Supergirl looked out of the window a storm was brewing, lightening flashed in the distance. She was distracted by the sight of a tree in the distance it seemed to fall over for no apparent reason, then another was pushed aside as though something was there but she saw nothing. She used her x-ray vision to see if she could see anything but to no avail. But she did spot indents in the ground like foot prints, something was coming her way. Immediately she jumped into action as she saw a car being crushed by what ever it was. She landed lightly on the street outside her apartment ready to face whatever it was that could cause such destruction. She put her hand out in a stop signal and said quite loudly "stop do no harm and leave this place peacefully". She felt rather foolish afterward but she felt she had to try some kind of negotiation. It proved unnecessary as she was lifted of the ground by some unseen thing and she was tossed like a rag doll across the street and crash landed against some kind of vending machine rendering it inoperable.

Supergirl picked her self up and again tried to see who or what her opponent was, again she could see nothing. She jumped into the air and flew back across the street but crashed into some thing hard and fleshy. She crashed to the ground below and cursed herself for not keeping herself in the air after such a clumsy crash. She knew she was relying on her invulnerability too much to put up any sort of fight. But how could she fight something she could not see.

For the second time that night she felt some kind of claw dig its way into her soft flesh and stop when it reached her invulnerability. She was picked up of the ground and thrown a second time but this time she collided with a lamp post and hit the ground hard. The lamp post gave her an idea. Supergirl took hold of the metal post and it offered little resistance as she ripped it from the ground. Metal post in hand Supergirl leaped up into the sky. She flew into the storm, attracted to the metal lightening struck the post giving supergirl to jolt in her flight. After the fourth bolt of lightening had hit the post the glass lamp on the end blew into a million fragments some of them hit supergirl in the face and some struck her in the eyes but she didn’t even feel it. More lightening bolts struck the post till millions of volts of electricity flowed through it.

Supergirl flew down to where she had left the creature. She lightly stepped out of her flight and onto the ground. She held the post in both hands her arms straight out in front of her and just over head height and waited for the attack she knew would come. It did come but not from where she had expected as she received a crushing blow to the stomach that came in under her arms missing the post completely. The blow almost folded supergirl in half as it sent her charging backwards towards her apartment building, her perfectly formed rump smashed through an apartment window sending shards of glass flying in all directions. The post still in her hands hit the wall on either side of the window and 20 million volts of electricity were earthed through her invulnerable body sending it into spasms and producing a loud yelp from Supergirl. The ends of the post bent in and Supergirl continued her flight through the apartment, her firm ass ploughing through a wall and into a corridor beyond. A stair rail was the next thing to be demolished by her ass the force of which flipped her body over so that she continued her unwanted journey in an upside down sitting position. Her feet then her tits and lastly her face ripped through another wall and she finally came to a stop as her body slammed into the outer wall on the other side of the building. The impact smashed the glass in a nearby window and large cracks appeared in the painted plaster where supergirl’s legs and face had impacted the wall. Supergirl came to halt in a rather undignified heap of limbs and ass.

She had no time to think, she knew she had to get herself moving before whatever it was smashed into the building to look for her. She got to her feet as quickly as she could, the numbness in her limbs starting to fade as her super powered body started to recover. She rushed through the holes she had just made, inadvertently making them bigger with top of her head. As she approached the window her buttocks passed through first she noticed a large filing cabinet in one corner, hefting it over her head she threw it hard out of the window hoping it would find its target. Luckily the creature had not moved and she hit her target the impact produced a gratifying roar from the creature. With one arm out stretched and her fist balled Supergirl flew out of the window towards where the cabinet had hit its mark. Quickly gathering speed supergilr braced herself for impact but whatever it was caught her in mid-flight. She could tell that each time the creature threw her it did so with greater force as she made a Supergirl shaped hole in the side of a car and disappeared inside.

