Ultra Eighteen, Chapter 4 By Executioner (executioner12@juno.com) Eighteen's training begins As Krellin woke up he felt something was very odd looking around he could not see eighteen any where however he did notice that the door nob was tore of wondering what was going on he got up out of bed and began to walk down stairs. As he walked down the stair way he was surprised to see it had been crushed nearly as thin as a wire ( the result of eighteen using it to guide herself down stairs). As he walked along he began to wonder suddenly a thought came to him. What if Eighteen had been hurt he had seen her strenth yes but she was not immortale and just maybe there was something stronger out there then her. Enraged at this though he began to power up when his line of thought was enterrupted by Eighteen's voice. As Eighteen had felt him power up she guessed what was going on and couldnt help but giggle. As Krellin heard her she had to be speaking very loud to go threw the houses walls although he knew she could blow them away in a breath if she felt like it. Oh silly what do you think you are doing if something took down me then you best just run no i am fine come to the training room. As Krellin walked into the room he was met by a very pleasent surprise. Eighteen completely nood he began to walk toward her and was shocked when she held up her hand. I would not do that sweety. As Krellin look at her magnificent form her blonde hair and blue eyes her D cup breast that thin waste strong legs and arms he couldnt help but get a hard on but held back and asked her. Just why i mean is something going on. Shaking her head Eighteen smiled at him we can take care of that later deer for now i have a problem. Reaching out Eighteen ran her finger along the floor tearing it up as she did Krellin looked at her amazed but not to shocked. You have been able to do that for a while now eight what is wrong. As Eighteen looked at him she finally told him that was not on purpose sweety I can't help it I am having trouble controlling my own strenth now i think i got to strong to fast and I am having trouble thinking what to do. Stratching his head Krellin asked if she has used the split form technique when he heard a defenite woo hoo. Looking back he saw three other Eighteens flying around. As the first Eighteen looked to him she explained i did weeken myself by seperating into three that is why my voice has not killed you if i had talked to you at full power i would have killed you with a word. Nodding his head Krillin began to think none of them had really ever wanted to hold back there power well not like this. Smacking his hands together Krellin just told her well i will take one of you to meet Denday sence he is the new guardian of the Earth maybe he can help after all that time chamber may let you go back and learn some new techniqus. Nodding her head Eighteen looked to Krellin. Well okay but will you do me one thing. Flexing her huge arms Eighteen asked Krellin to go and get her some close this caught him of gurad not relizing just how much he had been starring at her. Thourghly embarrassed now Krellin help the giggling Eighteen put on her close. As Eighteen helped her dress so she would not destroy her close with her touch he couldn't help but message her awsome body as he did Eighteen couldn't help but let out a moan she really wanted to have some fun now but she knew she might crush him at this time her strenth to out of control she needed to learn to suppress it. As the took of they came to Kommies look out landing Krellin explained to Denday what was going on. Looking to Eighteen Dendia explained she could learn some new moves froms some one but she would still have to make them teach her even in the chamber. Giggling Eighteen aggreed and they made there way to the room. As the giant pendulem above swung down both Krellin and Denday watched as she entered the hipnotice like state it created and went back threw the past. As Eighteen went back she saw her target Freeza the once mighty warrior who goku had killed walking up to him she grabbed him by the arm looking him dead in the eyes she told him to go for his limit now. As Freeze looked back at the girl he was enraged that anyone who demand something of him slamming his fist into Eighteens jaw he nearly broke his hand in the process giggling Eighteen began to crush his arm finally he obliged going strate threw his four faces. Looking to Eighteen all he wanted to do was kill her as he attached now enraged throwing energy burst that would destroy entire worlds at her all Eighteen did was laugh she had been more powerful then him at her beginning now with her enhanced might he was nothing at all to her. Finally Eighteen having had enough she only used 1/1000 of her full strenth gently speaking even though her power was cut in four still at home in the other three Eighteens and she was not building up her energy it was still enough to slam Freeza to the ground he could not even move every bone in his body broken and all Eighteen had said was stop. Landing Eighteen looked to him smiling some holding back once again she spoke gently. You are going to teach me how to suppress my power like you. You will try no tricks and you will do it on my terms. Although he was long past dead this was a journy of the spirit into the past so this one new nothing of his future nore would this change anything except Eighteen's present so there was no harm in letting him live. Realizing he had no chance against her the mighty alien aggreed to her terms to teach her. (Next chapter the lesson begins.)