Challenge... by GhenKai, Two superwomen, growing stronger, locked in battle. Will the world end up a consequence? Alamosa, Colorado. 2:00 PM. Another Saturday. A Saturday many cherish, and many take for granted. Despite everyone's belief, it's never another ordinary day. But today was particularly special. Because it was it's last. Not many saw in time, the immense white hot comet crashing through the atmosphere at infathomable speeds, but it would not make any difference for them, for their was no wya they could make it out in time. The heat a couple of seconds before it's impact flash fried and melting anything in it's path, human or steel, and plowed itself over a hundred miles under the earth. The crash of the landing sent a wave of pure force throughout the city and beyond, shattering mountains and buildings, tossing away cars and trucks of all sizes, and sending an easy over 10.0 seismic quake rippling through the streets and forests. Enormous chasms of lava exploded open, showering the ground with raging red 100 foot tall streams, bathing the area scorching red. Floating out of the sea of instant destruction her impact just made, she wiped the drop of blood threatening to drip out from her nose with a flick of her thumb, and took a look at the finger, not giving notice to the lava running off of her body. "....Okay, that one, HURT..." She was an impressive and unique woman, a statement amplified hundreds of times over by scenery alone. Her hair hung around her shoulders and down her back in wild locks, a gleaming aqua-blue color. A couple of small beads of fire could be seen trying to burn her hair as chunky drops of streaming lava rained down upon her, dripping off like only hot water and leaving small patches of flame to burn on her suit, but soon die out as the material resisted the heat. The the hair however refused to be singed even in the least. She was about 6'5, with a build that most male bodybuilders would kill to have, though afew hours before she'd only been 5'4, a healthy, trim female of no visible definition. If a doctor were to take a guess at her weight it would be around 230, possibly more, but the truth was she was currently over twice that. The costume she wore strained to contain her physique despite it being made to expand with her growth. Her large breasts, a full foot in diameter and pushed out by 4 inch pectoral muscles, pushed out the front of her costume she wore, the areoles half the size of a coaster, the bumpy mounds and the 2 inch nipples atop them straining to be released from their confines. Enormous arms with grapefruit like biceps, a prominent vein running atop each one. Her legs were thick with billowy muscle, as big as a man's waist, her hips wide and firm. At first look her eyes look normal, but if one could look close enough, they would see a deep whiteness to them, the white fire of a star. She wore a plain (but now charred) spandex suit along her body, colored in dark blue with white lining, and a long cloak of a cape that would drape around her body, a task that was much tougher in her current state and was now ripped, torn and burned in various places. Matching blue boots and elbow long gloves finished her attire. Her suit was made to be apart of her, as to help resist damage, but even it had it's limits, as it was showing now with large tears and shreddings here and there. Still, it cling on defiantly to her invincible body. Xala frowned at the chuckle that came from her right. It did not surprise her to hear n actual voice in the carnage she crated, because she knew there was only one person it could belong to. Dai. The one responsible just for sending her plummeting through the atmosphere and crashing into the city from the 'lucky right hook' she caught her with out of the thousands of punches that'd been blocked, ducked, and parried. Their physiques were quite similar, her muscles buffed up and seeming to strain against her very fleshm despite her calm, smug grin plastered across her face. Unlike her opponent, her own, regular clothing had been destroyed by her earlier change, and her high speed travels through the earth atmosphere. Her skin was darker, a tint below bronzed, with jet black hair made up of mainly three locks of thick hair, two hanging down on each side of her face, and one especially thick long one billowing out like the hood of a cobra, reaching down to mid thigh. The color in her eyes was a dark red, almost black shade, and within, there also seemed to exist the burning brightness of a single star. "Does it hurt girlie?" the female floating a simple 10 feet from her asked. She got her response in the form of a fist, crashing into her face. The force of the blow, coming in at multiple speeds faster than light itself, sent a hideous BOOM that could be heard for atleast 100 miles around, the immense shockwave causing an even deeper canyon in the destroyed city, and sent the female it hit soaring over city after city, the mere air from her passing, let alone her body, destroying anything in it's area, and creating lengthening trench 50 miles wide and 200 miles long and stretching further as her body traveled. "That BITCH!" She screamed after finally recovering enough from the hit to force herself to stop in mid air over the Pacific. Her fists clenched as the muscles in her body strained with rapidly growing strength, a red glow beginning to outline her body, and radiate from her eyes. Even from a distance, one could actually hear them flex, swell and grow, supercharged blood rushing through her veins. Slowly each muscle in her body rippled and swelled to it's amazing limits, her thighs pulsing to full girth, her biceps bulging with unequalled, raw power. Then it happened. Her nipples snapped full, thick, and overwhelmingly erect as power filled her body. Her chest, pumped to it's fullest, suddenly doubled and engorged in a fraction of a second, the explosion of an organic atomic bomb seemed to go off from inside her chest. Off in the 50 mile distance, billions of tons of rock exploded in each shattering response, the ground digging itself an immediate trench numbers of miles wide and deep. The three giant mountains distentergrated, as if it felt the air very force, the quadrillion tons of air pressure of the sudden growth of her body obtained. But it wasn't over. Her arms erupted with that same powerful sound, the biceps and forearms obtaining incredible mass in a matter of a millisecond. The ocean water below her crashed against itself violently in rage, feeling the growing strength of the entity above it, then parted in a tremendous tidal wave, washing out a chunk of the coastline and the hotel built on it as her thighs in a snap, ballooned from enormous to immense, becoming thick tree trunks of might in another awe inspiring BOOM, followed the same by her pounding cantelope calves which caused another set of waves to join the first, and her powerful round ass which sent shockwaves across the ocean. From all this, her height rose sharply from 6'0 to 7'6, her neck thick and corded, helping to pump more blood, more strength, throughout her heavier, once 210 pound, now ultra denser, massive but misleading 3500 pound body. A minaical sneer and a chuckle crossed her lips as the red swirling glow about her body intensified for a brief second, then stop completely. "Ohhh is she's going to PAY for that one...." And so the battle would continue. Two titans of unequalled strength and power, which is continuing to grow within them, transforming them from normal women into goddesses, and then far beyond that.... (To be Continued...?) A little something I wrote after an anime binge. What happens when megapowers collide. My 'usual stuff' is momentarily postponed, until I can find which disk I saved it on... if at all... *gulp*. Should I continue? C&C welcome!