Supergirl lay in the twisted wreckage of what used to be car seats she struggled to extricate herself then pull herself out through the hole she had unwillingly made. Too late she saw the rear end of another car come smashing down into her face buckling her legs below her she was forced back further down into the car she had just struggled to remove herself from. The fuel tank ruptured as more car was forced down into her face, tits and abdomen pinning her to the floor of the first vehicle. The friction caused by the car being flattened into supergirl’s body caused the fuel to ignite, the explosion causing white hot shards of metal into her face and upper torso. White hot flames engulfed her whole body, molten metal trickled over her nose and onto her lips, her nipples hardened in the intense heat. Ignoring them she used her x-ray vision to see through the flames and metal that covered her then guessing the creature would be right in front of her she used her heat vision and watched as a red glow started to appear in midair. The creature roared but she continued to use her heat vision, intensifying it until the creature backed away.

Using the time she had bought herself supergirl forced her slender fingers between the car and her body. She pushed upwards and the remains of the car shoot 30 feet into the air and landed in the middle of the road some 25 feet away. She rolled her body over crushing some metal remains of the car below her and rising to her feet she steeped out of the still burning wreckage. She pulled the now cooling metal from her lips, not a mark or scratch was on her beautiful face. Her full breasts rose and fell as she breathed nothing about her said she had just walked out of the burning wreckage behind her.

She quickly moved to another car nearby and lifted the backend and rested the bumper on her shoulder then quickly and easily she hefted the whole of the car onto her shoulder so that it pointed straight up into the air. She then pulled the car down over her slender shoulder until the boot of the car gripped her shoulder and she could balance it with one hand. Gracefully she rose into the air and hovered fifteen to twenty feet above the red glowing spot on the creature. With her free hand she gently pushed her fingers into the fuel tank so that fuel rained down onto the creature below. When the tank was empty she flew back down and eased her shoulder out of the back end of the car and gently eased it back down onto the road.

Turning to the creature she used her heat vision to ignite the fuel. Flames engulfed the monster but it advanced on her seemingly impervious to fire. Dam that wasn’t what she’d hoped for but at least she could make out some sort of shape to the thing she was trying to fight. It towered 20 foot in height with heavily muscled arms and legs thicker than her body. It had huge clawed hands and feet and an odd mussel shaped head. It was looking at itself burn wandering what the strange flames were.

Supergirl needed to get it away from the town and people who might get hurt in any fight she might try to put up. She flew away down the middle of the street and the the flaming creature followed. She took moment to wonder what to do with it how could she defeat it or get rid of it, the only way she could hurt it so far was with her heat vision. She looked behind her but it was not there or at least the flames had gone out having burnt all the fuel away. She stopped and scanned the street with her telescopic vision trying to look for clues as to where it was. It must have leapt into the air because at that precise moment the creatures foot crashed into her back forcing her out of her flight and to rocket into the street below. She belly flopped the hard surface of the road with a resounding smack, her face, tits, abs and legs smashed into a huge foot shaped crater three feet deep. She lay in the hole momentarily stunned and winded. Her face was buried deep in the tarmac of the road she had grit in her nose and she couldn’t blink as the tarmac surface dug into her eyes. Not for the first time that night she cursed herself for not being in control of the fight, things where definitely not going her way. He pushed herself up onto her hands and knees but was smashed back down into the tarmac again as a huge foot stabbed its way into her back. More grit was forced into her nose, her tits were getting the pounding of there lives and her nipples were rock hard again after being viscously caressed by the coarseness of the road. Her back felt as though it had been run over by a ten tonne truck. She thought about trying to get up again but she guessed it would prove to be a bit futile. Instead she rolled herself over in the hole just in time to see a huge black shape heading her way at a tremendous speed. With a lightening fast reaction she caught the creatures foot her shoulders dug deeper into the foundation of the road as she countered the force of the creatures powerful leg. For some moments she struggled against the downward force which was beginning to turn some of the rock beneath her shoulders and back to dust. With an almighty heave she pushed the foot away and the creature toppled over landing on its back.

