of the element, Xoa? Well, few people actually know, but properly treated, warmed, and broken down to its basic element, you get what I call; Tru Xoa. You heard of the Aphexian race?

"Ohh… ummm… yes… of course you would… after all they attacked Jurai so many thousands of years ago…but that’s err, *coughcough* beside the point, and besides, you guys won! …Umm, anyway, they somehow got their hands on a BIG batch of Tru Xoa! Like, enough to scatter across their entire planet, evolve themselves and try to take over numerous galaxies…

"Wait, what were we talking about again? Oh yea! I later managed to BOOST the quality of Tru Xoa, making it Tru Xoa-Z! Why? Because the use of X is overrated!

"Anyway, it’s only been tested on one person ever, until now that is. Unlike TX, TXZ has no known weaknesses, and boosts them to incalculable levels of physical strength, speed and power far above that of regular TX. There is just a slight side effect however; a temporary ‘Irregular Mental Reality Displacement’ syndrome, and a hideous taste, which is why I made it into a blueberry muffin.

"At this point, confrontation with Ryoko is the last thing you want to do, Ayeka. She could end up accidentally killing you carelessly; I doubt she’s fully aware the now extreme limits of the strength she possesses."


"What do I do now??" She asked herself. Washu said she was netherless looking into a cure though even she suspected it was highly unlikely she could find one. And now she was out there with Tenchi… with her unchecked strength levels….

"A hug from her could be her last!!" She thought frantically, a mental cartoon picture of a little Ryoko hugging a little Tenchi running through her mind, ending with Tenchi swelling up red like a balloon before popping like a set-off grenade, leaving behind a sad and bawling demoness.

"No matter what; I’ll do what I have to save Tenchi!" She said, clenching her fists dramatically in severe seriousness.

"…Even if I lose my life in process!"

"Ayeka! Lunch has been ready for the last 10 minutes!" Sasami said as she stepped out of the kitchen.

"Where is everybody? Don’t they want anything to eat?"

"I’ll have to eat later Sasami, I’m going to save Lord Tenchi!" She cried out as she ran for the door, before tripping and falling to the floor.

"…Ouch. Hmm?" Rubbing her nose and looking back at what she tripped over, she spotted a muffin, similar to the one Ryoko ate earlier, lying on the floor. Picking it up, she stared at the muffin… she quickly realized this would be her only hope to save her love from accidentally being swished like a pea.

"Ohh thank you Washu!!" She said with wells of tears flowing out of her eyes.

Without further hesitation, she shoved the muffin hastily into her mouth.

"Uhhh… Ayeka? That muffin has been on the floor," Sasami said with a slight sweatdrop running down the side of her face.

"I ’no Sas-shami," She said around her chewing, "But, ish zee ‘ownly way *gulp*swallow* … to save Lord Tenchi!"

"Miya?" RyoOhki meowed questionably from atop Sasami’s head.

"Tenchi? Oh no is something happening with poor Tenchi??" The young second Princess of Jurai asked her big sister.

"Do not worry Sasami, I can save him if I reach him in time, oof!" She cried as she stumbled to the floor again. She sat up rubbing her stomach, which gurgled loudly for everyone in the room to hear. And then it happened.

Ayeka wrapped her arms around her stomach as her body convulsed. Sasami and RyoOhki stared at the Juraian Princess, mouth slacked as her kimono began to spread out wider and wider as she seemed to be getting… bigger?

Frequently she thrusted her chest out, each time the garbs she wore stretching wider and wider, the sounds of loud tears raging through the fabric. It was first her swelling breasts to burst free of the robes, enormous basketball mounds that showed no sign their increasing size anytime soon. Her arms burst through next, biceps and triceps exploding through the large sleeves.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She yelled out at the rush of invigorating power coursing through her body as she reared her head to the ceiling, her purple eyes radiated a bright new glow through the room. Her quickly increasing weight was soon too much for the wood floor, her thundering thickly muscled legs shaking the house from her rapid growth before her body loudly crushed through the floorboards. Her enlarging feet and swelling calves tore through the white socks she wore and shredded her house slippers. The only thing that survived her change was the large purple kimono ribbon tightly tied around the slimmest part of her waist and her bulging abs (which looked to nothing more than a tiny strap around her now) and the ankle ring she idly decided to wear today which was stretched and distorted to it’s limit around her steely ankle. Her bra, panties and the rest of her undergarments littered the floor around her on the ground, torn to pieces.

When the transformation ended, she rose. Though she dropped 4 feet into the floorboards, she could still be easily seen from the knees up. Her hair was longer now as well, her two ponytails once more reaching down to her near volleyball-like calves, but they were now much, much thicker, fuller and shinier, nearing hiding the width of her extremely wide, muscle-laidened back. The hair that was not wrapped in bands was also much longer and thicker as well, the bangs flowing free in the air. Without thought, her larger, smooth and silky hands reached up to her enormous breasts, feeling the sudden high flowing through her that felt unlike anything she ever felt before. The nipples atop those breasts began to respond to the stimulant, the aureoles making puffed and profound bases large like saucers. From simply 3 inches, those powerful nipples immediately sprung out double in length, swelling thicker then even a glass would be able to contain. Her rear was like the rest of her body; large, round, and a perfect spherical shape topping off her extreme hourglass figure. If there was anyone on the planet that could stand against the now suped-up space pirate, it was the Juraian Princess. And with all things considered, that was a rather ironic fact.

