The Taran F.A.Q. By David E Why do Taren Superwomen have gas all the time? Besides the fact that I think this is cool: The physical reason is because Tara (their planet of origin) is many times larger and heavier than Earth, with hundreds of thousands of times the gravity and atmospheric pressure. Although Taren muscles are very powerfull, holding their normal flatulance in without the help of their native gravity and pressure is a little uncomfortable, so most Taren superwomen don't bother. Also, since women are dominant on Tara, there are no taboos about being "lady like" in an effort to please men by being "bloodless maniquins". Furthermore, Taren women know that killing and destroying with farts is demoralizing to the dominant males of earth, who largely view the Taren superwomen as both alluring and terrifing "dark Goddesses".