With more than a little relief Supergirl started to climbed out of the hole then she realised it would be quicker to fly out so she leapt into the air but she didn’t get far as the creature must have made a swipe for her and caught her ankle. She cursed herself again thinking that sometimes being super was not all it was cracked up to be. Supergirl was forced to alter course as she was swung around by her ankle, her head hit a lamp post bending it over so that it pointed down instead of up. She was getting a bit pissed now, didn’t this thing know that she was invulnerable and it could go back home to the wife and kids and leave her in peace? She kicked at the clawed hand with her free foot and got a grunt when she made a connection. She could make out much of the creatures shape as the burnt fuel had left black sooty deposits all over it. The creature changed its grip placing its other hand round Supergirls narrow waist its claws digging into her abs, clit and left leg. She aimed her heat vision at the creatures chest and a red glow began to appear. With its free hand it gave her a cruel slap around the face forcing her head round to the side. Immediately she turned of her heat vision. Grabbing hold of the hand round her waist she began to squeeze its large muscular hand. Nothing happened at first but as she applied more and more pressure the creature roared and for her pains it smashed its huge fist into her face forcing her to arch back in its hand. But she didn’t stop applying the pressure to its hand. It hit her again this time harder and then harder still when the pressure on its hand did not stop. Her head rang from the impact of the blows and her face now felt as though it had been run over by at truck. The creature tried a different tack and smashed the fist that held Supergirl down into the road burying her legs to the knees in tarmac. But still she applied the pressure to its hand. It tried to throw her but nothing would force her to let go of her hold on its hand.

It was then that it made its first big mistake. Desperate to break Supergirls hold on its hand the creature put the whole of her head and shoulders into its mouth and sank its jagged teeth into her soft flesh. As they sank deep into the softest flesh of her breasts some of its teeth broke. It bit down harder still though as it felt her release the grip she had on its hand and it growled to show its pleasure at its success. Inside its mouth Supergirl wretched at the smell of its putrid hot breath. Her nipples were being tantalised by the huge jagged teeth that were unsuccessfully trying to pierce her invulnerable skin. She forced her hand inside the mouth and stretched it out in front of her and dug her fingers into its soft fleshy tong. When she was sure of her grip she hauled herself further inside the creatures mouth. A huge roar rang in her ears as the creature tried to pull her out of its mouth but the hand that gripped her waist slipped down to her knees before it desperately tightened its grip again. When Supergirl felt the hand round her waist slip she thrust her other hand further into its mouth and again dug her fingers into the fleshy tongue and pulled herself further inside. The roaring in her ears grew louder as the creature frantically tried to pull Supergirl out of its mouth, but her grip held and she aimed her heat vision at the back of its throat. The creature shook its head in rage, tried in vain to pull Supergirl out. .Wild with rage now it bit down again sinking its teeth into her soft rump. Supergirl kicked hard with her legs and the creature released its grip and she forced herself into the creatures mouth as far as she could. She turned her head up sending her heat vision into the back of the creatures skull and boiled it brain inside its skull.

The roaring stopped the creature staggered dropped to its knees and crashed to the ground. Supergirl lay in the creatures mouth thankful that it was over. She drew her legs inside its mouth and kicked hard at the teeth that that had chewed on her luscious body. Her foot went straight through the teeth and she used her powerful legs to force open the creatures mouth and then she pushed herself out and onto the road. Rising to her feet she stood feet slightly apart, she placed her hands on her hips and struck the power pose. Her hair was a mess and she was covered in the dead creatures saliva but despite this she looked magnificent, her breasts standing out proud above her perfect abs.

Walking round the creature she stopped at its middle and eased her hand under it back and heaved it up onto its side. She moved in close placed her hands on either side of its body and slowly lifted it above her head. With her lovely slender legs she jumped into the air and flew the 20 tonne creature out to sea and laid it to rest at the bottom of the ocean.