"Aaaahhahahahhahahahaha!!" She laughed, drunk with power, her usual inhibitations of her nudity forgotten as Washu opened her lab door, an transparent notepad and pen in hand as she took notes.

"Now to save my love Tenchi!" She screamed, dashing through the sliding doors without thinking to open it, plowing through the floorboards as well without conscience. The house was nearly blown down by the sheer speed of her departure, a giant dust cloud quickly forming in her wake as she broke several machs.

Sasami and RyoOhki simply stared on with eyes wide as saucers. They both turned to Washu.

"…Umm… should I ask about what is going on?" Washu shrugged.

"Ryoko got into some old files, and now Ayeka’s off to even up the score."

"Oh, okay. Want lunch?"

"Sure kiddo! Whatcha got?"

"Mmmm!" A voice came from inside her lab, making Washu turn her head curiously.

"This is a great muffin!"

Washu paled.

"MIHOSHI PUT THAT DOWN! WHERE DID YOU GET THAT FROM ANYWAY?!! AHHH!!" She screamed as a burp came from within the lab.

"Ex-scuse me!" The cute voice said with a chuckle, "…Uh oh! Waaaah!!"

And once more that familiar rumble shook through the lab out into the Masaki household as it was intensely shook to its foundations…


Ten-chiiii! Ten-chiiiii!" The near 12 foot space pirate called out, floating through the small forest across from the carrotfield, looking around tree after tree.

Tenchi watched as she floated by, hidden within a large bush. Though he was now stripped naked, and bugs were having a field day with him, he dared not make a move, blink, or even breathe as prayed she would not find him. One thing that scared him about Ryoko was that she never had a complete control of her strength. Now that wild strength was amplified many times over.

"Arrrreeee yoouu… here!" She said, reaching out and grabbing a tree and thick around as her own gargantuan body, hoisting it up, and casually tossing it over a 1000 feet high into the air behind her.

"Or, are you…. here!!" She shouted as this time she stabbed a steely erect nipple of her right breast into another tree with a loud accompanying crunch. Arching her back, the large tree was uprooted from the ground, roots and all. Relaxing her chest muscles for a moment, she flexed once more, alittle harder and quicker than before. The tree shattered in half from the simple but powerful flex, the two pieces shooting into the sky for 7 miles before landing past the mountains.

Tenchi swallowed a lump in his throat as a drop of blood streamed from his nose.

"Woah…ack!" He flustered, wiping away the drop. And he knew that if his nose was having that reaction…

"Erk!" moaned painfully under his breath as his erection raked against a small branch.

"Hmmm." She already knew long before now where her little boytoy was. Half the fun however, would be flushing him out.

Ryoko grinned like a cheshire cat as she thought of what to do next. She dug her beautiful toes into the soil of the ground, feeling the soft against her delicate foot. Raising her foot and quickly lowering it, her foot broke many sound barriers before it crashed into the ground. An instant earthquake was created, a Ritcher rating of over a 9.5 as the ground cracked open in all directions beneath her larger but delicate foot, great chasms ripping open to suck in the entire 4 square miles of the forest into the underground waterspring that ran below the mile of soil.

"Ahhhhhh!" Tenchi yelled as he was launched from out of the bush he hid in with his hands over his privates, bumping against a tree and falling down on the vibrating ground, his eyes rolling in the back of his head. Making a desperate recovery, he leapt to the tree to avoid falling into the wide chasm that was opening near him, but he could feel the roots of the tree losing it grip in the soil, buckling gradually towards the deep pit below… with nothing else he could possibly think of doing, he said his prayers.

And as if heaven heard his prayers, the tree stopped descending. Forcing himself to open in his tightly shut eyes, he saw Ryoko floating down at the other end of the tree, holding his steady with just the use of her massive shoulder. She giggled.

"Found you." Tenchi smiled very nervously.

"Ummm……… h-hi there!"

Slowly she began to float towards him, her shoulder raking through the tough bark effortlessly, allowing her to not feel a thing. She smiled as she came face to face with him. Her nipples began to visibly pulsate harder as electricity crackled around the lengthy teats almost making them glow as brightly as her eyes did.

"Gameover. I win."

She didn’t catch the whistling sound, which was not unlike a falling bomb, until it was too late.


Tenchi only saw a large violet blur crash into hulking demoness hard enough to make his ears ring, the blur crashing far off into the side of a distant chasm. He sighed in relief and thanks as he had one guess who the owner of that voice and hair color was, then blanched immediately when he realized that she may have become just like Ryoko. But that became trivial news as the final roots of the tree collapsed from the ground and he along with the tree fell screaming into the chasm.


Two blurs leapt from out of the enormous chasm, landing daintily on a large stable chunk of solid ground. The two gigantic women stared at eachother silently, before one broke the silence.

"So Washu gave you a muffin too?"

Ayeka thrusted her massive chest proudly, practically blocking out most of her face save her eyes, just barely.

"Guess even your MOTHER favors me for Lord Tenchi!"

A dimensional screen popped up between the two with Washu’s face on it.

"Heyheyhey, no dragging the innocent scientist into this!"

The screen disappeared as quickly as it appeared. A large sweatdrop rolled down the sides of their faces.

Ryoko ‘hmped’ sticking her own immense chest out and pointing a dramatic finger at the Juraian Princess. "Anyway, so this is what it comes to huh? So be it, Princess! The last female titan standing…"

"Wins the love of Lord Tenchi!" Ayeka finished.

And the battle began.

To be Continued…